What day is it? It's the day the Lord has made! May we rejoice, be glad in it, and go live and love like Jesus as our act of worship today! Amen!
Good Morning Abiding, Faithful, Fruit Producers of Christ! AMEN! My that be us Lord as we abide in Jesus, take in nourishing Living Water and faithfully follow Him to the good fruit You have created us to produce! Please Lord! Amen! You have great plans for us! Thanks! May we step more fully into them and incarnate Christ and Your great love today! Amen! Send me!
We are called to be still, reload, prepare and then go produce fruit. We are called to incarnate (bring alive) Christ to the world around us and God makes a way just for you to do so. Pretty cool, eh! It all starts as we take time to be still at Jesus' feet, abiding and listening and receiving and then flows through us to the fruit that we are made to produce. Yes what an easy yoke! As you dwell in Christ this morning and in His Word may streams of Living Water overflow from you as you go bless God and others in His strength and for His glory! Yes what an opportunity today is to be His vessel! What a great day to be working on becoming who you are created to be and doing more of what you are made to do in the strength of God in you! Amen! See what my devos (below) have to say about being filled with God's Spirit overflowing into a day lived well in Christ! He is our supply, example and leader. May He have full reign in you, me and us today and may we be all we are created to be in Christ! Amen! Go shine bright! Oh yeah and don't forget your partners! Who is God wanting to join you with to be more productive and fruitful? Follow His lead and partner up to go live and love more like Jesus today! And just worship! Shalom!
Sarah Young

Joyce Meyer

Charles Stanley

Upper Room: Abundant Fruit Producers
Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” - John 15:5 (NIV)
On a cool summer morning I eagerly strolled into a blueberry patch with my empty bucket. Rows of blueberry bushes lined the country landscape as birds sang sweetly in the distance. Branches drooped with different shades of blueberries — green unripe ones, red developing ones, and bright blue ripe ones. I searched for the ripe blueberries and gingerly placed them in my bucket.
Then a large broken branch with wilting fruit caught my attention. I quickly picked the ripe berries, but I knew that the green berries on the broken branch would not ripen. They would not receive the nutrients they needed.
This broken branch reminded me of the importance of staying connected to God through faith in Jesus. In the same way, we can only produce the enduring fruit of the Holy Spirit (see Gal. 5:22) by abiding in a personal relationship with Jesus. On our own we cannot do anything of eternal value. Spending time in prayer and Bible study enables us to produce spiritual fruit so that we bless others and glorify God.
Today's Prayer
Lord Jesus, thank you for producing spiritual fruit in us as we spend time with you. Help us encourage others and bring you glory. Amen.
The Word for You Today

- Praise God even in your weakness, believing that in Christ, when you are weak, then you are strong (2 Cor. 12:10).
- Thank God for opportunities to serve him with perseverance and purpose.
- Confess those times when you chose to believe that spiritual power comes from within you.
- Commit yourself to appropriate “boasting” in your weaknesses so that Christ’s power might be made even more evident in your life (12:9).
- Ask God to help you “delight” even in the tough times of life.
- Pray that Christians in every part of the globe will be strengthened to do battle with the evil spiritual forces that are at work in our world. Pray for an outpouring of God’s power throughout his church worldwide.