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Thursday, November 30 2023

Good Morning Partakers and Sharers of the Bread of Life--Bread from Heaven! In John, Jesus proclaimed, "I am the Bread of Heaven" and went on to explain that He brings life and sustains it. He talked about ingesting Him, feeding on Him and allowing Him to satisfy our heavenly hunger and fill us to overflowing to share this "mana" with other hungry seekers. He has been faithful to use us and our ministries to do so as we feast on His Word and bring it alive to others as we share bread and clothing! PTL!

Let us celebrate and worship for all God is doing in, through and around St. Matts' bread and clothing ministries and for those who serve our community and bless God and many as harvest workers through meeting many needs. Thank God for His provision of bread, cloths, food, funds, care givers and harvest workers. Thank God for using us and making His love, care, and help known to many in need around us! Thank God for drawing some to Him and our fellowship thru these ministries of His love and care! Thank God for the surplus of bread weekly that is used to bless the feeding ministry of another church in Macungie. (it's kinda like the 12 baskets of bread and fish left over after the feeding of the 5000 weekly as God supplies more than enough!) He is El Shaddai--our powerful, all-sufficient God! He is lovingly caring for the least of these through us and blessing us back as we bless. It is really cool to experience all the ways God uses this simple ministry as we do what we can with what He provides and as we offer ourselves to be used! Thank You Yahweh Jireh--our Sufficient Provider, El Shaddai!

Next Wed. Dec. 6th from 10-12 is our next Bread Ministry Donuts and Conversation Day. Please consider joining us! Pray ahead for what God wants to do, to come to life next week. Pray ahead for our Brunch Christmas Eve and for God to draw and connect many of these to Him through our loving service and fellowship! Pray expectantly for Him to grow this ministry and feed the growing harvest with Bread from Heaven!

Yvonne and Chris are joining our church and have come to us through a brief donut day encounter last month as they were searching for a church that loved well. We prayed for Chris a few Sundays ago for stomach surgery he was having. He made it through that ok but is having complications now with that and his feet and may need some toe removal. Yvonne came for some bread yesterday but really for some prayer and ministry. God used us to comfort, pray and bring some mana into her need. Please pray for a healing miracle for Christ, for God to meet their many financial needs (they have custody of their teen grand daughter) and for shalom to over come them. Chris has become weary of this health journey and wants to give up. Pray for spiritual, emotional. mental and physical healing.

Isabel joined us Sunday at brunch. We have been praying for her for what sounds like Gall stones and for lack of help and concern from docs. She has severe pain for over a month as she awaits a doc visit and answers. She has connected to a few of us as we continue to love on her and pray with her and comfort her. Thank God for using us! Pray for a quick resolution, favor for timely doc care, and that she would experience the overwhelming love of God. She sometimes show up on bread day, not for bread, but for loving mana an ministry.

These are but two of the many stories that happen weekly as we offer bread and Bread from Heaven to our neighbors in need. Keep praying for this ministry and for God to become very real to not yet saved neighbors as they see God at work through us and see and experience true Love, hope and help come to life. I am just overwhelmed weekly as the workers and I process and experience all God is doing. PTL! Come sit and experience it yourself next Wed. as we share some Bread and eat some donuts.

Check out our devotionals below as they tie to this. God threaded them together for a reason. Sit at His feet, process with an accountability or "faith friend" and ask God to continue to prosper His work through us and raise up some small groups and new ministries of love. He is at work! Praise Him, continue to pray and commit to joining Him as you do your part. Again remember that prayer is a vital part of all we do. Thank you to our prayer warriors! Keep at it! God is answering in mighty ways! PTL! Someone said, "The Church's greatest deficiency today is in power--not in programs, strategies, materials, or ideas. And power for ministry can be released only through prayer." How true. We know the all powerful one and are experiencing His power being released through your partnering with Him and our ministries in prayer, giving and serving! Thank you! Ask God how we might help some of our own who are going through some very hard and troubling times as well. Christmas may be very hard and dismal this year. Ask God to connect you to one of these and show you how to come along side and bless them. And thank God and ask Him what plans He has for you for such a time as this with a heart ready to follow. 

It is truly an honor to experience your hearts for God and His plans and willingness to do your part as we grow into His dynamic movement together. We may be small, but we are being used by the All-Powerful, All-Sufficient, Care Giver in mighty ways! Amen! Come and see! Great fruit and greater things are on their way. 

Thank you all! I love serving together and am so thankful that God has called us together for such a time as this to bring Good News, healing, hope, help and His love alive together. There is much more going on in the spiritual realm than meets the eyes as we continue to walk by faith and not by sight! PTL! His great plans for us are coming alive through our faithfulness to who and Whose we are and allowing Him to use us for our custom made purposes! Rejoice! Worship! Keep at it! Amen.

Charles Stanley

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Trusting God

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7

READ Psalm 20


I needed two medications urgently. One was for my mom’s allergies and the other for my niece’s eczema. Their discomfort was worsening, but the medicines were no longer available in pharmacies. Desperate and helpless, I prayed repeatedly, Lord, please help them.

Weeks later, their conditions became manageable. God seemed to be saying: “There are times when I use medicines to heal. But medicines don’t have the final say; I do. Don’t place your trust in them, but in Me.”   

In Psalm 20, King David took comfort in God’s trustworthiness. The Israelites had a powerful army, but they knew that their biggest strength came from “the name of the Lord” (v. 7). They placed their trust in God’s name—in who He is, His unchanging character, and unfailing promises. They held on to the truth that He who is sovereign and powerful over all situations would hear their prayers and deliver them from their enemies (v. 6).  

While God may use the resources of this world to help us, ultimately, victory over our problems comes from Him. Whether He gives us a resolution or the grace to endure, we can trust that He’ll be to us all that He says He is. We don’t have to be overwhelmed by our troubles, but we can face them with His hope and peace.     

By Karen Huang


In your personal battles, where or in what do you place your trust? How might trusting in God’s name change the way you cope with these challenges?

Heavenly Father, give me the courage to trust in You. Help me to believe that You’re all that You promise to be.


A careful reading reveals that Psalms 20 and 21 are related. Psalm 20 is a prayer for the protection (vv. 1–2) and victory of the king, God’s anointed (vv. 6, 9). The prayer of the psalmist, “Lord, give victory to the king! Answer us when we call!” (v. 9) is shown to be answered in Psalm 21. There, in a more direct way, the writer talks to God about His dealings with the king (vv. 1–7) and his enemies (vv. 8–12). The idea of trusting in God (20:7) is reiterated in 21:7: “For the king trusts in the Lord; through the unfailing love of the Most High he will not be shaken.” Psalm 20 closes with petition and Psalm 21 with praise: “Be exalted in your strength, Lord; we will sing and praise your might” (v. 13).

Arthur Jackson

UR: God's Great Care

If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you — you of little faith! - Luke 12:28 (NIV)

About 10 years ago, there was a huge playground just beyond the walls of my house. The chattering of adults and the giggling of children always gave life to it. Now it is abandoned, but to me it is more beautiful than ever. Grasses have taken over the whole playground, painting it green. Giant trees continue to grow, and their yellow, pink, and red flowers glow against the blue sky and white clouds. Occasionally a gardener cuts and burns the grasses, allowing new grasses to sprout up even greener, moving with the morning breeze and sparkling in the sunlight that shines among the leaves of the trees. What a perfect picture of God’s creation!

Just as that playground was abandoned, we may at times feel forgotten by our friends, our family, or people around us. But we need not become discouraged. People abandoned the playground, but God redecorated it, making it more beautiful and peaceful. When we encounter situations that challenge us, we need not be anxious. The grasses are cut and burned, but they are always reborn with perfect beauty. If God wonderfully cares even for these small things, God will surely care for us. We can rest assured that God will care for us because we are God’s beloved children.


Dear Lord, thank you for never abandoning us. Encourage us with your love. When we are overwhelmed by life’s problems, remind us of your care. Amen.TWFYT:

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St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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