Friday, January 31 2025
Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday! Yes! Thanks Lord!
Get out and keep building those gratitude lists. What about your salvation and/or new life in Christ can you add to that list and causes you to lift praise to God? Who needs to hear that story as we spread the fame and glory of God? Ask God to bring someone to mind that he is drawing or sending you to and for courage and wisdom to go love on them as you share your story and God's love. Maybe some day they will celebrate TGIF!
Good Morning Known, Loved, Redeemed, Called and Sent Disciples and Apostles of Jesus! AMEN! Praise and pray into that salutation and ask God to fill you to overflowing with His Love and Spirit and to direct your steps to His plans for you today! he does have great plans! Seek and follow well today my friends! I'm praying for you. Maybe take some time with the devos below to draw close, listen, receive, and prepare to go live and love like Jesus today. Start with worship and go refreshed and ready! Amen!
Upper Room: God Is Working
Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. - Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)
I had registered for a professional examination that would be held outside of my town. I would need to travel, and the transportation fare was due one week before the examination day. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I had no money when it was time to pay the fare. However, I trusted that God would make a way for me, so I kept my faith alive. Surprisingly, just before the payment deadline, a friend called to check on me. She offered to cover all my expenses without asking for anything in return.
When we are close to giving up and feel like there is no way out of our situation, we do not need to despair. We don’t need to know how God will work things out for us. We just need to keep our faith alive and trust that God is working and can bring about good things.
Today's Prayer
Dear God, when we don’t see a way forward, strengthen our faith in you. Remind us of your goodness and provision as we pray the prayer Jesus taught us, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen” (Matt. 6:9-13, KJV).The Word for You Today

Sarah Young

Our Daily Bread
Compelled to Tell
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. Romans 1:16
READ Acts 20:17-24
“You know Jesus loves you. He really loves you.” Those were the last words of John Daniels. Just seconds after he’d given a homeless man money and shared those parting words, he was struck by a car and instantly killed. The printed program for the service that celebrated John’s life included these words: “He wanted to figure out how he could reach more people, so on a Sunday afternoon, trying to help a man in need, God gave him a way to reach the world. All of the local TV channels carried the news, and it reached friends, family, and many others all over the country.”
Though John Daniels wasn’t a preacher, he was compelled to tell others about Jesus. So was Paul. In Acts 20, the apostle expressed his zeal for the gospel in his parting words to the church leaders at Ephesus: “My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace” (v. 24).
The good news of forgiveness and new life in Jesus is too good not to share with others. Some believers are more skilled at explaining the gospel than others. But with the help of the Holy Spirit, all who’ve experienced its life-changing power can tell their story of God’s love.
By Arthur Jackson
Who do you know who needs to hear about God’s love and forgiveness in and through Christ? What’s keeping you from sharing His work in your life with them?
Dear Father, please forgive me for being hesitant to tell others about the new life that comes through Jesus and help me boldly share Your love.
Acts 20:17-35 records the first part of Paul’s teaching to the elders of the church at Ephesus. He called them to meet with him in Miletus, a seaport on the west coast of Asia Minor about forty miles away. Not only had Paul been instrumental in the founding of the Ephesian church (see chs. 18-19), he’d spent extended time there teaching, mentoring, and raising up leadership (20:31). The resulting close relationship resulted in a painful, tearstained farewell as Paul informed his Ephesian friends that they wouldn’t see him again (v. 25). This speech, however, wouldn’t be the last apostolic communication that the church at Ephesus would receive. Other New Testament letters that were either written to or about the church in Ephesus include 1 and 2 Timothy and 1, 2, and 3 John. And in Revelation 2:1-7, Ephesus received a letter from the risen Christ Himself revealed in a vision of the apostle John.
Bill Crowder |
Friday, January 31 2025
We have received word that our eldest member, Doris Hausman has stepped into the arms of Jesus. She lived her 104+ years well and now has completed her race. She was very ready for this day and now is fully healed and at peace. We can celebrate and we can mourn with, pray for and comfort the family, Sally, and her kids and grands.
Last evening we had about eight new people join our dinner huddle. We had great conversations, fellowship, prayer, study of God's Word and ate together. Could some of our 30 new attendees we are praying for be being led to our Wed. Night Church? Maybe close to half the attendees are not members. God is doing something as we gather. Consider joining us sometime and keep praying for God to draw and us to love like Jesus. Last night we discussed what it means to be a disciple or apprentice of Jesus and and Apostle or sent one at the same time. We are learning, gifted and sent to love like Jesus and grow His Kingdom just as we are in Christ. Amen! It's coming alive around the table just as in Acts 2:42. Keep praying into that!
Last night one of our conversations around one of the tables was about death and heaven and what transpires as we await our resurrection bodies and the new heaven and earth. That comes alive today as we think about Doris/Nana. She is in paradise in Jesus' presence in spirit right now awaiting that Great day of the Lord when we put on our new bodies and dwell in the House of the Lord forever. 2 Corinthians 5:8 reminds us that we can be confident that when we leave these bodies behind we will be at home with the Lord. In Isaiah 57:2 God says that if we continue to walk in His ways, we will rest in peace when we die. God is peace and love and we will abide in these--in Him forever. Amen!
Good Morning Children of God! Yes you are, if you have received Jesus as you Lord and Savior--always and forever His child! You are created in God's image for His purposes which include loving as we are loved, walking in His ways, worshiping and abiding in His presence and as heirs of His Kingdom. You are His! He calls you by name, has redeemed you, gifted and empowered you and is with you always. All He asks is for your heart and to do what you can with who you are and how you've been created to love Him and others, glorify and worship Him, trust and obey and follow Jesus. You were created and then gifted in Christ according to His perfect plans for you and He does have great plans for you that He is working together. Then He has gathered you with other of His children to love each other, help each other and grow His Church. And Jesus' easy yoke for you involves being who you are created to be and walking with Him to His perfect plans for you and for His Body. Paul tells us that in this life Christ is all that matters and Solomon tells us in Ecclesiastes that Loving God and enjoying life are to be our focus. Micah reminds us what God expects of us and what is good...do right or be doers of His justice (good things/helping others), love mercy and walk humbly with our God. In reality, our life lived well in Christ is summed up in the Greatest Commandments: Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love others as you love yourself. When we are doing that we are worshiping, obeying, and blessed and a blessing to God and others (and even ourselves). May we always keep our focus there! Our goal is to learn to live and love like Jesus and do so more and more until He calls us home! Keep at it children! Eternity awaits as we complete our races well. What love, grace and mercy God showers over us--His faithful ones!
Check out the devos below speaking about God's love, grace and mercy and our walking humbly with God and loving well. he loves you--eternally and has created you for such a time as this and walks with you until that last breath here and then welcomes you as you take those first breaths of heaven in His presence. Yes He is Love and loves us so much! PTL! Some things we will never know or understand this side of heaven but we do have assurance of His eternal love and of being in His presence always from today through eternity! Amen
UR: Do You Talk to Jesus
[Jesus] took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them. - Mark 10:16 (NIV)
One morning after church, my pastor and I were discussing some church business when I noticed that my four-year-old granddaughter was not with me. As I looked around, I noticed her sitting in the doorway to the sanctuary, munching on her fruit snacks. I could see that she was talking to someone as well. I went up to her, knelt down, and asked, “Who are you talking to?” Pointing to a large stained glass picture of Jesus holding children on his lap, she said, “Jesus!” Then with the innocence of a four-year-old, she asked me, “Nana, do you talk to Jesus?” With a chuckle I told her, “Yes, all the time!”
In the Bible, God tells us that children are a blessing and a gift. Their spirits are filled with innocence and trust. But what a reminder to me that I too can talk to the Lord with that same innocence and trust. With childlike humility and faith, I can trust that God is listening and will not turn me away. God wants to hear from every child — no matter their age.
Today's Prayer
Loving Father, thank you for children and grandchildren, who remind us that we are all your blessed children. In the name of Jesus, who never turned the little ones away. Amen.
“If Jesus were physically seated at the table with us this morning, what would you want to ask Him?” Joe inquired of his children at breakfast. His boys thought of their toughest questions. They decided they wanted to ask Jesus the most difficult math problems and have Him tell them how big the universe really is. Then his daughter replied, “I would ask Him for a hug.”
Can’t you picture the love in Jesus’ eyes for these children? I think He would be glad to comply with the requests, don’t you? I imagine Him bantering with the boys and opening his arms to the little girl. He might especially like the desire of Joe’s daughter for a hug, which seems to demonstrate a heart of love for Him and a desire for His love.
Children have a sense of their dependence, and they know that Jesus is strong and loving. He said, “Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it” (Luke 18:17). Christ longs for us to recognize our need for His grace, forgiveness, and salvation. He enjoys humble hearts that long to be near Him.
Is there something you’d like to ask Jesus? We’ve certainly all had our questions! Or maybe you just want to be close to Him? Run to Him now for that hug and so much more that you need.
By Anne Cetas
What do you think you will say or do when you first see Jesus? What does it mean to have the faith of a child?
The parable of the tax collector (Luke 18:9-17) was specifically told to those who, like the Pharisee, were confident in their own righteousness. It wasn’t a warning against being righteous but against trusting in our righteousness, thinking that doing certain things or following certain rules puts us in correct standing with God. Jesus says the opposite is true. God looks with grace and mercy upon those who in humility recognize their need of Him, regardless of their actions. James reminds us of this same truth: “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up” (James 4:10).
J.R. Hudberg |
Sarah Young
Chuck Swindoll
Joyce Meyer
Friday, January 31 2025
Today: Zoom Huddle 10-11
bread 10-12; Dinner Huddle 6-7:30
Sat. Clothing Closet 10-1
Good Morning Praying Brothers and Sisters in Christ--Co-Laborers! Amen!
Yes I am still on a personal spiritual retreat as I stilling myself, turning off the noise and chaos and abiding in God's loving presence. I am being restored, redeemed and reloaded. I still expect to have some space to choose to do a blog or not for at least a season. These started with the intention to not be daily, but it seemed like God has been speaking daily and wanting to share some thoughts with you about our devotionals, walk and/or church through these blogs. And so, in obedience I allow God to write through me. Sometimes though, it may not be obedience to something revealed, just my thoughts I feel compelled to share. I have become weary and may even be striving in my own strength or thinking. Prov. 3:5-6 keeps rattling around in my head--Don't lean on your own understanding acknowledge God and allow Him to direct my steps, types, words and choices. That requires following Jesus' command to die to self, take up cross as I crucify some things and begin to follow Him purified and ready. That is part of what this retreat is about. The other part is that I have these very high expectations for me, you and our combined efforts. I keep espousing how healthy we are as a Body and celebrating our unity, love, joy as we gather, serve and go to live and love like Jesus. However, there is a hiccup in some of that unity, love and joy. (Satan keeps whispering to me, "Are we really healthy?") So, I am taking a step back away from the chaos, noise and disappointment to seek God and sit at His feet and allow Him to reveal His will and plans for me, you and us. And He is faithful to do so! PTL! It takes being humble, humbling and dying to self and abiding to hear His teaching and receive His loving affirmation or corrections. And so, here I am and writing from this time with Him this morning.
I pray in the absence of the blogs that you are still having your own quiet time, seeking God, listening, being still and knowing that He is God. He loves you and is speaking and wanting to lead you all the time! He is always with you and has great custom made plans just for you as well as us as His Body. Let us commit to dying to self, taking up cross daily, seeking, abiding and following earnestly individually and as His Good News Delivery Co.
Today God reminded me and wants to remind you that He is the Rock we build upon. Our sure foundation. He is God and we are not. Amen to that! Sometimes there are some "cracks" in our foundations that need His mending or strengthening. Do you have any cracks? (I kid often of the cracks in my head) Cracks can come as we stray from God or His commands, get mired in some hard things, do our own thinking and thing, or just out of neglect because things have been swell for a season. (It is swell with my soul!) That hymn, It is well with my soul, was written in the hardest of times of loss and sorrow. Are you at a place where you can sing that and allow God to mend those cracks? I'm working on that right now. Start with praise even in hard times. It is called a sacrifice of praise for a good reason! And God does inhabit our praise! PTL! Start there. I am. Check out ODB about this. Then Sarah Young reminds us of God's ever-present love with us. Meditate on that devo and receive His love and comfort and help to move on. And then the UR reminds us we need to get up. Faith grows as we take each next step with God from the cracked foundation. He is a helping, redeeming, always with us God. Abide in Him and His Word and wisdom as you offer your heart in praise and obedience. Get up from the abiding and follow God to His best and perfect plans for you. Turn off the noise. Be still. Invite in. Worship and then trust, obey and take that next step of faith. He is with you--always! And He is working all things together for good. he made you for His special purposes for such a time as this. Don't allow Satan to steal these. Cover each other, help each other, step out in faith. Then watch and see what He will do and has planned just for you. He's allowed this season for a reason. He knows, cares, and is with you--always! He is preparing you for your assignment.
God has also called us to become His people of prayer--a House of Prayer for the Nations. Check out the Harvest prayer stuff at the bottom. We need to start and build with prayer and then allow prayer to lead us and to release God's direction and blessings as He steers us through prayer. Pray without ceasing is a command! He will teach you and us to pray. And fruit, good and lasting fruit, buds from prayer, is fertilized with pray, grows with prayer, and then matures through prayer. Amen!
See you here the next time God says to write. Until then, I am seeking Him, interceding for you and our Body, and allowing Him space to speak, work, heal, and lead. Try it! Amen! In my absence think about and answer these questions: What is a disciple of Jesus? Am I one? How can I make disciples of Jesus? What's my part? Give some examples of how God has used you in the past year. Is there a time that I said "NO" to God? How do you want the Lord to use you? That should be a great time processing with God and some friends! He wants to reveal these type of things to you, mend the cracks and lead you forward. Will you allow Him? Start with praise and abiding prayer and see where he leads you! It will be great!
God—Our Sure Foundation
He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge. Isaiah 33:6
READ Isaiah 33:2-6
With a crumbling kitchen and sagging floors, our house needed renovation. After large sections of it were demolished, builders began digging a new foundation. Then things got interesting.
As the builders dug, shovel loads of broken plates, 1850s-era soda bottles, even cutlery emerged. Were we built on an old garbage dump? Who knows, but as a result, our engineer said our foundations would need to be dug deeper or else cracks would appear in our walls.
Good foundations make for strong houses. The same is true of our lives. When the Israelites were shaken by their enemies, Isaiah prayed for them to stay strong (Isaiah 33:2-4). But their strength wouldn’t come from bravery or weapons, but by building their lives on God. “He will be the sure foundation for your times,” the prophet said, “a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge” (v. 6). Jesus said something similar, teaching that those who built their lives on His wisdom would withstand life’s storms (Matthew 7:24-25).
A sure sign our foundations need tending is when cracks like aggression, addiction, or marriage problems appear in our lives. When we seek security where it can’t be found or follow the wisdom of this age alone, we’ll be on shaky ground. But those who build their lives on God gain access to all His strength and treasures (Isaiah 33:6).
By Sheridan Voysey
What “cracks” in your life might reveal a faulty foundation? How is your foundation looking this week?
Father God, I praise You for being the surest foundation for my life.
The Hebrew word Yeshu’ah (“salvation,” “deliverance,” “rescue”) is a key word in the book of Isaiah. Noun and verb forms appear numerous times. This word occurs in the prayer in Isaiah 33:2: “Be . . . our salvation in time of distress.” It’s also used in verse 6 as a pronouncement about God: “He will be . . . a rich store of salvation.” In his commentary Isaiah: God Saves Sinners, Raymond C. Ortlund Jr. summarizes the book’s message with these words: “God is announcing to us through Isaiah: The Lord, for all that he is, saves, for all that’s worth, sinners, for all that we need. This truth is better than we give it credit for.” Isaiah 33:22 captures this truth well. “The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; it is he who will save us.”
Arthur Jackson |

UR: Get UP!
Jesus said, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” - Mark 2:11 (NIV)
“Ring!” goes the alarm. It is a sound most of us do not like much because it marks the time to leave a soft, warm bed to get up and start a new work day with its daily responsibilities. And yet, we get up and begin the day.
The Gospels offer several examples of how a command from Jesus is the impetus to go forward. To the paralyzed man who was carried by friends and lowered through the roof of a dwelling, Jesus said, “Get up, take your mat and go home.” To the deceased young daughter of Jairus, the synagogue leader, Jesus said, “My child, get up!” (Lk. 8:54).
“Get up!” What an empowering statement from our Savior to motivate us. Throughout the Gospels, the Lord calls people to active service: “Go . . . and preach” (Mk. 16:15); “hand over your coat” (Matt. 5:40); “give to the one who asks you” (Matt. 5:42); “make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19). However we serve, the Lord promises always to be by our side in our journey. All we have to do is follow Jesus’ command and get up!
Today's Prayer
May your words continue to inspire us, O God, as we engage in active discipleship for the good of your kingdom. Amen.
Harvest Dave's blog:
Partnering with God
January 28 - He Is All You Need
The road to true biblical Christianity isn’t easy. Going against the tide is beyond difficult. Persecution can be deadly. Standing firm to the end is what few will do. Life on the rocky Narrow Road is lonely; most take up residence on the sandy Wide Road. No, true biblical Christianity isn’t easy, but is made possible by Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.
It’s important to note that John never left the desert. Even when God launched his prophetic ministry, he remained in the desert. He was fully alive there. He didn’t stay because he was a social outcast, but because the desert gave him an intimacy with God he never wanted to lose. He didn’t leave the desert until he was carried to jail and killed. There’s life in the desert with Jesus. There’s death in the world without Him.
In the desert, all you have is God. He is all you ever need.
So what does a personally revived Christian look like? They’re pure, devoted, and fearless. They’re loyal to God and keep His commands. They cling to the cross and long for the return of Christ. While others let their love for the Lord, their brothers and sisters, and their enemies wax cold, they love with intensity.
They love truth, speak truth, and stand for truth. They stand stalwart against doubt and unbelief. They walk by faith and not by sight. They’re militant against lies and deception. They courageously swim against the tide of the world’s philosophies, movements, and culture.
While others are asleep to prayer, they’re mighty prayer warriors. They’re awake when others are asleep—and hungry for God when others don’t care. They pursue lives of holiness when other believers are steeped in compromise.
Father God, I would rather travel with You through the desert than settle into the comfort of the world. Shape me into a pure, devoted and fearless follower, loyal to all of Your commands. Show me how to continually love, speak and stand for Your truth! Teach me to pray, Lord! I want to be a mighty warrior for Your kingdom’s sake! Create in me a pure heart…to live a life devoted to holiness.
--Adapted from Thirsty: A 31-Day Journey to Personal Revival by Jamie Morgan. This book is available at prayershop.org. Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.
Praying through the President’s First 31 Days
Day 9
Pray that the president would respect law and order in the U.S., especially as it relates to our first responders.
Every person is to be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a servant of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a servant of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for the sake of conscience (Romans 13:1-5).
- Praise God as the only true God who has revealed himself to you in his Word and through his Son.
- Give thanks for the Bible through which God reveals himself and his will for your life.
- Confess any failure to use and respond to that revealed Word.
- Commit yourself to meditating on the Word and allowing it to dwell richly in your heart (Col. 3:16).
- Ask that you may remain in Christ and his words in you, so that you can bear much fruit to the Father’s glory (Jn. 15:7).
- Pray by name for unsaved friends and neighbors that they may know the love of God, may believe in his Son Jesus Christ, and will not perish but have everlasting life (Jn. 3:16).
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at prayershop.org. Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2025 is a free devotional published daily by OneCry Prayer. Find more resources at www.onecry.com

OneCry Prayer (formerly Harvest Prayer Ministries)
OneCry Prayer (formerly Harvest Prayer Ministries) Email Forms
Friday, January 31 2025
This is the day the Lord has made and we get to worship, study His Word, be part of His Body, fellowship and eat! We are an Acts 2:42 church! PTL! May God lead you in worship and study and His Spirit guide your day! He loves you, is calling you by name and has great plans for you! Rejoice and be glad as you step into His love, wisdom and help today! It is well with my soul! How about you? Prepare your hearts to worship! Be still and know Him and the wonder of His love! Then celebrate! Amen!
Enter His courts with Thanksgiving today!
Check out these devos as you prepare your hearts to worship!

ODB: Read Proverbs 2:1-11. Seek wisdom! Keep God in first place! He is God! You are not!
Reverent Fear
If you look for [wisdom] as for silver . . . then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. Proverbs 2:4-5
READ Proverbs 2:1-11
Jeremy writes, “I know quite a bit about the fear of dying. Seven years ago . . . I felt intense, sickening, dizzying, overwhelming fear when I was told I had incurable cancer.” But he learned to manage his fear by leaning on the presence of God and moving from his fear of death to embracing a reverent fear of Him. To Jeremy, this means being in awe of the Maker of the universe who will “swallow up death” (Isaiah 25:8) while also understanding deep within that God knows and loves him.
The fear of the Lord—a deep respect and awe for our holy God—is a theme that runs throughout Scripture. King Solomon admonished his son to fear the Lord in his series of wise sayings, the Proverbs. He said that if his son would turn his “ear to wisdom” and “search for it as for hidden treasure,” then he’d “understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God” (Proverbs 2:2, 4-5). Along with wisdom and knowledge, he’d find discretion and understanding (vv. 10-11).
When we face challenges of many kinds and experience a sense of dread and fear, we’re reminded of our limitations. But as we turn to God, asking Him to help us humble ourselves before Him and worship Him in reverence, we’ll find He helps us to move from being fearful to embracing a healthy fear of Him.
By Amy Boucher Pye
How important is “the fear of the Lord” to you? How could you humble yourself before Him today?
Creator Father, You made the heavens and the earth and yet You know and love me. Please help me to serve and honor You all the days of my life.
The book of Proverbs is often misunderstood to be a book of promises. In reality, however, it’s a book that shows how life works best when lived according to the wisdom of God. In chapters 1-9, King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived (1 Kings 3:12), offers wisdom to his son on a variety of issues including moral purity. Because Solomon’s life story revealed his own struggles in this area, some scholars have wondered if Solomon wrote these words earlier in his life—in anticipation of children that would come later. Other scholars believe Solomon offered this insight very late in life, with his own moral failings as a backdrop to the accuracy of that wisdom. Either way, it’s clear that despite his great God-given wisdom, Solomon struggled at times to apply that wisdom to his own life
Bill Crowder |
UR: Unfamiliar Paths
Please lead me in your righteousness. Make your way clear, right in front of me. - Psalm 5:8 (CEB)
One morning I caught a ride before sunrise. As I rode in the back of the pickup truck, I could see hundreds of stars in the black sky, including familiar constellations. However, when I looked at the road ahead, illuminated by headlights, it didn’t seem familiar at all. The barbed wire fence, trees, and brush along the one-lane dirt road didn’t look as I remembered. That surprised me since I have walked every inch of that mile-and-a-half stretch of road many, many times over the years. I was disoriented. Even so, I knew I would arrive at my destination soon.
As we continued, I thought about how sometimes life is like that. It can feel like we are traveling along unfamiliar paths. Yet signs of God’s presence are all around us like shining stars if we only look — in scripture, in nature, and in people. If we trust in God to guide us, we will receive just enough light to continue on until we reach our destination. We can trust that God will be with us as we journey and will lead us in the way we ought to go.
Today's Prayer
Dear Lord, help us to trust you to guide us. When our way seems unclear, turn us toward the signs of your presence. Amen.Sarah Young:

Saturday, January 25 2025
Tomorrow: Worship at 10. Children's Church begins several weeks of learning about and building God's Armor.
Congregational Meeting after worship
2 Peas in A Pod Brunch 11:30 following meeting. Invite some friends!
Good Morning Seeking, Meditating, Repenting, Obeying, Following, Servants of the Lord! Amen! Help us Lord!
Have you ever had your bubble burst? Have you ever realized you had rose colored glasses on? Sometimes we want something so badly that we are unable to see what is really happening or our need to step aside, sink roots deep in Christ and trust God to handle things as we release our grip is too tight and invite Him to come and for His will to be done. Such is often the case for leaders that want to believe so much that others all get it and are working earnestly to become more like Jesus and are releasing their grip and want of control on things and allow God to lead and have His way. Sometimes we just have to step back and let God minister to our souls and allow Him control. Then listen, watch and join Him again refreshed and filled for the rigors ahead. Sometimes we get mired down in things that are from Satan or a distraction from God and His plans and ways. We may find ourselves beating our heads against a door that is not ready to open or ours to open and we need to just step back, refresh and allow God to lead. Are you able to do that? I'm seeking to release my grip on some things that are not mine to handle and allow God and others He has gifted and called to step into their anointing and allowing Him space to do His thing and to bring rest to my weary soul. Amen!
Below are a few devos I encountered today as God spoke to my soul, informed, refreshed, revealed and is leading me to repent, trust, obey and find rest in Him. I have just traveled through some crazy busy weeks with little or no margin or rest and little time to be still in His presence. (and more of these lie ahead) I have been working to resolve some conflict among our ranks as well. I have become weary and in need of rest and to shake some dust from my sandals and move along in God's best ways. I need to spend some time in personal retreat the next few days/weeks. So, this will be my last blog (probably) for a few days or weeks or whatever it takes for me to abide and be refreshed. Jesus said to come to Him with our weariness and openness and He will bring rest for our souls. He said to abide in Him and His love and be refreshed. He said to sink our roots deep in Him and His Word and we will become like a well watered garden and able to have streams of living water flow through us. I long for that and we all often need that rest and abiding and sinking deep in Him...so I am choosing the healthy spiritual refreshing I need and turning off the noise for a season. I'll still be around but I need a season to focus on my walk and spiritual stewardship. I'll be praying for you all and see you soon or with a blog as the Lord leads. Self care is very important and necessary. So, I'm trying to chose the Lord's best for me which will help to lead to His best for you as well.
Shalom shalom (perfect peace) to you and me! He is speaking to you and wanting to refresh and lead you to His best as well. Are you able to loosen your grip, turn off the noise, abide and refresh? I hope so and am praying we all are able to realize our need to be still and know that He is God (and we are not!) and allow the space for Him to come have control and lead us out of the valley and to the still waters of His best and perfect plans. Amen! His yoke is easy. Who are you processing your stuff with? We all need some partners and accountability. Come Jesus come! Have all of me/us! Your Kingdom come and will be done, Your way and for Your glory alone! Amen!

Sarah Young:

Chuck Swindoll:

Joyce Meyer:

UR: Filled with Righteousness
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. - Matthew 5:6 (NIV)
During a retreat, I was assigned to a table that included two residents of a substance-abuse treatment center. I normally would have had no occasion to converse and pray with men in such circumstances, but God brought us together for a deep, spiritual experience. By the end of the retreat, I loved them like brothers.
The treatment center is not far from my home, and I felt led to visit my new friends. They invited me to an evening worship service where I experienced a passion in worship that is hard to describe. I realized that these men are hungry for the word of God. They desperately want the Holy Spirit to transform them, and they are not ashamed to say so. They have a lot to teach me.
From them, I learned I should not become complacent. Jesus said we will be filled with righteousness if we crave it like food and water, and I saw that intensity during the worship service. It caused me to ask myself, “What am I hungry and thirsty for?” Jesus calls us to a righteousness that can only be obtained through him. I am thankful for the faith of my new friends and the lesson they have taught me.
Today's Prayer
Gracious God, we know that only you provide what truly nourishes us. Fill us with your love and grace until we are full. Amen.ODB
David Vetter died at age twelve after spending his entire life in a bubble. Nicknamed “The Bubble Boy,” David was born with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). His parents had lost their first son to the disease and were determined to protect their second-born. To prolong his life, NASA engineers designed a plastic protection bubble as well as a spacesuit so his parents could hold David in the outside world. Oh, how we all long to protect those we love!
King David was wronged by Nabal, the foolish husband of Abigail. In a rogue moment, David sought revenge by his own hands. Abigail rushed to meet him with a wise reminder, “Even though someone is pursuing you to take your life, the life of my lord will be bound securely in the bundle of the living by the Lord your God” (1 Samuel 25:29). The concept of “bundle” conveys the idea of gathering up valuable items so the owner can protectively carry them. Abigail reminded David that God wanted to carry him in a protective bundle. He was safest in God’s hands, rather than in his own. “My lord will not have on his conscience the staggering burden of needless bloodshed or of having avenged himself” (v. 31).
We do well to work to protect others when they need it, but it’s only in God’s perfect care that they’re truly safe.
By Elisa Morgan
When are you tempted to gather others into self-made bubbles of protection? How can you remember that God’s care is the best?
Dear Father, please help me to trust You with my loved ones, knowing that You can carry them better than I can.
The account in 1 Samuel 25 shows that David could be a bit of a hothead. Denied supplies by conceited Nabal, he reacted in anger and went to slaughter Nabal’s entire household (v. 22). Nabal’s wife, Abigail, however, stopped David from bloodshed with wise words. She pointed out that he should trust God with vengeance (vv. 26, 29, 31) and not take it into his own hands.
Abigail fully expected David to take the throne from then-ruling Saul (v. 28), but begged David not to act rashly. In a way, Abigail’s challenge stopped him from treating Nabal the same way that Saul had been treating him—pursuing bloodshed out of self-centered anger (see 22:6-19).
Jed Ostoich |
Saturday, January 25 2025
Thank God I'm Forgiven and called to forgive as I've been forgiven! Pray into that with much thanksgiving and repent of any unforgiveness.
Good Morning Forgiven Much and Empowered to Agape Love and Forgive Friends of God! Amen! I have little time this morning, but God revealed a message to us about love, forgiveness, and receiving peace. Are you a peace maker or pot stirrer? Are you a gossip and tearing down type or do you speak to build up the Body and encourage with love? Are you a trouble maker or joy bringer? Examine your heart and maybe process these questions with some others. We are called to love as we have been loved, forgive as forgiven and spur each other own. Are you bringing unity and descension among the ranks? Seek first God's Kingdom and Jesus' love and ways. Paul addressed to woman that were at odds with each other and damaging the unity and focus of the Body and told the flock to help the resolve the issue and bring unity and peace back to the Body. We all want to serve and bless but sometimes our own ways, wants or selfishness or need for being in control get in the way. STOP IT! Repent! Be a peace bringer and choose Jesus' way. When He encountered conflict with those that he knew would never get it, He tried to resolve the issue and when others failed to receive it, He shook the dust from His sandals and moved on to more fertile soil. We need to do the same. There are sometimes people who just don't get it and drag you down or cause you to invest too much time in drama that never seems to end. Pray, repent, seek resolution and when it doesn't come, move on. Don't allow people to distract you from God's best. And so it is with me. I try to resolve and when it's not received or the behavior continues and dissention is being stirred, it's time to move on or bring church disciple into play and maybe even put someone out of fellowship if the behavior isn't repented. Then peace and joy and focus on the mission can return to the Body. Pray we always be humble. open to process, receive correction, repent and work to resolve . when that doesn't happen, its time to move on. Enough of that! No more drama or conflict! Die to self, take up cross and follow Jesus. That's my choice! Hope it's yours!
Check out these devos and talk to God about any issues, dram or conflict you may be causing or enduring. Ask Him to examine your heart and motives and help you to correct yourself or correct in love. And if necessary, shake the dust from your sandals and move on. may we be know for our love, joy and unity! Always! Amen! If you need help with any of this, talk to us or your PRC. We are aiming to become more like Jesus! How's that going with you and your choices?
My wife and I like cheesy, feel-good romantic movies. I could say it’s her thing. But I like ’em too. Their charm and appeal lies in their predictable path toward happily ever after. Recently, we watched one that offered some questionable romantic advice. Love is a feeling, it said. Then, Follow your heart. Finally, Your happiness matters most. Our emotions matter, of course. But self-focused emotionalism is a lousy foundation for a lasting marriage.
Mainstream culture dishes up many ideas that sound good initially but crumble upon closer inspection. And careful inspection is exactly what Paul has in mind in Colossians 2. There, he emphasizes that being “rooted and built up in [Christ], strengthened in the faith” (v. 7) enables us to identify our culture’s lies. The apostle calls such lies “hollow and deceptive philosophy,” built “on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ” (v. 8).
So the next time you watch a movie, ask yourself or those you’re with, “What does this movie suggest is wise? How does that compare to what Scripture says is true?” And remember that it’s Christ that matters most. Only in Him can we find true wisdom and wholeness (vv. 9-10).
By Adam R. Holz
How does popular culture shape how you see the world? How does your faith help you evaluate the values you encounter in entertainment?
Father, our world is filled with stories that promise life but ultimately run counter to Your truth. Please give me a hunger for Your wisdom that I might walk in Your ways.
For further study, read The Story of God’s Quest of Redemption.
Paul wrote the book of Colossians to the church in Colossae, which was possibly founded by Epaphras (Colossians 1:6-7). Paul wrote this letter during his first Roman imprisonment to address false beliefs and warn of the danger of falling prey to “hollow and deceptive” teaching (2:8). He knew the best way not to be led astray was to be “rooted and built up in [Christ]” (v. 7) through a relationship with Him and familiarity with Scripture. Elsewhere, the apostle warned of false teachers (themselves deceived by Satan) who deceived “naive people” through “smooth talk and flattery” (Romans 16:18) and “empty words” (Ephesians 5:6). He urged believers to battle deception by being “strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” by putting on “the full armor of God, so that [we] can take [our] stand against the devil’s schemes” (6:10-11). With God, we can “stand firm” (v. 14).
Alyson Kieda |
Sarah Young:


Saturday, January 25 2025
Sunday: Worship at 10 with the beginning of Children's Church Armor of God several weeks of projects. Congregational Meeting after worship followed by brunch. Another great day of worship, fellowship, feasting and being the church!
* we don't expect a very long meeting as our teams, including finance have done a great job and have prepared well and a good budget for us to approve.
* The main order of business is to approve the budget which includes a vote to retain or release our organist. Pray for wisdom and direction for this. Patti's salary is just over $9000./year. She no longer directs any choirs. Her salary is the shortfall for meeting budget. If we vote to retain her, we will need to come up with funding from you for her salary. It should be noted that we have several other options for hymns on Sundays including several pianists and even video hymns. So please ask God to guide and provide. Thanks!
Soon we will be starting spiritual gifts discovery and processing for those interested (maybe Tues evenings?) I need a head count for those interested as I have to order material and sign us up for testing and there are group discounts for this. So please let Sarah or me know of your interest and watch for a sign up sheet shortly and more info. we expect to start by mid Feb.
Good Morning Earnestly Seeking God and His Ways Friends! May that be me, us and us as Your Body! May we seek, knock and follow well for Your glory! May we be Your team of revivalists. May revival fires fan into flame in each of us! Light the fires of revival all around us and lead us to Your perfect plans to connect to the people you are drawing and to connect them to You and make disciples like Jesus! May we and Your Kingdom come alive in '25 and may Your perfect will come alive in and through and around each of us! Sens us! Protect us! Ignite us! Amen!
Yesterday was another unique Wed of ministry in our building! The day began for me with a visit to Sandy Ritter who was awaiting release and she was sent home yesterday afternoon. PTL! Then I arrived at 10 to find the doors open and people moving through our Bread Ministry. It was a light day possibly due to the cold but was God's plan since we had a light amount of bread due to people stocking up for the storm. But there were opportunities to have conversations, prayers and invites for Sunday's Brunch and last evenings dinner huddle. All the turkeys were prepared for Sunday's brunch and some conversations were had with some of our servants after bread. Then last evening we had all of Family Ministries cancel and several of our regular attendees were absent due to colds or other obligations. It appeard there would only be 5 or so of us and then several new people showed up. Some from the Bread invite and we had a great night of feasting and fellowship. God is using us and drawing many as we invite in and love and serve! PTL! Keep praying for God to continue to draw and connect many (even 30) this year. And thank Him in advance for all He is doing and will do in, through and around us. He is definitely on the move and bringing in the harvest while growing and using us. PTL!
I had all kinds of ideas for our blog today...BUT GOD! he led me to just include harvest Prayer's blogs for today for you to engage with God with. Spend some time with Him, these blogs and your own devotionals. I'm praying for you and for God to bring alive His Kingdom in, through and around us. May we be about His business earnestly and for His glory! Amen!
January 23 - Thirsty for Personal Revival
This is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites to him from Jerusalem to ask him, “Who are you?” And he confessed and did not deny; and this is what he confessed: “I am not the Christ.” And so they asked him, “What then? Are you Elijah?” And he *said, “I am not.” “Are you the Prophet?” And he answered, “No.” Then they said to him, “Who are you? Tell us, so that we may give an answer to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?” He said, “I am the voice of one calling out in the wilderness, ‘Make the way of the Lord straight,’ as Isaiah the prophet said.” (John 1:19-23)
You’re thirsty for personal revival. You want true biblical Christianity. The kind you read about in the New Testament. Lukewarm, cultural, go-with-the-flow, worldly Christianity will never do.
You want to radically burn and shine like John the Baptist (minus the locusts and camel hair). Jesus described John the Baptist as the greatest man who had ever lived. He lived…and died…to point the way to Jesus. I want to burn and shine for Jesus like that.
I want to prepare the way for the second coming of the Lord. I know you do as well.
John the Baptist’s ministry was forged in the desert. Howling winds, endless ribbons of sand, and no relief. The desert produces thirst. Thirst leads to seeking water. Seeking water brings about finding water. Finding water leads to drinking to your fill. Drinking to your fill imparts abundant life. You don’t have to wait for the apathetic, lukewarm Church to get revived in order to experience personal revival. You can get on fire for God now. You can be a living, breathing, walking revival—setting everything you touch ablaze for God!
But personal revival starts with thirst. God uses the desert to create an unquenchable thirst for Jesus. Nothing this world offers will satisfy. Nothing. Only Jesus.
It’s in the crucible of the desert that God brings you to a point of insatiable thirst and holy desperation for Him. It’s here He shows you there is more—much, much more—than what you’re living.
Many view the believers’ faith in the four Gospels and Book of Acts as living, impossible-to-attain, super-saint Christianity. But for thirsty Christians, this radical level of faith is both achievable by the grace of God—and the goal. Thirsty Christians don’t measure their walks with God by the Christians around them, or even by someone who’s done great exploits for God. Jesus is now the standard.
A Christian who has been personally revived lives true biblical Christianity. Not perfect Christianity. If that were the case, none of us could experience personal revival. I certainly couldn’t. I need God’s mercy almost daily. I know I’m not alone.
Father, I am so thirsty for all You have for my life! Help me to lean into Your heart as I seek more and more life in Christ Jesus. Forgive me for not chasing after You with everything in me! Grow my desire to experience personal revival through Your power and Your grace! Show me how to live in such a way that others want more of Your life-giving presence too!
--Adapted from Thirsty: A 31-Day Journey to Personal Revival by Jamie Morgan. This book is available at prayershop.org. Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.
Praying through the President’s First 31 Days
Day 4
Pray that our president would demonstrate kindness and speak truth to all with whom he interacts on a daily basis.
Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and a good reputation in the sight of God and man…By mercy and truth atonement is made for wrongdoing, and by the fear of the Lord one keeps away from evil. When a person’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, He causes even his enemies to make peace with him (Proverbs 3:3-4; 16:6-7).
- Praise God, who is your refuge and strength (Psalm 46).
- Give thanks for his “ever present help in trouble” (v. 1). Confess any desire to live life apart from God.
- Commit yourself to being still and knowing that he is God.
- Ask him to prosper you and not harm you, to give you hope and a future (Jer. 29:11).
- Pray that your pastor may have a fruitful ministry and that he may handle responsibilities with grace and patience.
- Ask that he may have a harmonious working relationship with other congregational leaders.
Prayer Pointer
“Prayer is the most vital force in world evangelism.” —Anonymous
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at prayershop.org. Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2025 is a free devotional published daily by OneCry Prayer. Find more resources at www.onecry.com |
Saturday, January 25 2025
Today: Bread Ministry 10-12; Dinner Huddle 6-7:30
Good Morning Saved By Grace, Redeemed of the Lord! We ae in Christ and made right with God through the faith He's given! PTL! We are created for such a time as this! God is with us and has great plans for you and us! PTL!
Check out the devos below and spend sme time processing at Jesus' feet as you worship, receive and follow today. I'm praying for you and us and hope to see some of you today!
I flew to India, a land I’d never visited, and arrived at the Bengaluru airport after midnight. Though there’d been a flurry of emails, I didn’t know who was picking me up or where I should meet him. I followed the streaming mass of humanity to the baggage claim and customs, then out into the sticky night where I tried to spot a pair of friendly eyes among the sea of faces. For an hour, I walked back and forth in front of the crowd, hoping someone would recognize me. A kind man finally approached. “Are you Winn?” he asked. “I’m so sorry. I thought I’d recognize you, and you kept walking in front of me—but you didn’t look how I expected.”
We regularly get confused and fail to recognize people or places we should know. God provides an unmistakable way of recognizing Him, however. He arrived in our world as Jesus, who “is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being” (Hebrews 1:3). Christ is God’s exact representation. When we see Him, we have complete confidence that we’re seeing God.
If we want to know what God is like—what He would say, how He would love—then we need only look and listen to Jesus. Are we truly hearing what “[God] has spoken” (v. 2) through Him? Are we actually following His truth? To be sure that we know how to recognize God, we fix our gaze on the Son and learn from Him.
By Winn Collier
When do you have trouble recognizing God’s voice? How does fixing your focus on Jesus help?
Dear God, I want to know Your voice and follow You. Please help me recognize You in Jesus.
How God has made Himself known to us is noted briefly in Hebrews 1. In the past, He spoke “through the prophets” (v. 1), but now He “has spoken to us by his Son” (v. 2). The supreme revelation of God to us is Jesus. The first of several warning passages comes on the heels of the exaltation of Jesus in Hebrews 1. Readers are cautioned about rejecting the message of the Son and those commissioned by Him (2:3).
The revelation of the Son is also seen in the teaching of Christ in Mark 12:1-12. Using story, He spoke of a man who planted a vineyard and sent servants (representing the prophets) to gather its fruit. When they were rejected, the man sent “a son, whom he loved” (v. 6)—a reference to God’s Son, Jesus—and they killed him (v. 8). Christ’s teaching here also concludes with words about rejecting the Son—“the stone the builders rejected” (v. 10).
UR: Trusting God's Will
Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. - Matthew 19:26 (KJV)
One rainy morning in July 2022, my nine-year-old son and I were getting ready for a very important visa appointment. We wanted to go to the country where my wife had been living for the past year. While traveling from our hotel to the embassy, my mind was racing. What if we get the visas? What if we don’t? At the same time I was preparing myself to accept God’s will.
During the interview with the visa officer, I discovered that I had all but one of our necessary documents with me. With prayers in my heart that a solution could be found, I said to the officer, “I don’t have that document with me today.” He assured me that he could help and searched for the document in his computer database. After some time, he printed the document for us. This was not a usual service offered by the visa office. If he had wished, the officer could have rejected our request.
This incident may sound mundane to many people, but I know in my heart that only God’s power made that act of compassion possible. When we completely surrender ourselves to God’s will, we open ourselves to experience God’s wonderful deeds.
Today's Prayer
Father God, help us to understand that you are with us in all situations. Increase our faith, and help us to trust you fully. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Praying through the President’s First 31 Days
Day 3
Pray that the president and his administration would be men and women of integrity in both their private and public lives.
Do all things without complaining or arguments; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world…(Philippians 2:14-15).
Saturday, January 25 2025
Happy Monday on Tuesday! Holiday weeks always seem to mess with me and my schedule. How about you? Let's breathe out the junk and breathe in a fresh breath of the Spirit and worship! This is the day the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Why not plan to join us at 10 for Zoom Huddle? Great way to start this short week!
Good Morning Focused, Persevering, Long-Haul Followers of Jesus! Amen! This life is filled with distractions, annoyances, ups and downs, yet God is with us redeeming whatever we go through for His glory and our good. Amen! Are you able to stay focused during the climb, the mountaintop, the decent and the valley and worship always? Knowing that all things are filtered through God's hands and He has a purpose or will redeem things helps us to growing trust and enabled to choose joy always. Thinking about the two major events of yesterday can have us approaching today from different perspectives, yet God is with us always. Maybe you are struggling with the things MLK Jr. was fighting for--freedom, unity and love. Maybe you are rejoicing for the new president, maybe very sad or maybe indifferent. Well, can you trust God no matter your heart attitude or mindset? Yes always! And He is at work and working ALL things together. Amen! He is the God who is playing the long game and we are His partners who persevere in faith focused on Him no matter what we face. May we always trust, worship and follow well. May we encourage and build each other up. May we be about our Father's business always. Keep these thoughts at the forefront and remember that you are custom made, gifted and placed for such a time as this. Focus on that and His plans for you and us and you will have little time to get off track, worry and fear, and be able to worship always. Amen! Help us Lord! Fill us! Forgive us! Focus us on you and may we always choose to trust and follow and worship You alone! Thanks! Amen!
My devotionals below flow through God's heart to yours and mine. He is always speaking to you in love and wanting to lead you to His best--always. Today is no different. So, turn off the noise and focus up as you spend some time abiding in Love today and allowing Him to live and love through each step of faith along the way! Begin with praise and then offer yourself as a sacrifice of praise. Amen!
Spend some tine with these devotionals and ask God to speak to your heat and inform your steps today. And worship for He is worthy of all praise, glory and honor and our obedience is worship too! Yes, PTL!
Chuck Swindoll

Sarah Young

Joyce Meyer

The two men conquered human flight, but the Wright brothers’ journey to success was never easy. Despite countless failures, ridicule, money woes, and serious injury to one of them, the brothers weren’t stopped by the trials they faced. As Orville Wright observed, “No bird soars in a calm.” The idea, according to biographer David McCullough, means that adversity can “often be exactly what you need to give you a lift higher.” Said McCullough, “Their joy was not getting to the top of the mountain. Their joy was climbing the mountain.”
The apostle Peter taught a similar spiritual principle to the persecuted early church. He told them, “Do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you” (1 Peter 4:12). This wasn’t a denial of suffering’s pain. Peter knew that hope in Christ grows our trust in God.
This is especially true when we suffer for being a believer in Jesus, as those early Christians did. Peter wrote to them, “Rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed” (v. 13). He went on, “If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you” (v. 14).
As the Wright brothers’ character was hailed by their biographer, may others see God’s loving character at work in us. He uses our adversity to raise us to new heights.
By Patricia Raybon
How have you suffered for Christ? How was He glorified?
Suffering tests me, dear God. Please grant me hope for Your glory.
The apostle Peter penned his first letter to encourage believers in Jesus who—because of persecution in Jerusalem (see Acts 8:1)—had been scattered throughout Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). Peter’s words still encourage suffering believers today. We’re not to be surprised when we face persecution because of our faith (1 Peter 4:12). After all, Christ warned, “If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also” (John 15:20). Yet Peter tells us to rejoice when we suffer for being Christ’s followers (1 Peter 4:13, 16). We see this modeled by Paul in prison (Acts 16:22-25). God the Holy Spirit was with the early believers in their trials—and He’s with us in ours (1 Peter 4:14; see John 14:15-17; Romans 5:5). He comforts (2 Corinthians 1:3-4) and inspires His followers to persevere with rejoicing.
Alyson Kieda |
UR: Peace Is Ours
Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” - John 14:27 (NIV)
When our oldest son was 18 months old, he started biting other kids. No matter what I said or did, he kept doing it. I stayed away from playgroups to avoid incidents, and I was anxious even when going out to lunch or visiting friends. I would cry at night feeling like I was being punished. I felt like this phase would never end, but eventually it did.
It’s the same with life and what goes on in the world. When we dwell on current events, we lose our sense of peace and feel anxious. We forget that Jesus said, “My peace I leave with you.” God doesn’t wait for the storms to pass before giving us peace. Christ’s peace is already here; it is ours.
The best way to keep the peace God has given us is to keep our eyes on God. How do we do that when we are bombarded with news of a world that seems to be breaking down? We read God’s promises and spend time getting to know the Prince of Peace. We can only put out what we take in, so let’s take God’s word into our hearts.
Today's Prayer
Father God, help us when we let difficult situations interfere with the peace you have freely given. Allow the Prince of Peace to fill us with hope, faith, and peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

January 21 - The Holy Spirit Brings Wisdom and Understanding
And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2).
The same Spirit that descended on Jesus as a dove came to the early church in tongues of fire. With this visitation came new insight, strength, and understanding. The Holy Spirit brings clarity, not confusion. He offers discernment, not disorder. As He rests on us, He allows us to see God rightly, understand His Word, and look at the world around us through His eyes.
Holy Spirit, thank You for giving me understanding as I read the word of God, and for giving me discernment as I face difficult decisions or circumstances! Please help my church to be a place that is continually marked by Your wisdom.
--Adapted with permission from The Summit Church (thesummitchurch.org) we are inviting you into 21 days of prayer and fasting at the beginning of this new year! Each day will focus on a different biblical attribute of the Holy Spirit.
The founding pastor of Summit Church is Bill Elliff, who is now the pastor Emeritus and serves on the Executive Leadership Team of OneCry (onecry.com). You can find one of Bill’s books, Simply Prayer at prayershop.org.
Day 2 of the President’s First 31 Days: Join us in praying for the new President the first 31 days of his administration:
Pray that the Lord would give our president godly wisdom for U.S. Supreme Court appointments who would hold to the Scriptures and the U.S. Constitution in their decision-making.
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peace-loving, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, free of hypocrisy (James 3:17).
Day 2 of the President’s First 31 Days: Join us in praying for the new President the first 31 days of his administration:
Pray that the Lord would give our president godly wisdom for U.S. Supreme Court appointments who would hold to the Scriptures and the U.S. Constitution in their decision-making.
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peace-loving, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, free of hypocrisy (James 3:17).
Saturday, January 25 2025
Thank you all for adapting with Zoom only worship yesterday! We heard a little about our responsibility as God's redeemed, gathered and sent people. We were preparing for our Annual Congregational Meeting next Sunday after worship. See you there! We all have a part and responsibility in the Kingdom and as God's Good News Delivery Co. And we get to exercise our gifts and created abilities to grow His Kingdom as His people! PTL! Keep praying into that! See Sarah's Prayer update from yesterday below.
This Week:
Tuesday Zoom Huddle 10-11 All welcome!
10-12 Bread Ministry
6-7:30 Dinner Huddle. All welcome!
Sunday: Worship at 10 with Children's Church starting their several week building of and teaching about the armor of God. Congregational meeting in sanctuary after worship followed by our 2 Peas in A Pod Brunch at 11:30. All welcome!
Good Morning Redeemed, Washed-White-As-Snow, Called, Gifted, Gathered and Sent, Worshipers of God Almighty! Amen! May we step more fully into that Lord!
Today is a holiday for many as we remember Martin Luther King Jr. and his fight for freedom. ODB reflects on God's call to Moses to go set His people free. We are free in Christ and called and sent to set the captives free. We still battle for the souls of the oppressed and enslaved today. May God send us and use us well and may we not be reluctant to go like Moses. But we are also reminded that God sent him with a partner as well. What's your call and who are your partners? Today is also Inauguration Day where the freedoms we know in this country are lived out as we transition leaders. May freedom ring and God lead our leaders to his perfect plans. Check out Harvest Prayer as they begin several days of praying for our new leaders and for our nation. May freedom ring, love arise, and unity come! Amen! Below ODB you will find my "I to We" devo as we remember our call to love God, each other and others. May that come alive and grow in and through and around us Lord! I think that will be enough for today. You can use this snowy holiday to spend some time with our Lord, Savior and Leader. He has set us free! And sent us to set the captives free. That is why we are still walking this earth! May we be determined to go live and love more like Jesus and step into our purposes in His Good News Delivery Company. May we come alive in '25! Amen! (pray for Karen and I as we hit the road shortly to go spend time with our grand babies! Thanks!)
God has great plans custom made for you and us as His gathered and sent people. He loves you and is calling you by name. He has gifted and positioned you for such a time as this and He has gathered us to grow His Kingdom As we trust, obey and follow, we are worshiping the King of kings and bringing great glory to His name And that results in good and lasting fruit! may we abide, follow and build His Kingdom always! Amen! I'm praying for you and us. Join God and me!
The acclaimed painting Let My People Go by Aaron Douglas uses vibrant colors of lavender, green, and gold, along with traditional African imagery, to tell the biblical story of Moses and connect it with black Americans’ struggle for freedom and justice.
The painting portrays God’s appearance to Moses in a burning bush when He revealed that He’d seen the plight of the Israelites in Egypt. The artist uses a beam of light to symbolize God and His message, “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt” (Exodus 3:10).
In Let My People Go, Moses kneels in obedient submission to God’s instructions, but the eye is drawn to the dark waves and horses trained for war surrounding him—reminding viewers of the struggles the Israelites would face as they left Egypt. But the beam of light shines brightly as a reminder that God would be with the Israelites.
The emotions evoked by the painting resonate because the struggle against injustice continues; many use their power to oppress men, women, and children around the world. As those who are suffering cry out for God to be “a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble” (Psalm 9:9), we can plead with God to respond to their cries for help. And, like Moses, we can be willing to act on behalf of the oppressed.
By Lisa M. Samra
How might you pray for oppressed people? How might you learn more about caring for those suffering from injustice?
Heavenly Father, please make Your presence known to all those who suffer unjustly.
Visit ODBU.org/SF120 to learn more about how to pray for others.
Moses’ burning bush experience (Exodus 3) involves what’s known as a theophany, “a theological term to refer to either a visible or auditory manifestation of God” (Evangelical Dictionary of Theology). The sight or sound grabs one’s attention, but the message is what’s paramount. God assured Moses: “I have indeed seen the misery of my people . . . . I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers and I am concerned about their suffering” (v. 7). Another example of a theophany is when God appeared in fire and smoke at Mount Sinai (19:16-20).
Arthur Jackson |
I to We

Harvest Blogs:
January 20 - The Holy Spirit Is Poured Out On All People
Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on servants—men and women alike (Joel 2:28-29).
The Spirit is generous to all of God’s people. He shows no partiality for the elite, but is poured out on men and women, young and old, the poor and the wealthy. Are we walking in a way that shows we believe this promise extends to us? The Spirit pours into us so that we can pour into others and build up the body of believers through our gifts.
Father God, please give me the faith to believe that the gifts of the Spirit are available to me, my family and the community of believers I worship with! Help us all to trust that You will show us how to walk in those gifts as You pour the Spirit out upon us!
--Adapted with permission from The Summit Church (thesummitchurch.org) we are inviting you into 21 days of prayer and fasting at the beginning of this new year! Each day will focus on a different biblical attribute of the Holy Spirit.
The founding pastor of Summit Church is Bill Elliff, who is now the pastor Emeritus and serves on the Executive Leadership Team of OneCry (onecry.com). Check out the OneCry Podcast that Bill Elliff co-hosts!
INAUGUARATION DAY: Join us in praying for the new President the first 31 days of his administration:
Day 1: Pray that the president would be a friend to the churches in America that honor Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made in behalf of all people, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:2).
- Praise the righteous God whose face shines upon you (Psalm 4).
- Thank him for setting apart the godly for himself.
- Confess any unresolved anger that causes you to sin.
- Commit yourself to bringing to God gifts worthy of his name.
- Ask the Lord to surround you with his favor and spread his protection over you so that you may rejoice in him.
- Pray that the Spirit may thrust believers into worldwide mission, impelling young and old, men and women, to go next door and far away, into science and art, media and marketplace with the good news of God’s grace.
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at prayershop.org. Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2025 is a free devotional published daily by OneCry Prayer. Find more resources at www.onecry.com
Sarah Prayer update:
Good afternoon, everyone,
We had a nice worship service on Zoom. 32 folks were on zoom. Thank you to Pastor Don and Debbie S for helping with the service today.
Caleb's audiology appointment is coming up soon. Prayers to be scheduled soon and good results.
Darla - Josie's friend who is having mobility issues.
Tim Schware - he is having trouble with his pitching arm. This week he will be getting cortisone shots. Praying that this will help with Pain and discomfort
Kay Behle's wrist surgery went well and she is recuperating well.
Gary Bastan has asked for surgery for a few family members:
Howie - is currently in the hospital
His cousin's niece, Linda is currently on water pills to help reduce the fluid on her lungs and legs
And Gary will be traveling with family to Florida, Jan 23 - 27. Prayers for safe travels for all
Prayers for safety and healing for those in our church family that are sick, or going through their treatments
Prayers for Lori and her team as they prep for our brunch next Sunday......
Hope you all have a great week!
Saturday, January 25 2025
Zoom ONLY worship today! Congregational Meeting after worship next Sunday the 26th after worship before Brunch (Plenty of food and all welcome to brunch!)
Good Morning Radiating, Lighthouses of THE Light of the World! Amen! I being short as God (and the dogs) brought us rest and allowed us to sleep in until 6 this morning! PTL! The salutation flows for the devos below. I'll be preparing for Zoom worship at 10. God has a great word for us in this blog and through the message today. Prepare your hearts to worship, fill up and to go radiate His love and light. He has great plans for you that begin win His presence with prayer and preparing. See you all soon! God loves you and has great plans for you and us to go live and love like Jesus as we step more fully into our created purposes and come alive in '25! Shalom!
UR: Finding Rest
[The Lord] makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters. - Psalm 23:2 (NIV)
I was designing a major installation at work. As the deadline approached, I began working overtime. It started as one extra hour a day but soon went to two hours a day. The day before the deadline I worked from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. the next morning. A few days later, my boss asked me to work away from home for six months. I had had enough, and I decided to resign. When my boss asked me why, I explained it to him. He gave me an extra week of annual leave and told me to rest!
Psalm 23 describes God as a shepherd who “makes [us] lie down,” giving us rest so that we can enjoy God’s bountiful grace and mercy. God wants us to rest, to pause and focus on God. Even God paused to rest in the Creation story (see Gen. 2:2-3).
We need physical rest, and we need emotional rest. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matt. 11:28-30). God, through Jesus, offers rest for our souls.
Today's Prayer
Dear Jesus, help us to find rest in you. Show us how and when to rest. Amen.
Sarah Young:
There’s an old folktale about a woman who carried water home every day from a river using two buckets at either end of a long pole—one bucket new and solid, the other much older and cracked. When the woman got home, the new bucket was still full, but the old bucket almost empty. The old bucket felt bad and apologized. The woman turned and pointed back down the road and asked the old bucket, “Do you see all those flowers, growing on your side of the road? Every day you water them, and my walk to and from the river is always filled with beauty.”
We live in a world that worships and rewards youth—the young and solid, unscarred and efficient. Yet the Bible clearly tells us of a righteous beauty that comes from the older and weaker, maybe even the cracked and leaky. “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree,” said the old songwriter, “they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon” (Psalm 92:12).
Granted, old is not always synonymous with wise, but the old contribute to our lives in ways the young can’t because they’ve lived a little longer, experienced a little more, and stand a little more rooted, flourishing in faith and trust in God. Such people “will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green” (v. 14).
Older adults in our lives continue to bear beautiful fruit. Let’s take the time to see it and care for them.
By John Blase
How can you serve the older adults on your path? What will you do today to see and appreciate them?
Father, please give me eyes to see those still bearing fruit in old age.
January 19 - Still Fruitful: Ps. 92:12-15 (150/129)
The book of Psalms has been described as a “prayer book for God’s people as they wait for the arrival of the Messiah and the fulfillment of God's promises” (The Bible Project). The Psalms are divided into five books: Book One, Psalms 1-41; Book Two, Psalms 42-72; Book Three, Psalms 73-89; Book Four, Psalms 90-106; and Book Five, Psalms 107-150. Psalms 90-92 form the opening portion of Book Four.
Psalm 92 has a deep connection to the psalms that precede it. The Expositor’s Bible Commentary says: “Psalms 90-92 are united by development of concepts and repetition of vocabulary. These psalms lead the worshiper from a meditation on the transience of life (Psalm 90) and a call for wisdom (Psalm 91) to a climactic celebration of divine deliverance and protection (Psalm 92).”
Bill Crowder |

Saturday, January 18 2025
We are aware of the impending snow storm that is predicted to start during worship or the congregational meeting tomorrow. At Noon today, the Support Team will make a decision regarding worship tomorrow. As of now we are leaning towards Zoom only worship due to potential treacherous travel. If that is the decision, the Congregational Meeting will move to before the Brunch next Sunday. So, watch for the decision around noon through this link and with One Call announcement.
Good Morning Preparing, Readying, Followers of the Way! Oh Lord find us preparing and readying to follow Jesus and His way to bring revival and new life to our communities. May we become disciple making disciples of Jesus. Lead us, just as we are and grow us into our fullest created and gifted potentials. Your Kingdom come and will be done. Use us! Thank You! Amen!
This morning I finally had the time to have an extended time with the Lord. PTL! It has been a hectic and early week of allowing God to use me. I love when He does that and I have been praying, prepared and filled up before this busy season. But, I love my quiet time with the Lord that can extend to several hours each morning! How is your quiet time? Are you making space for God to speak, correct, fill and inform? Are you turning off the noise, being still, abiding in His Love daily? Try it, if not! Jesus got up early to get away with God and to spend time with Him in prayer, preparation, and to receive His daily marching orders. I want to be more like Jesus. Do you? It's awesome to sit at His feet daily and worship, pray and receive!
This morning God took me into some different devotionals to speak to my heart, inform me what to share with you and to affirm me. I love when that happens! Do you have a story of how God has done that for you? I'd love to hear it! We are Oaks of Righteous planted deep in Christ and His Living Word. We are watered with His Living Water. He is speaking to our hearts and calling us to break camp like the bishop reminded us last year when Joshua told the people to break camp, purify themselves and prepare to enter the Promised Land. You have a choice. Will you seek Him, listen, break camp and follow? The Promised Land lies ahead as God is calling us to come alive as disciple making disciples of Jesus and sent apostles to transform the world around us. I get all this from my quiet times and God begins all things with prayer and informs through quiet time with Him, just as he did with Jesus. So again, how's your quiet time and prayer life? What is God saying to you and what are you planning to do about it? Who are your partners? He has gathered us to prepare us and send us to transform the world. As we go, we are transformed more into the image of Christ and moving towards our created and gifted potential. We are poised to come alive in '25! What's your part? Pray into that. Discuss that with me and your partners. Pray some more and then follow the Holy Spirit step by step in faith! God's greater things and perfect plans for you and us are on the horizon! Great and lasting fruit is budding! Amen!
Lord, come! Have your way with me and lead our Body to its fullest potential in Christ. Unite us as you are One. May we have the faith to break camp and follow You step by step! Yes, Your Kingdom come and will be done! And prepare and use us well! bring in the harvest and raise up servants for it and from it! Lord, we are asking for at least 30 new servants that want to learn to walk in Your ways. We need you! Come! Thanks! Amen! And give us wisdom about gathering tomorrow. Thanks! Speak to us however we gather and lead us to Your perfect pans as we seek to come alive in '25. Amen
My Disciple Making devo from I to We:
Sarah Young
The Upper Room: Alone with God
If God is for us, who can be against us? - Romans 8:31 (NIV)
When I was 18 years old, I moved across the world. I left my small hometown for the city of Sydney, Australia. As I stepped off the plane, I felt afraid. “God, stay with me,” I prayed as I clenched my fists and looked up desperately to the sky. After a taxi ride that felt longer than it was, I set foot in my new home. The fear I had felt quickly turned into overbearing loneliness.
As I began to unpack, I pulled out my Bible. At the time, it seemed the only familiar sight in this strange, new country. Holding back tears, I decided to take a break from my unpacking and read God’s word, thinking it might comfort me. I came upon the story of Joshua leading the Israelites into the Promised Land. Sydney, Australia, was as new and unknown to me as the Promised Land was to Joshua. But God frequently reminded Joshua and the Israelites not to be afraid.
Once I finished reading, I felt a great sense of comfort. The Lord spoke to me through Joshua’s story, reminding me that I am never alone. Even when it seems that fear and loneliness are our only companions, God remains with us, holding us as we embark on any new adventure.
Today's Prayer
Ever-present God, help us remember that we are never alone because you are with us. Thank you for continuing to guide us each day. Amen.
January 18 - The Holy Spirit Manifests Through Various Fruit
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer changes things about that person. There is a constant battle between the desires of the flesh that are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit that are against the flesh (Galatians 5:22-23).
The Spirit not only gives us the ability to stop doing evil things, but if we yield our life to the work of the Spirit, He will produce in us great spiritual fruit.
Holy Spirit, please give me an increased awareness of how important it is in and for my life to die daily to self so that I can live according to Your counsel and not give in to the temptations of the world. Would You move in my life to reveal areas where I am lacking spiritual fruitfulness? Show me and my church community how to live in such a way that the fruit we bear gives great glory to God!
--Adapted with permission from The Summit Church (thesummitchurch.org) we are inviting you into 21 days of prayer and fasting at the beginning of this new year! Each day will focus on a different biblical attribute of the Holy Spirit.
The founding pastor of Summit Church is Bill Elliff, who is now the pastor Emeritus and serves on the Executive Leadership Team of OneCry (onecry.com). You can find one of Bill’s books, The Essential Presence at prayershop.org.
- Praise the one who is able to do immeasurably more than all one can ask or imagine.
- Thank God for what he is doing in your life and in the church in response to prayer.
- Confess little asking and weak praying.
- Commit yourself to asking and expecting much in Jesus’ name.
- Claim the promise that Christ will come to you and make his home in your heart if you love him and trust him.
- Pray that the countries currently banning the Bible may soon rescind these bans so that their people may have free access to the Bible.
Prayer Pointer
“Prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night.” —Thomas Fuller
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at prayershop.org. Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2025 is a free devotional published daily by OneCry Prayer. Find more resources at www.onecry.com
Saturday, January 18 2025
Good Morning! Quick blog
Jesus loves you and is calling you by name! I love you too! Spend some time with Him today and the two devos and harvest blog below. Praise Him for your salvation. Keep at His plans and don't grow weary. Good fruit is sprouting! PTL! What's he saying to you today? What will you do about it? Who are your partners? Talk to Him and allow Him to fill you and have Hs way with you today and always Amen! I'm praying! God has great plans for you, me and us together! Let us be abut His business and fulfilling our custom made parts. Amen!
UR: Light for Dark Days
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” - John 8:12 (NIV)
A few years ago, my family and I witnessed a solar eclipse. The sky grew dark, the birds stopped chirping, and the crickets came to life in the middle of the day. It was an eerie feeling. But it lasted only a few moments. If only other dark days could be so brief!
As the pastor of a church, I recently experienced a difficult situation with a church member. I felt discouraged and disillusioned hearing harsh words and criticisms.
While we can’t remove the hurt any more than we can stop the moon from blocking the sun, we can remember the truths surrounding both. During a solar eclipse, we know that the sun is still shining; therefore, we wait in faith for its reappearance.
When dark days come, we must remember that Christ still reigns, even if we can’t see it. Therefore, we wait in faith for his reappearance. But we don’t wait idly.
When darkness engulfs me, I turn to Jesus’ words in scripture. As I meditate, Jesus becomes brighter and brighter in my soul. His presence fills me, and in his presence, darkness flees and light shines. Jesus is not just the light of the world — he’s the light for our dark days.
Today's Prayer
Dear Father, help us to remember your promises when troubles and sorrows distract us from your presence. Amen.ODB
Weary. That’s how Satya felt after nine months in his new job. As a believer in Jesus, he’d sought to follow God’s principles in the way he solved problems and directed the work. But people-related problems persisted, and little organizational progress seemed to have been made. He felt like throwing in the towel.
Perhaps, like Satya, you’re feeling tired. You know the good that you ought to do but simply feel too emotionally and physically drained to carry on. Take heart. The apostle Paul encourages us with these words: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9). He uses the metaphor of a farmer. And, as any farmer knows, sowing is hard work.
Sowing to “please the Spirit” (v. 8) is hard work too. Believers in Jesus who seek to follow the Spirit’s lead and live a life that honors Him can grow faint and lose heart. But as we hang on to His promise, the harvest will come. We’ll “reap eternal life” (v. 8; see John 17:3)—a bumper crop of God’s blessing when Christ returns, and in this life, we’ll have the confidence and joy that come from knowing Him. We’ll reap at the proper time, a time determined not by seasons or the weather but by the will of a perfect God. Until the harvest comes, let’s keep sowing in God’s strength.
By Poh Fang Chia
What’s causing you to lose heart? How can you hang on to the promise that “at the proper time we will reap a harvest”?
Dear Father, please help me to not lose heart and to persevere in doing good.
For further study, read The Sword, the Son, and a Rest for God’s People.
The letter to the Galatians wasn’t written to a single church or city but to “the churches in Galatia” (1:2), a region of what was then known as Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). There’s been an ongoing debate regarding the exact location of the recipients of this letter. Some scholars say the letter was directed to northern Galatia. Others say it was directed to southern Galatia, where Paul planted churches (Acts 13-14). Although the letter’s specific destination is unclear, there’s no doubt about its message. Paul is challenging the Galatians to set aside the teaching of those who taught adherence to Moses’ law as a condition of salvation. It’s all about grace. Bill Crowder
Learn more about Paul’s letter to the Galatians.
Bill Crowder |
January 17 - The Holy Spirit Unites Believers
After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had (Acts 4:31-32).
The first-century church received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and was continually filled and equipped by the Spirit to be the kind of church God intended. One of the Holy Spirit’s roles is to bring unity to the hearts and minds of believers to accomplish God’s mission in His church. Unity is vital among God’s people and in our church today. The Spirit does not work among a church in disunity.
Oh Lord, unity is a huge thing on Your heart for Your people. May Your Holy Spirit fill every believer at my church with unity of heart and mind so that we have increased unity in our mission and vision. Convict us and correct us of anything that causes or breeds disunity in our midst.
--Adapted with permission from The Summit Church (thesummitchurch.org) we are inviting you into 21 days of prayer and fasting at the beginning of this new year! Each day will focus on a different biblical attribute of the Holy Spirit.
The founding pastor of Summit Church is Bill Elliff, who is now the pastor Emeritus and serves on the Executive Leadership Team of OneCry (onecry.com). You can find one of Bill’s books, The Essential Presence at prayershop.org.
Saturday, January 18 2025
Sarah Prayer update below
Bread today 10-12
Tonight 6-7:30 Dinner Huddle restart. All welcome!
Good Morning Serving Purposeful Partners! This salutation comes from two of our devotionals this morning (below) that really speak into what God has been revealing and who we are and how we are growing as God's Body! Check them out prayerfully and share what you are hearing/sensing with Sarah, me or your partners.
I began my quiet time reviewing a report from the American Pastor's Network compiled by one of my LBC professors about the State of the Church 2024. For the first time in history less than 50% of Americans attend church and less than that regularly or as little more than consumers and not as servants of God. PTL that is not the case with our church! We are pretty healthy, populated with servants and growing! That is a BIG God thing worthy of much thanksgiving and praise. And yes, it's ok to pat ourselves on the back a bit and celebrate how we are growing to be the people we are created to be and more like Jesus and doing what we are created to do individually and as His Body! Yes Thanks Lord! We celebrate You and what You are doing in our midst and the servants You have raised up at St. Matts! Please continue your good work in, through and around us. Keep us serving purposefully, partnering together and going to make disciples of Jesus. May we continue to grow as Your Good News Delivery Company and do our custom made parts in that. Lead us to Your perfect plans and will. Thank You! Amen!
The report gives some ideas for where we should be heading from here for the Church to become relevant and thriving again. The first two are Pray. remember everything starts and prospers through prayer. For some of us our primary role in God's Good News Delivery Company is that of being a pray-er. Interceding for God to come, to lead and for His will to be done. Also, covering and protecting our servants. Praying for Him to lead us to those He is drawing and sending to us to lead to faith and His ways (even 30 new attendees this year). That leads to the second opportunity to focus on: making disciples. Jesus commissioned us to do so. Over the years the Church has lost drive, focus and direction to do so. It's time to refocus on the primary purpose of the church: growing God's Kingdom and making disciples. We are focused on that this year as we seek to bring it alive in '25. We are gifted, equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live and love more like Jesus and that includes making disciples of His and reproducing what He is doing. We need each other to do this well. Purposeful partners that serve God and others. We are on our way. PTL!
Something to keep in mind is that discipleship is the process of becoming who Jesus would be if He were you (me). How's you journey towards that going? Who can you partner with to earnestly pursue Jesus and His plans and way? That is our focus for this year. Join us! Soon we will begin some small groups exploring our spiritual gifts and how to partner together to grow God's Church and encourage and pray for each other. Please consider joining us! Watch for details in the next few weeks for some opportunities to join a small group to process and plan and enact your gifts.
The closing thoughts from the report is that the Church needs to change and adapt to the times to connect to new people and families who have little or no connection to God. It involves going back to things the Church used to do to make reproducing disciples and to raise up prayer. God's always doing something new and He is leading us to His old things done in new ways as we seek Him and partner together to make disciples of Jesus. As we do, His Kingdom will come and flourish again and we will become His dynamic movement led by pastors and laity with a burning passion for God and missionary zeal to reach the lost. Amen! It's really time to stop being God's Church in name only and to step more fully into our roles as His Good News Delivery Company that makes reproducing disciples of Jesus in the way He and the early church did. Are you ready? I am and am praying earnestly for God to draw us and lead us and for revival to come. Come and see what He has planned for you and us! And keep praying for His Kingdom is at hand! Revival is around the corner as we and other churches earnestly pursue God and His new things for us! PTL! I am really excited to witness and celebrate all He is about to do as we humble ourselves, trust and obey!
UR: Choosing to Serve
Jesus said, “Who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.” - Luke 22:27 (NRSVUE)
As I grew older, playing guitar, which had been my passion since the age of 13, fell by the wayside. When I was younger, I played in bands and would “rock out” nearly every night. But I stopped having time for the hobby, and ultimately I lost touch with the instrument altogether.
A few years ago, when I was 61, a friend who played with our church’s contemporary praise team approached me and asked if I would be interested in joining. I was nervous. Could I play anymore? If so, would I be good enough?
I took a chance and attended a rehearsal. I held back, lowered my volume, and waited to see if I could add to the music. The group was welcoming, patient, and kind. They supported me, and eventually I became a member.
I now have a better understanding of what Paul meant when he wrote, “There are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.” What we bring to the church is not as important as simply bringing something. God can speak through whatever we bring.
Today's Prayer
Dear God, thank you for the gifts you give to each of us and for the opportunity to serve alongside others. Amen.
The Word for You Today:

Good evening, everyone!
I have several updates that are in need of our prayers:
Dean received a request for prayer from a friend: Jaydyn is struggling with understanding God's love and other personal things in her life. May we lift her up in our prayers that she will see and understand how much she is cared for.
Another prayer request from Dean - Lindsay's sister was involved in a hit and run on Saturday night. She is in the hospital with internal bleeding, shrapnel in her forehead and eye. She is currently stable but still has a long road of recovery ahead of her
Prayers for the assistant chief of Coopersburg and his family. Last night the family's home burned. The family is safe
but their home is in bad shape.
Church family members - there are several of our church family members that are dealing with the Nonovirus, RSV, COVID and sinus infections. Please keep each other in your prayers.
Kay Behle will be having carpal tunnel surgery on Friday. Prayers for healing and for the surgical team that will be caring for her.
Tomorrow is Bread Ministry day - pray for those that will enter our doors!
Sunday is our Congregational meeting
Welp, everyone, stay warm over the next few days!! If anyone is in need of our prayer support, let me know and I will make sure that it gets out to our warriors.
Saturday, January 18 2025
Sat: Clothing Closet 10-1
Sun: Worship 10 live in person and on Zoom with Children's Church (begin several weeks on armor of God) 11:30 Annual Congregational Meeting (Zoom and Sanctuary)
Note: There may not be a blog tomorrow depending on the departure time to take Kay to her hand surgery. (Could be as early as 5am) But God will still speak to you as your TGIF worship and draw close in prayer and study. You don't need me to lead your quiet time. I'm praying for God to speak to your heart always.
Good Morning Known, Loved, Abiding in Love, Followers of Jesus! May that be you, me, and us and always! Thanks Lord! Life and even life in Christ is a journey full of ups and downs and often characterized as a roller coaster ride. Hang on! You can't get off a coaster until the end. Unfortunately we can choose to get of the Jesus journey whenever we want and many do when the steep and hard climbs come. But that doesn't have to be you or any of us. God is with us always. hard times are promised but so is His help in times of trouble. Often we grow most and become prepared as endure through, are stretched some and grow into the people we are created to be. may that be us Lord! Strengthen us. Carry us. Mold us. Make us usable and lead us to your perfect plans! Amen!
Check out the flow about this through the devotionals below. God is speaking to you. Some of you need these Words form Him today. Pray. Meditate. Seek. Listen. Process. And follow well! He has great plans for you and even through the hard things is with you and working all things together for good! PTL! Trust and know His peace and receive His help. You get to choose joy today and always. try it and follow well!
Mark was a promising young pastor. Then one morning his son, Owen, collapsed and died while kicking a ball with him. Mark was devastated and still grieves the loss. But through his pain he’s become a more compassionate pastor. I’ve mourned with Mark and wondered if his trial illustrates an insight A. W. Tozer noted: “It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until he has hurt him deeply.” I fear that’s true.
Then again, perhaps it’s not that simple. We learn about the complexity of God’s ways by observing the exodus of Israel. God led the young nation out of Egypt on an easy road, saying of Israel, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt” (Exodus 13:17). Yet a few verses later, God told Moses to double back so Pharaoh would rally his army and come out to fight (14:1-4). Pharaoh took the bait. The Israelites “were terrified and cried out to the Lord” (v. 10). Moses chided them, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (v. 14).
God uses both easy and hard paths to grow His people and bring Him glory. He promised, “I will gain glory for myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord” (v. 4). So did Israel. So can we. God is building our faith through every test, whether easy or hard. When life is easy, rest in Him. When life is hard, let Him carry you.
By Mike Wittmer
How has pain contributed to your growth? Why do you think God uses both easy and hard tests?
Dear Jesus, You’re enough for every test.
After Pharaoh set the Israelites free from slavery (Exodus 12:28-33), he immediately had a change of heart and summoned his elite army to recapture them (14:5-9). Although God had overwhelmingly demonstrated His great power through the ten plagues (chs. 7-11), the Israelites chose not to trust in Him. Terrified, they accused Moses of deceiving them and leading them into the wilderness to die (14:11-12). But Moses encouraged them not to be afraid, to be still, and to trust in God (vv. 13-14). He was faithful and saved them from Pharaoh’s army (vv. 21-23) and continued to provide for them during their forty years in the wilderness.
K. T. Sim |
UR: Fear Not
The psalmist wrote, “I cry to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” - Psalm 57:2 (NRSVUE)
When I was 37 weeks pregnant with my only daughter, my doctor informed me that I would have to undergo a C-section. My oxygen levels had dropped; my baby was having trouble breathing and was not moving as much as expected. I had an ultrasound and was then moved to the operating room for emergency surgery.
I was puzzled — and petrified. My husband was not with me because I was with my parents. As I lay worried and afraid, my mother comforted me with these words: “Fear not.” She reminded me that the Lord God was with me and would never leave me. She also told me of God’s promise in Psalm 57:3 — that God who is faithful would surround me with love.
My mom’s words gave me strength. By holding on to God’s promise and blessings, I underwent my operation and received the biggest blessing of my life — my daughter. I will forever trust that no matter what the circumstance may be, my loving God is with me.
Today's Prayer
Dear God, thank you for the love and blessings which you bestow on us and our families. Give us strength to trust in your love for us when challenges arise. Amen.
Joyce Meyer:

Sarah Young


Saturday, January 18 2025
Good Morning Spirit-Filled, Spirit-Led, Purposeful Followers of Jesus! I thought God was leading me to a blog this morning that I asked Him to write. And He is. However, I always check the Harvest Connection blog before writing the blog. And, well, today gave me a fresh word for me, you and us! PTL! He is always speaking, guiding, and will redirect as we stay open, listening and available for Him to do so. And such is the case today. My devotionals may flow from the Connection Blog? We'll see, but lets start with that as they discuss the Holy Spirit's gifting and equipping believers. Lord, Come! Speak! Lead us to Your perfect plans. Thank You for Your love, gifting, equipping and empowering Spirit in us! Your Kingdom come and will be done today (and always) as we spend some time with you and seek your plans to follow. Speak to our hearts today! Thanks! Amen!
So most of you know that God has had me fixated on a few things for several years that He wants to bring alive through you and our Body of believers. Mainly that we are all custom made, custom gifted and placed where He wants us to be His hands and feet for such a time as this. We even discussed this yesterday a bit. He knew you before you were formed in the womb. All the days of your life are written in His book. He has custom plans just for you and they are age and circumstance appropriate for each day of your journey to become more like Jesus and growing into your fullest potential in Christ. And Jesus is the key! He draws us and as we come to faith, we receive His Holy Spirit as a sign and seal of our faith, The Holy Spirit brings custom gifts to each of us in alignment with who we are created to be and Christ's plans for us. The Holy Spirit trains us, guides us, corrects us and works at transforming us into Christ's Image. He equips, empowers and enables us to be about who we are created to be and what we are created to do. How cool is that! That's Jesus' easy yoke as we come to Him and stop striving in our own strength but allow Him to have His way with us and use us for His glory. I have found such rest for my soul, joy and peace as I still myself, die to self and allow Him to lead. He does have great plans for me, you and us as His gifted, gathered, empowered and sent people! Amen!
We have moved from the Become Me in '23 and Become More in '24 challenges where we worked on becoming who we are created to be and then doing more of what we are created to do as we say less of me and more of Christ. He has now led us to the Come Alive in '25 Challenge. What's that? That is letting go and letting God lead us to true life in Christ and allowing Him to use us to bring life to a dead world around us. Revival and new life are on the horizon as we cooperate with his Spirit and follow Jesus well. Are you in? Talk to me or Sarah about next steps in your journey. May we Come Alive in '25!
I believe God is leading us to explore our spiritual gifts and learn how to step more fully into them this year. Gifts are given to help you become who you are created to be and do what you are created to do. That is building God's Church, encouraging and spurring each other on and to bring new life to outsiders and help them become disciples of Jesus. As we do this better and more we will become that dynamic movement of God that the bishop has challenged us to become. We are God's Good News Delivery Company. We need each other to do our parts. Soon we will begin discovery and training opportunities with spiritual gifts and our God given roles. I expect several groups doing this over the next month or so and then learning throughout '25 and beyond how to utilize the gifts we have been given and use them to fulfill our created purposes as His team of purposeful followers. I will not force anyone into this discovery and learning opportunity. It's up to you to seek God and see if He is leading you to that. I'd think He wants that for many of us. Reach out to me and let me know of your interest and we will try to schedule some trainings that fit your schedules. Know this, God wants to bring you and our church alive in '25 and this is the next step for that to happen.
Now, pray and invite the Holy Spirit in, spend some time with God and the Connection blog and see what He is saying to you. He does have great things ahead for you as we work together to grow into our fuller potential and God's greater things! PTL! What a great adventure lies ahead! And know this, I believe as we remain humble and seeking, He will lead us to at least 30 new people this year. Who is He leading you to? Who are you gathering, processing and serving with? Let us commit wholeheartedly to seek God, His plans and to allow His Spirit to teach us and lead us to some great and lasting fruit! Amen!
January 13 - The Holy Spirit Gives Gifts and Equips for Ministry
Now, dear brothers and sisters, regarding your question about the special abilities the Spirit gives us. I don’t want you to misunderstand this. There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other. It is the one and only Spirit who distributes all these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have (1 Corinthians 12:1, 4, 7, 11).
One of the marks of God on a believer is that through the power of the Holy Spirit He gives spiritual gifts to strengthen them and the church. There are different kinds of gifts and God decides what gifts to give, when to give them, and how they will be used. These gifts are driven by the power of the Holy Spirit and manifested in the lives of ordinary believers. The Holy Spirit uses these gifts to strengthen the faith of the individual believer, build up the church, and impact the lost as He sees fit. He gifts and equips all of us in different ways to facilitate any aspect of ministry needed for the advancement of His Kingdom.
Holy Spirit, would You enable every believer to see how You have uniquely gifted them and that You want to use these gifts in their lives? Reveal to our church how You are using these gifts to build up Your body, the church! Empower each believer to continually exercise these spiritual gifts for Your glory!
--Adapted with permission from The Summit Church (thesummitchurch.org) we are inviting you into 21 days of prayer and fasting at the beginning of this new year! Each day will focus on a different biblical attribute of the Holy Spirit.
The founding pastor of Summit Church is Bill Elliff, who is now the pastor Emeritus and serves on the Executive Leadership Team of OneCry (onecry.com). You can find one of Bill’s books, The Essential Presence at prayershop.org.
I believe these devotionals flow from this:
Sarah Young

Reflecting on why people tend to be entirely convinced they’re right—even when they’re not—author Julia Galef suggests that it has to do with a “soldier mindset”—where we’re focused on defending what we already believe against what we see as threats. Galef argues a more helpful mindset is that of a scout—someone focused not primarily on eliminating threats but on seeking the complete truth: comprehending “what’s really there as honestly and accurately as you can, even if it’s not pretty or convenient or pleasant.” People with this outlook have the humility to continually grow in understanding.
Galef’s insights bring to mind James’ encouragement that believers adopt a similar mindset—one where they’re “quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1:19). Instead of being driven by knee-jerk reactions to others, James urges believers in Jesus to remember that human anger doesn’t lead to God’s righteousness (v. 20). Growth in wisdom is only possible through humble submission to His grace (v. 21; see Titus 2:11-14).
When we remember that each moment of our lives is dependent on God’s grace—not on us—we can let go of a need to always be right. And we can rely on His leading for how to live and care well for others (James 1:25-27).
By Monica La Rose
What examples have you seen of a spirit of humble willingness to learn and change? How can you cultivate a willingness to learn from others?
Dear God, please help me to surrender the need to always be right in exchange for the gift of unending learning as I journey with You.
When James warns that believers in Jesus should be “slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires” (1:19-20), the context suggests he has in mind angry outbursts. Instead of lashing out at someone in anger, believers ought to be “quick to listen, slow to speak” (v. 19). Outbursts of anger fall short of “the righteousness that God desires” (v. 20). It’s impossible to aim at how God wishes us to live our lives if our tempers are leading our behavior. Instead, we ought to humbly depend on Him and His standards for a life of service (vv. 21, 25). James even goes so far as to say that “those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless” (v. 26).
Monica La Rose |
Upper Room: Like A Mother
The Lord said, “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.” - Isaiah 66:13 (NRSVUE)
My doctor told me I needed a medical procedure. I dreaded having it, and as the day came closer I became more and more afraid. On the day of the procedure, I wore a T-shirt that had belonged to my mother. Feeling its soft material on my shoulders and arms, I remembered how my mother used to put her arms around me. When I was a small child and not feeling well, she would rock me and sing to me.
As the doctor gave me the anesthesia, the memory of my mother comforting me reminded me that God also comforts us. I remembered scripture from the worship service that past Sunday: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear.” I went to sleep feeling calm and peaceful as I once did in my mother’s arms.
Today's Prayer
O God, help us to turn to you for comfort when we are afraid. We pray as Jesus taught us, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” (Matt. 6:9-13, NIV). Amen.
Joyce Meyer

- Praise Jesus Christ for his grace and beauty.
- Thank God for reproducing the beauty of Christ’s character in you.
- Confess anything in your life which is displeasing to God.
- Commit yourself to pleasing him in every way.
- Ask God to help you live a life worthy of the Lord, to please him in everything you do, and to bear fruit in every good work (Col. 1:10).
- Pray that all God’s people will be able to stand against the principalities, powers, and the world rulers of darkness that seek to control the lives and destinies of people.
- Pray that they may put on the whole armor of God and may pray in the Spirit with all kinds of prayers and requests (Eph. 6:10-18).
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at prayershop.org. Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2025 is a free devotional published daily by OneCry Prayer. Find more resources at www.onecry.com |
Saturday, January 18 2025
Good Morning Friends! I have blood work shortly so have to fly. Jesus loves you and so do I! he's calling you by name to come and walk with Him in His ways. He's given you His Spirit and co-laborers to travel with in your journey to become more like Jesus and to grow into the greater things He has planed for you. So rejoice. Relax in His presence. Woship. Listen. Receive. Team up. Follow well. I'm praying for you.
Here are a few devos to guide your quiet time. he really loves you! He is with you. Be still and know then walk and go with Him today.
See you at Zoom Huddle at 10! Shalom!
For years, fitness experts have stressed the importance of running for cardiovascular health. But recent scientific studies have demonstrated that daily walking also has a range of health benefits. According to the US National Institute of Health, “Adults who took 8,000 or more steps a day had a reduced risk of death over the following decade than those who walked only 4,000 steps a day.” Walking is good for us.
Throughout the story of the Bible, walking is used as a metaphor for communing with God. In Genesis 3, we’re told how God walked with Adam and Eve “in the cool of the day” (v. 8). Genesis 5 shares the story of Enoch, who “walked faithfully with God 300 years” (v. 22). One day Enoch’s regular time spent with his Creator led to him being taken directly to be with God (v. 24). In Genesis 17, God invited Abram to “walk before” Him as He renewed His covenant with him (v. 1). And Jacob, near the end of his life, described God as his shepherd and spoke of his ancestors who had “walked faithfully” (48:15). In the New Testament, Paul instructed us to “walk by the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16).
Like Enoch and the patriarchs in Genesis, we can walk with God daily. We do so by surrendering our lives to Jesus and being guided by the Holy Spirit. That’s the path to true health.
How’s your walk?
By Matt Lucas
How would you describe “walking with God”? Today, as you reflect on Scripture, how will you follow and obey it?
Father, please forgive me when I’ve chosen not to walk with You but pursued my own agenda. Help me keep in step with You.
Visit ODBU.org/NT050 to learn more about walking by the Spirit.
The metaphor of walking with God is a prominent theme in the Bible. Walking describes a life of obedience and submission to His instruction. Genesis 5 says that “Enoch walked faithfully with God” (vv. 22, 24). This imagery is also used throughout the book of Deuteronomy to remind Israel to follow the law by walking in it (5:33; 8:6; 10:12; 11:22; 19:9; 26:17; 28:9; 30:16). In chapter 6, we see the explicit origin of this idea. Verses 4-9 are referred to as the Shema, which means “hear,” the first word in this section of Scripture: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one” (v. 4). In the Shema, Israel is encouraged to make God’s law central to everything they do. Observant Jews today still recite this prayer daily. Other examples of walking imagery appear in the Psalms (see 1, 15, 119, 128) and in the New Testament (see Colossians 3:7; 1 John 1:7; 2 John 1:6).
Matt Lucas |
UR: How Does God see you
You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. - 1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)
I have struggled with speaking highly of myself. I always felt I was not good enough, even from a young age — not good enough to be successful, to fit in, to be appreciated, even to be loved. Most of these thoughts came from other people’s opinions of me. But why do we think who we are depends on what others say about us?
Do we ever think about what God thinks of us? Do we believe in what God sees in us? God has already made it clear in scripture who we are. Today’s quoted scripture reminds us that we are “a chosen people.” It’s up to us to believe and embrace that truth.
God chooses us out of unconditional love — not our social status or physical appearance. Understanding who we are in God’s heart allows us to appreciate, accept, and love ourselves, as well as those around us.
Today's Prayer
Dear God, help us always to know that our identity can be found in you. Remind us that we are your beloved and cherished people. Amen.
Sarah Young


Saturday, January 18 2025
Good Morning Preparing, Trusting, Worshipers of God! Why this word from God to pronounce over us today? Well, first of all we are children of God because of our faith in Jesus and we know He has custom plans for each of us and us as His Body. We are preparing our hearts to trust, obey, follow and worship. Everything we do for God and His lory is an act of worship. (Cleaning the church to praying for His Kingdom to come and will to be done, from trusting him and stepping out in faith to do what he has for you today. May we grow in trust as we prepare to follow and offer ourselves and all we do as an act of worship today and always! Amen!
I have to get out to shovel and clean off our cars as we prepare to go visit the grand babies shortly. So, remember you are very loved and washed white as snow. God loves you beyond measure and has great plans for you today and always. Step into those as you still yourself, worship, listen and follow today. I'm praying for you. Check out the couple of devos below as you sit at His feet and then engage in prayer and submission with the Harvest blogs. God really does love and you matter. Today is the day of the Lord's favor! Seek and follow Him into it today! Amen! Worship!
Sarah Young

Upper Room: With God's Blessings
Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him favor. - Nehemiah 1:11 (NIV)
A friend of mine recently went through a devastating divorce. Listening to her heartbreak, I felt sad and helpless. I was hundreds of miles away from her. What could I do? How could I help? I was overwhelmed and intimidated by the complexity of her need.
Nehemiah also faced a daunting task. When he heard that the wall of Jerusalem was broken down and its gates destroyed by fire, he knew he needed to do something. He felt hopeless at first, but Nehemiah went on to lead and complete the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s wall. Nehemiah’s situation shows us that with God’s blessing the impossible becomes possible. God gave Nehemiah courage and guided him.
All of us experience daunting tasks that seem too big to conquer alone. It is normal to feel overwhelmed and unsure. But we are not alone; God is with us. In times of need, we can trust that God will give us the strength to endure. God equips us for what God has called us to do.
Today's Prayer
Dear God, help us to turn to you when we are faced with what feels impossible, trusting that you will give us strength. Amen.
The Word for You Today:

I to We Devo:

Harvest blogs:
January 11 - The Holy Spirit Empowers To Witness
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).
For when we brought you the Good News, it was not only with words but also with power, for the Holy Spirit gave you full assurance that what we said was true. And you know of our concern for you from the way we lived when we were with you (1 Thessalonians 1:5).
The Holy Spirit is at work to get the Good News to people far from God. He is empowering believers to witness and then illuminating the truth of the message of Christ when we are faithful to share. The great news for the believer is that this isn’t something we have to work up, but we must simply cooperate with the Spirit already at work within us. This should give us confidence to open our mouths and proclaim the news of Christ because the Spirit is not just at work in us, but He is working in others and desires to give understanding to those who hear the message of Christ.
Holy Spirit, please teach me and empower me to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ effectively and powerfully. Put people in my path who desperately need You and give me the boldness I lack so that I can speak Your word with confidence!
--Adapted with permission from The Summit Church (thesummitchurch.org) we are inviting you into 21 days of prayer and fasting at the beginning of this new year! Each day will focus on a different biblical attribute of the Holy Spirit.
The founding pastor of Summit Church is Bill Elliff, who is now the pastor Emeritus and serves on the Executive Leadership Team of OneCry (onecry.com). You can find one of Bill’s books, Simply Prayer at prayershop.org.
- Praise God for keeping his covenant promises to you.
- Give thanks that you have always been able to count on him in all circumstances.
- Confess any doubt you have had concerning God and his promises.
- Commit yourself to trusting the Lord and taking him at his word.
- Ask for his peace which transcends understanding to guard your heart and your mind in Jesus Christ.
- Pray that those who instruct within the church may be able to correctly handle the Word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15).
Prayer Pointer
“Embark upon no enterprise you cannot submit to the test of prayer.” —Anonymous
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at prayershop.org. Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2025 is a free devotional published daily by OneCry Prayer. Find more resources at www.onecry.com |
Saturday, January 18 2025
Busy restart week ahead!
Tues. Zoom Huddle 10-11
Wed: Bread 10-noon; Dinner Huddle 6-7:30
Sat. Clothing Closet 10-1
Sun: Congregational Meeting after worship and Children's Church beginning of several weeks of the Armor of God
Good Morning Worshiping Co-Laborers! Amen! Prepare your hearts to worship in Spirit and Truth and to enter His courts with thanksgiving whether in person or on Zoom...Come! Let us worship! Amen. As we labor for the Lord and co-labor with each other we are worshiping God as we allow Him to transform us more into His image and our created purposes. We are His, known, loved, equipped, gathered and sent to glorify Him! Amen! He has great plans for you and us together! Let us commit to seeking Him, discovering our purposes and doing them for His glory! We are God's Good News Delivery Company and we are His gathered worshipers and co-laborers! Amen! Come let us worship!
As I prepare to share God's Word today from Matthew 2, I am and have been a bit troubled with some that is to be shared. There is some hard teachings today. But they are in God's Word. In the past I shied away from things like this, BUT GOD! Today, He wants me to share and us to discuss the killing of the innocents. Help us Lord! Help me! Open our hearts and minds to seek, listen and discover what you are teaching and then to apply what we are learning as we follow You. Thanks! Come! Speak! Teach! Thanks! Pray that I would handle God's Word well and that the Holy Spirit speak to you and through me. Thanks! I try to remember and remind myself often, that with obedience comes blessings! Please Lord! Speak, lead and use me well today.
Okay so what has God revealed this morning during my quiet time? Sarah Young reminds us to allow God to prepare us and that he will equip us for the journey of today and beyond as we humble ourselves before Him with hearts determined to follow always. Our Daily Bread reminds us that God will act and that His promises are true. Lean on those, not our own understanding, and allow Him to guide you and redeem those things that seem unfair in His perfect timing. We will never be able to fully grasp His wisdom and plans. All we are called to do is follow Him step by step in faith and trust that He will work all things together. Amen! And the Upper Room reminds us that God does and will lead us and work all things together as we trust and obey. Yes, with obedience comes blessings! May we be faithful and obedient and allowing Him to lead us through the long haul as we persevere in faith and follow well always. Amen! Today we will encounter several faithful ones that trust and follow God and see how He blessed their obedience and brought His will to life. May that be us--always! I'm praying for you and us and for God to lead us to His perfect plans as we allow Him to. Amen!
See you soon! We can know His peace, even in the unusual or very hard things. He is with us always and working all things together for your, our and all who will come good! PTL!
Sarah Young

A hardworking clerk, Erin always did her job well. But after she was accused of dishonesty, Erin was put on leave while being investigated. She felt like quitting in protest but was advised to wait it out. “Leaving suggests you’re guilty,” she was told. So Erin stayed, praying for God to give her justice. Sure enough, months later, she was cleared.
John Mark may have felt the same when Paul dropped him from the mission team. To be sure, the young man had left them earlier (Acts 15:37-38). But perhaps he’d regretted this and was hoping to be included this time. He must have felt unfairly judged by Paul; only Barnabas believed in him.
Years later, Paul would change his mind. “Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry,” he said (2 Timothy 4:11). John Mark must have been relieved to have his reputation restored.
When we’re unfairly judged, may we remember that Jesus understands how we feel: He Himself was judged a sinner though He wasn’t, and He was treated worse than a common criminal though He was the Son of God. But He continued to do His Father’s will, knowing that He’d be vindicated and shown to be righteous. If you’ve been unfairly judged, don’t give up: God knows and will act in His time.
By Leslie Koh
What promises of God can you hold on to when you’re unfairly judged? How does Jesus’ example encourage you?
Father, only You know how I feel and what I’m going through. Please grant me the faith and patience to wait and to trust in You, for You’re a just God.
“John, also called Mark” was a young believer in Jesus in Jerusalem, where his mother Mary hosted a church in her house (Acts 12:12). After handing over the famine relief money from the Antioch church to the Jerusalem church, Barnabas and Paul took Mark with them back to Antioch (v. 25). He became Paul’s missionary intern in his first missionary journey (13:5) but left the mission team halfway and returned to Jerusalem (v. 13). Paul viewed this as an unforgivable defection and failure (15:38). The apostle’s refusal to let Mark join the second missionary trip ended his cordial partnership with Barnabas (v. 39). Barnabas restored and nurtured his young cousin (Colossians 4:10) into faithfulness and fruitfulness (2 Timothy 4:11; Philemon 1:24). Because Peter called him “my son Mark” (1 Peter 5:13), scholars believe that he later came under the tutelage of Peter. Scholars also believe that Peter gave Mark the source materials to write the gospel bearing his name.
K. T. Sim |
Upper Room: Let God
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. - Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)
I was a Catholic seminarian for 10 years. It had always been my dream to serve God and the church as a priest. However, after finishing my studies, I was not ordained. I was asked to take a leave of absence and explore life outside the seminary.
Upon hearing that I would not be ordained, waves of anger toward God came crashing over me, and I experienced a crisis of faith. I spent many sleepless nights thinking about my situation. I had done well in my studies; I prayed fervently and attended Mass piously. I thought I knew God to be gentle, loving, and compassionate, and surely such a God would not take away my dream of becoming a priest.
When I sat down and reevaluated myself, I realized that all along I had taken my eventual ordination for granted and had not let God be God in my life. I had grabbed the reins and taken control without truly asking God to guide me.
The past years have been a great blessing and an opportunity for me to know God more fully. I may not understand God’s will, but I am now comforted by the truth that God is in charge of my life. I do not need to understand God’s thoughts and ways to rely on God’s will for me.
Today's Prayer
Lord God, we may not know what lies ahead for us, but we are assured of your promise that you will be with us every step of the journey. Amen.
Saturday, January 18 2025
Please pray for our Support team meeting tonight as we prepare for our Annual Congregational Meeting on the 19th. Pray for God to lead our leaders and us as His Body. May we be the best stewards of ALL His blessings while sowing lavishly and following well.
Many of our members have been or are sick. Please continue to pray for healing, deliverance and a covering over us all to stay healthy and of protection from evil.
Some are also enduring some physical things that need prayer and deliverance. Keep praying and reaching out to encourage. We need each other to travel through all season well.
Larry Paul had good news that the heart meds are working and he will not need angioplasty. PTL and keep praying for him to transition well back to work as He serves the Lord as one of our supported missionaries.
PTL for another amazing day of ministry and fellowship at our Bread Ministry Donut day. Many were served and much serving, prayer, fellowship and connections happened. Thank God for using us to bring some love to our neighbors. Pray those connections continue to lead people to God.
Good Morning Faithfull Friends of God! Oh how He loves us and we Him! He has created us to love and be in relationship with Him and others and to be His vessels of love, hope and help. We are doing pretty good with that and we are a very united Body of Christ moving on mission with Him. We are doing what we can with what we've been given and allowing Him to grow us both individually and as His Body into our fuller potential and His greater things. PTL! We have reached this sweet spot of unity in purpose and mission and in donning His easy yoke to go plow in prayer and plant seeds of faith. We are harvesters as He sends in the harvest and we are becoming disciple makers for His glory. We are uniting in His love and growing as His Good News Delivery Company. We are learning and doing our age and circumstance appropriate Kingdom duties. Can you see that? It's true and we can unite around that and our hope in Christ to spur each other on and grow together into the new things He has for us. I am so excited to see where He will lead you and us this year and even believing in prayer with thanksgiving that He can send 30 new members this year and expand His territory through us. Amen! Keep praying into that and seeking your part with a determination to follow Him one step of faith after another. He really does have great plans for you and us and continues to nurture and encourage us, His faithful friends. PTL!
It seems like God has taken me down several tracks with my quiet time devotionals today, yet there may be a thread through them as well. For sure spend some time with the Harvest Prayer blogs at the end. Use the prayer starters to focus your prayers for you and us. Let's start with Psalm 63 from ODB and process that before God. Worship and remember how wonderful and ever-present He is. You are known, loved, heard and cared for always. Begin with some praise to help refocus.
Psalm 63:

Maybe that's all the further God will lead you today? It is a great place to start for sure as you remind yourself and God of His love for you and how He holds you close and carries you through. ODB reminds us of His love and care always and how praise worthy He is. We discussed the other day about loving as we love ourselves done well begins with loving ourselves as God loves us. Check out TWFYT and their reminder to see yourself as valuable. This is not a prideful thing but seeing yourself as God does and receiving His love and help because in His eyes, you are worthy and valuable and He does have perfect plans for you, even today, for just as you are right now. As you trust and allow Him and yourself to love you, you will begin to grow and then flourish in his hands of love. Amen! Chuck Swindoll reminds us that we do matter and God does have perfect, custom plans for each of us and then as His Body. We all matter and we all have our parts to perform for His glory. Do you know yours? Ask Him and then process with someone. Pray for some small groups we will be starting soon to discover and learn how to use our spiritual gifts. (If you are being stirred to this, talk to pastor Don). Sarah Young has a wonderful word from God for you today: God is with you and for you and will lead you to His best if you allow Him. Joyce Meyer reminds us that receiving God's deliverance and healing is a choice. Jesus asked, "Do you want to be healed?" God loves you unconditionally and wants to lead you to His best. The question is, do you want that too? If so, open your heart and mind and ask the Holy Spirit to help you receive and respond well. He knows what you need. Are you open to that? Speaking of that, the Upper Room reminds us that sometimes that healing comes as we forgive and His help comes as we die to self and want to love as we have been loved. It can be easy to point fingers. But remember when you do there may be some fingers pointing back at you. Often the thing we despise most in another is the thing we are guilty of as well. Ask God to show you how to love like Him and as you have been loved. After all, none of us are or ever can be worthy of His love, forgiveness or saving grace, yet He does love and forgive. How can we help others who have gone astray or we don't like to know God's love? Pray into that. As believers and even as pastors and leaders, we are often challenged with this. We need to be discerning and wanting to help, but also wise not to allow the yeast of sin to get a foothold and grow in us or another. Church discipline is always intended for restoration someday. God has forgiven, redeemed and helps us correct. How might He be calling us to do so for another--even trouble makers and divisive ones. Sometimes they may even believe they are right and we are all wrong. Let us always seek shalom and restoration and to love as we have been loved. Remember, this life in Christ is a journey that begins with loving God and wanting to live for Him in His ways and then to love others as we love ourselves. For all of that we need God and His love, wisdom, discernment and help. Keep praying for us to represent Him well and to live and love more like Jesus. Amen! Love you all! Sarah and I are always available if you have a problem or need to process something and so is our PRC. Let us resolve to always stay united and moving in Christ for God's glory. Then all other things will fall into place. Amen! There is no greater love is this...a willingness to lay ones life down for another. We are pretty good and growing in that. Amen! May we always seek to live and love more and more like Jesus!
After another unexpected health setback, I joined my husband and others during a retreat in the mountains. I trudged up the wooden staircase that led to the tiny church on the top of a hill. Alone in the dark, I stopped to rest on a splintered step. “Help me, Lord,” I whispered as the music began. I walked slowly until I stepped into the small room. I breathed through the lingering pain, grateful that God hears us in the wilderness!
Some of the most intimate moments of worshiping God recorded in Scripture took place in the wilderness. While hiding in the Desert of Judah and most likely on the run from his son Absalom, King David sang: “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you” (Psalm 63:1). Having experienced God’s power and glory, David deemed God’s love as “better than life” (v. 3), and it was the reason he committed to a lifetime of worship—even while in the wilderness (vv. 2-6). He said, “Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you; your right hand upholds me” (vv. 7-8).
Like David, regardless of our circumstances or the fierceness of those standing against us, we can demonstrate confidence in God by praising Him (v. 11). Though we’ll suffer, sometimes by no fault of our own, we can trust that God’s love is always better than life.
By Xochitl Dixon
How can knowing God loves you help when you’re feeling attacked or defeated? When has praising Him strengthened your faith during hard times?
My God, Your love is better than life!
David wrote seventy-five psalms, seventy-three of which bear his name. Acts 4:25 confirms he also wrote Psalm 2 and Hebrews 4:7 confirms he wrote Psalm 95.
Psalm 63 includes a note about its historical background. We’re told that David penned it “when he was in the Desert of Judah.” On several occasions, David retreated into the wilderness when he was fleeing from Saul (see 1 Samuel 23:14-15; 24:1) and also when his own son Absalom rebelled to usurp his throne (see 2 Samuel 15:13-30). When he wrote Psalm 63, he was probably fleeing from Absalom because David refers to himself as “the king” (v. 11), and he wasn’t yet king when Saul pursued him.

Chuck Swindoll

Sarah Young

Joyce Meyer

Upper Room: It's Not Fair
Jesus said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” - Matthew 5:44 (NIV)
“I can’t believe how much trouble that woman is causing,” I complained to my husband. “She tries to get her finger in everything and is such a gossip, stirring up trouble wherever she goes.”
My husband listened carefully to what I was saying and generally agreed with me. But he asked me to consider something. He pointed out that Jesus loved her just as much as he loved me. That just blew my mind. How unfair! I thought. I was behaving well, and she wasn’t.
I prefer my husband to be supportive by always taking my side. I don’t like it when he’s reasonable and makes sense, requiring me to course-correct! He did give me a little help, though, by suggesting that I pray for eyes to see that woman as God does. Slowly, I began to open up to the idea. God began to show me that she was created in the divine image, just as I was. That alone is worthy of my respect.
Jesus challenges us to love those who are difficult to love. It’s easy to love those who agree with us. But God has called us to a higher standard. While we were still sinners, God loved us anyway. I remain a work in progress. With God by my side through prayer, I am learning that all persons are worthy of my respect.
Today's Prayer
Dear God, thank you for loving us. Help us to see everyone as worthy of love and respect. Amen.
Harvest Prayer:
January 9 - The Holy Spirit Can Be Resisted, Grieved and Quenched
You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you (Acts 7:51).
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30).
Do not quench the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19).
When we study the Holy Spirit in Scripture much of the focus is on what the Holy Spirit does in us, and rightly so. For the blessings, power, and benefits the Holy Spirit supplies to the believer are immeasurable and vital for the Christian life. But is there anything we can do to the Holy Spirit? The short and unfortunate answer is, yes. In Scripture we see that we can resist the Spirit through disobedience. We can grieve the Spirit by how we treat our brothers and sisters in Christ, and we can quench the Spirit by despising His gifts and activity. While we cannot make the Holy Spirit do anything, we can cooperate with Him in what He desires to do. We can as Paul would say, “Keep in step with the Spirit” (Gal. 5:25). Let us be a people who do not oppose when the Spirit moves but choose to cooperate when He works.
Holy Spirit, please give me discernment to know Your perfect will and the desire to cooperate with You in God’s mission on earth. Show me any areas where I may be resisting, grieving, or quenching You! Please give me every spiritual gift I need today to accomplish Your purpose and will.
--Adapted with permission from The Summit Church we are inviting you into 21 days of prayer and fasting at the beginning of this new year! Each day will focus on a different biblical attribute of the Holy Spirit.
The founding pastor of The Summit Church is Bill Elliff, who is now the pastor Emeritus and serves on the Executive Leadership Team of OneCry (onecry.com). You can find one of Bill’s books, Prayer with No Intermission at prayershop.org.
- Praise God that he knows everything in every age.
- Give thanks that he knows you by name and that you matter to him.
- Confess any attempt to conceal things from God.
- Commit yourself to openness and honesty before God. Invite him to search your heart and life (Ps. 139:23-24).
- Ask to be protected from the evil one and kept from a spirit of worldliness.
- Since faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Rom. 10:15-17), pray that your unsaved friends, neighbors, and relatives will hear the Word and respond in faith.
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at prayershop.org. Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2025 is a free devotional published daily by OneCry Prayer. Find more resources at www.onecry.com

OneCry Prayer (formerly Harvest Prayer Ministries)
OneCry Prayer (formerly Harvest Prayer Ministries) Email Forms
Saturday, January 18 2025
Thank God I Am Forgiven Friday! You know the drill! begin with thanking God and worshiping for all the nuances of His love and forgiveness! What blessings we know as called by name, redeemed children of God in Christ!
NOTE: If you would like your year end giving statement please contact Debbie Siegfried:
Don't forget: Next Sunday the 19th is our annual congregational meeting after worship in the sanctuary. Your Support team approved the budget we will be presenting to you to vote on. (remember to vote you must be a member in good standing). The major budget discussion question we will face is your choice to retain and find a way to pay for our organist or not to. Patti's salary is equal to our budget deficit for 2025. (about $9000.) If we vote to retain her we will need tp come up with a way for you to pay her salary or to offset the deficit. Please pray into this and for our meeting next week.
Next we all of our regular ministries restart after the holiday break: Tues Zoom Huddle 10-11, Wed night dinner huddle 6-7:30, and Clothing Closet on Sat. 10-1.
Good Morning Very Loved, Trusting, Led by the Spirit, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Amen!
What's God whispering to you this morning as you humble yourself at His feet with open ears and hearts? He is always speaking life, even to things that appear as dead. He is always whispering His love over you and even corrects in love. He has great plans custom made for you that He will reveal and direct to one step of faith at a time. He is upholding you in His strong right hand, delivering you from sin, evil, addictions and sicknesses. Seek Him with all your heart and refocus to Him and His plans with praise and thanksgiving and open and humble hearts and ready hands and feet. Don't lean on your own understanding but acknowledge Him in all your ways and he will direct your steps. he does have plans to prosper and not harm and lead to a future and a hope. Be still and know then prepare and go into this day worshiped up, filled with love and ready to step into His purposes for you today. An rejoice for he is with you always! Amen! Thank God I am forgiven! Thank God He is calling me by name, redeeming things and loving on me and he is doing the same for you. Trust and obey! Walk in His love!
I'm going to allow you to engage your own way today and through your own devotional time. God is speaking to you and calling you by name. What's he saying? Who might you process that with? I'm pray ing you to hear and know and be strengthened in faith today and then for God to lead you to His perfect plans for you. Below are harvest's prayer starters. use them to launch you into a time of prayer and fellowship with our loving Father. then follow His Spirit prepared for today! Amen! rejoice! worship!
Harvest Prayer Starters
- Praise God for the depth of his wisdom and knowledge, and for his unsearchable judgments.
- Thank God for guiding and directing your ways.
- Confess any resistance on your part to do his will.
- Commit yourself to acknowledging him in all your ways (Prov. 3:5-6).
- Ask God for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better and have the eyes of your heart enlightened, to know the hope to which you are called, the riches of his glorious inheritance (Eph. 1:17-18).
- Pray for the Spirit of love in your church that believers may be one, even as the Father and Son are one, so that the world may believe that God sent Jesus Christ (Jn. 17:21).
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at prayershop.org. Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount. |
Saturday, January 18 2025
Today is Donut Day at the Bread Ministry 10-Noon. Come and see what God is up to and pray for Him to use you and us to connect others to God.
Good Morning Known, Redeemed Children of God! I had my pastors huddle this morning and slept in until right before that so I only have time to develop and share one thought this morning and that is you are know and redeemed by God. PTL! Check out Our Daily Bread below discussing Jesus our forerunner. You know since He rose victorious from the grave and overcame death for us, no one every remains in the grave. In the blink of an eye we are in His presence in paradise or in torment. We get to choose which. He became death for us. PTL! We discussed Sunday how He was our firstborn in that He put on His resurrection body and stepped into eternity as our Lord and Savior. He is the Way--the only way to eternity in His presence. Worship Him! Draw near and abide in His love today and always. Share this Good News with others too. Contemplate and celebrate all thius means to you and those you love. We have been saved by grace and all who come to Jesus have that same opportunity. Our job is to become more like Him and to show others the way. We are His Good News Delivery Company and we all have a part to play. We are created to love and for such a time as this! God loves you and has great plans for you. PTL! Process that with someone today and pray and then go share His love. I'm praying for you and our church to become His dynamic movement doing just that. Cone and join he party! Amen!
Remember there is someone only you can enter into their world and reach for Christ. Ask God to show you who and the Way. Amen!
To improve her sign language skills, Leisa immersed herself in the world of the Deaf. Soon she learned the problems they face. The Deaf are awkwardly ignored by hearing people, expected to lip-read flawlessly, and routinely get passed over for promotions at work. Most public events go uninterpreted.
Leisa’s signing steadily improved to the point where she felt at home with the Deaf. At a party, a Deaf person was surprised to learn Leisa could hear. Before Leisa could respond, another friend signed, “She has a Deaf heart.” The key had been Leisa’s willingness to live in their world.
Leisa didn’t “condescend” to be with the Deaf. Except for her hearing, she was like them. But Jesus did stoop to reach all of us—to live in our world. He “was made lower than the angels for a little while” (Hebrews 2:9). Christ “shared in [our] humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil” (v. 14). In doing so, He freed “those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death” (v. 15). More than that, He was “fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God” (v. 17).
Whatever we face, Jesus knows and understands. He hears our heart. He’s with us in every way.
By Tim Gustafson
What does it mean to you that Jesus has experienced the same hardships you face? How might you step into someone else’s world for a while?
Thank You, Father, for the gift of Your Son, who brings me into Your family.
For further study, read Walk with Me: Traveling with Jesus and Others on Life’s Road.
Why does Hebrews 2:10 say that Jesus was made “perfect”? As God in human flesh, wasn’t He perfect already? According to scholar Marvin R. Vincent, the Greek word translated “perfect,” teleioō, literally means “to carry to the goal” and possesses the connotative meaning of “consummation.” The idea is that Christ was made “complete” by His suffering and death. He understands in the fullest way possible what we face in this difficult world. This provides us with a greater understanding of His words from the cross: “It is finished” (John 19:30). He’d completed the mission His Father gave Him to do.
Tim Gustafson |
Saturday, January 18 2025
Good Morning Friends! I love you and so does God. He loves better than me but I try to love as commanded by Jesus, "Love as I have loved you..." That is agape love, sacrificial love, putting others first love, dying to self love and I think we can all struggle with that. The Greatest Commandment as identified by Jesus is our goal in life: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength and love your neighbor as you love yourself." We say we love God and others and often do so pretty well, but, do we love ourselves? And I don't mean in a vain way but in the way that God loves us. This is a word from God to some of you today: "Be still in my presence and know how much I love you always and no matter what! I have created you for my love and to love and be in relationship with Me and others. I have and am calling you by name. You are mine! I have redeemed you and will continue to as you come to me in humility and repentance. Nothing will ever separate you from my love--NOTHING! I am Love and I love you and my love lives in you. Be still and know. Come to me weary child and find rest for your soul. You are mine and I have and will forgive you and not remember and my love never ends. You can't fully fathom or measure my love for you but I would have sent my Son to save you even of you were the only one on earth. Come and abide in my love today and know my peace beyond understanding. Come! And know this, you are created for such a time as this, just as you are to go love as I have loved you. Receive my love and go share it as I love you and love through you. I am with you always. I really love you!" WOW! Meditate on that! I asked God to write this blog and He used my fingers to speak to your and my heart. What Love!
This morning has been an amazing and deep time for me dwelling in God's love and wisdom. Thanks Lord! There's so much I want to share and yet, maybe, what I have shared is enough. Dwell in His love this morning (always too). Receive His forgiving, healing, restoring love today and know His peace. Some help to focus on God and begin your day abiding in His love come from our devotionals below. As I finished my quiet time I encountered Harvest Prayer's Kim's blog. Please engage God with praying through that. She summarized what I have been feeling and praying for me, you and us. We are very loved and sent to love. We are gathered as God's Good News Delivery Company and we all have our parts to play. That all comes to life as we abide in His love and allow Him to lead us always. May this be so Lord! Come! Inhabit our praises. Refocus us as we count our many blessings and help us to love as we have been loved--even ourselves! Thank You for loving, healing and using me! Thank You for Your patient love! Come! Fill me to overflowing with Your love. Amen!
I'm putting Our Daily Bread at the end and asking you to pray through this and maybe read and prepare Matthew 2 for Sunday. Yesterday I went deep in with the part where Herod had all the babies killed in Bethlehem in hopes of eliminating Jesus. He failed in that but not in causing deep grief for many. Job and His loss came to mind as I pondered and am preparing to share God's heart in response to what many non-believers and atheist's often ask, "How could a loving God allow evil or kill people?" This is a question we all need to wrestle through and overcome to stay rooted deep in Jesus and God's love. God is Love. He loves you. And yes evil is in this world and filtered through His hands. Yet He is Love. Contemplate His response to Job and ask for wisdom and His heart to minister to those who are devastated by loss. And determine in your heart to always keep your heart fixed on the God, who is love, no matter what evil you may face in the future. Also ask God to redeem your loss and use you to go love as you have been loved. Someone needs you and God's love. Help Lord! Amen! And pray for me as I wrestle with this and prepare for Sunday. Thanks! Check out the link in ODB about suffering: https://odbu.org/topic/ca211-01-lecture/?utm_source=Digital&utm_medium=ODB+Email%2C+app%2C+website&utm_campaign=2025+Jan+7th+ODB+Insight+-+Ten+Reasons+Suffering
But start first with praise and worship and abiding in Love! I'm praying for you right now!
Sarah Young
UR: Garden of Grace
Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit.” - John 15:5 (NRSVUE)
One of my favorite memories is of my dad sitting on a fresh bed of pine straw in the middle of his rose garden. With an unlit pipe in his mouth, he would spend hours clipping, spraying, and caring for his rose bushes. He grew the most beautiful fragrant roses imaginable. Dad loved to take them to work and put them on all the office desks. He also spread them throughout our house. I remember the rich fragrance of roses throughout our home, and every time I smell a rose, I think of Dad.
The problem with rose gardening is that rose stems have thorns. Every now and then Dad got pricked, and then he might say something I won’t repeat here. Still, he continued to love and care for his roses.
Through our scripture passage I understand Christ as the gardener in our lives. For me, the fruit is God’s grace growing within us and also allowing us to make a difference in the lives of others. Yet, like rose stems, our lives have thorns. Sometimes thorns prick me pretty good, and sometimes my thorns prick others as well. I find I need some time each day to focus on God’s grace in Christ. Jesus invites us to abide in his love, and I hope we can all find our own unique ways to do that each and every day.
Today's Prayer
Dear God, thank you for caring for us with the attentiveness of a gardener. Help us to abide in your love so that we may show grace to others. Amen.
Harvest Kim's Blog
I have been prayerfully reflecting upon this past year and looking ahead to what God is holding in His heart for me in this new year. His faithfulness emerges so clearly out of the difficult places of the past season of my life. Psalm 86:11 begins, “Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness…” The way of Christ was to rely fully upon His Father for all things…nothing He did or said was apart from His Father. I’ve done plenty of things apart from God over the past few months, relying on my own ideas, strengths and wits rather than yielding myself fully and completely to the purposes of God so that He can show Himself faithful in the midst of all of my everyday circumstances. Fortunately for me…and I imagine for all of us, God is not only faithful, but also forgiving! “If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you” (Psalm 130:3-4).
Our Father is faithful and forgiving. His faithfulness can be fully relied upon as we seek to learn His ways, as Jesus did. In the midst of difficulty, struggle, pain, loss, grief, joy, victory, transition or celebration – God is present. As I mentioned, there have been multiple times this past year when my record of wrongs – things done or left undone – needed to be submitted to God so that I could once again serve Him with reverence. How grateful I am that God is faithful to forgive me when I confess things that must grieve His heart. Renewed determination to be more like Christ this year has gripped me anew. I am focused on walking more carefully in the steps of Jesus day by day, keeping my eyes fixed upon the Faithful One.
Here is my prayer as I head into this New Year with a new resolve to be the person He has called me to be, the servant He desires me to be, and the child He loves no matter how many times I mess up: Teach me Your way, Lord, so that I may continually rely on Your faithfulness from moment to moment. Help me to keep short accounts with You whenever I fail to extend the love of Jesus to others, or when I find myself in weak moments that cause my heart to turn away from complete obedience to Your word and Your ways. Give me the strength to press into Your heart for lost people and nations, and to cry out to You for spiritual awakening, beginning in my own heart! Thank You, Father, for Your faithful, loving-kindness towards me so that I may serve You with reverence. May I be more faithful in this New Year to be Jesus to those I encounter, so that nothing I do or say strays from Your kingdom purposes. I ask this in the Name above ALL Names! Amen!
Kenny stood before the congregation he’d left years before after he’d lost faith in God. He shared that his belief had been restored. How? God had touched his heart through the beauty and design he saw in creation. Kenny was in awe of Him once more through the witness of God’s general revelation seen in the natural world, and he now embraced the wisdom found in the special revelation of Scripture. After sharing his story, Kenny stepped into the tank of water at the front of the sanctuary. His father, tears of joy in his eyes, baptized him based on his faith in Jesus.
After he’d lost much in life, Job’s faith had also been shaken. He said, “I cry to you, O God, but you don’t answer. I stand before you, but you don’t even look” (Job 30:20 nlt). God “spoke to Job out of the storm” (38:1), declaring that it wasn’t about Him not seeing Job but that Job’s vision needed to be expanded as he considered God’s amazing, intricate creation. The “earth’s foundation” and the “morning stars” (vv. 4, 7) and all the creatures, plants, and waters found between (vv. 8-41), pointed to the one whom Job could trust—the God of amazing love and power. Job responded by saying, “My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you” (42:5).
When doubts threaten your faith in Christ, consider the magnificence of God’s creation. He reveals Himself in it if we only have eyes to see.
By Tom Felten
How has God revealed Himself in creation? How are awe of God and faith in Him linked?
Job’s friends insisted that his suffering was caused by his sins (Job 3-37). Job relentlessly defended his innocence and sought his vindication from God (23:1-7). Instead of answering his questions, however, God asked Job a series of questions pertaining to His creation (chs. 38-41). Instead of providing an explanation as to why He permitted evil and suffering in this world, God revealed His character.
Job didn’t need to fully understand God’s ways, for no man can (Isaiah 55:8-9). He only needed to humble himself, seek to know God deeply, and trust Him wholeheartedly. His suffering taught him to run to God as the only sure place of refuge—the safest place to go for comfort, sustenance, and strength (Job 42:2-6). Job wasn’t given a reason for suffering, but he discovered that when life comes out short, God is enough (see Psalm 23:1, 4).
Find out more about why we believe in a God who allows suffering.
K. T. Sim |
Rev. Don Kerns
72 Sunset Hill Rd
Saturday, January 18 2025
Good Morning Washed-White-As-Snow Bloggers! I love snowy mornings like this as they always remind me of God's amazing grace, loving mercy and sacrificial forgiveness! Yes, by God's grace, we are washed white as snow! PTL! and Amen! It's sometimes hard to believe that He would love me so much as to make a way to be forgiven and allowed into His presence. But it's true! What love we know and get to share! Start there with your worship today and this week. Amazing grace how sweet the sound...and reality! PTL!
This morning began with an awakening from the dogs and then them waking Karen early. This allowed God to redeem this time by allowing us to share a couples devotional we were going to start yesterday. I love beginning the day with God, Karen, Love and yeah, even sometimes dogs! Then it started to snow while I was engaged in my own quiet time in my prayer closet and Karen the same in her quiet space. God has been speaking as I stilled myself at Jesus' feet for a spell. That respite has continued for three hours and has led me through a great time with Karen, God and now to sharing what I heard with you. Isn't God great and loving and ever-present!
So where has He led today? As always there is a thread through my devotionals that I use and it is a thread that some of you are to process as well. Do you realize how intimately God is involved with your life and with our church Body? He is always speaking and directing. He uses us just as He created us and has gathered us to encourage each other, build up His Church and to team up to go love and make disciples like Jesus. I often contemplate that Good News Delivery Company idea that God led me to develop and I continue to allow Him to tweak. We are gathered for His purposes and we all matter. We all have custom made roles to play according to how we are created, custom gifted, and according to our season in life and circumstances. Thinking about that should lead to the idea of Jesus' promised easy yoke for all who come to Him. It leads me to worship, praise and deeper exploration of what He has for us now and next? As always during a new year, I tend to spend more time exploring, asking, listening and receiving from God what His plans are and then for how to plan, who is included and what are the next baby steps for some of you, me and some of us together. How does He want to use each of us to move towards our fuller potential in His Good News Delivery Co.? I know He wants to develop some new small groups and ministries in the next few weeks/months and I continue to seek Him for who, what, where and when. Please pray into this and ask How He may want you to partner with some to move to the fuller potential and greater things He has for you and your team and our Body. Then talk to me or Sarah and let's start pursuing this earnestly. This is the next step in becoming a dynamic movement and for coming alive in '25! Thanks Lord! Stir us. Lead us to dreams, visions and ideas and unite us in small groups and as a Body to keep seeking, discerning and following You well. Bring us alive in '25! Amen! Be earnest in your pursuit of Him and His plans and open and supple in His hands and watch what He will do!
So how does this thread through our devotionals below? See for yourself. Be still, humble and open as you engage with God prayerfully through them. He is speaking to you and may have a word for our Body or your small group as well. Thanks Lord! Expect the unexpected and start praying for BIG GOD things that may seem impossible for nothing is too hard or impossible for God! He is ABLE! Interesting to note that I thought I had plans laid out for our preaching calendar until Easter, BUT GOD. Two weeks ago He led me to change things. Yesterday we discussed Simeon and Anna and the people of faith God gathered that day to proclaim the Messiah had come and to prophesy some things. There were actually 5 gathered who were people filled with, touched and led by the Holy Spirit before the Holy Spirit was given to man. Simeon, Anna, Mary, Joseph and Jesus. Today two devos discuss he Epiphany or the coming of the wise men and next Sunday, instead of the plans I had, God has led to our discussing these events. (I was supple, God redirected and now affirmed to me that I was listening and chose to adjust from my plans to His. May we all be better at that!) The Holy Spirit comes to us as we step into faith in Jesus and He gifts, empowers, corrects and leads us to God's best. He leads us to go live and love more like Jesus and make disciples and teaches us to pray and fulfill our purposes in His Good News Delivery Co. PTL! Thank You Holy Spirit! Come and lead us to the best and perfect plans and our unique purposes and all for God's glory! Amen. We are united by God for His purposes and to reflect His love and light today! Let us be about His business as we take that Good News and His love to many! Come Lord! Have Your way with us and unite us in love and lead us to go love like You. Bring revival and new life alive all around us! Thanks! Amen!
Upper Room: The Unexpected
“My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. - Isaiah 55:8 (NIV)
The magi traveled far looking for “the one who has been born king of the Jews.” They sought him in Jerusalem, but King Herod sent them to Bethlehem where the chief priests and teachers of the law said the Messiah was to be born. There they found the baby Jesus, not in a palace but in a house, with his mother. Had I been one of them, I might have been disillusioned, but scripture gives no indication that they were disappointed by the humble scene.
When God’s answers are not what we expect, it can be disappointing. Our church experienced this during the long process of finding a new senior pastor. The church elders scheduled guest preachers for a couple of months and then arranged for an interim pastor to serve for a year while a search was conducted. But two weeks before the interim pastor was to arrive, he informed us that he would not be coming. We were back to square one!
This was not what we had expected, but it was a wonderful opportunity to practice trusting God. God’s answers may not be what we expect, but they are always perfect. Like the magi, we can receive them with joy.
Today's Prayer
Dear Lord, thank you for your awesome power and for your perfect, unexpected answers to our prayers. Amen.Sarah Evans:

Our Daily Bread:
Phillips Brooks wrote the lyrics to the beloved carol “O Little Town of Bethlehem” after visiting Bethlehem. Brooks, pastor of a church in the United States, was so moved by his experience that he wrote this to his Sunday school students: “I remember . . . on Christmas Eve, when I was standing in the old church at Bethlehem, close to the spot where Jesus was born, when the whole church was ringing hour after hour with the splendid hymns of praise to God, how again and again it seemed as if I could hear voices that I knew well, telling each other of the ‘Wonderful Night’ of the Savior’s birth.”
In 1868, Brooks put his thoughts into a poem, and his church organist set it to music. The song spoke stillness and peace into the unsettling aftermath of the American Civil War: “O little town of Bethlehem / How still we see thee lie! / . . . The hopes and fears of all the years / Are met in thee tonight.”
Matthew wrote of our Savior’s birth in Bethlehem in Matthew 2. When the “Magi from the east” (v. 1) followed the star to Bethlehem (see Micah 5:2), “they were overjoyed” to find Jesus (Matthew 2:10).
Today, as we celebrate Epiphany, we too need the glorious news of our Savior’s birth. As the hymn reminds us, He came to “cast out our sin and enter in” and “be born in us.” In Him, we find peace.
By Alyson Kieda
Where in your life do you need the peace the Savior offers? What aspect of Jesus’ story touches you most?
Dear Jesus, thank You for the hope and peace You’ve brought to me.
Matthew’s gospel emphasizes gentile (non-Jewish) inclusion into God’s redemption story. His genealogy, for example, highlights three gentile women—Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth (Matthew 1:3, 5). And Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother, was previously married to a gentile, Uriah the Hittite (v. 6). In Matthew 2, gentiles—the magi (who may have been members of the Persian royal court)—come to worship Jesus (vv. 1-2). By highlighting gentile inclusion in Christ’s story, Matthew leads his readers to the good news that God’s redemption is for all people and His followers are called to “make disciples of all nations” (28:19).
Monica La Rose |
The Word for You Today:


Saturday, January 18 2025
This Week:
Wed 10-12 Donut day at the Bread Ministry
Good Morning Worshipers! Let's get our worship on this morning! We remembered all God's blessings during 2024 and now look forward with expectation for all He has planned for each of us and us as His Body! Were some things hard, even very hard? Yes. Will that be the same in 2025? Yes. However we can and should still worship. praise and expect God to move in mighty and mysterious ways and even use the hard things to grow us, shape us and open the door for His loving presence, help and new things. Amen! So, get out those gratitude lists and let's worship and pray with expectation and thanksgiving! What are you thankful about? PTL! Prepare your hearts to come to worship in Spirit and Truth and enter His gates with thanksgiving, His courts with praise! Hallelujah!
This morning we are wrapping up our season of fasting and praying. The first thing I did was flip my Max Lucado calendar to find God speaking to my heart from this entry for today:

As one who is good at operating in my own strength and with a history (one that's being repented of) of forging ahead of God, I was reminded to whoa down, seek, listen, focus and follow the Holy Spirit at God's pace. I was reminded of my prayer to not be sent to a place where I could do things on my own, but one where I have to rely on God. He sent me to St. Matts. in response to that. As long as I stay attached to the Vine and focused and moving with God, things are great. He guides and provides. I am learning to go to that place first before over-reacting or running ahead and it is the perfect place to be. Fasting helps me to re-center and seek first His Kingdom and not lean on my own understanding. That is the perfect place to be: empty of self, seeking and dependent and moving with God in His strength. Thanks Lord! Are you connected to the Vine and moving or waiting with and on the Lord? He has perfect plans just for you and for us as His Body that come alive as we do. Be still and know, receive and follow well my friends in God's strength and timing. That is a goal for us as His Body as well. That is the only way to be about our Father's business and doing the things we are created, gifted and gathered to do well. Amen!
The rest of my devotionals flowed from that calendar reminder. Sarah Young reminds of the importance of deep fellowship and dependence on the Lord and the good fruit that comes from that. I can get very anxious waiting on the Lord and impatient as well. Chuck Swindoll reminded me that I often have to give all my junk thinking and anxiety to God. He is faithful to take that as His Word promises and bring peace. We can all struggle with feelings of inadequacy, especially because our best work and efforts come when we are weak and leaning on God. Joyce Meyer has a great quote to embrace and remember, "If you have done your best God will do the rest." We should all write that down and put it somewhere we will see it often. Are you doing the best you can with what you've been given? If so, PTL, relax and allow Him to lead you and provide as He guides. He knows the desires of your heart and the plans He has for you. Be still and know and let Him have His way with you and the situation. That is where trust and peace and joy can grow. He is able! Amen! TWFYT wraps up this session with the reminder that God is the answer and solution to any problem. Draw near to Him first or as soon as you realize that you need to refocus on Him. Then trust Him and allow Him to intervene and redeem the situation, you or whatever problem you perceive is happening. Nothing is too hard for our God! Amen! Draw near, worship, and trust Him. Then do what you can with what you've been given and He will lead you step by step to His better and greater things! Amen!
Today during my message we will encounter four people of deep faith. These four received the Holy Spirit and were guided by Him and His dreams and vision before the Holy Spirit was given to mankind as a result of faith in Jesus. We will look at Simeon and Anna and Mary and Joseph in Luke 2 today. We can know God and trust as they did for Him to answer. Often in unexpected ways. BUT GOD! He knows you, created you for such a time as this and is calling you by name to come to Him in faith and walk with Him one step of faith at a time. He really does redeem things and have great plans that flow even from the hardest of things. Trust Him and worship! Amen!
Sarah Young:

Chuck Swindoll

Joyce Meyer


Saturday, January 18 2025
Tomorrow: We are colleting for Everlasting Life Ministries
Worship with Children's Church at 10
Wed. 1012 is our next donut day at the Bread Ministry. Come and see what God is doing through us!
Annual Congregational Meeting is Sun Jan. 19th after worship in the sanctuary and on Zoom. Remember you must be a member in good standing to vote. (Good Standing is when you attend worship regularly, give, and commune at least 2 of the 4 times a year with us.)
*Congregational reports will be distributed shortly to review before the meeting
Sunday Jan 26th is our next Two Peas in a Pod brunch. Look for sign up sheets or let Lori know you will attend. Brings some friends!
Good Morning Fasting, Praying Servants of the Lord! We have two days left in our season of fasting and praying. What's God been doing in and through you during this time? He's been speaking and directing me and releasing some things in the heavenlies for sure! If you haven't spent any time fasting and praying, I'd like to encourage you to do so today and tomorrow. Maybe skip a meal or turn off TV for a half hour or hour and spend some extra time at Jesus' feet listening, receiving and releasing. We are fasting and praying to offer ourselves, our ministries and our church to God and to invite Him to be our Lord this year. We are seeking and praying for God to direct us to Come Alive in '25, for us to become a dynamic movement, for new connection points and ministry opportunities, for harvest workers, for some small groups to start and for His Kingdom to come and will to be done as He molds and shapes us for such a time as this! He has great plans for you and us as we draw close, invite Him in and allow Him to lead us. Amen!
Today I will list a few devos below for you to engage with or use your own Bibles and whatever for your drawing close to God and listening. The Upper Room reminds us to make room for Him. Sarah Young asks us to start a new habit of proclaiming (and out loud) our trust in God! TWFYT reminds us of the shaking that God is doing in you, around you and this nation for His purposes. Dry Bones are coming to life as His fresh breath of the Spirit moves about. And ODB reminds us that we are created to be givers--of self, time, talents, finances, as they are all gifts given by God to be used for His glory. We are learning to live sacrificially (agape love) and love lavishly (pour ourselves out for others) like Jesus. We receive our marching orders as we still ourselves, offer ourselves and earnestly follow His Spirit. Trust and obey as you receive. That's giving back to God what He's given. All we are asked to do is to do what we can with what we've been given in this season. Seek First His Kingdom and He will reveal, guide and provide all that's needed. Receive it and share it with love and in faith today! And this year! We will be His dynamic movement and we all have a part. What's yours? Ask Him as you empty yourself and open up to receive all He has for you and step out in faith and trust! Amen! I'm praying for you!
UR: Making Room
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near. - Matthew 3:2 (NIV)
There’s something about the new year that feels full of hope and possibility. The anticipation of something new gives me the desire to clear out the clutter and create space — both physically and mentally — for what the year will bring.
John the Baptist was called to prepare Israel for the coming Messiah. He preached a message of repentance, urging people to turn their hearts toward God by clearing their lives of sin and making room to receive Christ. We, too, are called to prepare for Christ because God has work for us to do! We can prepare our hearts by repenting of our sin and giving our lives fully to God — clearing out the clutter that keeps us from following the Lord wholeheartedly.
If we want to see God at work in our lives, we must make room for God’s presence. What clutter do we need to clear from our habits, our schedules, or our hearts to create room for God’s Spirit to move in? God wants to begin something new in us, so let’s anticipate that gift by making room for it!
Today's Prayer
O God, show us what we need to clear from our lives to make more room for you. Amen.Sarah Young


One year, the leaders of our congregation invited us to give gifts, in addition to our regular weekly offerings, to build a new gymnasium—a space we could use to minister to the families in our community. After prayerfully considering the medical expenses caused by living with a disability, I asked my husband, “Are you sure we can do this?” He nodded. “We’re not giving God anything that’s not already His,” he said. “He’ll provide all we need.” And He did! Over a decade later, our church family still has the privilege of serving Jesus by serving people in that facility.
In 1 Chronicles 29, King David showed the leaders of Israel his commitment to support his son Solomon as his God-chosen successor and the builder of the temple (vv. 1-5). Everyone followed suit, “gave willingly,” and “rejoiced” (vv. 6, 9). David praised God and declared that “everything in heaven and earth” belonged to Him (v. 11). He prayed: “Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you” (v. 16).
As we consider all God has done and given to us, specifically the gift of a personal relationship with Jesus, we can express our worship and show our gratitude and love by simply giving back to God, the Giver of all good things!
By Xochitl Dixon
How does acknowledging that all things belong to God change the way you view giving? How can expressing your gratitude through giving change you?
Loving God, thank You for being a generous and faithful provider.
David gathered “all the officials of Israel” (1 Chronicles 28:1) to address the temple project (ch. 28; 29:1-9) and to crown Solomon as king (29:21-25). David provided large amounts of the kingdom’s resources and also gave “[his] personal treasures of gold and silver . . . over and above everything [he’d] provided” (v. 3). Following his example, the leaders also gave their resources “freely and wholeheartedly to the LORD” (v. 9). He then led the whole assembly in heartfelt worship—praising God and extolling His greatness, eternality, power, glory, and sovereignty (vv. 10-13). David humbly acknowledged that God owns everything! Whatever they gave back to Him was simply returning to Him what He’d generously given to them in the first place (vv. 14-16).
K. T. Sim |
Friday, January 03 2025
Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday! Can it be Friday already? The holidays sure have messed up our conception of days. But one thing for sure, very day can be a TGIF day as we thank God for His mercy grace, and forgiveness. Begin your day there--worshiping and overflowing with thanksgiving for all God is and has done for you! Every day we are forgiven! PTL! We are sinners saved by grace! PTL! God loves you so much that he made a way for you to be saved, made right, cleansed and ready for eternity with Him. Amen!
Good Morning Bold and Courageous, Carried By God, Faithful Ones of the Lord! Amen! What blessings we know and get to share because we are so loved and have stepped into His Love! Amen! With the short week, I have much on my Donald's Do List for today and gotta fly. But not before leaving you with some thoughts to ponder and pray through today. God is with you, knows you, calls you by name, loves you beyond measure and carries you when needed. he is our helper and friend and also our Potter that molds and shapes us and uses all kinds of sources for that end. He created us for such a time as this. he gifted and empowered us to change into Christ's image and to be change agents in this world. That all opened up on that cruel cross and became available to you at rebirth. What an awesome God we serve! he never leaves you nor forsakes you and walks with you through the darkest valley an celebrates with you on the highest mountains. PTL!
I've been seeing all these posts about people who couldn't wait to put 2024 behind them. Are you one of those who had a hard year? Well, in my mind, every year is hard, BUT GOD! We know that life will get progressively more vile, evil and dark, yet we know The Light of the World, the Prince of Peace, and our Help in times of trouble. We can and are enabled to choose joy always as we grow in trust that God knows, is with us and is in control. Sometimes we need to just stop and remember that. Sometimes we need the help of others to refocus. Sometimes we need to dig out those gratitude list and begin there and count our many blessings. Instead of focusing on the bad and hard things, what if we refocused to God and His multitude of blessings. Would your year end review be different? Joy to the World and Peace beyond understanding opened up when we received forgiveness and new life. We have something the world can never know because of our faith in Christ and His work for good on our behalf. Trust Him! Count your many blessings. And rejoice--again, I say rejoice, because you are able to choose joy and trust always! Amen!
Check out the devotionals bellow and refocus on god today as we continue our time of fasting and praying. God is right beside you with open arms and he is upholding you in His strong right hand. He has forgiven you and is working all things together for good! PTL! and Amen! What's God saying to you today and who are you processing that with and praying with. he has some teammates just for you and you for someone too. reach out share the love and receive it. You are very loved, redeemed and empowered children of our Savior and the King of the universe! Amen!
Fear woke me at 3 a.m. on the first day of the new year. The year ahead weighed heavily on me, overwhelming me with dread. Illness in the family had long wearied me, and now, thoughts of the future made me afraid. Will more bad things happen? I wondered.
Jesus’ disciples understood the fear of bad things happening. Even though their Master had prepared and reassured them the day before He died, they were still afraid. They fled when He was arrested (Matthew 26:56); Peter denied Him (John 18:15-17, 25-27), and they went into hiding (20:19). Their fear during the upheaval of Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion, as well as of persecution, led them to act contrary to His command to “take heart” and His promise, “I have overcome the world” (16:33).
But Christ’s death and resurrection proved His authority and power over life and death. He has the ultimate victory. Even though the sinful state of our world makes suffering a certainty, we can rest in the truth that all things are subject to the authority of our wise and loving God. Jesus’ presence is with us (16:32-33), just as it was with His disciples, who later confidently went on to share the gospel to the world. May God’s promise that He’s in control strengthen our hearts to trust Him in this new year and be courageous even when we don’t know what the future will bring.
By Karen Huang
What’s your response to difficulty, suffering, and trials? What would “taking heart” look like for you?
Thank You, Jesus, for helping me with my fears and for showing me how to live courageously.
Visit ODBU.org/OT315 for further study on suffering and trials from the book of Job.
In John 16, as Jesus addressed His disciples’ fears and the grief and suffering that would come during and after His death, it’s noteworthy that nowhere did He suggest they’d be rescued from experiencing fear and pain. As Christ faced death, they’d abandon Him in terror—“leave [Him] all alone” (John 16:32). The grief they’d experience from His death was unavoidable—they’d “weep and mourn while the world [rejoiced]” (v. 20).
Instead of a comfort based on escaping suffering, however, Jesus offered His disciples hope rooted in His resurrection (16:22). They couldn’t avoid the pain they’d experience, but because Christ has “overcome the world” (16:33), their suffering would be like that of childbirth—the pain wouldn’t be purposeless but would “turn to joy” (v. 20)—tremendous joy that “no one will take away” (v. 22).
Monica La Rose |
Sarah Young

Upper Room: In Everything
In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it. - Isaiah 30:15 (NIV)
When I was a child, I often saw Javan munia birds in rural rice fields. Farmers consider these birds pests because they eat the rice. Sometimes farmers shoot at the flock with air rifles. Interestingly, when the birds hear the shots, they panic and bump into each other or get stuck in tree branches, causing their own demise.
When sudden change happens, sometimes I’m just like those birds. I react poorly out of shock and panic, and I run into problems. Once when I heard a rumor, I reacted in panic — only to realize later that the rumor was incorrect. Likewise, often when I heard good news, I would get too excited and make snap judgments that I ultimately regretted.
Then I read Isaiah 30:15: “In quietness and trust is your strength.” Instead of putting panic and emotion first, I learned that it is better to remain calm and trust God. As Proverbs 19:2 says, “Hasty feet miss the way!” So I learned to be still, try to think clearly, and pray. I learned to trust that even if I stumbled, God would not allow me to fall.
Today's Prayer
Dear God, help us not to follow our panic but rather to trust you in all circumstances. Amen.

Friday, January 03 2025
Fast and Pray: We begin a season of fasting and pray from today through Sunday. How is the Holy Spirit leading you to fast and pray the next few days? Do it earnestly! Maybe fast a meal or two a day? Maybe fast TV or some activity for an hour or two per day? Maybe fast food for the next few days? However you are led to fast and pray, the purpose is to empty yourself of something for a time daily to focus on God in prayer, listening, surrendering, receiving, releasing and contemplating with God. The purpose for our Body is to seek God for His plans for us for 2025 and to offer the first part of the year to Him in surrender and worship and to open space for Him to speak an direct us to His perfect plans. Be still and know. Empty yourself and listen. What's He saying? What will you do about it? Who are you processing with? One other reason is to seek Him for me/us to discern how to start some small groups that He is leading us to start soon. Ask for wisdom to do what He desires with those He is preparing to partner together. Ask for Him to stir some leaders. Pray for wisdom and discernment for me to invite some in to a deeper training and equipping. Seek for His plans and for them to come to life as He stirs us to His new and perfect plans to keep St. Matts growing and producing disciples of Jesus. Thanks! Then let us commit to process together what we are hearing and God is planning. Who are your teammates? What are His plans for a few of you to go live and love like Jesus? Where are some new connection points that will lead us to the 30 we are praying for Him to send in 2025. How does He plan to bring us alive in '25? Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness and He will provide all we need and answer our prayers and direct pour steps. I'm praying for this to be a dynamic time with God as He continues to lead us to become a dynamic movement. Pray for revival for you, us, our area and the nation and for your part in His Good News Delivery Co. to come alive.
Maybe begin with these songs to help you release yourself and focus on God? Maybe use these the next few days to begin your time of fasting as you turn off the noise and focus on God? I know these have helped me to focus this morning.
Open: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA8VEKviMAE
Make Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxubPpU-iIA
Crowns Down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pogDXVoLGLU
Good Morning Church! I want to encourage you to earnestly pursue God the next few days (all year really). He has created you for such a time as this. He is calling you by name. He has redeemed you. You are custom made for His custom purposes and He has great plans for you and has gathered us as His Body for some special purposes as well. We are His agents of change and vessels of love. Seek Him as you offer yourself to Him to have His way with you. Then let's process this together and with maybe a small group of others and work on bringing to life His perfect plans. I'd suggest using the daily devotionals as you open your Bible and seek Him with open heart and listening ear. He longs to reveal Himself, His plans and fill you with His love and wisdom overflowing. Will you still yourself and seek Him? Please do! I can't wait to process this with you in the next few weeks and to begin some small group ministries that He will use to lead us to some new connection points and His perfect plans! Amen!
Father, we still ourselves and offer ourselves, our church, and this year to you. Come! Fill us. teach us. Stir us, Your Kingdom come and will be done in through and around me and us. We long to glorify you and be about You and Your business of loving people and making disciples. Here I am Lord! Teach me. Prepare me. Send me. Be glorified. Amen!
Friday, January 03 2025
Happy New Year! PTL for the promises and opportunities opened up for the year ahead as we walk with Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us to the new things He has prepared for each of us and us together! Amen! May we come alive in '25!
Good Morning Fellow Travelers! Spend some time as we enter into a season of fasting and prayer to empty yourself and invite the Holy Spirit full access to you, your choices, and resolve to follow Jesus. He made you for such a time as this and has great plans for you to discover and step into. he also has great plans for our church as we unite as His Body and allow Him to lead us to His perfect plans for the year ahead. It's a year of promise and faithfulness of God for us to embrace and earnestly pursue. May we commit ourselves, our Church and our choices for the year to God today. May we invite Him to come be our Lord, Shepherd and be determined to follow Him well. Amen!
Many blessings to you and yours for 2025! maybe begin with some time in our devos below! God loves you and has plans to prosper you. Trust Him and invite Him to come have His way! Amen
What's God saying to you and what will you do about it! Let us commit to earnestly follow Him to His best! And may we all know the love, joy and peace we have and have to share! Amen
UR: A New Beginning
If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! - 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)
I glanced out my front window, and the street was quiet. It was just another day. Last night, however, was much different. We heard the whistle and pop of exploding fireworks, the cheers of excited children, and the shouting of jubilant well-wishers ushering in the New Year.
For many, the start of a new year is a time for resolutions, marking a new beginning and starting with a clean slate. We might give up a bad habit, begin a new exercise regimen, eat healthier foods, mend a broken relationship, or improve some other aspect of our daily life. We do this in the hope of having a happier, better, and more fulfilled life.
Every New Year’s Eve reminds me of my own new beginning in 1967 as a young teen. My new beginning wasn’t a resolution to change one or two undesirable traits but complete repentance, and it transformed my life. The Lord Jesus Christ did all the work. I became a new creation. What joy there is in serving Jesus!
While salvation is wonderful, it doesn’t stop there. As Christians we must continue to grow in faith. We must be diligent in reading and following God’s word. Let us be examples to those around us and glorify God with our lives.
Today's Prayer
Dear Lord, help us to grow in relationship with you. May others see our good works and glorify your name. Amen.Sarah Young


Most people have never heard of Kate Hankey, but she was a remarkable woman. A teacher, evangelist, school organizer, missionary, and poet, she faithfully served Jesus in 1800s England. In 1867, Kate contracted a serious illness. During her recovery, she penned a lengthy poem in two parts: “The Story Wanted” and “The Story Told.” The poem expresses in a very personal way her relationship with Jesus and the events of His life.
All Scripture points to Jesus and tells His story. John begins his epistle reminding readers how they had personally experienced Jesus: “That which . . . we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim” (1 John 1:1). Because of our experience of Him, the apostle writes, we’re telling the Jesus story: “The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it” (v. 2). Later, John makes the fascinating comment, “The word of God lives in you” (2:14). In other words, the Jesus story is our story too. We’re called to tell the story of Christ in light of our own experience with Him.
This is what Kate Hankey did in her poem. Eventually, the two parts of her poem became these beloved hymns: “I Love to Tell the Story” and “Tell Me the Old, Old Story.” Perhaps we might, like Kate, find our own words and share our Jesus story with others—the unique way in which He loved us, came to us, and rescued us.
By Kenneth Petersen
What is your story with Jesus? How did He come to you and rescue you?
Dear Jesus, thank You for rescuing me and doing Your loving work in my life.
For further study, read Jesus Is in the Room.
Many scholars believe that the apostle John, the author of the gospel of John, also wrote the three letters that bear his name. He wrote 1 John to refute false teachers who taught that Jesus is neither God nor human and points to His incarnation to show His humanity: “[Jesus] was with the Father and has appeared to us” (1:2). John had personally heard, seen, and touched the man Jesus (vv. 1-3), demonstrating that Christ is a real human person.
To prove that Jesus is the preexistent creator God, John begins his letter with the words “that which was from the beginning” (v. 1), echoing Genesis 1:1 (“in the beginning God”) and John 1:1 (“in the beginning was the Word”). Jesus is “the Word of life” (1 John 1:1), who “spoke” life into every living thing (Genesis 1; John 1:1-2). He’s “the eternal life, which was with the Father” and He’s “[God’s] Son, Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:2-3), the promised Messiah.
K. T. Sim |
Friday, January 03 2025
Sarah Update below
Bread Day today 10-12
Good Morning Worshiping, Thankful, Praying, Faithful, Trusting, Moving Forward, Followers of Jesus! Amen! That is us and we are working on growing into these things earnestly. We are moving from what was through what is to the new things God has in store for us in 2025. We have worked on becoming the people we are created to be and doing more of what we are created to do as we seek to have more of Christ and His ways and less of ours come alive in and through us and we are praying this all comes alive in '25! Please Lord! Your Kingdom come and will be done in, through and around me and us! Amen! So what are your thankful for from this past year and what new things does God have planned for you? Are you willing to step out in faith and trust to receive them and allow Him to bring them alive in '25? Pray into that! Surrender, receive and seek to earnestly follow Him into His perfect plans for you and us! I'm praying for me, you and all of us to seek and follow well. Thanks Lord! come! Have Your way! Amen!
Check out the flow of this through my devotionals below. God laid these out just for me and for some of you as well. Then engage with the links to the Harvest Prayer stuff as we seek to become a House of prayer for the Nations and releasing God's plans and power in prayer in the year ahead. Start with the Upper Room's reminder to be grateful and use those gratitude lists often in praise of God and all He is doing and even to refocus when times are hard or we feel distant from Him. The rest of the devos flow to knowing peace, trusting the hand of God, trusting God's plans for you as He leads to new things we are waiting to come and step into, and then the reminder that we are not in this alone but a team of servants seeking and following together--spurring each other on to the new things God has for us! What a great year we have traveled through! PTL! And PTL for the good plans He has for us as we seek to come alive in '25! Then just worship!
Maybe begin by offering yourself to God with this prayer song. This song may be helpful throughout our fast time from the 2nd to the 5th. Make Room. Open yourself. Surrender and offer all of you to Him as He leads you to his best and perfect plans for you and us--His new things! Amen! Make room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxubPpU-iIA
Be honest, open, and willing! God has some great new things instore that will come alive in '25! PTL!
Upper Room: A Grateful New Year
Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. - Psalm 106:1 (NIV)
I keep an old coffee can on my dining room table. Every day I write something I’m thankful for on a small slip of paper and place it in the can. This discipline of gratitude has become part of my spiritual practice. Sometimes I write down how God has answered a specific prayer request. Other times I record a simple pleasure, such as a phone call with a friend. By New Year’s Eve the can is so full I can hardly stuff another piece of paper in!
On New Year’s Day I empty the can and read through all these expressions of gratitude. By the time I’ve gone through all of them, I realize how much God blessed me over the past year. I can look forward to the new year with hope, trusting that God will continue to bless me. I just need to fix my attention on “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy” (Phil. 4:8).
Today's Prayer
Gracious God, thank you for a new year and for the blessings of the year that has just passed. We thank you for this new year and trust you will be with us every day. Amen.
Sarah Young:
In 1939, with the recent outbreak of war for Britain, King George VI sought in his Christmas Day radio broadcast to encourage citizens of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth to put their trust in God. Quoting a poem that his mother found precious, he said: “Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the Hand of God. / That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.” He didn’t know what the new year would bring, but he trusted God to “guide and uphold” them in the anxious days ahead.
The image of God’s hand appears in many places in the Bible, including in the book of Isaiah. Through this prophet, God called His people to trust that He as their Creator, “the first and . . . the last” (Isaiah 48:12), would remain involved with them. As He says, “My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens” (v. 13). They should put their trust in Him and not look to those less powerful. After all, He’s their “Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel” (v. 17).
Whatever we face as we look toward the new year, we can follow the encouragement of King George and the prophet Isaiah and place our hope and trust in God. Then, for us too, our peace will be like the river, our “well-being like the waves of the sea” (v. 18).
By Amy Boucher Pye
As you consider the new year, what situations or relationships could you entrust to God? How does the image of His hand speak to you?
All-powerful God, You created the heavens and the earth and yet You cherish me. I place my trust in You.
Isaiah warned that God would discipline the Israelites for their idolatrous unfaithfulness. He prophesied about one hundred years before the destruction of Jerusalem, their temple, and their seventy-year exile in Babylon (Isaiah 39:6-7; see Jeremiah 25:11-12). Isaiah also prophesied that God would bring His people back, restore them, and bless them (chs. 40-66). In Isaiah 48, the prophet affirmed that whatever God had purposed for His people, He would bring to pass. For He’s the only true, everlasting God—the almighty Creator who chose them to be His people (vv. 12-15). He’s also the “Redeemer” (v. 17) who will teach and guide them (vv. 18-19).
K. T. Sim |
Chuck Swindoll
Joyce Meyer
Sarah Update:
Hi everyone,
We had a great day of worship on Sunday. It was so good and encouraging to so many praises that were shared by our brothers and sisters in Christ.......also hearing the ways God encouraged some of us to bring HOPE to some folks in need with the $50 we were using for our Christmas Blessing challenge.
Some of you also felt inspired to give to your money to The Kindness Project.
Many folks have been blessed by St Matthew's church family! May God continue to use us in reaching out to our community to share God's love and hope!
Here are some of the prayer needs/praises shared on Sunday:
Darlene Geiger has asked for prayer for her sister - she will be having a biopsy done and let's pray for the results to be negative.
Kay Paul - continue to keep her in prayer, for healing and strengthening. As we learn more we will let you know. Also keep her family in prayer also.
Kathy's 14 year old granddaughter has a heart condition. Her name is Sophia. We have been asked to pray for Sophia, that her medical team with be able to find ways to help her and that she will be able to physically be able to continue on with her activities that she enjoys.
Lori Rohrer - was in the ER due to being very dehydrated. She is doing better and is at home. Continued prayers for her healing and strengthening.
Kay (Karen's Mom) is asking for prayer for her friend Arlene, who is having upper respiratory problems and has been admitted to the hospital.
Gail L shared that she is praising God for how much better Houston is doing this month, compared to last month. He was able to spend some quality time with his family, during Christmas. In three weeks, they will meet with his medical team to discuss how things are coming along.
Kids Church update: Starting January 19th we are going to start the Armor of God series in Kids church. Each week, the kiddos will learn about a different part of the armor, and there will also be a craft to build the part of the armor that they learned about that week.
We want to encourage the kids to come each week so that they don't miss out on building their entire armor suit!
** ** ** ** **
Starting next week, many of our activities will start back up for the new year.
Tuesday Huddle at 10:00am starts up on January 14 - via Zoom
Coffee, Donuts, Conversations will be on January 8th from10 - 12pm
Clothing Closet will be opening back up on Saturday, January 18th from 10 - 1pm.
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday January 19th, following our worship service in the
Our next 2 Peas in a Pod Brunch will be January 26th following worship.
Okay, I believe that's all the updates for now......hope you all have a good rest of your evening and a nice and safe New Year's Eve!
Psalm 38:34 Put your HOPE in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path.
He will honor you by giving you the land.
You will see the wicked destroyed.
Friday, January 03 2025
Good Morning Overflowing Christ, Bold and Courageous, Givers! Amen! That is us! Maybe you need to pronounce that over you and us and receive it from the Lord and put it on, but most if not all of us are filled with Christ and all His love and ways to overflow and we are praying to be that more and more. Are you bold and courageous? You can be as you grow in trust and faith. That comes about as we see Christ at work and realize that God does always have our best at heart. Yesterday two Words of wisdom were pronounced to and over our Body. The first is the reminder and comes from the experience of a new member: "Love drives out all fear." So true! We've often discussed and reiterated yesterday the fact that we need to always stay focused on God in trust and as we grow in trust, perfect Love of God just overwhelms us and prepares us for whatever hard and fear causing things we face. PTL! Right? because as we dwell in Love and grow in trust no storm of life can lead us away from our focus on God and stepping in faith with Him. Yes love does cast out all fear. Dwell in His Love always! The other word from God ties to the Givers part pf the salutation for today. We discussed how our Body is populated with givers. And how God blesses us and as we go bless we are blessed back because we bless. It is an awesome cycle of God to step into as we give sacrificially and sow lavishly. He supplies all our needs and out of that supply we get to bless others. Freely given we freely give. The Word of God is that as we give we are seeing the results of being blessed back, stuffed down, shaken and filled to overflowing that come as a result of God's promise to all His givers. We discussed how this word pertains to tithing and God's call to test Him in giving and tithing sacrificially back to God to use to bless others. Now those blessings don't always come back in monetary results but we can trace the blessings we receive to our faithfulness to give as God has given and bless as we have been blessed. Amen!
Yesterday morning I was discussing with God about not sharing about giving and tithing very often from the pulpit. I rarely discuss that as I feel I would be preaching to the choir. You guys are givers. And many of us know the blessing of tithing and giving sacrificially and sowing lavishly back to God from what we have been given. God is blessings us! And I believe the church should tithe on the tithes and offerings we receive. Family Ministries does this quarterly and we have never had to do a fund raiser because God keeps blessing us back for our faithfulness. Talk to me sometime to hear the full story of God's faithfulness to tithers and givers. The two words tie together as well because many fear not having enough or lack if they were to tithe. But remember Love does cast out all fear and as we trust God and step out in faith we experience His faithfulness and provision that overflows as we give and sow sacrificially and lavishly. Try it! You will not be disappointed because God is faithful and He wants to bless you and as you trust and bless you will experience His blessings back. Amen!
The same principle applies to fasting and praying. We don't fast or pray to manipulate God but to draw close, release His blessings and get in step with Him. God has called us to give Him the first few days of 2025 back as we fast and pray and dedicate ourselves and the year to Him. We are to fast from the 2nd to the 5th as God leads you. Maybe a meal a day, maybe a full fast, may some TV time. Whatever God leads you to, dedicate it and yourself to Him as you empty yourself and fill up with Him to overflow. Try it! You will see God blessings coming and His ways coming alive in through and around you. Love casts out all fear! The blessings overflowing are coming and we will be coming alive in 2025. Trust God and offer all of you to Him and watch what He will do!
This is long but if you have time check out the devos below that remind us that we are God's creations made for such a time as this. he is leading you and us, His Church, to His best, even when it seems hard or we have to travel through that dark valley. He is always with us, molding us and working all things together for good. And He does have amazing things and great plans ahead as we trust, obey and follow! Watch and see those overflowing blessings that are on their way! Amen! What's God saying to you right now? What will you do about it? Who are your accountability partners? Seek first the Kingdom of God and all things needed will be add! Amen! Don't lean on your own understanding! Acknowledge God in ALL your ways and He will direct your steps! PTL!
Sarah Young

Jim has been battling a motor neuron disease for more than a year. The neurons in his muscles are breaking down, and his muscles are wasting away. He’s lost his fine-motor skills and is losing his ability to control his limbs. He can no longer button his shirt or tie his shoelaces, and using a pair of chopsticks has become impossible. Jim struggles with his situation and asks, Why is God allowing this to happen? Why me?
He’s in good company with many other believers in Jesus who have brought their questions to God. In Psalm 13, David cries out, “How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart?” (vv. 1-2).
We too can take our confusion and questions to God. He understands when we cry out “How long?” and “Why?” His ultimate answer is given to us in Jesus and His triumph over sin and death.
As we look at the cross and the empty tomb, we gain confidence to trust in God’s “unfailing love” (v. 5) and rejoice in His salvation. Even in the darkest nights, we can “sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to [us]” (v. 6). Through our faith in Christ, He’s forgiven our sins, adopted us as His children, and is accomplishing His eternal good purpose in our lives.
By Poh Fang Chia
What questions do you need to bring to God? How has He shown His goodness to you, even in your darkest night?
Loving Father, thank You that You care for me. Please help me to trust that You’re making something beautiful of my life.
Psalm 13 is an urgent prayer for God’s aid (vv. 3-4) as well as a lament of the psalmist’s long period of suffering, which is experienced as if God is absent and hiding His face (v. 1). When the psalm asks, “How long?” (vv. 1-2), the point isn’t asking for a specific end date but lamenting how long something has been endured and urging God to end the long wait—to act and make things right. Yet despite Psalm 13’s intense desperation, it’s also a psalm of deep trust (vv. 5-6). Through our bond with a God who we know to be good and faithful, we have the confidence and trust to honestly voice our lament. The reformer Martin Luther called prayer like that expressed in Psalm 13 the “state in which hope despairs, and yet despair hopes at the same time.”
Monica La Rose |

UR: Peace in the Storm
[Jesus] said to them, “Why are you afraid, you of little faith?” - Matthew 8:26 (NRSVUE)
When I was in high school, I traveled back and forth between Germany and the United States by ship several times. Although the vast ocean seemed endless, I had total faith that the captain would bring us safely to the correct destination. Even on stormy nights, the ship stayed on course and safely rolled with the waves.
At times in my life, when it seems like I am being tossed around by waves of uncertainty and hardship, fear causes me to doubt God’s plan. But if I could trust the ship’s captain, how much more can I trust the Creator of the universe? Rather than fear, I want prayer to be my first response to trials. Fear can distract me from God’s promise to be with me through every storm.
When a storm developed as the disciples crossed the Sea of Galilee, they were afraid. They begged Jesus to help them, so he calmed the storm. Jesus asked them, “Why are you afraid, you of little faith?” Even in the face of severe storms, we can trust Jesus to carry us to the destination he has for us. When we surrender ourselves to Jesus, our faith can overcome our fears.
Today's Prayer
Lord Jesus, help us to remember that you are present with us during life’s storms. Give us faith to trust that you will carry us through. Amen.
Friday, January 03 2025
Today is a special day for me...23 years ago today, God saved a wretch like me and I was born again, forgiven, cleansed and made new. I was one way and in the blink of an eye another. Since then I have traveled the road of transformation that comes as I continue to draw close and follow Christ. What a blessing! Thanks Lord! Come have your way with me and continue to transform me more and more into Your image and move me to do the things I was created to do for Your glory! May I live, love, teach, lead and make disciples like Jesus! Come! Have Your way with me! Amen!
Good Morning Saved By Grace, Born Again in Christ Brothers and Sisters! Do you remember your born again story? Who might need to hear it? God has custom made us for such a time as this. He drew us and when we received Jesus as our personal Savior, we received the Holy Spirit in us, His gifts customized for us and empowerment to become the people we are created to be, doing what we are created to do. We are also gathered to His Body to unite and go love like Jesus and make disciples. Who are you in Christ? What are your purposes? That's what we want to work on in 2025 as we seek to come alive in '25 and bring new life alive to all those God is sending us to or to us. What's your part in His Good news Delivery Co.? Who are your teammates. We will be trying to figure all that out over then next few months. Ask God to draw you close, speak to your heart and direct your steps and pray for us to become His dynamic movement of disciple makers. Amen!
There are so many devotionals and things I thought I was to share today as I always go real deep in devotional quiet time on this day. Today we will discuss some of the plans God has for us during our worship time. It will sort of be a kick off for where He may be leading us into the New Year and a recounting of all His blessings in 2024. He does love you and has gathered us to go love well in His name and for His glory. That is really coming alive in and through and around us. PTL! Can you see it and sense His work coming to life? It is and we can rejoice that God is with us always and always working all things together for good. May we commit to trusting more and following earnestly into 2025 and beyond. Revival fires are lit! Let us fan them to flame and may an inferno of His love overwhelm our neighborhoods! Amen! And we all get to be part of that! How cool is that! I can't wait to see what He has for you, me and us in 2025 that's waiting to come to life!
God has spoken to me today and is speaking to some of you as you encounter Him through these devotionals below. Be still and know. Abide then thrive. he has perfect plans just for you and then for us united as His people on mission! Amen

UR: Rejoice and Give Thanks
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. - 1 Chronicles 16:34 (NIV)
Since I was a child, I have attended Sunday school. I have always enjoyed it. In my youth, I embraced the opportunity to teach a preteen Sunday school class. For more than 40 years, my calling has been Christian education in different ministry areas of the church.
In July 2022, at 73 years old, I was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. I can already feel the effects of the disease. But I have promised, by God’s incomparable grace, to continue to be in ministry as long as I am able.
The Lord has blessed me with long life, my family, and the fellowship of countless brothers and sisters in the Christian faith. As Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us, “For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.” God has been my teacher throughout my life, and I will remain grateful to God until the very end.
Today's Prayer
Generous God, thank you for your many blessings and for giving us opportunities to serve. Lead us into your kingdom. Your will be done. Amen.CS:



When I was a young boy in Ohio, we lived near several construction sites. Inspired by them, my friends and I gathered leftover scraps to build a fort. Borrowing tools from our parents, we hauled wood and spent days trying to make our material serve our purposes. It was fun, but our attempts were poor reflections of the well-constructed buildings around us. They didn’t last long.
In Genesis 11, we encounter a major building construction project. “Let us build ourselves a city,” said the people, “with a tower that reaches to the heavens” (v. 4). A big problem with this effort was that the people did it to “make a name for ourselves” (v. 4).
This has been a recurring issue for humans; we build monuments to ourselves and our achievements. Later in the biblical narrative, this story is contrasted with Solomon’s motivation for building God’s temple: “I intend, therefore, to build a temple for the Name of the Lord my God” (1 Kings 5:5).
Solomon understood that what he built needed to point to God and not himself. This was such an important lesson that he even wrote a psalm about it. Psalm 127 opens with “unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain” (v. 1). Like my childhood fort-building, what we build will not last, but God’s name and what we do for Him has lasting significance.
By Matt Lucas
What are you building with your life? How is your life bringing honor to God?
Father, please forgive me for the times I’ve focused on myself and not on what You’re doing in the world.
The Hebrew word rendered “build/building” in Genesis 11 is banah (vv. 4, 5, 8). This term can refer to a physical building—whether rebuilding or establishing something—and metaphorically to building a family. Both usages occur in 2 Samuel 7 (see vv. 5, 7, 13, 27). Psalm 127:1 includes the word twice: “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.” Daniel 4:30 includes the Aramaic counterpart to banah from Nebuchadnezzar: “Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?” In the New Testament “to build” is a metaphor for the work of Christ in establishing His church (see Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 2:19-22). Building plans that fail to consider Jesus as the master builder (see Hebrews 3:4) are subject to fail.
Arthur Jackson |


Friday, January 03 2025
Good Morning Abiding In Christ Co-Laborers! We are so blessed to know Christ, have His Spirit in us always to guide, help, lead, revive, reshape and empower us. We are blessed to be gathered together as His servants growing into our mission to know Him and make Him know as teammates, spurring each other on to the good works He has planned and covering each other in prayer. GO TEAM! As we spend time abiding in Christ and God's Word and Love, we grow and come to understand our next steps of faith, our needed repentance, our call to encourage, and our need to trust as we take that next step of faith. How cool is it that God helps us with all of this and wants to be with us and lead us to His best. his easy yoke is such a joy as we step more fully from our old nature to our new and from what was to what is and what can be. And we get to do all this as a team! We are truly blessed as we spend time abiding in Him and His Word, watch for God and join Him each day! Contemplate that and ask God what's the next step for you and us and who He wants you to co-labor with and do something about that. It will be so good and joyful as we keep working at becoming who we are created to be and doing what we are created and gathered to do! I love how God works and celebrate daily all He is doing in, through and around me, you and all of us! Yes, Rejoice!
Spend some time abiding in Him as you engage with or devotionals below and open your Bibles. Dwell in His love today and soak it up to share. Determine to seek, trust and follow God to His perfect plans for you and us and keep worshiping with great thanksgiving for who He is and all he is doing! He does have great plans for you and us that are coming to life as we grow in trust and the determination to choose joy always as we follow Him. Come! taste and see! he is kind and gentle and His yoke is easy. rest in Him today. be still and know. Exhale the junk and breathe in a fresh breath of the Spirit and then go love and love more like Jesus just as you are today. Then celebrate and share those stories of what God has and is doing. I can't wait to hear them!
Sarah Young
Charles Stanley
John was devastated when he lost his job. Closer to the end of his career than the beginning, he knew it would be hard to start over somewhere new. He started praying for the right job. Then John updated his resume, read interview tips, and made a lot of phone calls. After weeks of applying, he accepted a new position with a great schedule and an easy commute. His faithful obedience and God’s provision had met at the perfect intersection.
A more dramatic instance of this occurred with Jochebed (Exodus 6:20) and her family during the time of Israel’s enslavement in Egypt. When Pharaoh decreed that all newborn Hebrew sons must be cast into the Nile (1:22), Jochebed must have been terrified. She couldn’t change the law, but there were some steps she could take to obey God and try to save her son. In faith, she hid him from the Egyptians. She made a little, watertight papyrus basket and “put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile” (2:3). God stepped in to miraculously preserve his life (vv. 5-10) and later used him to deliver all of Israel from slavery (3:10).
John and Jochebed took very different steps, but both stories are marked by faith-filled action. Fear can paralyze us. Even if the result isn’t what we expected or hoped for, faith empowers us to keep trusting in God’s goodness regardless of the outcome.
By Karen Pimpo
When do you find yourself frozen in fear or worry? How can you faithfully take the next God-honoring step?
Dear God, please help me faithfully take each step on the path You have for me.
Scripture offers two reasons why Moses’ parents, Amram and Jochebed (Numbers 26:59), protected Moses. First, Jochebed saw that “he was a fine child” (Exodus 2:2); she saw something special in him. He’s described as “no ordinary child” (Acts 7:20; Hebrews 11:23). A second reason is that his parents “were not afraid of the king’s edict” (Hebrews 11:23). Like the two Hebrew midwives Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1:15, 17), his parents feared God more than they feared Pharaoh. Hebrews 11:23 commends Amram and Jochebed as people of great faith.
K. T. Sim |
December 28 - Prayer Is the Doorway
After they fell to temptation, Adam and Eve were sent away from the beauty of the Garden, and their remaining days would be spent in the wearisome toil of their sin.
But God’s plan was not thwarted by Satan’s work and man’s sin. A promised One would come. His serpent-crushing, saving work was prophesied at the moment of their sin. And when He came, He would make a way for all to come again into the Father’s presence and know Him once again. To walk with Him; to hear His voice. To regain what once was lost. One day the door would open and the Garden fully restored … and the conversation would continue with no interruption. Unceasing prayer, unceasing love, unceasing joy.
This glorious walk with God is open now for us with all its riches. We can walk in the garden of His presence, in part, that we will one day experience fully in a new heaven and new earth. But for all who long for Him, He invites us now to come.
And the doorway is to simply pray.
Grace-filled Father, we adore You and worship You! You created us for Yourself…and in Your image! Through Jesus You are redeeming what was lost in the Garden of Eden. Thank You for not giving up on us and for making a way for Your people to enter into Your presence continually. We rejoice in knowing that the beauty of the Garden will one day be ours through the love and sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. May we never take for granted what You have done, what You are doing and what You will do as Your people seek Your face in prayer.
---Adapted from Simply Prayer by Bill Elliff. This book is available at prayershop.org.
- Praise Jesus for the depth of his redeeming love, which sent him to the cross for you (Gal. 2:20).
- Thank him for dying on your behalf.
- Confess any lack of love you feel toward a brother or sister.
- Commit yourself to remaining in Jesus’ love by keeping his commandments (Jn. 15:10).
- Ask God to show his love to you in new ways today.
- Ask that the redeeming love of God will come gently to an unsaved person you know. Ask God to reveal a glimpse of his unconditional love through you.
Prayer Pointer
“Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that which lies beyond the will of God.” —Anonymous
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at prayershop.org. Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe here. |
Larry Paul News
December 2024
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our family, friends, and partners,
Larry experienced shortness of breath and tightness in his chest at the beginning of December. His Doctor agreed to monitor it for a few days. It was getting worse so Larry went to the ER and, after 4 days in the ICU to monitor his heart as he underwent tests and took medicine, they determined he was suffering from an unstable angina, basically a clogged heart artery. He's home now and resting as he learns to adjust to his new diet. So far he's doing fine at home, he was even able to take our dog for short walks. Due to the Christmas holiday, Larry will meet with the Cardiologist in January to discuss the next steps in his treatment, which will probably include an angioplasty and stent in his artery. It was a scary time for all of us and we're still adjusting to our "new normal". Larry needs to rest and cannot drive, so Enol is taking on more and more responsibilities for our family. She needs to get Larry's medicine, shop, cook different meals for him, and take our boys out to be with their friends. It's a big adjustment for all of us and we continue to seek God's wisdom to manage the changes.
Larry was managing the maintenance, grounds, drivers, custodians, and security departments on campus, and they were able to keep the campus functioning and safe during the first semester. He helped design and bid out the work to start building a new parking lot on campus as well as gathering information and pricing for future projects including adding solar panels, replacing a roof on a High School building, and replacing 20+ year old air conditionings systems. We're not sure what he'll be able to do next semester as he continues to recover from his heart issue.
Richard and Brayden enjoyed their time at the ACSC volleyball tournament in Indonesia in October. The team played hard and finished in second place. We are so proud of all of them! They are now both on the varsity basketball team which is doing well in their local league. We're looking forward to going to Bangkok in February for ACSC's boys basketball tournament. They both continue to do well in their classes and Richard is applying to different universities in the US. He wants to study business with a focus in sports management. We are so proud of them, the fine young men they are becoming and the way they are adjusting to Larry's medical condition.
Enol is enjoying her time volunteering at Faith Academy's Elementary division and being part of the team Moms for the boys' athletic teams. We're not sure what she'll be able to do when the boys go back to school since she'll also need to take care of Larry during his recovery.
- Larry's good care at the hospital
- Richard and Brayden doing well at Faith Academy, both with schoolwork and athletics.
- Enol can volunteer at Faith Academy
- God's continued provision for our needs
Prayer Requests
- Larry's complete recovery from his heart condition
- Wisdom for Larry's doctors for his next steps
- Provision of the necessary funds for costs not covered by insurance
- Enol not to be overwhelmed taking care of Larry, our boys, and her family
- Enol's sister Zeny, complete recovery from stroke, and her financial needs
Thank you again for your continued prayers and support of our ministry at Faith Academy in the Philippines.
Larry, Enol, Richard, and Brayden |
Honoring our senior volleyball players. When Larry's men are in charge of hanging the banners, Richard gets center stage!
Picture with our boys after winning the Faith Academy Dan Landry tournament.
We are so proud of our ACSC boys volleyball team! |
ACSC boys volleyball senior recognition
Richard performing at the Faith Academy October concert
Richard performing at the Faith Academy Christmas concert
Financial Partnership
Mail a check to:
PO Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862-8200
Friday, January 03 2025
Merry Christmas!
Good Morning Worshipers!
Today, as always, Immanuel--God is with us! My thought was to just be still and meditate on all the nuances of what that means today. So what does that mean to you? Who needs to hear that Good News? Praying for you and yours today to be filled with His Love, peace and Joy! Amen!
Here is the only devo I am sharing today because it is the same thoughts God gave to me to share. Be still and know, receive and go love like Jesus! Shalom!
December 25 - Christmas Day!
Christmas Blessings from OneCry and Harvest Prayer!
Before you begin, meditate on this thought: God is with me.
Heavenly Father thank You for coming near to me through Christ Jesus, for in Him all Your fullness lived in bodily form. He is Emmanuel, God with me. How grateful I am that because of His finished work at the cross and my faith in Him alone, I have relationship with You. You are with me and You will never leave me or forsake me. Hallelujah!
Thank You Father for the promises of Your Word that even when I pass through deep waters of trials and tribulation, it does not change who You are or alter Your presence with me. For even the hard and painful things You will work together for my good. (Pause and commit any present difficulties in your life to God and ask Him to use them to make you more like Jesus.)
I choose Lord, to not be fearful or dismayed by the raging storms of life all about me, for You are my God. In You I will be strong because You uphold me with Your righteous right hand. You are the Eternal God, my refuge, and I will rest in Your everlasting arms. Yes Father, I will rest secure in You all day long for You love me and You will not forsake me. (Pause and thank God for His presence with you in the midst of present circumstances. Ask Him to continue to go before you and to blanket you with His peace.)
This day I ask You, Wonderful Counselor, that You open my heart and mind to help me to live in such a way that it is apparent to me and those around me, that You are with me.
Mighty God, reveal Your presence in my everyday circumstances reminding me of Your continual nearness--every moment.
Everlasting Father may Your faithful love be my constant buffer from the darkness of the world.
Prince of Peace calm my anxious heart with Your peaceful assurance that You are with me and will never leave me. In the name of Jesus, Emmanuel, I pray. Amen.
(Colossians 2:9; Philippians 2:6-11; Joshua 1:5; Isaiah 43:2; Romans 8:28; Isaiah 41:10; 33:27; Deuteronomy 33:12; Hebrews 13:5; Isaiah 9:6; 7:14; Matthew 1:23)
--By Tiece L. King, author of the Pray the Word series: Pray the Word: 90 Prayers That Touch the Heart of God, Pray the Word: 31 Prayers That Touch the Heart of God, Pray the Word for Your Church. These resources are available at prayershop.org. Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.
Friday, January 03 2025
Good Morning Fruitful Branches of THE Vine! Amen! Today some of us need to get back to the reality of the work-a-day world and refocus back to producing fruit for our bosses. Some of us still have time off while others are retired. No matter which you are, you are still called to be producers of good and abundant fruit for the Lord. Check out and begin with Harvest Blogs this morning. God has created you, saved you, gifted and trained you for such a time as this and He has perfect and custom made plans for you to produce fruit that please Him. So be still, seek Him, receive His direction and empowerment to produce the fruit He has for you today.
Let us spend the rest of 2024 meditating on all God has done and seeking Him for what He has planned for us to come alive in '25. No matter what you are facing or celebrating, God knows and is with you and will use that to lead you to His best. Trust Him. Worship. Receive. And go produce that good fruit you are created and chosen to produce. Amen! I'm praying for you! God is with you! Rejoice, receive and follow well today! Amen!
Gotta Fly! Lots to do today! I have prayed for you and for me and for Go to make clear how He has planned to use you and me today! Seek and follow well, friends! Go live and love like Jesus! Amen
Harvest Blogs
December 26 - Give Me Your Heart
Before you begin, meditate on this thought: God has chosen to work through me.
Father how I thank You that because I have put my faith and trust in Christ, He has made me a new creation! The old has gone--the new has come! This great redemptive work is from You Father, through Christ, for me! My relationship with You has been made right and because of His finished work on the cross You do not hold my sin against me! Hallelujah! Praise Your holy name! (Pause and be thankful that Christ Jesus has saved you from your sin.)
Now Father I ask that You help me to understand what it means that because I am in Christ the message of reconciliation is lived out and proclaimed, through me! May I be found worthy of the name “Ambassador of Christ” and faithfully implore others to be reconciled to You.
The free gift of salvation through Jesus that alone can make us to be the “righteousness of God” is good news that most around me need desperately to hear. I ask that You capture my heart again I pray, with the joy of this great salvation in You and open my lips that I might praise You and proclaim with great joy, the gospel message. You are the God of all hope and I ask that I would overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit and continually be prepared to give the reason for the hope that I have in You.
This day I ask You Wonderful Counselor, that You open my heart and mind and give me ears to hear what You would say to me, what You would speak through me. Make me increasingly sensitive to Your voice and gentle promptings, and give me a willing, submissive spirit that I might obey.
Mighty God may Your power be evident through the way I live and conduct my life, that I would truly live and move and have my very being in You alone.
Everlasting Father may Your fatherly embrace and great love be expressed through my life. In my conversations and interactions with the world around me, be glorified I pray. May Jesus be seen through me in such loving ways that many are drawn to Him.
Prince of Peace in the midst of this chaotic fearful world, may the peace of Christ be spread through my life. Increase my trust and hope in You that I in turn might minister to those around me who are as sheep without a shepherd.
Give me Your heart. Your eyes. Your ears, O Lord. That in all things I might respond as Jesus would, and be a worthy ambassador of the gospel. In the name of Jesus, Emmanuel, I pray. Amen.
(2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Psalm 51:12,15; Romans 15:13; 1 Peter 3:15; Acts 17:28; Matthew 5:16)
--By Tiece L. King, author of the Pray the Word series: Pray the Word: 90 Prayers That Touch the Heart of God, Pray the Word: 31 Prayers That Touch the Heart of God, Pray the Word for Your Church. These resources are available at prayershop.org. Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.
- Praise God as the one who makes it possible for you to bear much fruit (Jn. 15:5).
- Thank him for the promise of a great spiritual harvest in your life.
- Confess sins which stunt the development of spiritual fruit in your life.
- Commit yourself to daily devotional habits which will stimulate the growth of such fruit.
- Ask God to help you produce the kind of harvest which will give him the glory and praise.
- Ask God to pour out his blessing on his church throughout the world. Pray for fruitfulness among those who remain faithful to God and are firmly united to Jesus, the true vine.
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