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Saturday, December 14 2024

What day is it? It's the day the Lord has made! May we rejoice, be glad in it, and go live and love like Jesus as our act of worship today! Amen!

Good Morning Abiding, Faithful, Fruit Producers of Christ! AMEN! My that be us Lord as we abide in Jesus, take in nourishing Living Water and faithfully follow Him to the good fruit You have created us to produce! Please Lord! Amen! You have great plans for us! Thanks! May we step more fully into them and incarnate Christ and Your great love today! Amen! Send me!

We are called to be still, reload, prepare and then go produce fruit. We are called to incarnate (bring alive) Christ to the world around us and God makes a way just for you to do so. Pretty cool, eh! It all starts as we take time to be still at Jesus' feet, abiding and listening and receiving and then flows through us to the fruit that we are made to produce. Yes what an easy yoke! As you dwell in Christ this morning and in His Word may streams of Living Water overflow from you as you go bless God and others in His strength and for His glory! Yes what an opportunity today is to be His vessel! What a great day to be working on becoming who you are created to be and doing more of what you are made to do in the strength of God in you! Amen! See what my devos (below) have to say about being filled with God's Spirit overflowing into a day lived well in Christ! He is our supply, example and leader. May He have full reign in you, me and us today and may we be all we are created to be in Christ! Amen! Go shine bright! Oh yeah and don't forget your partners! Who is God wanting to join you with to be more productive and fruitful? Follow His lead and partner up to go live and love more like Jesus today! And just worship! Shalom!

Sarah Young

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Joyce Meyer

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Charles Stanley

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Upper Room: Abundant Fruit Producers

Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” - John 15:5 (NIV)

On a cool summer morning I eagerly strolled into a blueberry patch with my empty bucket. Rows of blueberry bushes lined the country landscape as birds sang sweetly in the distance. Branches drooped with different shades of blueberries — green unripe ones, red developing ones, and bright blue ripe ones. I searched for the ripe blueberries and gingerly placed them in my bucket.

Then a large broken branch with wilting fruit caught my attention. I quickly picked the ripe berries, but I knew that the green berries on the broken branch would not ripen. They would not receive the nutrients they needed.

This broken branch reminded me of the importance of staying connected to God through faith in Jesus. In the same way, we can only produce the enduring fruit of the Holy Spirit (see Gal. 5:22) by abiding in a personal relationship with Jesus. On our own we cannot do anything of eternal value. Spending time in prayer and Bible study enables us to produce spiritual fruit so that we bless others and glorify God.

Today's Prayer

Lord Jesus, thank you for producing spiritual fruit in us as we spend time with you. Help us encourage others and bring you glory. Amen.

The Word for You Today

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Prayer Points

  • Praise God even in your weakness, believing that in Christ, when you are weak, then you are strong (2 Cor. 12:10).
  • Thank God for opportunities to serve him with perseverance and purpose.
  • Confess those times when you chose to believe that spiritual power comes from within you.
  • Commit yourself to appropriate “boasting” in your weaknesses so that Christ’s power might be made even more evident in your life (12:9).
  • Ask God to help you “delight” even in the tough times of life.
  • Pray that Christians in every part of the globe will be strengthened to do battle with the evil spiritual forces that are at work in our world. Pray for an outpouring of God’s power throughout his church worldwide.
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe here.
Posted by: AT 01:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 14 2024
Pastor Don and Karen will be on vacation after today until the 15th. There will probably be no blogs this week as we disconnect and recharge. May God bless your week ahead and our worship today! Amen!
Good Morning Redeemed, Restored, Very Loved, Loving Servants! Amen! Thanks Lord! Just pause a bit and dwell in His patient, redeeming, restoring love. You are so loved and created to be filled to overflowing with His love for such a time as this! He comes to you with open arms this morning and receives you into His loving arms. He embraces you in His love and fills you to overflowing with it. He then sends you to love like Him as you travel through each day, right where He placed you. I could spend a day contemplating and receiving and preparing and then going to share this amazing love. Just sit and dwell and worship this morning. Prepare your hearts to worship and to go in His love.
Begin with the Harvest Blog below speaking into life with our Wonderful Counselor. What's God whispering to you this morning? Think about all that becomes available to you as you receive Christ as your Lord and Savior. Contemplate Our Daily Bread and your call and commission to go love like Jesus as you share the Good News of Jesus. Grow in trust as you experience His faithful love and engage with the Upper Room and their reminder that we are saved in love to go love and prepare your heart to do so. Charles Stanley continues to remind you of God's open arms of love even for prodigals that you may have been or are praying for! He runs to you with open arms of love. Sarah Young reminds us we are made for more than we can imagine and that we can come to God with open hands and hearts, just as we are, and He will receive and bless us as we find our completion in Him. And all of this leads to The Word for You Today's reminder that our words do matter and that to love others well, we need to receive God's love, embrace it and love ourselves well--even speaking His love and Truth over ourselves. Yes we are very loved, created in love, redeemed and restored in love and sent and helped to go love like Jesus. Amen! Where may He be leading you today to do so? Start by dwelling in His love and speaking His Truths over yourself and then allow Him to transform, equip and use you well! I know He has some stories to write through you! Walk with Him and in His love, peace and joy and go bring that alive today! Amen! Pray for how God wants to use your $50. to go bless someone and share His helping love. Ask Him who your partners are to team up with to grow and go in His love together. He indeed has great plans custom made for you for such a time as this. It all begins, proceeds through and is completed with and in Love! PTL! You are loved and you know Love and He lives in you and loves through you! PTL!
Have a great day of worship and week ahead as you dwell and go in love. Amen and shalom! I can't wait to hear your stories when we get back! Shalom shalom!

December 8 - Second Sunday of Advent
Wonderful Counselor

Father, I praise You, for all things come from You! You are wonderful in counsel and magnificent in wisdom! You have sent Jesus to be my Wonderful Counselor. Thank You that the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel and power rest on Him and that He is the One Who intercedes on my behalf before Your throne. Thank You for the instruction and counsel You give to me. May I always trust in You and not be dismayed by the circumstances that seem to have hemmed me in.

For the relationships in my life that are in disrepair, I ask for Your wisdom O God, and humility to serve others out of my love for You.

In the handling of my finances and in the circumstances I find myself, give me Your wisdom Father.

For the decisions that I face in the arena of life where You have placed me, I confess that apart from You I can do nothing and need Your wisdom Lord.

At the very depths of who I am may I have Your wisdom, that I might respond in each situation that I face as one who has listened to Your counsel. O how I long to hear your voice more clearly and submit to Your counsel!

Forgive me I pray, for the times that I have been wise in my own eyes, for running ahead of You or excluding You completely from decisions that I make. I have been foolish, forgive me O Lord.

By Your Spirit, help me to truly revere You that wisdom may be found in me. Like Jesus who was anointed to preach good news to the poor, proclaim freedom for the spiritually imprisoned, blind and oppressed, may I reflect His likeness and become a person of wisdom and godly counsel. Use me I pray to see captives set free!

I trust in Your Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me in all truth and I thank You Father for the promise of Your Word that You will be a sure foundation for my times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge. In the midst of the pull of the world, remind me I pray, that revering You is the key to this great treasure. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

(Isaiah 28:29; Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 11:2; Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25; Psalm 16:9; Isaiah 28:16; James 1:5; Psalm 51:6; Proverbs 3:7; Psalm 111:10; Luke 4:18; Psalm 73:24; John 16:13; Isaiah 33:6)

--By Tiece L. King, author of the Pray the Word series: Pray the Word: 90 Prayers That Touch the Heart of GodPray the Word: 31 Prayers That Touch the Heart of GodPray the Word for Your Church. These resources are available at Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.

Prayer Points

  • Praise God for confiding in those who love him (Ps. 25:14).
  • Give thanks for this developing relationship God has established with you.
  • Confess those times when you have refused to share intimately with God.
  • Commit yourself to seeking his companionship daily.
  • Ask God to create within you a desire for intimacy, total honesty, acceptance, and joy in his presence.
  • Ask God to give you the opportunity and courage to befriend a person seeking a meaningful friendship. Ask that Jesus will be the center of your relationship. 
    Prayer Pointer
    “It is not possible to explain the power and effectiveness of the New Testament church without reference to prayer.” —Anonymous
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe here.

New Life in Jesus

Repent and be baptized . . . in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Acts 2:38

READ Acts 2:29-39

Growing up together in Central Asia, Baheer and Medet were the best of friends. But when Baheer became a believer in Jesus, everything changed. After Medet reported him to government authorities, Baheer endured excruciating torture. The guard growled, “This mouth will never speak the name of Jesus again.” Though badly bloodied, Baheer managed to say that they might stop him speaking of Christ, but they’d never “change what He has done in my heart.”

Those words remained with Medet. Some months later, having suffered illness and loss, Medet traveled to find Baheer, who had been released from prison. Turning from his pride, he asked his friend to introduce him to his Jesus.

Medet acted on the conviction of the Holy Spirit in the same way that those who gathered around Peter on the feast of Pentecost were “cut to the heart” when they witnessed God’s outpouring of grace and heard Peter’s testimony about Christ (Acts 2:37). Peter called the people to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus, and some three thousand did. Just as they left their old ways of life behind, so too did Medet repent and follow the Savior.

The gift of new life in Jesus is available to everyone who believes in Him. Whatever we’ve done, we can enjoy the forgiveness of our sins when we trust in Him.

By Amy Boucher Pye


How do you think Baheer felt when Medet asked him to introduce him to Jesus? How does a relationship with Him help us in the time of trial?

Saving Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross and rising to new life. I place my trust in You.


The aim of Peter’s preaching in Acts 2:14-41 was to help his hearers find new life in Jesus. The apostle knew his Jewish audience (vv. 14, 22, 29). Because they were a Scripture-informed people, his preaching included references to the Old Testament Scriptures: Joel 2 (Acts 2:17-21), Psalm 16 (Acts 2:25-28), and Psalm 110 (Acts 2:34-35). Finally, Peter instructed his hearers how to embrace Christ and the new life they’d heard about: “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38).

Arthur Jackson
UR: The Gift of Love

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. - 1 John 4:10-11 (NIV)

As a child, I always looked forward to Christmas because we usually traveled back home to visit our extended family. We gave and received lots of gifts and ate nice meals together. I remember my mom and aunties cooking large meals together — spending almost all day in the kitchen. Those meals were served to us in large dishes and trays while we all sat together on the floor and enjoyed them. We also shared gifts and food with villagers in need. Spending Christmas together like this created a special bond. The love we had for each other was easy to see, and it has stayed with me throughout my life.

My Christmas experience as a child reminds me of what God expects of us, which is to share God’s love for us through our love for others. The season of Christmas is a great opportunity to spread the love of God to family, friends, and everyone around us by spending quality time with them, sharing gifts and meals, and even sharing the word of God together. Through these actions, we can radiate the love of God, teach others how to love, and create long-lasting memories with the people around us.

Today's Prayer
Dear Lord, give us the strength to follow your example. Help us to love those around us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Charles Stanley
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Sarah Young
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Posted by: AT 01:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 14 2024
It's Friday! It's TGIF--Thank God I'm Forgiven--Day. It's Advent! Christmas and Jesus are coming! Rejoice! What are you thankful for regarding your salvation? Your life in Christ? The Christmas Season? Begin your day with thanksgiving, praise and worship, even if you don't feel like it. Just start there as you turn off the noise and chaos or drown it out making a joyful noise unto the Lord. Offer a sacrifice of praise that is pleasing to God! Yes REJOICE! Then be still and know that He is God as He inhabits your praise and you still yourself in His Loving Presence.
Reports are coming in already of how God is blessing us as we bless others through our Christmas Giving Challenge. Every Sunday and Christmas Eve during worship we will make space for you to share your stories. You can write them down and hand to Sarah or me or share them verbally. How has God blessed you for being a blessing and how has God used you to be a blessing? He has great plans for you, us and some others!
Earlier this week our volunteers had their Christmas Party luncheon and last evening so did our Vision Team. It's always good to celebrate together and fellowship with fellow servants. Thank God for blessing us with so many servants! We are very blessed to have so many willing, loving, caring servants that allow God to use them! Thank you all! And as a result God is moving and using us! PTL!
****Remember to update your directory entry or enter new ones at the back of the sanctuary on Sunday. There are only a few more weeks to do so.
Tomorrow is our last Clothing Closet for the year from 10-1.
Pastor Don and Karen will begin vacation after worship on Sunday as they celebrate their 20th anniversary. If you have any needs next week, please contact Sarah. Pastor Don has begun scheduling homebound communion visits for the week he returns.
Good Morning Children! Well we all are children and children of God as well! What fond memories do you have of Christmases past? Maybe some of us have been visited by the ghost of Christmas past as we mourn what was or regret some past choices. STOP! Be still! Release that to the God who forgives all our sins and helps us to repent and move forward. Focus on God and what He is doing today! We've often talked about the line from the Chosen, "I was one way but now another and the thing that happened in-between was Him [Jesus]". Yes PTL for your salvation, forgiveness and closeness to you Creator and Savior. He made you for such a time as this, knows you, forgives you and is calling you by name to draw close and shelter under His wings of protection and compassion. We are able to draw so close that we can feel His heartbeat and hear His whispers of love over us. PTL! So today, release it all, breathe it out. Then take a fresh breath of the Spirit as you humble yourself and draw close to the God who is standing right beside you with open arms. Lean on Him, you weary. Rejoice with Him you joyful. Know Him for He is Your God! He really loves you and is right beside you and wanting to help and walk with you from the dark valley to the green pastures and still waters as He calms and restores your soul. He refreshes you even in the presence of your enemies and will be with you always! Amen! Yes be still and know. Reload and go live and love like Jesus today.
Check out our devos below as they flow from God's heart to your soul as He wants to refresh and encourage you. He knows, cares, loves and is with you! Amen! Dwell in His Love today! I've been praying for you and us and God is speaking and helping you to refocus to Him from the noise, chaos, and hard things. He really does know you and love you and is working all things together for good and to lead you to His best. Yes, rejoice! Seek Him with all you heart and don't lean on your own understanding. Allow Him to encourage you and inform your prayers and steps today. He does have great plans! Shalom! Go bless! Amen!
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The Spirit of Christmas

Whatever you did for one of the least of these . . . you did for me. Matthew 25:40

READ Matthew 25:34-40

At a Christmas dinner held at our church to celebrate the cultures of the international guests, I joyfully clapped along to the sound of the darbuka (a type of drum) and the oud (a guitar-like instrument) as a band played the traditional Middle Eastern carol, “Laylat Al-Milad.” The band’s singer explained the title means “Nativity Night.” The lyrics remind hearers that the spirit of Christmas is found in serving others, in ways like offering a thirsty person water or comforting someone weeping.

This carol likely draws from a parable where Jesus commends His followers for deeds they’d done for Him: providing food when He was hungry, drink when He was thirsty, and companionship and care when He was sick and alone (Matthew 25:34-36). Instead of simply accepting Jesus’ commendation, the people in the parable are surprised—thinking they hadn’t actually done these things for Christ. He responded, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (v. 40).

During the holiday season, the encouragement to get in the Christmas spirit is often a nudge toward expressing a festive attitude. “Laylat Al-Milad” reminds us that we can put into practice the true Christmas spirit by caring for others. And amazingly, when we do, we not only serve others but Jesus too.

By Lisa M. Samra


How have you understood the Christmas spirit? How might you serve others this season?

Dear Jesus, please help me reflect the spirit of Christmas You modeled by coming to earth not to be served but to serve.


Matthew’s gospel was written to a primarily Jewish Christian audience to present Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah of Israel, a king descended from the line of David. Matthew (Levi) frequently uses messianic language (such as “Son of David”) and Old Testament references to point to Christ as the Messiah.

Matthew 25:1-46 contains three parables detailing what it means to be ready for Jesus’ second coming: the parable of the ten virgins, the parable of the bags of gold, and the parable of the sheep and goats. Some commentators believe that although the story of the sheep and goats contains elements resembling a parable, it’s better viewed as a symbolic representation of the final judgment. Its message is that one day Christ will return to judge the nations (all people). Until then, we’re to serve Him by caring for others.

Alyson Kieda
UR: Sleepless Nights

Let the faithful exult in glory; let them sing for joy on their couches. - Psalm 149:5 (NRSVUE)

Neither my wife nor I sleep well these days. While she usually remains in bed on restless nights, I go to the other room and sit on the couch with a book or a game of solitaire until sleep overtakes me. Those nights are full of frustration and anxiety. I have to avoid looking at a clock so I don’t count the hours until my alarm goes off. My thoughts are filled with worries from the previous day and the one ahead.

Psalm 149 doesn’t seem like an obvious source of comfort. It is filled with commands that seem directed at the listener — imperatives to praise and be joyful. For the longest time this made me feel worse. Singing for joy is the most distant thing from my mind during my sleepless hours.

But I’ve begun to wonder if this exhortation could perhaps be directed to the Holy One. Let these faithful ones rejoice and be joyful can also be a prayer, a request, a plea to the Divine for those who are struggling to rejoice. Perhaps it could even be a prayer for those of us who, in the wee hours of the morning, feel anything but joy.

Today's Prayer
Dear Jesus, be with us when our minds are filled with worries. With the grace of your joy, comfort those who lie awake in the night. Amen.
Charles Stanley
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Joyce Meyer
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Sarah Young
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Prayer Points

  • Praise God as the one who speaks “in your language.”
  • Give thanks for God’s ongoing communication with you through his Word.
  • Confess the fact that sometimes God speaks, but you disobediently choose not to listen.
  • Commit yourself to the active obedience of young Samuel, who said, “Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Sam. 3:10).
  • Ask God to give you ears to hear his message.
  • Pray that those close to you will also have the desire to listen to God and to obey his Word. 
    Prayer Pointer
    “An hour of prayer at the beginning of the [council] meeting actually shortens the overall meeting time by bringing a greater spirit of unity, by emphasizing spiritual priorities, and by opening people’s hearts to the Spirit’s guidance.” —Anonymous
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe here.
Posted by: AT 01:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 14 2024
Today: Donut Day at the Bread Ministry! 10-12 all welcome! Come shine the light! (maybe even find someone who might be blessed with the giving challenge money?)
Tomorrow 10-11 Donnie Landis funeral at Shantz. 11 AM service
Thurs: 6PM Vision Team Dinner Meeting and Celebration
Sat. Clothing Closet 10-1. Last one of 2024.
Sun. Worship at 10
Good Morning Friends and Friends of God! Sometimes we may tend to shrink back and isolate. That is  especially a trend post-covid. Yet we are created for community and intimacy, especially with God and fellow believers. Some of us introverted types really enjoy our own space and the stillness that isolation can bring. But sometimes that comes with a cost of choosing God's best for His people. We need to get alone and commune and converse with God. The command to be still and know rings true. But we also experience and hear God in community and in gathered worship times and as we serve others. Life lived well involves balance and works best as you approach it as you are created. Some of us need to be actively engaged with others to flourish. We see and hear God through our gathered and sent community. Yet again, with balanced time alone with God or with one or two co-laborers. The Bible reminds us that where two or three are gathered, God is there. That can happen in person and on Zoom or phone calls too. Someday we will transition from here to there where we will join the multitude of the heavenly host praising God. Are you ready for that? Are you building treasure in heaven by going, serving and loving others and in community? Jesus commissioned us to go and expects us to travel together to spread His Love and grow His Kingdom. We are better together! Amen and He does have great plans for you and for us to discover and bring alive as we step out of our prayer closets and go into the world prepared and united in Him and His love. Our mission is to live and love and make disciples more and more like Jesus and that takes a team. We are God's Good News delivery Co. and that involves all of us doing our individual and gathered roles well. What's your part? I know God desires to lead you to it. Seek first His Kingdom and then gather with some trusted friends to discover, follow and hold each other up and accountable. Yes we do really need each other! Who are your teammates?
Maybe start today with the pray for 5 challenge. Who are you praying for that God is drawing you to? What will you do about that. Pray for who to bless with our giving challenge. Anyone coming to mind? Pray for God to lead us to some small groups of co-laborers that we can grow and go with after the New Year. God has great plans for you and us. Begin today seeking Him, His plans and His partners for you. Get your heart right to go do what God has for you today and each day ahead. Soon we will become that dynamic movement of God we are created to be. We are fasting and praying for that at noon today
This time of year can be extremely difficult for some and some are reeling with loss and grief. God wants to bring His peace, His shalom to all. He uses us to do that often. Some just can't find the want to for the want to sit at His feet right now. Intercede for those you know. Reach out and love on them. Ask God to use you and send you as His vessel of love, comfort and hope to the hopeless, restless, and those feeling unloved right now. Pray for wisdom and His heart and courage. Then go and love well. Start with preparing yourself by dwelling in His loving presence first and then go live and love like Jesus. Ask for His heart and mind and passion and compassion and for some teammates. Then GO! Be the Light! Allow His Light and Love to overflow you today. Amen!
Today i am not including and devos. God is calling you to just come sit, converse and receive before you go into this day prepared. Be still and know. Don't lean on your own understanding. Allow Him to guide you to His best for you and others as you go in His name. Amen! I'd love to hear what He's saying to you today or where He led and used you! Let's talk! Jesus loves you with an everlasting love and will love through you. Receive it and let Him! I already prayed for you, us and for God to show up in some big ways and also to be seen in the little things too. He is with you! Walk with Him today! Amen!
Posted by: AT 01:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 14 2024

This Week:

Tomorrow (Tues) Last Zoom Blog until Jan 14th. 10-11

Wed: Donut Day at Bread Ministry 10-12; 12-12:30 EC Day of fasting and prayer

Thurs. 6 PM Vision Team Dinner Meeting (and budget review)

Sat. 10-1 Clothing Closet (last one until Jan)

Sun. Worship10 AM

Thur. morning will be Donnie Landis' funeral. (More details to follow tomorrow)

New Member Reception Sun. Dec 22nd during worship. God has blessed us with at least six new members that will be installed. If you want to join our fellowship, talk to Sarah or Don. These new members are preparing their rocks to added to our covenant altar as well. Yesterday we celebrated how God has heard, and answered our prayers for 12 new members this year and exceeded (as God is apt to do) our requests with 16 new members! PTL! And keep praying. Even start praying for next year for God to multiply new members and attendees. (24? 36? 48?) God responds abundantly to our hope-filled, faith-filled prayers! PTL!

Christmas Eve Worship is from 4 to about 5:15. After worship, Karen and I will have a crock pot of meatballs and some salad for those who don't have other plans. It will be a a brief time of food and fellowship. We hope to be locking up by 6. So, if you don't have plans and need a meal, it will be there for you after worship.


Good Morning Hope-Filled Encouragers! Yes and amen Lord! Yesterday we discussed being hope-filled hope-bringers and were seeded with some money to go sow hope, help and love this Christmas season. I've been praying for God to lead you and us to do that well and for God to write some great stories through your efforts to go live and love more like Jesus! I can't wait to see what God has in store and to hear those stories. You can write them down and give them to Sarah and me or share them yourself as we will make space through Christmas for you to share what God is doing and to encourage each other. About 10 of you placed your money in the plate to be used to bless the Kindness Project. (We hope to get that $500 to them shortly so they can be blessed and bless as needed) The rest of us are focusing on God and what He is inviting us to do to join Him. Many of us are using the 5-5-5 prayer challenge to allow God to bring to mind someone we are praying for to go bless. We can all be praying for 5 people for five days a week for five weeks and then ask God to use you in response to those prayers or to go invite them to join us for some activities. God does have great plans for us always and even more so this Christmas season to go be a blessing!

Barnabas is one of my heroes of faith. Imagine being known as an encourager! I pray for God to use me as one all the time. And He is faithful to use me that way often as I am able to see what life and hope He wants to speak over someone or as He sends me to walk along with them for a bit. Thanks Lord! May we be known as a church filled with Hope-Filled Encouragers of Christ! You have been seeded to go start doing that this Christmas season and even if you didn't get any money yesterday, God still has good plans to use you to go encourage, love like Jesus and bring Hope alive. Jesus is the Hope of the World and He lives in us and wants to love and encourage through us. Seek, receive and follow Him well and watch what God will do as He writes new stories of faith come to life and love lived well through you and us. AMEN!

Check out the flow of my devotionals this morning below and ask God to speak to your heart, direct your steps and use you well to be a blessing and encourager this season of Hope, season of Joy, Peace and Love. Amen! God does indeed have some awesome custom made plans just for you to discover and step into! Begin with time in His presence and a determination to follow Him well and to join Him when nudged. And then prepare to share those stories of God's faithfulness to encourage us along the way. I am praying hard and expectantly for God to move in a mighty way these next few weeks and to use each and every one of us! And I know He will! PTL!

I could also use your prayers for Jesus to come be my Shepherd this week and to guide me through a week where I have very little margin. I have training classes today and Friday to be used to work with some of you after the New Year. Huddles, donuts meals, prayer meetings and other meetings, doc appointment and a funeral to write and message to prepare. God's got this, but appreciate your prayers as well. Thanks!

I know His peace and you can too throughout this busy season as you take time to sit at His feet and o fill you up before following Him to His best plans for each day. thank God for this and keep connected to Him. be encouraged and led by the Holy Spirit to go and encourage and bring some hope alive. Know true joy this season and beyond and experience God's faithfulness. Amen! and shalom shalom!


People of Encouragement

[Barnabas] encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. Acts 11:23

READ Acts 11:19-26


Sheer encouragement.” That was the phrase J. R. R. Tolkien used to describe the personal support his friend and colleague C. S. Lewis gave him as he wrote the epic The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Tolkien’s work on the series had been painstaking and exacting, and he’d personally typed out the lengthy manuscripts more than twice. When he sent them to Lewis, Lewis responded, “All the long years you have spent on it are justified.” 

Perhaps Scripture’s best-known encourager was Joseph from Cyprus, better known as Barnabas (meaning “son of encouragement”), the name the apostles gave him (Acts 4:36). It was Barnabas who advocated for Paul to the apostles (9:27). Later, when non-Jewish believers began to place their faith in Jesus, Luke tells us Barnabas “was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts” (11:23). Luke describes him as “a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith,” adding that because of him, “a great number of people were brought to the Lord” (v. 24).

The worth of encouraging words can’t be measured. As we offer words of faith and love to others, God—who gives “eternal encouragement” (2 Thessalonians 2:16)—may move through what we share to transform someone’s life forever. May He help us to offer “sheer encouragement” to someone today!

By James Banks


Who would you like to encourage? In what ways might you share God’s love with them through a kind deed or word?

Dear God, please help me to be an encouragement to someone today.


Everyone in the community of believers in Jesus was afraid of Saul because he was persecuting them (Acts 9:2). Even Ananias—who’d been given explicit instructions from Jesus to go to the house where Saul was staying—was afraid of the man (vv. 10-19). Later, when Saul, “who was also called Paul” (13:9), escaped with his life to Jerusalem, Christ’s disciples refused to allow him to join out of sheer fear of him (9:26). It was Barnabas who convinced Peter and the rest to welcome him as a fellow disciple of Jesus (v. 27), and it was Barnabas who saw potential in him for serving the church at Antioch (11:25-26). Where other believers feared him, Barnabas saw someone who’d been radically changed by Christ. Because of this encourager, Paul was able to begin the ministry that would forever change the trajectory of the church.

Jed Ostoich

Chuck Swindoll

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Sarah Young

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Charles Stanley

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Posted by: AT 01:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 14 2024

Donnie Landis Funeral service is at Shantz funeral home Thursday. 10-11 is viewing and 11 is service. Burial is private.

This is the day the Lord has made and we get to rejoice and follow Jesus in it! PTL!

Today is known as Giving Tuesday. It's a day set aside to give to charities and ministries (something we should be doing all the time) How about making this day about giving yourself to God and others out of love and gratitude!

Good Morning Getting to, Wanting to, Following Jesus, Worshiping Co-Laborers! Thanks Lord for these servants and our unity in You and towards Your best ways! Thank You for preparing and using us for Your perfect plans. be glorified today as we seek You, abide in You and live Christ as our act of worship! Come! Inhabit our praises! Inform our prayers! Direct our steps! Unite us in You and Your mission. Thanks! Amen!   

I've begun a training this week that I believe God wants to use to bless us, unite us, train us, prepare us and send us ready to live and love more like Jesus and to bring God's love alive to others as teammates in Christ. Pray for how God may want to unite us and you with some others to go make disciples and to be His vessels of love, hope and help. We are His Good News Delivery Co. We all have a role to play. This training is to help us discover our gifts, abilities and talents that are to be used to build His Body and spur each other on as a team. He really does have great plans for you and us! Amen! I can't wait to get started with some of you after the New Year. Ask God to direct our steps and unite us in Christ to go as His team. Thanks! We are on our way to become His dynamic movement! PTL!!!

Today, well this week, is a crazy busy week. BUT GOD! He knows His plans for me and us and how He is working all things together for good. He is my Lord and Shepherd and will lead me, if I let Him, to His best plans. He knows me and His plans for me. Loves me deeply, created me for such a time as this and has brought me to this week ready to surrender my agendas for His perfect one. The same is true for you if you will invite Him in, spend some time with Him, surrender yourself and your plans and then follow Him forward into this day and the rest of the week. He has plans custom made for you. You are known. You matter. And most importantly, God is with you. Are you with Him? Surrender, trust and follow well, my co-laborers! I can't wait to see what He has planned for today and how He will use me and you and glorify His holy name!

during my quiet time today. They are a great reminder of His love for me and others, His plans and how He helps to lead us to and through them and to His peace. Best part is out of the overflow of His love and our gratitude and submission, He will lead us to His best and use us well. Amen! May we determine to stay united and spur each other on to the good works God has for each of us and us together. Keep praying for your 5 and watching for How God has planned to use you to be a blessing! Pray for teammates to unite with and go love well. He's still writing His story through you and us and we have much to discover and do together as we run our races well. Come Lord! Your will be done in, through and around me and us for Your glory. Amen! You are so worthy and so good! Thanks! May we bless you, each other and others today and always! Amen! Come!

Our Daily Bread

God Knows Me

You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. Psalm 139:1

READ Psalm 139:1-10


When my sister found a storybook from our childhood, my mom, now in her seventies, was delighted. She remembered all the funny details about a bear who stole honey and got chased by a swarm of angry bees. She also remembered how my sister and I laughed as we anticipated the bear’s escape. “Thank you for always telling us stories when we were kids,” I told my mom. She knows my whole story including what I was like as a young child. Now that I’m an adult, she still knows and understands me.

God knows us too—deeper than any human being can, including ourselves. David says He’s “searched” us (Psalm 139:1). In His love, He’s examined us and understands us perfectly. God knows our thoughts, understanding the reasons behind and meanings of what we say (vv. 2, 4). He’s intimately familiar with every detail that makes us who we are, and He uses this knowledge to help us (vv. 2-5). He who knows us most doesn’t turn away in distaste but reaches out to us with His love and wisdom.

When we feel lonely, unseen, or forgotten, we can be secure in the truth that God is always with us, sees us, and knows us (vv. 7-10). He knows all the sides of us that others don’t—and more. Like David, we can say with confidence, “You know me . . . . Your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast” (vv. 1, 10).

By Karen Huang


How are you encouraged by a wise and loving God who knows you so intimately? How can you share His loving presence with others?

Dear God, You know me best and love me most. I’m so grateful for Your hand on my life.


Psalm 139 powerfully presents some of God’s attributes or qualities. In verses 1-6, the singer celebrates His omniscience—that He knows everything. In verses 7-12, he discusses the omnipresence of God—that He’s everywhere present at the same time. Then in verses 13-16, we consider His omnipotence—that He’s all-powerful, particularly in His power to create. And not just creation in general, but how He’s created us! David exults: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (v. 14). Considering God deeply, however, leads the psalmist with a desire to be examined by Him. David concludes: “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (vv. 23-24).


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Charles Stanley

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Upper Room: Not Always Easy

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 3:14 (NIV)

During my younger years in India, I attended a Christian retreat in the Himalayan Mountains. After the retreat was over, my friend and I decided to climb Naina Peak in Nainital, farther north.

We started climbing early in the morning. It was a hard, steep climb. After an hour or so, I was close to giving up. But a voice kept urging me, “Do not give up.” So I kept climbing slowly. Finally, we reached the peak. The sight of the Himalayan Mountains covered with snow was breathtaking and beautiful.

As I read Philippians 3:14, I think about the ways following Christ resembles that hike. Following Christ is not easy. Truly following Christ requires full commitment and wholehearted faithfulness. And thankfully, our trials refine and empower us to keep growing earnestly in Christ’s discipleship.

Today's Prayer

Dear Lord, even when the journey is challenging, give us the strength to keep following you faithfully. Amen.

Sarah Young

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Joyce Meyer

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Sarah Update:

Good evening Prayer warriors,

   Hope that you were able to join us for worship yesterday.  It was a great day of worship as we started celebrating Christmas Adent.  Yesterday we lite the first candle - of HOPE!   Pastor Don shared with us some great scriptures reminding each of us the HOPE that we have in Christ! 

   We also started our Christmas blessing challenge. Continue to pray for who the Lord would like you to bless, and show HOPE and God's LOVE to.  Keep your eyes and ears open.

Here are some reminders of those that are asking and are in need of our prayers:

Debbie Siegfried has asked for prayer for her friend Val, who already has a host of health issues, but now has fallen

and fractured her left shoulder. She had surgery earlier today, and the surgery went well.  She expects to be in the hospital for a day or two and will begin physical therapy hopefully tomorrow.  Prayers for healing and strengthening and patience.

Prayers for the Landis family - Donald Jr, passed away peacefully this past weekend. His family is planning is celebration of life service, and it will be Thursday.  We will share more information as it is shared with us.  Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers.

Carol - had her heart surgery and it went well. She is expected to go home at the beginning of this week.  Prayers for healing, strengthening and patience.

Darlene Geiger is requesting prayers for her sister, who will be having test for pain in her back.  Praying for good results.

Matt Stauffer is showing signs of his donated stem cells are beginning to regenerate.  Yay God.  Matt and Sherri continue to covet our prayers as they help to bring them through this. 

Continue to pray for Diane, Houston, and others in our church family that are going through testing and treatments. Also pray for each of their families as they stand by them to support them.

Yay God for fast healing for Brittany Grim - she had emergency gall bladder surgery over the holiday, and she was in worship yesterday with us.   Continue to pray for her healing as she mends.

This week, here are some opportunities to share hope:

   Wednesday from 10 - 12pm, is our monthly donut, coffee, and conversation time in our Fellowship Hall.  Why not stop on in if you have time, even if you cannot stay the entire time, stay as long as you can and I know the Lord will use you in some way.

Christmas Eve service will be at 4:00pm in our sanctuary and also on zoom.  We look forward to hearing the stories you have to share regarding how you were able to bless someone.   We know that some of you are shy, so please write your story down, and one of us will ride it on Christmas Eve.

    Also following our time of worship on Christmas Eve, we will have a 'quick' bit to eat down in our Fellowship Hall. It will be something simple, and with easy clean up so we call can get home to our families and friends.

     So, who will you invite to come to our Christmas Eve service? Keep praying about who our Lord wants you to invite and bring.

I believe that is all I have to share for now.....

   Thank you for your prayers for Pastor Don and myself.

 This week is turning out to be an extremely busy week of ministry for Pastor Don.....please pray for him as he travels, and shares Jesus' love and hope with many.

Blessings to you all!


Posted by: AT 01:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 14 2024
We learned last evening that Donnie Landis has stepped into Jesus' arms and is breathing his first breaths of heaven. He is now at peace. Please pray for his family.
Brittany Grim was admitted to the hospital Thanksgiving morning with gallbladder issues and had surgery yesterday and was released. Pray for her for a speedy and full recovery and for family as they travel through this.
Carol that we have been praying for had her heart surgery and is still in the hospital recovering. She has been very groggy as she is sedated and resting. We hope to get to visit her soon.
Chris Muik was released from the hospital on Tues and was able to celebrate thanksgiving with his large extended family. Pray for a full and complete healing and for God's provision.
Today from 10-12 we need your help to decorate the sanctuary for Christmas!
Good Morning Children of the All-Knowing, All-Sufficient, Willing and Able One--El Shaddai! Focus on that a bit this morning. We know these facts but do we really believe them and live as if they are true? God knows you and has custom made plans for you and for us together! We are made for more than we often think or act like. Be bold and courageous as you step out in faith this morning from your prayer closet. Maybe begin with this centering song because you and I are made for more! We are not called to be tending a grave but ministering into the things God is bringing alive to you and in our midst. Speak life to things that are as dead and follow El Shaddai into the more He has for you! You are made for more:
Then meditate on this song as you offer yourself to our Good Shepherd who wants to lead us to His best. He has made us for more and for such a time as this. He has gifted, empowered, trained and is wanting to lead us, just as we are. PTL! Will you invite Him in and allow Hm to lead you to more He has for you? Who might you work on with that as we prepare to go be a blessing and live and love more like Jesus? Ask Him to come and shepherd you today!
Pastor Don was awakened very early this morning. I've been struggling with a kidney stone that led to much back pain and some stomach issues. (All that rich food the past few days also had an effect). I could have blown that off and just shut down. But I realized God wanted to talk and lead me through my quiet time to write this blog. He will allow me to have some healing rest before I head to church to help decorate and then visit some people today. I know that I am a Child of the All-Knowing, All-Sufficient, Willing and Able One--El Shaddai! Do you know, embrace and live into that? He is able and he will respond according to His perfect plans. Turn off the noise, be still and know that He is our able God! Dwell in His love and peace. Invite Him to come shepherd you and lead you to the more that he has for you today! And just worship! I'm praying for me, you and us to become all God has made us to be and do more of what He created and gifted us to do! May we come alive in '25 and begin with seeking Him more for the rest of 2024! Amen!
Below are my devotionals from my quiet time. Maybe God is speaking to your heart thru 1 or more of them. he sure did for me. What's He saying to you today and what will you do about it, Children of the All-Knowing, All-Sufficient, Willing and Able One--El Shaddai?
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Sarah Young
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Chuck Swindoll
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Charles Stanley
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Joyce Meyer
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Upper Room: A Winter Garden

I have sure faith that I will experience the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living! - Psalm 27:13 (CEB)

For some reason I decided to visit one of my favorite gardens in the middle of January. The trees had no leaves, the daylilies were trimmed to the ground, and the herb garden was a drab brown. I walked to the corner where one of my favorites — the white ginger lily — usually bloomed, but it had also been trimmed back. The whole garden was gray and brown.

But as I turned to leave, a tiny flash of yellow caught my eye. A small yellow crocus was peeking through the sod — a speck of color in a sea of brown. I was filled with a sense of hope. Spring was coming.

The past few years had been a kind of winter for me, with the pandemic, personal sickness, the loss of two friends, and the death of my younger sister. It was a time of many losses, one after another. Now God spoke to me through the little crocus: spring will arrive again. Hope was, and still is, alive.

Today's Prayer
Dear Lord, thank you for your power at work in the world. Help us to know that hope is alive and to notice the ways you are speaking to us. Amen.
Our Daily Bread

A Grateful Response

[Daniel] prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. Daniel 6:10

READ Daniel 6:1-10

Raw fish and rainwater. An Australian sailor named Timothy survived on only those provisions for three months. Marooned on his storm-damaged catamaran, he was losing hope—bobbing 1,200 miles from land in the Pacific Ocean. But then the crew of a Mexican tuna boat spotted his ailing boat and rescued him. Later, the thin and weather-beaten man declared, “To the captain and fishing company that saved my life, I’m just so grateful!”

Timothy gave thanks following his ordeal, but the prophet Daniel revealed a grateful heart before, during, and after a crisis. Having been exiled to Babylon from Judah with other Jews (Daniel 1:1-6), Daniel had risen in power only to be threatened by other leaders who wanted him dead (6:1-7). His foes got the king of Babylon to sign a decree stating that anyone who prayed “to any god” would be “thrown into the lions’ den” (v. 7). What would Daniel, a man who loved and served the one true God, do? He “got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to . . . God, just as he had done before” (v. 10). He gave thanks, and his grateful heart was rewarded as God spared his life and brought him honor (vv. 26-28).

As the apostle Paul wrote, may God help us “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Whether we’re facing a crisis or have just come through one, a grateful response honors Him and helps keep our faith afloat.  

By Tom Felten


Why is it vital to regularly thank God? How can you grow a more grateful heart?

Dear God, please help me give thanks even when life is hard.


The book of Daniel spans seventy years of the Babylonian exile and is both biography (chs. 1-6) and prophecy (chs. 7-12). The first six chapters tell how Daniel distinguished himself to become the trusted adviser to Nebuchadnezzar (5:11-12) and Darius (6:1-5)—kings of two of the superpower empires of the ancient world. When God exiled the Israelites to Babylon, He commanded them to work for “the peace and prosperity” of their conquerors (Jeremiah 29:7). Daniel “was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent” (Daniel 6:4) and “so distinguished himself . . . that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom” (v. 3).

K. T. Sim
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Harvest Prayer:

Father, it is such a mystery that the one thing which gives us immediate and continual access to You is such a difficult spiritual practice for so many, including leaders in the church. So many of Your people would rather pray in private only, avoiding corporate prayer completely. Please help church leaders to encourage believers to come together to pray. Give them the ability to learn to lead strong, vibrant seasons of corporate prayer so that Your people will experience Your presence and see Your power poured out in their midst!

---Adapted from Simply Prayer by Bill Elliff. This book is available at

Prayer Points

  • Praise the God who knows your sinful ways, but is still there to heal, guide, and comfort you (Isa. 57:18).
  • Give thanks for God’s constant faithfulness.
  • Confess any sinful deeds or thoughts that have remained unconfessed.
  • Commit yourself to seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit every day.
  • Ask him to walk close beside you today.
  • Pray for an opportunity in the next day to share your faith with someone who does not know Jesus. Ask God to give you courage and boldness in your witness. 
    Prayer Pointer
    “The church’s greatest deficiency today is in power—not in programs, strategies, materials, or ideas. And power for ministry can be released only through prayer.” — Anonymous
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe here.
Posted by: AT 01:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, December 14 2024

Good Morning Hope-Filled, Hope-Bringers! Amen! Today we light our first candle of Advent. The HOPE candle and our focus today is on hope. Jesus is the Hope of the World and we are sent to bring hope alive to the hopeless around us. Harvest prayer's blogs prays into Advent and our mission to live and love more like Jesus. Our other devos flow from Jesus' loving presence to hope and faithfulness we find in Christ as we live lives of integrity and faith before a watching world and work at bringing Hope and Love alive. You all know that we all have a role to play in God's Good News Delivery Co. and we are working on discovering and growing into those roles. We know how much God loves us and is molding and shaping and empowering us to go love well for such a time as this. He has great plans for you and us to discover and step into. PTL! And He goes with us and helps us to succeed and grow. What hope and love we know. We have assurance of eternal life in Christ and that flows to grateful service as we want to become more like Jesus and do more of what He has for us and keep moving towards that until He calls us home. So, what's your part and who are your partners? Who has God brought to your mind to pray for with our 5-5-5 challenge to pray for 5 people, 5 days a week for 5 weeks. Is He stirring you to invite them in or go lovingly serve them? Keep seeking, knocking, joining and partnering to go bring Christ alive! He is the Hope of the World and God knows the world needs His Hope. We are His vessels and we get to go live and love like Jesus and make disciples in His name! PTL and Amen! And today is a special day of worship as we seed our going to bless in the name of Jesus! I can't wait to hear the stories God is about to write in and through you and us! Come Lord! Use us! May we bring You, our Hope, alive to those You are sending. Amen!

Harvest Prayer:

December 1 - First Sunday of Advent
Be Still and Know

Ask God for a fresh revelation of the significance of the incarnation. Commit to Him in prayer, your desire to be still this Advent season and know that He is God.

Thank You Father that Jesus became flesh and lived among us, and that His glory was revealed! Father, thank You for sending Jesus, Your own Son, in the likeness of sinful man, to be a sin offering for me, providing the way for me to become Your child.  Jesus the Messiah is born!

You alone Lord Jesus are Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.  It is in You alone, Lord Jesus that all the fullness of God dwells, and through You alone that I have been reconciled to God because of Your shed blood on the cross! I confess Lord Jesus, that You alone are the way to God the Father, you alone are the truth and the life. No longer am I alienated from God, but instead, because of Your sacrifice for me, I am now presented as holy in the Father’s sight, without blemish and free from accusation! Help me I pray to continue in my faith, established and standing firm. Empower me by Your Spirit, to convey this “gospel-hope” to those around me. May the light of Jesus and the gospel so shine from my life to others that they will turn and glorify You Father.

Forgive me, I pray for the ways that I have allowed the light of Christ in me, to be diminished--for You have said Lord Jesus that if the light within me is darkness, how great is that darkness! You Lord Jesus, who is the light of the world, and has entrusted me with the light of the gospel--shine through me!  

Fill me with Your compassion for those around me, and help me to love like You love.  Destroy complacency and the desire for comfort in me. Change me that I might be willing to be inconvenienced for the sake of others and the gospel.  Open my eyes to the needs of those around me, and may I be one who invests in what is eternal.

By Your Spirit, may I always be prepared to give the reason for the hope that I have. You, Lord Jesus are my hope. But may I always do so with gentleness and respect, that the incarnation of the gospel may be lived out through me. As I enter this season, celebrating Your coming Lord Jesus--the first Advent, I pray that the wonder of Your coming to earth would capture my heart once again. Fill me with child-like awe and inexpressible joy. I ask this in Your mighty name.  The name of Jesus, Amen.

(John 1:14; Romans 8:3; John 1:12; Isaiah 9:6; John 14:6; Colossians 1:19-23; Matthew 5:16; Matthew 6:23; 1 John 2:15; Matthew 9:36; 1 Peter 3:15)

--By Tiece L. King, author of the Pray the Word series: Pray the Word: 90 Prayers That Touch the Heart of GodPray the Word: 31 Prayers That Touch the Heart of GodPray the Word for Your Church. These resources are available at Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.

Prayer Points

  • Praise God, who is a refuge for the poor and needy (Isa.25:4).
  • Thank him for caring about those who are in desperate circumstances.
  • Confess times when you have not shown compassion to the needy.
  • Commit yourself to serving others in new and stretching ways.
  • Ask God to provide those opportunities for you.
  • Ask God to anoint the fellowship in your congregation with the Holy Spirit. Pray that any friction between members will be addressed and healed. Pray that newcomers will find a refuge in your congregation.
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe here.

Sarah Young:

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Charles Stanley

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UR: What Do You Need

[The Lord] has shown you . . . what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8 (NIV)

This past Christmas at church we decided to do something different. During the first week of Advent the sanctuary was set up as normal: wreaths and candles in the windows, a decorated tree up front, a full crèche scene, and candles for each Sunday of Advent with the words Peace, Love, Joy, and Hope in front of them. Every week that followed, though, something was removed. First the wreaths came down from the windows. Then the tree. Eventually, by Christmas Eve, only Mary and Joseph were left.

During the service, the children were called up to the simple scene that remained. But before they placed Jesus in the manger, they were asked why we took down all the decorations except Mary and Joseph. A young boy responded, “Because we don’t need them.” He was asked, “What do we need then?”

His answer put tears in our eyes. “Peace, love . . .” And the congregation helped him finish, “joy and hope.” With that, baby Jesus — who is the source of peace, love, joy, and hope — was placed in the manger. Christmas is not the bows or the presents, the cards or the decorations; it is the celebration of the birth of our Savior, God incarnate. And for that, all we need is an open heart.

Today's Prayer

Holy One, help us to remember the simplicity into which you came. Remind us that the only necessary preparations for this day are for our hearts to be open to receive you. Amen.ODB:

Good Reputation for Christ

Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

READ Titus 2:6-8


During his college days at Florida State University, Charlie Ward was a two-sport student athlete. In 1993, the young quarterback won the Heisman Trophy as the country’s best college American football player, and he also starred on the basketball team.

During a pregame talk one day, his basketball coach used some foul language as he talked to his players. He noticed that Charlie “wasn’t comfortable,” and said, “Charlie, what’s up?” Ward said, “Coach, you know, Coach Bowden [the football coach] doesn’t use that kind of language, and he gets us to play awfully hard.”

Charlie’s Christlike character allowed him to gently speak to his basketball coach about this issue. In fact, the coach told a reporter: “It’s almost as if there was an angel looking at you” when he talked to Charlie.

A good reputation with unbelievers and a faithful witness for Christ are hard to maintain. But at the same time, believers in Jesus can grow to be more like Him as He helps and guides us. In Titus 2, younger men, and by extension all believers, are called to “be self-controlled” (v. 6) and to “show integrity . . . and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned” (vv. 7-8).

When we live that way in Christ’s strength, we’ll not only honor Him but also build a good reputation. Then as God provides the wisdom we need, people will have reason to hear what we say.

By Dave Branon


How does a good reputation help you influence others? What will help you grow in Christlike character?

Dear God, please help me to grow in character that reflects You and honors You.

For further study, read Evangelism—Reaching Out through Relationships.

Evangelism - Reaching Out through Relationships - Discover from Our Dail...

Although we alone must make the decision to receive Christ, few people make that decision alone. Instead, they a...


Titus was one of the young men that Paul mentored in ministry. Unlike Timothy (see Acts 16:1-3), we know little about Titus. We’re not told how he and Paul met or how he came to have the apostle as his mentor. Titus is mentioned ten times in 2 Corinthians (2:13; 7:6, 13, 14; 8:6, 16, 17, 23; 12:18 [twice]) and two times in Galatians (2:1, 3)—solidifying our picture of him as an important member of Paul’s team. The only other mention of Titus (aside from the letter addressed to him) is in 2 Timothy 4:9-10, where Paul writes to Timothy: “Do your best to come to me quickly, for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia.”

Bill Crowder
Posted by: AT 01:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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