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Pastor's Blog
Saturday, April 13 2024

Good Morning very loved, much forgiven, joy choosing, shalom revivers and bringers!

I could have been very stressed today as I slept almost 10 hours and am way behind my scheduled plans for today. BUT GOD! He is Lord of me and my day. Plus Fridays are my day off. I am choosing joy and to dwell in His shalom and just praising Him for so many things that I can't help but to have a right attitude, renewed thinking, shalom and can even joyfully dance through the rest of the day. PTL!

It's Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday! What are you thankful about today? Keep building and using those gratitude lists. God is the God who brings His shalom to the chaos. PTL! We have and dwell in His shalom because of the work of Jesus on the cross. PTL! Shalom is more than peace. It's completeness, wholeness resting in God. We can know this shalom, even in all the chaos around us, the chaos of our sins and all that leads to guilt and estrangement from God. We can even know His shalom in the darkest valleys of grief. But like joy we have to choose it. Being able to begins with renewing our thinking, mindsets, and minds by praising, even in the storms. If you can't think about praising God right now, how about listing some things you enjoy doing and start there with thanking God for allowing you to do those things. There's a song link below for a song that sometimes doesn't make sense to us, "There's Always A Reason to Always Choose Joy". It may not always feel like that, but healing, restoration and shalom begin with choosing to praise in the storms and choosing joy always and to even smile some when we don't feel like it or aren't able to. And maybe God is sending you to help someone redirect and renew their minds by choosing joy despite the circumstances. Practicing that yourself is key to being ready to be used by God. He redeems and doesn't waste anything that He has allowed us to endure and grow through. Thank God for that!


Sometimes darkness endures for the night, but joy comes in the morning is the only promise we can cling to as we endure the darkness. The song above has a line that says to choose to's another song to help us redirect and even choose to dance in the storms and the deep waters. Joy Comes in the Morning:

So pause today. Exhale all the junk, hurt, darkness. Breathe in a fresh breath of the Spirit and ask God to help you to praise Him in the storms and to choose joy. Maybe you will find yourself smiling a little, tapping a toe or maybe even dancing some as you renew your thinking and praise God. Thank God I'm Forgiven! Start there. Thank God He is with me always! Thank God for His help to choose joy and praise in the storms. Thank God for His promised shalom for the weary and downtrodden. Smile! Dance! Joy does come in the morning and even eventually through the mourning. Amen!

Below are our devos about this. If you are struggling right now, please reach out to one of us or a close friend to walk with you and God through the valley to His promised joy and shalom. And try to begin with some praise that renews the heart and mind. Shalom! We are praying for you and we are here. So is God! PTL!

Harvest Prayer Blog:

April 12 - Come in Peace

“So that I come again to my father’s house in peace, then the Lord shall be my God.” (Genesis 28:21, ESV)

The sons of Isaac, Jacob and Esau often created situations that led to turmoil, both in their family and in their own lives. Deception, selfishness, lack of spiritual growth, and spiritual laziness often set brother against brother and drew their parents into places of conflict and confusion. Peace was not a big part of this family!

After Jacob’s amazing encounter with God at Bethel, his heart began to change. He sought peace with his family and his God. Even though it was going to be a long-term process, peace in Jacob’s life was now a priority for him.

That’s one of the key results of coming face-to-face with God. Walking in God’s presence daily is the essence of what we call revival. Revival that revolves around the presence of God produces peace!

Has peace been elusive for you? Whether in your family, your workplace, or in your own emotional life, is peace a missing element? So many struggle to find peace and yet find that it escapes them. Look at what happened with Jacob. He was far from a man of peace until he encountered God. The God of peace brings peace with him. When you seek him and encounter him, his peace begins to flood into your life. A life of continual seeking after the Lord brings a life of peace.

Peace is found in the Father’s lap. A funny story from my childhood illustrates that. I was just a little boy at a family reunion. I was walking along the edge of the house of the family we were visiting. At the corner, I walked right into the big, old family dog. He was bigger than I was and startled me. I began to run. Now I’m sure the dog was thinking that this boy was ready to play, so it came running after me.

This terrified me all the more. The only safe place I could think of was where my father was sitting in the front yard, full of relatives sitting in the shade. I hit the front yard running as fast as I could run with the dog at my heels. I saw my dad in his chair and launched myself in the air, landing right on his lap. The length of the leap might have grown with the telling through the years, but all I knew was that the only place of safety and peace was my father’s lap.

That’s true for our heavenly Father’s lap as well. We draw near to him and he draws near to us (see James 4:8). In his presence is peace. It is a peace that not only transforms our own lives, but also impacts those around us. We say with Jacob, “I come again to my father’s house in peace.”

Since peace is found in the Father’s house, it is essential for you to draw near daily and confess your need to dwell in God’s house.

Father, I come to you, the source of all peace. Your house is a place of peace and I come at your invitation to dwell in your house all the days of my life. Teach me to draw near each day, that your peace would pervade every aspect of my life.

--Adapted from Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God (A 30-Day Journey to Experience the Shalom of Jesus) by David Butts. 


God’s Agents of Peace

The Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” Acts 23:11

READ Acts 21:27--22:2


Nora went to the peaceful protest because she felt strongly about the issue of justice. As planned, the demonstration was silent. The protestors walked in powerful quietness through the downtown area.

Then two buses pulled up. Agitators had arrived from out of town. A riot soon broke out. Heartbroken, Nora left. It seemed their good intentions were fruitless.

When the apostle Paul visited the temple at Jerusalem, people who opposed Paul saw him there. They were “from the province of Asia” (Acts 21:27) and viewed Jesus as a threat to their way of life. Shouting lies and rumors about Paul, they quickly stirred up trouble (vv. 28-29). A mob dragged Paul from the temple and beat him. Soldiers came running.

As he was being arrested, Paul asked the Roman commander if he could address the crowd (vv. 37-38). When permission was granted, he spoke to the crowd in their own language, surprising them and seizing their attention (v. 40). And just like that, Paul had turned a riot into an opportunity to share his story of rescue from dead religion (22:2-21).

Some people love violence and division. Don’t lose heart. They will not win. God is looking for courageous believers to share His light and peace with our desperate world. What seems like a crisis might be your opportunity to show someone God’s love.

By Tim Gustafson


When have you been in a crisis that you couldn’t make sense of? How do you think the Holy Spirit might help you find the wisdom for what to do in that moment?

Father, my heart aches for our broken world. Help me realize Your Spirit’s presence is far more powerful than any attack the world can throw at me.


When he had the opportunity, the apostle Paul told how he’d met Christ on the Damascus Road (see Acts 9). In today’s passage, he’d been wrongfully arrested and charged with crimes he didn’t commit. As a result, he tells his story yet again (22:3-21)—this time to a hostile crowd (v. 22). He’d repeat his story again in chapter 26 when standing before King Agrippa.

Bill Crowder

UR: Hands and Feet

Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” - Matthew 25:40 (NIV)

Today’s scripture reading means the world to me. This passage helped me to realize that Jesus wants us to be his hands and feet.

I have found different ways to honor Christ through acts of service. Some years back, I began visiting a 94-year-old woman in a local nursing home every Wednesday. I found joy in hearing her talk about cooking on a wood-burning stove and other memories from her younger days. She went to be with Jesus at age 96. Now I help with our church’s food ministry. We give food to those in need and also make coffee at the church on Sunday mornings. I enjoy smiling, hugging people, and simply saying, “Good morning!”

There is always a need that can be met. You might volunteer at the hospital, drive someone to a doctor’s appointment, or send a birthday card to a church member. Even holding a door open for someone can be a way to serve Christ. We bless others with each act of service, and we are blessed as well when we honor Jesus with our hands and feet.


Dear God, thank you for allowing us to be your hands and feet. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Posted by: AT 03:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, April 13 2024

Good Morning Patient, Forgiving, Loving, Co-Laborers! Maybe I should have listened better to the still small voice that said to skip writing a blog yesterday. I was tired, not feeling well, running late, frustrated, fixated on things that can't change and angry. Some felt yesterday's blog was a "spanking" or used as a bully pulpit. Please forgive me! I was stating facts but also some things that most of you have no knowledge of yet. I may have been running ahead of God as well and pushing my agendas instead of allowing Him to lead us--lead me. There may also be some Holy Spirit pinching for some of us too. Anyway, please forgive me and let us continue to work together and spur each other on to the good works God created us to do. Let us seek Him and listen, plan and plan to follow Him well together. He does have great plans for you and us together. That's where some of my frustration comes as I can see and taste some of what lies ahead and want it NOW! Some of the pushing is my old nature rearing its ugly head as I used to be running ahead of God all the time. Immature apostles tend to do that. Lord help me die to self, stay yoked to and moving with You! Help us all to stay connected to you and each other and following well. Forgive me for forcing things or trying to get my way. Help us all to die to self, take up cross daily and follow Jesus to our custom made purposes each day and all for your glory alone. Thank You! Amen!

Since I have been at the church, geez--is it around 10 years already?, during the summer Family Ministries went to a park for the summer beginning after Memorial Day until after the kids returned to school. There were no other indoor activities except Sunday worship until recently when we added the Clothing Closet and Bread Ministries. It has become increasingly hard to reach and connect to families and over the past few years have had lots of severe weather and vacations and sports to work around making it hard to have a consistent schedule with so few families. We will try some things again this summer but need to meet and plan and assess schedules. Think about this fact: trying to reach kids, we are trying to reach 3-6 generations of families that have been away and disconnected from church. Church and even Christians are irrelevant to them. The people God is connecting us to recently are those in the 40-60 age bracket that still have a remembrance of when everyone went to church and/or went to church regularly themselves in the past. ("Train a child in the way they should go"...they have a foundation to come back to). We have to be creative in reaching the next generations. But PTL! He is sending some of those we have been praying for from the 30-60 age bracket! How can we continue to connect to them and them to God? Two Peas in a Pod meals have been different days/evenings and usually shut down for the summer. That will be the case again this year. The past several years we have added a Wed. evening dinner huddle that has attracted 20+ typically to eat, fellowship, watch the Chosen or a video series and have discussions. (Half of these are not from our church yet) That group has always taken off for the summer. Last year we tried to meet once a month at a different community park to picnic and fellowship but ran into those severe weather conditions too often having to postpone or cancel. We may try that again this year? We have to pray, plan and asses yet over the next few weeks. We no longer do things like VBS because we don't have the people to run one well nor the kids to make it worthwhile. (When I led VBS at Trinity Boyertown we had 100 workers to reach 120 kids who were mostly from the church or grandkids of members) VBS ends up becoming like a Sunday school for our kids and maybe a few other church kids from the area but not an outreach. If someone would be interested in leading some kind of Bible study or ministry in the building during the summer, talk to us and gather a team to plan something. (Note: Mon evenings the building is rented to a Narcotics Anonymous group and the fellowship hall will not be available. However Room 102 and Al's old office are available and air conditioned).

We have seen God's hand of blessing upon us as we minister to neighbors with bread and clothing and have been connecting to some new members that are connecting to God and serving already. PTL! How can we find some new connection points this summer? Talk to us about some ideas we have or come up with your own. What do you normally do or where do you often go that you connect to others and how can we come alongside and encourage and spur on? OR it could be that God is saying take a healthy break for the summer like you have in the past. Sometimes it's good to take a healthy break. My concern and frustration arises about loosing momentum of what is working right now. But our servants are busy and tired and rest is a healthy rhythm from God. God does have really good plans for us that we need to pray into, discern, process and plan, even if that includes some rest for a season. So let us keep doing that and seek and follow well to God's best for us. 

Here's the thing that we have to remember, we can have all kinds of good and better ideas, but we need to just focus on God's best. And He provides where He guides and that includes workers and funds. One of the things that gets me all bound up and frustrated is seeing all these cool ideas and feeling the pressure that I have to plan, lead and do them. BUT GOD! He said, I will provide where I am guiding and that includes workers, funds, and fair weather. Donald, I don't expect you to do it all. (Now I have to convince myself to let go of my expectations for His) Do what you can with what I've given, Donald. Do only what I have created, gifted and am sending you to do. We need to seek, discern and plan together to follow God to His best for you and us. That's the plan. What's God saying to you? Talk to us! Let us pray and plan together what God has prepared for us! Amen!

Yesterday, we had two opportunities for some awesome ministry and serving! :) Bread and donut day was amazing with over 60 being served and many hanging out discussing and praying. We even gave the leftover little Jesus' from Easter to those coming and reminded them that Jesus loves you. The people received them with joy and thanksgiving. As about a dozen or so of us were sitting around near the end, Chuck "miraculously" found the current Our Daily Bread sitting near by. He started reading that because Harry, who was praying for boldness as his word to work on last year to share boldly, encouraged him to start reading it and listening to God. Near the end of March, Chuck picked up the new April copy and said to me, "I peaked at April 1st. Wait until you read that! It's talking about St Matts". Yesterday, he read that to the group. WOW!!!! It touched so many of us, including Patrick that God is working on and we are praying for. Then we discussed it again last evening at huddle and assessed how God is speaking to us and the plans He has for us for small groups and to continue our Acts 2:42 type of ministries. Your call to ministry does not and probably will not be some big thing--just little steps of faith and obedience along the way to becoming more like Jesus. God uses that to bring His love, Word, and plans alive! Amen! The Bible verse used was Hebrews 10:19-25. I think it's appropriate to end with that today as we meditate and pray into God's summer plans for us. I will have our other devos including that one below. Let us continue to pray into meeting together, encouraging and spurring each other on and following God well to His plans for us to go and make disciples of Jesus together! Shalom!

Acts 2:42 (the foundation of our ministries that are flourishing right now as God sends and uses us) 42 All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.

and Hebrews 10:19-25: A call to persevere! 

19 And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. 20 By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. 21 And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, 22 let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. [This part is speaking into the new way where we are all priests unto the Lord and Jesus is our intercessor taking our prayers to God. It's a call to bold praying and to persevere in earnest praying, seeking, processing and following!]

23 Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. 24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. [This is the part that touched Chuck and us. God is at work in and through this new follower! PTL! Let us reason and process together for ways to motivate and spur on and encourage one another. Day light is burning! God has great plans for you and us! Amen! ]

The April 1st ODB speaks into the encouragement and growth that comes by worshiping and fellowshipping together. They ask, "Who needs your support and God's reassurance?" Pray into that and invite someone to join us whenever we gather and bring them along or meet them at one of our activities. Every recent new member was invited by one of us to come and see and check out what God is doing through us and experience His love. They have! PTL! Yes, God is at work! Let us continue to spur each other on! The closing prayer that day was: "Loving God, please help me not to give up meeting together with other believers, but to experience together Your peace and love." And I say Amen to that! May we all know God shalom and love and continue to encourage and work out our faith together earnestly. May we become more in '24! More like Jesus (less of me) and doing more of the things we are created to do--living and loving more like Jesus! Amen!

Upper Room: Small Gifts (we are all gifted according to how we are created to do good works and we find many small gifts from God along the way that lead to His using us. Amen!

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. - James 1:17 (NIV)

When I retired four years ago, I was given a small, round, handsewn cushion. I kept it on a chair, mainly for ornamental reasons. However, recently the cushion has become useful for me every day.

For the past two months I’ve been recovering from spinal decompression surgery. Sleep has been difficult due to the uncomfortable surgical wound in my lower back. When I was urged by my physiotherapist to place a pillow or cushion between my knees while sleeping, I suddenly remembered the gift of the small cushion and began using it as prescribed. Imagine my delight to find that the cushion helped me sleep virtually pain-free!

Our loving God gives us gifts each day — gifts we often don’t even recognize, let alone use. But the Bible is filled with accounts of our caring God providing gifts to so many people — the best example being the gift of God’s Son, Jesus Christ! The gift of a small cushion has reawakened my discovery of the big and small gifts God gives us each and every day.


Loving God, thank you for the gift of Jesus Christ and the many gifts you provide each day. Amen.TWFYT: May we choose to be doers of His Word! May we be like Chuck yesterday and incarnate (bring to life) God's Living Word to others! Amen!

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Charles Stanley: We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us! Amen! What's your "All things" today? Let us choose to earnestly bring His Word and love alive!

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Prayer Starters from Alvin VanDergrind: We talked about John 3:16 and First John 3:16 last cool for God to include that in our prayer time today! May we choose to die to self, take up cross daily and follow Jesus, at His pace, to His best, as we yoke to Him and learn to live and love more like Him! Amen!

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Posted by: AT 03:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 10 2024


10-12 Donuts and conversations at the Bread Ministry 10-12 all welcome

6-7:30 Dinner Huddle All welcome

Yesterday we signed a contract with Revival Church to rent our sanctuary Sunday evenings from 5-8. Their first service is next Sunday April 21st. All are invited to come and worship with them. I hope to attend and welcome them to our building and to build some relationships to do some ministry together in the future.


Good Morning Harvest Workers! The harvest is ripe and ripening! Pray for workers for the harvest! We need you, harvest worker, joy and Good News Bringer! What is your custom made part in God's Good News Delivery Co. St. Matts Branch? What are you, will you, do about it? Who is God wanting to partner you with to carry out His plans. Really pray into that and ask for a willing heart to step up and serve and co-labor with some friends.

Last evening our Vision Team had a great time sharing ideas for possibilities to get out of the building this summer and to connect to neighbors. Remember, in effect, our indoor ministry will be shut down for the summer. After seeking God, you voted to not air condition the Fellowship Hall. That decision changed our plans for the summer to what His plans are for us for the summer. He is leading us out of the building and wanting to answer our prayers for new connection points in our neighborhoods. Last evening was an attempt to discern where, what and with who God is wanting to send us. It was supposed to be an evening to begin planning some outreach activities. However, we ran into a snag--a big one. No one is willing to lead or plan any of the things we thought of. So, who may God want YOU to partner with to host and plan some out activity this summer? What will you do about it? I can't do it all and am honoring God's healthy rhythms by choosing not to try like I usually do. I will be focusing on Family Ministries for the summer. That leaves all kinds of adult ministry opportunities to seize to connect to neighbors. What ideas is God giving you? Who does He want you to partner with?

I can't believe God wants us to basically shut down for the summer when we have been making great inroads in connecting to neighbors and connecting them to God. We have pretty much done what we can with the Bread and Clothing Ministry and will continue to connect with the people God is sending to those ministries. However, there are more connection points awaiting our discovery. What do you normally do and enjoy that God may want to use to connect some of us with outsiders needing to know the love of Jesus? Invite a friend or two to join you and try something new intentionally. Maybe a neighborhood cookout. Maybe a night at Rita's and sitting around connecting to others. The ideas are endless! I'm praying for you! God and some He is drawing are waiting for you as well. Where's He leading YOU! Who does He want you to partner with and host and plan something?

April 28th will be our last Brunch for the summer. The Vision Team determined we could try a church picnic again with a tentative date of June 9th. However, we need someone to lead, plan and host. Is that you?

May 15th will be our last indoor gathering of Family Ministries and Adults for dinner and discussions. In the Fall, Family Ministry and Adult Huddle will be separate evenings. I cannot minister to both groups when we are combined. I will be gathering and planning some summer stuff for Family Ministries before May 15. Who wants to do something with the adults for the summer? There were all kinds of ideas shared last evening and God may be leading you to one to try with this group that already gathers weekly. Pray about it and plan some things with some friends. (Half the people that are part of the adult group do not attend our church yet.) How can we continue to reach and partner with them this summer?

We will continue with the Bread Ministry connections for the summer and beyond, but it's time to find some new connection points if we wish to continue to grow, makes disciples and become a dynamic movement of God! Where's God leading you and who with? Keep praying into that! And ask for courage and wisdom to lead or co-lead and plan some things! Ask for eyes t see the new things God is planning for you and us and courage to do something about it. I'm praying for you! You are custom made for custom purposes of God for such a time as this! It's time to grow into living sacrificially and loving lavishly like Jesus! Day light's burning!


Eyes to See

I . . . will make you to be a covenant for the people and . . . to open eyes that are blind. Isaiah 42:6-7

READ Isaiah 42:5-9


Genevieve had to be the “eyes” for her three children, each born with congenital cataracts. Whenever she took them into their village in the Republic of Benin of western Africa, she strapped the baby onto her back and held on to the arm and hand of her older two, always looking for danger. In a culture where blindness was thought to be caused by witchcraft, Genevieve despaired and cried out to God for help.

Then a man from her village told her about Mercy Ships, a ministry that provides vital surgeries to honor Jesus’ model of bringing hope and healing to the poor. Uncertain if they could help, she approached them. When the children woke up after their surgeries, they could see!

God’s story has always been about coming alongside those shrouded in darkness and bringing His light. The prophet Isaiah declared that God would be “a light for the Gentiles” (Isaiah 42:6). He would “open eyes that are blind” (v. 7), restoring not only physical sight but spiritual vision as well. And He promised to “take hold” of His people’s hand (v. 6). He restored sight to the blind and brought light to those living in the darkness.

If you feel overcome by darkness, cling to hope as you embrace the promises of our loving Father while asking for His light to bring illumination.

By Amy Boucher Pye


How has God opened your eyes, physically or spiritually? How can He remove the blinders you may have?

Heavenly Father, You desire that no one would live in darkness. Release Your love on those who are blinded in any way, that they might see.

Learn more about having a personal relationship with God.


Isaiah 42:1-4 is the first of four “Servant Songs” in Isaiah (see also 49:1-6; 50:4-9; 52:13–53:12). Various passages in Isaiah point to Israel, God’s chosen people, as the servant (41:8; 44:21; 45:4; 48:20). While many of those prophetic songs do deal with Israel in the nation’s circumstances at that time, New Testament scholars believe other passages find their ultimate fulfillment in Jesus the Messiah (42:1; see 11:2; 49:3, 5-7; 50:10; 52:13; 53:11), the one who came in the very form and essence of a servant (Philippians 2:5-8)—obeying to the point of death on the cross. This servant’s heart was also displayed in Christ the night before the cross when He took the place of the lowest slave and washed His disciples’ feet in the upper room (John 13:1-17). This striking example of the heart of the divine Servant was an example to teach us how to serve both God and one another.

Bill Crowder
Posted by: AT 06:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 10 2024

Good Morning Devoted, Persistent, Clothed in Christ, Co-Laborers! Amen! God is a God that specializes in bringing His shalom--His peace--to the chaos around us. I am in the midst of a chaotic morning that could lead to all kinds of stress. In the past I would have been very stressed by now--BUT GOD! He hears my prayers and invites to be the Lord of me and my day and to bring His shalom. When we ask and make Him Lord, we have confidence that everything is filtered through His hands. He knows what's going on in our lives, what's needed or not, and where He's leading us. Knowing that helps to exhale the junk and receive His peace. Breathe out the junk and take a deep breath of the Spirit right now. Do it again and again until you have cast all your anxiety on God and invited Him to take control. He is the GOOD Shepherd! He has plans for you--plans for good and not harm. Receive His shalom and step into this day refreshed and with the Good Shepherd as the Lord of your day. Amen!     

TWFYT is in day 2 of helping with stress relief. Check it out and our other devos below. The Upper Room is a reminder of our call to team up and be better in Christ and ODB reminds us that we are clothed in Christ. How do these tie together? Talk to God about that and schedule a time to discuss what you are hearing with some friends. I'm praying for us all to know and follow God's peace and to do so more earnestly together. I'm praying that we discover His plans for us this summer at our Vision team meeting tonight and begin working on His plans to get out and make Christ known. I'm praying for the chaos to disappear as we trust God and allow His shalom to overflow from us. Thanks Lord! Hear our prayers and be the Lord and Shepherd of this day and Your people. Thanks! Amen! Shalom!

UR: Ten People Prayed

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. - Acts 2:42 (NIV)

A few years ago, I felt like something was missing from my life. My days lacked meaning and purpose. However, instead of bringing my concern to God, I looked for fulfillment in lots of wrong places — which only left me feeling emptier. I struggled to change my ways and turn to God.

My church group was focusing on spiritual health and encouraged members to share their struggles. At first I was hesitant to discuss my emptiness. Most people value strength, independence, and success, not fragility or need. But I finally opened up to the group and asked for help.

After that meeting, ten people started praying for me. Soon after, I sensed God’s presence and power in the circumstances around me, steering me away from distractions. Sermons, devotionals, and Bible verses reminded me of God’s provision. Together, these factors helped me find new life in God.

Being vulnerable wasn’t easy. But when I asked, I found that others were glad to help. Group members checked in on me regularly and offered encouragement. Their prayers and God’s responses gave me hope that God would give me new purpose and supply what was missing from my life.


Thank you, God, for responding to the prayers of our church family. Help us to ask for support when we need it. Amen.ODB:

Clothed in Christ

Let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Romans 13:12

READ Romans 13:11-14


I was so excited to put on my new glasses for the first time, but after just a few hours I wanted to throw them away. My eyes ached and head throbbed from adjusting to the new prescription. My ears were sore from the unfamiliar frames. The next day I groaned when I remembered I had to wear them. I had to repeatedly choose to use my glasses each day in order for my body to adjust. It took several weeks, but after that, I hardly noticed I was wearing them.

Putting on something new requires an adjustment, but over time we grow into it, and it suits us better. We may even see things we didn’t see before. In Romans 13, the apostle Paul instructed Christ followers to “put on the armor of light” (v. 12) and practice right living. They had already believed in Jesus, but it seems they had fallen into “slumber” and become more complacent; they needed to “wake up” and take action, behave decently and let go of all sin (vv. 11-13). Paul encouraged them to be clothed with Jesus and become more like Him in their thoughts and deeds (v. 14).

We don’t begin to reflect the loving, gentle, kind, grace-filled, and faithful ways of Jesus overnight. It’s a long process of choosing to “put on the armor of light” every day, even when we don’t want to because it’s uncomfortable. Over time, He changes us for the better.

By Karen Pimpo


What does it look like to “put on” Jesus today? How does practicing Christlikeness become more comfortable over time?

Dear Jesus, thank You that You’re transforming me day by day.


At the end of Romans 13, Paul contrasts darkness and light. The interplay between the two is symbolic for the life that people lived before believing in Christ and the life they now live in Him. This contrast is seen in several of the apostle’s letters. Before coming to Jesus, we “were once darkness” (Ephesians 5:8), performed “deeds of darkness” (v. 11), and belonged to “the dominion of darkness” (Colossians 1:13) and “to the night” (1 Thessalonians 5:5).

After coming to Christ, however, we’re not to have fellowship with darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14), should “live as children of light” (Ephesians 5:8), and have nothing to do with the “fruitless deeds of darkness” (v. 11). We’ve been rescued “from the dominion of darkness” (Colossians 1:13) and are “children of the light and children of the day” (1 Thessalonians 5:5).

J.R. Hudberg


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Posted by: AT 06:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 10 2024

Good Morning Standing-On-The-Promises, Children of God's Shalom! Peace! Jesus said "Peace I give to you." Have you received it? God got me up early today to share His love and peace with you. I had no intention of doing a blog today. BUT GOD! He made it evident that at least one of you, maybe several, maybe all of us need to be reminded of our true identity in Christ, His love and His promised peace. We also need to be reminded to choose it sometimes.

Some of us put on all kinds of facades in fear of how we will be judged by others. We find it hard to be who we are created to be, maybe too often. Me? Well, I yams what I yams, as Popeye says. But I too sometimes find it hard to let go of my expectations and worry about perceptions and forget to let God be God in and through me just as I am. You know pastors have this persona to keep up. But you all know that I don't fake who I am in Christ. I'm Donald, beloved child of God, created in His image, custom made for custom purposes. And I have peace being me and doing what I am made to do. You can know that too! I know I am a forgiven sinner, saved by grace and God wants to use me as I am created. That is Jesus' easy yoke. Put it on today. Choose joy. Choose peace. Choose to be you--a creation of God, called by name, forgiven and sent to allow Him to live and love through you just as you are. As you do and get more practice and comfortable in your flesh, God will lead you to His greater things and your fuller potential as you put on Christ and bring Him alive.

Who cares what others think! God knows you and still loves you! Live for Him and allow Him to work out all the details. Choose peace, joy, love and some good Christian friends to do life with. Be encouraged! Be of good cheer! God is near! God loves you--ALWAYS and Forever! I love you too and am signing off until Monday, unless God has other plans. Shalom! Listen for God's loving whisper today--always! Amen

Harvest Prayer blog:

April 2 - Let Peace Rule

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. (Colossians 3:15)

When speaking of peace in Colossians, Paul pulls out all the stops and hits us with the word “rule.” Peace is to rule in our hearts. This is a far cry from an emotion of peacefulness or an attitude we have somehow developed. Ruling is a powerful word that indicates the ability to transform and direct the activities of your life. The peace of Christ has that innate ability to rule.

It is interesting that Paul’s command is that we let peace do its ruling work in our hearts. The peace of Christ, let loose in your life, will rule and direct you in ways that line up with the purposes of Christ. Our job is to let that happen. In a sense, that means that we give permission to the peace of Christ to rule.

You get to choose who or what will rule in your heart. God’s Word tells us that the very best thing we can do is let peace take over.

Sometimes it seems that life throws everything at you, all at once. In the fall of 1998 that happened to Kim (my wife) and me. My father was in the last stages of his five-year battle with lymphoma. My mother, who was his primary caregiver, suffered a massive stroke that paralyzed her right side for the rest of her life. Dad was on one floor of the hospital and Mom on another. My mom’s brother was on yet another floor of the hospital, dying from cancer. In the midst of that, we got a call that Kim’s mom had a TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack—a precursor to a stroke) giving us the fear of another stroke coming in the family.
We ran into the arms of Jesus. There was nowhere else to go. His peace enveloped us and though circumstances did not change, I can say with confidence that his peace began to rule in our hearts. The peace of Christ was in charge, not the circumstances of failing health and fear.

The key is our choice. Regardless of what is happening in or around us that is stealing our peace or creating anxiety, we can still choose to let peace rule in our hearts. This is where faith steps in and takes over. We go to God’s Word which tells us to simply let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, and though that seems woefully inadequate in the face of our fears, we, by faith, say yes to the Word of God. We pray that truth into our lives and watch and see what God does with an obedient, faithful heart.

Memorize Colossians 3:15: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Begin each day by affirming that the peace of Christ is ruling in your heart.

Lord, today I choose to let Your peace rule in my heart. Regardless of what happens around me, it is Your peace that will rule within. Thank You that we have literally been called to this peace by You. I am grateful!

--Adapted from Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God (A 30-Day Journey to Experience the Shalom of Jesus) by David Butts. This book is available at Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.

Charles Stanley:

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Upper Room:

The younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. - Luke 15:13 (NIV)

Just like the younger son in Jesus’ parable, I squandered my life in wild living. Drugs and alcohol consumed me, and I became a shell of a man. Deep down I knew there had to be a better way.

One cloudy Saturday in early June 2013, I found myself sitting in front of a church in southern Delaware. I was waiting for the Narcotics Anonymous meeting to start, but I had arrived early and was the only one there. Not long after I arrived, a man pulled into the church parking lot and parked in a space reserved for the pastor. I told him my story. He listened attentively and invited me to the next day’s service when he would be preaching about the Prodigal Son. In my heart, I knew I was supposed to attend that service.

As I sat in the front row of the church the next morning, I felt the pastor was talking directly to me. Within an hour, I knew that I would never squander another day. That church welcomed me. Today I am blessed beyond compare. I am the Prodigal Son, and God has received me with love.


Dear God, forgive us for squandering our days. Help us to realize how precious life is. Amen.


Prayer Points

  • Praise God for being a great and awesome God (Deut. 7:21).
  • Thank him for bending down low in order to bring salvation and faith to you.
  • Confess times when you’ve thought God was small and powerless.
  • Commit yourself to worshiping God with “reverence and awe” (Heb. 12:28).
  • Ask for a true sense of awe as you meet God in the sanctuary (Ps. 68:35).
  • The psalmist says to God: “How awesome are your deeds! . . . All the earth bows down to you” (Ps. 66:3-4). Pray that God’s awesome power might be clearly evident throughout his kingdom worldwide.
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend.
Posted by: AT 06:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 10 2024

Good Morning Brothers and Sisters in Christ! I'm baaack! Karen and I thank you for your prayers! We had a great week of getting some things done at home and then away for a nice retreat in the mountains west of Gettysburg. Now for the transition back--help us Lord! We could both enjoy the retired life! BUT GOD! In His timing! So back at it! There is so much I want to share, yet so much that I think God wants you to process on your own. These blogs are typically my journal notes based off our devotionals for the day. That may be changing? I am still seeking God on that. Today, I am just sharing Our Daily Bread's reminder that we are to be joy bringers as we choose joy and celebrate all God is doing--even the little things along the way. What's God saying to you? I threw in Charles Stanley's reminder to always celebrate and praise. Keep building those gratitude lists!

It sure was nice to get away. We will be doing that for Karen's birthday next month as well. Can't wait! However, there is so much joy and satisfaction in serving God and allowing Him to mold me into my fuller potential and doing what He created me to do that I can't ever imagine retiring. Even if I retire, there is no retiring from Christian service. God loves you and has plans for you until He calls you home as well. Rejoice and choose to follow well and bring His love and joy wherever He leads you today! Amen!

 Schedule for the week:

Tue: Zoom Huddle 10-11, 11 AM meet with Revival Church elders to sign contract for Sun evening worship and to tour building, 6:30 PM Vision Team Zoom (Please pray for our leaders to hear God and make His plans for the summer)

Wed: 10-12 Donut Day at the Bread Ministry. (pray for God to connect us to some neighbors and to connect them to Him) 6-7:30 Dinner Huddle with Family Ministry and Adults. All welcome! (Possible meeting with new NA group that wants to use our building)

All week: Pray for me to transition back to sermon prep, huddles prep, and janitorial duties and some visitations well. Thanks


Joy in the City

When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices. Proverbs 11:10

READ Proverbs 11:1-11


When France and Argentina met in the 2022 World Cup final, it was an incredible contest that many dubbed the “greatest World Cup match in history.” As the final seconds ticked off in extra time, the score was tied 3-3, sending the soccer teams to penalty kicks. After Argentina made the winning goal, the nation erupted in celebration. More than a million Argentineans overwhelmed downtown Buenos Aires. Drone footage spread across social media showing this raucous, happy scene. One BBC report described how the city quaked with “an explosion of joy.”

Joy is always a wonderful gift. Proverbs, though, describes how a city, a people, can experience joy that goes even deeper and lasts far longer. “When the righteous prosper,” Proverbs says, “the city rejoices” (11:10). When those who truly live by God’s designs for humanity begin to influence a community, then this signals good news because it means God’s justice is taking hold. Greed diminishes. The poor find support. The oppressed are protected. Whenever God’s right way of living flourishes, then there’s joy and “blessing” in the city (v. 11).

If we’re genuinely living out God’s ways, then the result will be good news for everyone. The way we live will make the community around us better and more whole. God invites us to be part of His work to heal the world. He invites us to bring joy to the city.

By Winn Collier


Where do you see the need for joy in your city? How can you bring God’s joy there?

Dear God, please help me to join You in bringing joy to others.  


The book of Proverbs belongs to the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament. It can be divided into two sections. In chapters 1-9, Solomon offers wisdom to his son on a variety of topics, ranging from money to choosing good companions to sexual purity. Chapters 10-31, however, are a seemingly random collection of wise sayings. A number are presented in statements of contrast called antithetical parallelism, where the righteous are contrasted with the wicked. Many are written by Solomon (10:1–22:16). Chapters 25-27 are Solomon’s proverbs collected by the men of King Hezekiah. Others come from a group of anonymous wise men (22:17–24:34), Agur (ch. 30), and King Lemuel (ch. 31).

The proverbs contain a treasure chest of wisdom on perennial subjects such as managing relationships, work, integrity, and parenting. Some are also quoted in the New Testament; for example, Romans 12:20, James 4:6, and 1 Peter 5:5.

Open the treasure chest of wisdom in Proverbs here.

Lecture - Our Daily Bread University

Bill Crowder

Charles Stanley:

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Posted by: AT 06:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 10 2024
He is risen--indeed! Festive Family Worship with communion at 10 and on Zoom. Prepare your hearts and communion elements
Good Morning Children of the Resurrection! Today we celebrate the greatest event in the history of the universe! He is risen and victorious! PTL! We are forgiven and His Spirit lives in us and He is interceding before the Father for us. We have exchanged our filthy rags and put on His righteousness! WOW! How good is our God and how blessed are we! What love! Hallelujah! Rejoice for Christ our Lord has risen today! What can be added to that? 
Check out a couple of devos below and Joe Toy newsletter. Reminder: Pastor Don begins vacation after worship today. Sarah is available for any emergencies this week. There probably will not be any blogs this week. Tue Huddle and Wed night dinner huddle have off this week. Enjoy a week of worship, rest and renewal! God loves you and is speaking to your hearts! What's He saying to you? Be still and know! Karen and I covet your prayers for a fun week of rest and renewal, great weather and health too. Thanks! Jesus loves you and so do we! Shalom!
Charles Stanley:
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Our Daily Bread:

Jesus Christ Is Risen Today!

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Matthew 28:6

READ Matthew 28:1–10

Before Charles Simeon attended university in Cambridge, England, he loved horses and clothes, spending a huge sum on his attire yearly. But because his college required him to attend regular Communion services, he started to explore what he believed. After reading books written by believers in Jesus, he experienced a dramatic conversion on Easter Sunday. Awaking early on April 4, 1779, he cried out, “Jesus Christ is risen today! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” As he grew in his faith in God, he devoted himself to Bible study, prayer, and attending chapel services.

On the first Easter, life changed for the two women who arrived at Jesus’ tomb. There they witnessed a violent earthquake as an angel rolled back the stone. He said to them, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said” (Matthew 28:5–6). Overjoyed, the women worshiped Jesus and ran back to tell their friends the good news.

Encountering the risen Christ isn’t something reserved for ancient times—He promises to meet us here and now. We might experience a dramatic encounter, such as the women at the tomb or as Charles Simeon did, but we might not. In whatever way Jesus reveals Himself to us, we can trust that He loves us.

By Amy Boucher Pye


How has God shown Himself to you? How have you changed because of your encounter with Him?

Risen Jesus, thank You for coming and dying on the cross that I might have life eternal. I worship You.


Matthew’s resurrection account is stunning, particularly in its honesty. In addition to the joy of the women upon seeing the risen Jesus (28:8), we’re also told of the disciples’ unbelief (v. 17). When you weave together the resurrection accounts in the various gospels (and 1 Corinthians 15), it’s clear that Jesus had appeared to His disciples several times at this point, yet some still doubted. We might find a small measure of comfort in that. In spite of all Christ has done for us and the ways He’s proven Himself merciful and faithful, we still can struggle with doubts as they did. Like the father of the demonized boy, we find ourselves praying, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24).

Bill Crowder
Joe Toy Newsletter:
“And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”

Dear Friends,

One of our prayer items as we prepare for an outreach is to have team unity.  Each team is made up of diverse people from many differing backgrounds and various levels of spiritual maturity.  The Lord truly blessed us with a great team of students from Liberty University. Even though we had a few people with timid personalities, they jumped into the task each day and did their best to share the gospel and represent Christ to the lost.   One of our team shared this, “I was very uncertain when I first signed up for the trip and I didn’t even know if I wanted to go.  However, I realized that I would never put myself out there and evangelize if I did not force myself to. The trip was an eye-

opening experience and helped me to realize that to grow closer in my relationship with God and challenge my faith, I would need to do things like this.” 
      One of the blessings of being an evangelist is to take others with us and give them experiences to see the power of God at work in the ministry.  All of these young people learned to trust God and were challenged to do things whereby they had no choice, but to seek God’s help each day, whether it was teaching inner city children or sharing their faith in Christ with college students and international tourists who were visiting Miami Beach.

This was our third year of working in Buena Vista Apartments and the welcome mat was out.  Miss Bella called us to make sure that we were coming and as we arrived she was already gathering up the children.  She is the matriarch of this small community and is well respected by all her neighbors.   It was an awesome start to our five day club as we had over thirty kids in attendance.  Our team did a great job interacting with the kids as they learned Bible verses, sang gospel songs, enjoyed object lessons and observed an illustrated bible lesson each day and of course who does not love game time.  One student's reflection of her time is summed up this way, “The very last day of the kid’s ministry was the best in my opinion because I got to share the gospel with a group of kids that were very attentive and listening and seemed receptive to the message.”  These types of mission trips not only impact people with the gospel, but also transform the lives of the team as they see the need to reach the lost.

The city of Miami Beach made it very clear that they were divorcing themselves from Spring Break.  They no longer desired to deal with the toxic behavior of drunken students, who would fight, riot, and even shoot each other as has happened the last few years. There were no planned events, parking in city lots was $100 and they implemented a midnight curfew.  On Friday night, there was probably only ten percent of the crowd that was there last year and the police presence was unreal. In all my years of ministry with the countless events, I have never seen this many police at one place. We spent most of our night on Ocean Drive on South Beach. Although the crowds were not thick, we had plenty of people to talk to each night.  Our main tool was an illustrated puzzle which end with the question, “Is there life after death?”

The team did a great job interacting with whoever stopped.  One night Gretel, who is from Hong Kong, was able to use her language skills to share the gospel with a group of Chinese students.  How awesome is the Lord to set up that encounter! 
I can remember talking to groups of people from Africa, India and Brazil in my first hour on the street.  Some encounters are sad as one young man told me, “I am a little too drunk to talk about this right now and I am just not ready yet.”  I thank God that I was able to share some gospel truth with him.  One of our team had the blessing of leading a young lady to the Lord as she stated, “I think that I need to do this now”, so they prayed together as she called out to Christ. Needless to say, that was an exciting God moment that fired up the team. The seven days together went fast, but the memories remain.

A big thanks goes out to Calvary Chapel Miami Beach for housing us as we had our housing fall through and they made room for us.  They were a big help to us and a great reflection of Jesus' love as they offered us their hospitality.  May the Lord bless them richly. Keep us in your prayers, God bless you.

Our mailing address is:
57 N Chaucer Way
Kittrell, NC  27544
Facebook:  OAMPhilly
Website:    OAMPhilly
Posted by: AT 06:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 10 2024
He is risen--indeed! Festive Family Worship with communion at 10 and on Zoom. Prepare your hearts and communion elements
Good Morning Children of the Resurrection! Today we celebrate the greatest event in the history of the universe! He is risen and victorious! PTL! We are forgiven and His Spirit lives in us and He is interceding before the Father for us. We have exchanged our filthy rags and put on His righteousness! WOW! How good is our God and how blessed are we! What love! Hallelujah! Rejoice for Christ our Lord has risen today! What can be added to that? 
Check out a couple of devos below and Joe Toy newsletter. Reminder: Pastor Don begins vacation after worship today. Sarah is available for any emergencies this week. There probably will not be any blogs this week. Tue Huddle and Wed night dinner huddle have off this week. Enjoy a week of worship, rest and renewal! God loves you and is speaking to your hearts! What's He saying to you? Be still and know! Karen and I covet your prayers for a fun week of rest and renewal, great weather and health too. Thanks! Jesus loves you and so do we! Shalom!
Charles Stanley:
Inline image
Our Daily Bread:

Jesus Christ Is Risen Today!

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Matthew 28:6

READ Matthew 28:1–10

Before Charles Simeon attended university in Cambridge, England, he loved horses and clothes, spending a huge sum on his attire yearly. But because his college required him to attend regular Communion services, he started to explore what he believed. After reading books written by believers in Jesus, he experienced a dramatic conversion on Easter Sunday. Awaking early on April 4, 1779, he cried out, “Jesus Christ is risen today! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” As he grew in his faith in God, he devoted himself to Bible study, prayer, and attending chapel services.

On the first Easter, life changed for the two women who arrived at Jesus’ tomb. There they witnessed a violent earthquake as an angel rolled back the stone. He said to them, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said” (Matthew 28:5–6). Overjoyed, the women worshiped Jesus and ran back to tell their friends the good news.

Encountering the risen Christ isn’t something reserved for ancient times—He promises to meet us here and now. We might experience a dramatic encounter, such as the women at the tomb or as Charles Simeon did, but we might not. In whatever way Jesus reveals Himself to us, we can trust that He loves us.

By Amy Boucher Pye


How has God shown Himself to you? How have you changed because of your encounter with Him?

Risen Jesus, thank You for coming and dying on the cross that I might have life eternal. I worship You.


Matthew’s resurrection account is stunning, particularly in its honesty. In addition to the joy of the women upon seeing the risen Jesus (28:8), we’re also told of the disciples’ unbelief (v. 17). When you weave together the resurrection accounts in the various gospels (and 1 Corinthians 15), it’s clear that Jesus had appeared to His disciples several times at this point, yet some still doubted. We might find a small measure of comfort in that. In spite of all Christ has done for us and the ways He’s proven Himself merciful and faithful, we still can struggle with doubts as they did. Like the father of the demonized boy, we find ourselves praying, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24).

Bill Crowder
Joe Toy Newsletter:
“And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”

Dear Friends,

One of our prayer items as we prepare for an outreach is to have team unity.  Each team is made up of diverse people from many differing backgrounds and various levels of spiritual maturity.  The Lord truly blessed us with a great team of students from Liberty University. Even though we had a few people with timid personalities, they jumped into the task each day and did their best to share the gospel and represent Christ to the lost.   One of our team shared this, “I was very uncertain when I first signed up for the trip and I didn’t even know if I wanted to go.  However, I realized that I would never put myself out there and evangelize if I did not force myself to. The trip was an eye-

opening experience and helped me to realize that to grow closer in my relationship with God and challenge my faith, I would need to do things like this.” 
      One of the blessings of being an evangelist is to take others with us and give them experiences to see the power of God at work in the ministry.  All of these young people learned to trust God and were challenged to do things whereby they had no choice, but to seek God’s help each day, whether it was teaching inner city children or sharing their faith in Christ with college students and international tourists who were visiting Miami Beach.

This was our third year of working in Buena Vista Apartments and the welcome mat was out.  Miss Bella called us to make sure that we were coming and as we arrived she was already gathering up the children.  She is the matriarch of this small community and is well respected by all her neighbors.   It was an awesome start to our five day club as we had over thirty kids in attendance.  Our team did a great job interacting with the kids as they learned Bible verses, sang gospel songs, enjoyed object lessons and observed an illustrated bible lesson each day and of course who does not love game time.  One student's reflection of her time is summed up this way, “The very last day of the kid’s ministry was the best in my opinion because I got to share the gospel with a group of kids that were very attentive and listening and seemed receptive to the message.”  These types of mission trips not only impact people with the gospel, but also transform the lives of the team as they see the need to reach the lost.

The city of Miami Beach made it very clear that they were divorcing themselves from Spring Break.  They no longer desired to deal with the toxic behavior of drunken students, who would fight, riot, and even shoot each other as has happened the last few years. There were no planned events, parking in city lots was $100 and they implemented a midnight curfew.  On Friday night, there was probably only ten percent of the crowd that was there last year and the police presence was unreal. In all my years of ministry with the countless events, I have never seen this many police at one place. We spent most of our night on Ocean Drive on South Beach. Although the crowds were not thick, we had plenty of people to talk to each night.  Our main tool was an illustrated puzzle which end with the question, “Is there life after death?”

The team did a great job interacting with whoever stopped.  One night Gretel, who is from Hong Kong, was able to use her language skills to share the gospel with a group of Chinese students.  How awesome is the Lord to set up that encounter! 
I can remember talking to groups of people from Africa, India and Brazil in my first hour on the street.  Some encounters are sad as one young man told me, “I am a little too drunk to talk about this right now and I am just not ready yet.”  I thank God that I was able to share some gospel truth with him.  One of our team had the blessing of leading a young lady to the Lord as she stated, “I think that I need to do this now”, so they prayed together as she called out to Christ. Needless to say, that was an exciting God moment that fired up the team. The seven days together went fast, but the memories remain.

A big thanks goes out to Calvary Chapel Miami Beach for housing us as we had our housing fall through and they made room for us.  They were a big help to us and a great reflection of Jesus' love as they offered us their hospitality.  May the Lord bless them richly. Keep us in your prayers, God bless you.

Our mailing address is:
57 N Chaucer Way
Kittrell, NC  27544
Facebook:  OAMPhilly
Website:    OAMPhilly
Posted by: AT 06:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 10 2024
Resurrection Sunday Family Worship Celebration with communion 10am Live and on Zoom. Bring some friends!
Good Morning Loved Ones of God--His Redeemed! On this Saturday, be still and know that He is God. He loves you! He has redeemed You! He is calling you by name! Listen...meditate...worship! Meditate on the passages and devos below as a start to your quiet and prayer time. Be bold and courageous today and look for opportunities to share your hope and God's love. Darkness and evil are closing in (our President has declared Easter Sunday to be a day to celebrate transgenders. The enemy is trying to anger us and steal our joy of the resurrection celebrations. Wonder how many "churches" will have drag queen readers tomorrow?) BUT GOD! But remember also, we have all gone astray too and are sinners worthy of eternal punishment in Hell! BUT GOD! And we are His children of Light! We have hope! We are forgiven and made new in Christ! Amen! 
Turn off the noise and open God's Word as you prepare your hearts to worship tomorrow! The resurrection is the greatest event in all of history! Death and the grave have been defeated. Our sins have been sacrificed on that cruel cross. We have been redeemed and we have been given the opportunity to choose new life in Christ. Yes we were one way, BUT God! By His love and grace we are now another! Rejoice! Jesus is our resurrection and life! he is the way, the truth and the life. The only way. he is calling you by name! he loves you beyond measure! 
Isaiah 43: (My highlights)
But now, O Jacob, listen to the Lord who created you.
    O Israel, the one who formed you says,
“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.
    I have called you by name; you are mine.
When you go through deep waters,
    I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
    you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
    you will not be burned up;
    the flames will not consume you.
For I am the Lord, your God,
    the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.
I gave Egypt as a ransom for your freedom;
    I gave Ethiopia and Seba in your place.
Others were given in exchange for you.
    I traded their lives for yours
because you are precious to me.
    You are honored, and I love you.
Isaiah 53:
He was despised and rejected— a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins!

The Passion of Christ

The punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healedIsaiah 53:5

READ Isaiah 53:4–7, 10–12

Before Jim Caviezel played Jesus in the film The Passion of the Christ, director Mel Gibson warned that the role would be extremely difficult and could negatively impact his career in Hollywood. Caviezel took on the role anyway, saying, “I think we have to make it, even if it is difficult.”

During the filming, Caviezel was struck by lightning, lost forty-five pounds, and was accidentally whipped during the flogging scene. Afterwards, he stated, “I didn’t want people to see me. I just wanted them to see Jesus. Conversions will happen through that.” The film deeply affected Caviezel and others on the set, and only God knows how many of the millions who watched it experienced changed lives.

The passion of Christ refers to the time of Jesus’ greatest suffering, from His triumphal entry on Palm Sunday and including His betrayal, mocking, flogging, and crucifixion. Accounts are found in all four gospels.

In Isaiah 53, His suffering and its outcome are foretold: “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed” (v. 5). All of us, “like sheep, have gone astray” (v. 6). But because of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, we can have peace with God. His suffering opened the way for us to be with Him.

By Alyson Kieda


What aspect of Christ’s life most impacts you? How does His suffering affect you?

Precious Savior, it’s hard to express how grateful I am that You suffered, died, and rose again for me. Thank You.

For further study, read I Am the Way: The Amazing Claims of Jesus.


The Song of the Suffering Servant we most often associate with Isaiah 53 actually begins in the previous chapter at verse 13. There, the servant is introduced as one who is wise and who will be “raised and lifted up and highly exalted” (52:13). If that final phrase sounds familiar, that’s because it’s one of Isaiah’s favorite ways to describe his encounters with Yahweh (God) Himself.

In Isaiah 6:1, the prophet recounts seeing the God of Israel in His temple “high [rum] and exalted [nasa’]”; in 52:13, the niv translates the same two Hebrew words as “raised and lifted up.” Isaiah associates the exaltation of the Suffering Servant with the very person of Yahweh, looking ahead to the Son Himself, Jesus.

Jed Ostoich
UR: Holy Saturday

After these things, Joseph of Arimathea, who was a disciple of Jesus, though a secret one because of his fear of the Jews, asked Pilate to let him take away the body of Jesus. Pilate gave him permission, so he came and removed his body. - John 19:38 (NRSVUE)

Holy Saturday is a day of quiet, somber reflection. It’s an odd, in-between day after Jesus’ death but before his resurrection. I often think about what the day might have been like for the disciples and others who followed Jesus at the time — particularly

Joseph of Arimathea.

Joseph had a lot of influence and was an important Jewish leader. He would risk his reputation and standing in the community if his belief in Jesus became public. So he kept his belief quiet.

But on Good Friday, when Jesus died on the cross, Joseph of Arimathea proclaimed his faith publicly by going to Pilate and asking for Jesus’ body so he could bury it.

I imagine Joseph spending most of Saturday wondering if he had made the right choice. He took a great risk with this act. And on Saturday, Jesus was still dead in a tomb.

In a similar way, we take risks when we choose to follow Jesus publicly. Those risks can sometimes cause us to stay quiet or to keep our belief secret. However, while making our faith public may make for an uncomfortable Holy Saturday, it makes for a much more celebratory Easter Sunday.

Dear Jesus, help us not to hide our faith but to follow you boldly. Amen.
Harvest Prayer Starters:

Prayer Points

  • Give praise to Jesus, the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End (Rev. 22:13).
  • Thank him for his promise, “Yes, I am coming soon” (22:12).
  • Confess those periods of time when you have lost sight of the hope of his coming.
  • Commit yourself to waiting each day for “the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).
  • Ask God to renew in you the hope that “when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is” (1 Jn. 3:2).
  • Ask God to open the eyes of your unsaved friends so that they may see the spiritual kingdom that lies behind the physical realm.
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend.
Posted by: AT 06:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 29 2024

Thank God I'm Forgiven! That takes on an extra special significance on this Good Friday. Meditate on that today as you begin your quiet time and worship in Spirit and Truth. Come back to this often today as you remember and worship.

Good Morning Saved-By-Faith, Loved, Forgiven, Redeemed of the Lord! Thank You Jesus! Amen!

Good Friday is always a day where I seem to be extra still, extra thankful, more contemplative as I remember the love of God and the beating and sacrifice of Jesus that my sin caused. Forgive me! Cleanse me! Restore me! Thank You Lord! 

The crushing heaviness is almost overwhelming as I remember and meditate. Then my thoughts go to what the disciples and followers must have been experiencing right now as they have betrayed, denied, run away, hid, were confused and as some stood by and watched Jesus die on that cruel cross. Father, forgive me! Thank You for Your love! Jesus, words cannot covey the heaviness and gratitude of You standing in and dying in my place! I love You! Help me to die to self, take up cross daily and lay down my sin and my life as I follow You. Thank You! Amen! "It is finished"!

I've been sitting here in worship, prayer, meditation and stillness for almost three hours. What blessings we know as we dwell in Christ's loving presence and what blessings we know lie ahead for us who are saved by grace! Amazing love has been poured out in red just for you! Jesus is looking into your heart right now saying, "Come! I did this for you!"

 I am just going to attach our devos for today and give you space to remember and worship today. Thank God I'm Forgiven! What extravagant, lavish, expensive love God has shown you! Meditate on that today and just worship...

Charles Stanley:

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Our Daily Bread:

Jesus, Our Substitute

Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. 1 Peter 3:18

READ 1 Peter 3:13–18


A wealthy twenty-year-old was drag-racing with his friends when he struck and killed a pedestrian. Although the young man received a three-year prison sentence, some believe that the man who appeared in court (and who subsequently served a prison sentence) was a hired surrogate for the driver who committed the crime. This type of thing has been known to occur in some countries where people hire body doubles to avoid paying for their crimes.

This may sound scandalous and outrageous, but more than two thousand years ago, Jesus became our substitute and “suffered once for [our] sins, the righteous for the unrighteous” (1 Peter 3:18). As God’s sinless sacrifice, Christ suffered and died once and for all (Hebrews 10:10), for all who believe in Him. He took the penalty for all our sins in His own body on the cross. Unlike a person today who chooses to be a substitute for a criminal to get some cash, Christ’s substitutionary death on the cross provided “hope” for us as He freely, willingly gave His life for us (1 Peter 3:15, 18; John 10:15). He did so to bridge the chasm between us and God.

May we rejoice and find comfort and confidence in this profound truth: Only by the substitutionary death of Jesus can we—sinners in need—have a relationship with and complete spiritual access to our loving God.

By Marvin Williams


How has Christ’s substitutionary death changed your life? What does it mean for you to have access to God and eternal life because of Jesus' death on the cross?

Dear Jesus, thank You for dying in my place so that I might have access to God.

Learn more about having a personal relationship with God.


In 1 Peter 3:13-14, the apostle encourages believers in Jesus to “do good,” even if they suffer for it. Believers in Christ aren’t to fear but are to trust in God and be prepared to witness for Him. Peter reminds us that Jesus suffered unjustly and died for our sins, “the righteous for the unrighteous” (v. 18). His was a once-for-all sacrifice. Whoever believes in Him as their Savior and repents of their sins receives His forgiveness. Our salvation doesn’t guarantee we won’t suffer; today’s passage and other Scripture passages tell us something quite different. Jesus said, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first” (John 15:18); also, “If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also” (v. 20). And Paul tells us, “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12).

Alyson Kieda

Upper Room: Good Friday

The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” - 1 Corinthians 11:23-24 (NIV)

I awoke on Good Friday thinking of the introduction to our church’s Communion services: “On the night he was betrayed . . .” During Communion and Good Friday services, Christians tend to focus on the physical pain Jesus experienced during his trial and crucifixion, sometimes forgetting the excruciating emotional pain he endured.

For three years, Jesus had loved and taught his disciples. Yet they turned away after his arrest, as did many others who had once applauded him. (See Mk. 14:43–15:15.) Those following Jesus betrayed him for different reasons — Judas disclosed Jesus’ location for 30 pieces of silver; Peter denied him out of fear; the crowd chose instead to release a rebel insurrectionist named Barabbas. Betrayal can come in many forms and for various reasons, but it is always emotionally painful. Those who have experienced betrayal know the deep emotional wounds it causes.

During Communion services, we are reminded of the betrayal Jesus experienced. These services offer us time to think about those who betrayed Jesus and the significance of Jesus’ body and blood being sacrificed for those very people. Jesus’ death reminds us that we are all called to love our betrayers as Jesus loved his.


Lord Jesus, help us to follow your example and extend forgiveness and love toward those who have wounded us emotionally. Amen.The Word for You Today:

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Harvest Prayer Prayer starters:

Prayer Points

  • Praise God as the Creator who makes all things new (Rev. 21:5).
  • Give thanks for his power to bring even the most deadened souls to life in Jesus— including your own (Eph. 2:1-5).
  • Confess those times when you have lost faith in God’s power to renew and restore.
  • Commit yourself to renewing your mind every day in prayer and in reading God’s Word.
  • Ask God to teach you what it means that you are now God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works (2:10).
  • Pray that those who are outside of God’s family may be made new creations in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17).
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend.
Posted by: AT 12:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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