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Pastor's Blog
Friday, December 29 2023

Immanuel! God is still with us! Everyday! 24-7! Rejoice! And He is always at work working all things together for good and according to His purposes. Amen!

Good Moring! Rejoice. Check out all our devos for today. I'm already working well into the new year with planning. What's God saying to you? What is He working on in and around you? What dreams and visions is He bringing? What will you do about all that? 

Rejoice. trust. Choose joy always. Follow well. What a great new years resolution! Keep working at becoming the person you were created to be and doing the things you were created and gifted to do for such a time as this. Pray and watch expectantly for all god has going on around you and join in being His hands and feet. Turn off the noise. Tune in and know Christ more and work on becoming more of who you are in Christ and doing more of what you were created to do. God has great plans for you! rejoice!

Here's Kim's pray blog for today from harvest Prayer: TEN PRAYER RESOLUTIONS FOR THE NEW YEAR



The Day after Christmas

Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19

READ Luke 2:15–20


After all the joy of Christmas Day, the following day felt like a letdown. We’d stayed overnight with friends but hadn’t slept well. Then our car broke down as we were driving home. Then it started to snow. We had abandoned the car and taxied home in the snow and sleet feeling blah.

We’re not the only ones who’ve felt low after Christmas Day. Whether it’s from excessive eating, the way carols suddenly disappear from the radio, or the fact that the gifts we bought last week are now on sale half price, the magic of Christmas Day can quickly dissipate!

The Bible never tells us about the day after Jesus’ birth. But we can imagine that after walking to Bethlehem, scrambling for accommodation, Mary’s pain in giving birth, and having shepherds drop by unannounced (Luke 2:4–18), Mary and Joseph were exhausted. Yet as Mary cradled her newborn, I can imagine her reflecting on her angelic visitation (1:30–33), Elizabeth’s blessing (vv. 42–45), and her own realization of her baby’s destiny (vv. 46–55). Mary “pondered” such things in her heart (2:19), which must’ve lightened the tiredness and physical pain of that day.

We’ll all have “blah” days, perhaps even the day after Christmas. Like Mary, let’s face them by pondering the One who came into our world, forever brightening it with His presence.

By Sheridan Voysey


When are you prone to feeling a “low” after a “high”? How can you ponder today all that Jesus has brought into the world?

Dear Jesus, I praise You for entering our dark world, forever brightening my days with Your presence.


Luke tells us that “all who heard” what had been told to the shepherds about Jesus’ birth “were amazed” (2:18). In the gospel of Luke, amazement or astonishment is a recurring description of how people respond to God’s actions (see 1:63; 2:33; 4:22; 8:25; 9:43; 11:14). Amazement is the appropriate and natural response to His wonders. But such amazement isn’t identical with belief. For example, in Luke 24:41, after Christ’s appearance to His disciples after His death, we’re told “they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement.” It’s possible that Luke emphasizes that “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart” (2:19) to capture the value of not only reacting with amazement but also continually and daily wrestling with the realities of what God is doing. Luke’s comment on Mary’s pondering could also indicate Luke relied on her testimony (see 1:2-3) for his account of the shepherds.

Monica La Rose


Jesus said, “Whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple — truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward.” - Matthew 10:42 (NRSVUE)

My family and community usually let Christmas pass by without any acknowledgment. To comfort myself and appreciate the meaning of Christmas, I usually watch a Christmas concert or go to church and then have my favorite food on Christmas Day.

One year, I wanted to do something different for Christmas, so I chose to visit a friend who was hospitalized. At first I felt awkward about my choice since it had nothing to do with Christmas. But I was encouraged by the Spirit and was filled with abundant love, joy, and peace. I truly felt God’s presence that Christmas Day.

We often associate Christmas with joyous and sometimes glamorous celebrations. But it is also a time to remember God’s love for us and to allow God’s Spirit to shine through our words and deeds. The love we share with others pleases God and blesses our lives.

Even if we are unable to buy gifts or host large gatherings for Christmas, we can still be joyful. The most important thing is that we receive Jesus with humble and worshipful hearts. And we can gladly share what blessings we have with those in need.


Dear Jesus, thank you for giving yourself as a living sacrifice. We celebrate your goodness to us by sharing your love with others. Amen.

Posted by: AT 12:35 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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