Good Morning Gathered and Sent Surrendered, Faithful Servants of the Lord--Co-Laborers! Please Lord! Grow us as we gather. Equip us. Empower us! Send us to be your vessels of love, healing, hope and revival. Team us up with others--co-laborers and raise up some small group leaders. We are Your very loved children, longing to be used to advance your Kingdom and make disciples of Jesus. Come! Thank You for creating us and placing us right where you want us for such a time as this! Shepherd lead us and use us well for your glory. Amen!
And AMEN! Come Jesus us come! This morning as I sat down at my desk and pondered yesterday, Psalm 23 came to mind again...The Lord is my Shepherd. Is He your Shepherd? Are you allowing Him to lead you beside the still waters and restore your soul? Are you walking with Him through the dark valley today? Are you content in His provision and following His provision? I shall not want! Are you allowing Him to guide you in the paths of righteousness? Why? "For His name's sake!" Are you living up to the calling of being a sheep and allow the Great Shepherd to be your Lord? That's where revival begins as you humble yourself, even die to self and let go of control, for His names sake! So, surprise, as I open my Charles Stanley devo that begins with Palm 23:3. Oh, yes God is always speaking. PTL! Are we being still and listening? Are you allowing Jesus to lead you as you serve others for His name's sake? Are you working as if you are working for the Lord? Praying, serving, repenting as if for the Lord? God has great plans for you just as you are and is wanting to grow you to your fuller potential and His greater things. Rejoice! Surrender and live this life as if Christ is all that matters, because it's true! Engage Him through the devotionals below as you turn off the noise and tune into God. Ask Him to reveal a word for you to work on this year too. He has at least one! Come Jesus come!! Have all of me and grow me to my fuller potential in Christ and use me as I am, today right where you place me, for such a time as this. Bring revival and send me as you agent of it. Come! Thank You! Amen! (Pray the Harvest Prayer revival prayer at the end--earnestly for those prayers are powerful and effective!)
What's God saying to you today and what will you do about it? Who is He leading you to partner with? is He leading you to lead a small group? What word(s) is He leading you to for growth? How might He want to use you to advance His Kingdom? Who might He be leading you today? ASK! LISTEN! and receive! Then share and process that with Sarah, me, or your small circle of friends. And worship for all He is and will do! God is on the move! Hallelujah!
Charles Stanley:


Actress Nichelle Nichols is best remembered for playing Lieutenant Uhura in the original Star Trek series. Landing the role was a personal win for Nichols, making her one of the first African American women on a major TV show. But a greater win was to come of it.
Nichols had actually resigned from Star Trek after its first season, to return to her theater work. But then she met Martin Luther King Jr., who urged her not to leave. For the first time, he said, African Americans were being seen on TV as intelligent people who could do anything, even go to space. By playing Lieutenant Uhura, Nichols was achieving a greater win—showing Black women and children what they could become.
It reminds me of the time James and John asked Jesus for the two best positions in His kingdom (Mark 10:37). What personal wins such positions would be! Jesus not only explained the painful realities of their request (vv. 38–40) but called them to higher goals, saying, “whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant” (v. 43). His followers weren’t to seek personal wins alone but, like Him, use their positions to serve others (v. 45).
Nichelle Nichols stayed with Star Trek for the greater win it provided for African Americans. May we too never be content with a personal win alone but use whatever position we gain to serve others in His name.
By Sheridan Voysey
What are your current personal and career goals? What doors could you open for others right now?
Dear Jesus, show me how to use my position to serve others in Your name.
James and John’s request to sit at Jesus’ right hand and left hand after He’s glorified (Mark 10:37) shows they didn’t yet understand that Christ’s path to glory would be through suffering. Jesus responded by referring to His coming “cup” and “baptism” (v. 38)—both metaphors referring to His future suffering for His people. He would drink the cup of suffering and identify fully with His people to save them—taking on the consequences of sin for their sake. In response to James and John’s request for honor, they’re instead promised that as Christ’s disciples, they’d suffer like Him (v. 39). And Jesus used this occasion to teach all His disciples about offering themselves in service (vv. 42-45).
Monica La Rose |
UR: Working for the Lord
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord. - Colossians 3:23 (NIV)
Preparing to graduate from university and commissioned as a military intelligence officer in the United States Army, I envisioned a highly successful career in the armed forces. I experienced health issues during my senior year of college, however, and I was medically discharged. My plans were dashed. Reeling from disappointment, I accepted the first job I could find after searching for months. I found an entry-level position answering phones for a small business. I was disappointed and struggled with a poor attitude about my work. How will I possibly find fulfillment in a job like this? I wondered.
In Colossians 3:23, the apostle Paul encourages us to work at whatever we do with our entire hearts, as if working for the Lord. No job God has placed us in is unimportant. When we commit whatever we do to God, working willingly with everything we have, we honor God. Whether we are working as a CEO, custodian, teacher, secretary, or stay-at-home parent, God can help us to bear fruit for the kingdom. No job is small or insignificant because we do not serve a small or insignificant God.
Dear God, help us to commit everything we do to you and to remember that nothing we do is small in your eyes. Amen
Harvest revival prayer:
January 15, 2024 - Praying for Revival (Day 15): Come Upon Your People Again
Our hearts are growing increasingly urgent about the need to pray for God’s mercy and grace in our country. This is the simple prayer that the Lord put on my heart:
Lord, throughout our nation’s history You have blessed us with times of spiritual awakening and revival. Your Spirit moved in our midst to restore godly worship. You empowered Your people to be witnesses to Your truths and to take stands for righteousness and justice.
Oh, God, do it again! Come upon Your people again in reviving power. Before our nation can be changed, our hearts must be changed. Turn us from selfishness and sin to Your loving ways.
Your Word tells us, Lord, that judgment begins in the house of the Lord (1 Peter 4:17). May Your mercy and grace also begin there. Pour out a spirit of repentance upon the Church in America. Forgive us for making our faith more about us and our comfort and preferences than about Your purposes on planet earth. Fill our pulpits with godly preachers who will proclaim Your Word fearlessly.
We will respond to Your Word as those who are called by Your name, humbling ourselves before You and in prayer, seeking Your face and turning from our wicked ways. Father, will You then hear from heaven and forgive our sin and heal our land (2 Chron. 7:14)?
We ask this in the powerful name of Jesus! Amen.
Pr a y e r Po i n t s:
• Praise God for His mercy and the many ways He has blessed our nation.
• Praise God for the way He has used this nation as a beacon of righteousness to the world and ask Him to use us again to reflect the love of Christ.
• Pray that God will use His Church to be a standard of righteousness and justice in a hurting world.
• Ask God to pour out a spirit of repentance on His Church that paves the way for revival.
• Pray for God’s blessing of the fulfillment of 2 Chronicles 7:14.
--Adapted from Day 15 by Dave Butts: Do It Again, Lord (30 Days of Hope-Filled Prayer for Revival) compiled and edited by Carol Madison.