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Sunday, January 28 2024


It was Friday...BUT Sunday was coming! PTL for His loving mercy, grace, forgiveness, presence with you, and perfect plans on this Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday! He really loves you just as you are! Come be loved by Him! Rejoice!

DON"T FORGET...It's not too late to sign up and invite someone to join you for worship and brunch on Sunday! (It's TGIF and Sunday is coming! It will be a day of worship, fellowship, food and fun! Come and see!)

Good Morning Lost but Found, Forgiven and Loved, Close to God, Joyful Co-Laborers! You are so loved just as you are. Forgiven much, cleansed, purified and even sanctified in Christ and by God's Word. We were lost but found; one way and now another, by God's grace. He is close to us and to the brokenhearted. He is drawing and sending us to love. He allows us to choose faith, trust and joy that is contagious as we walk more closely with Him everyday. And as we do these things, He promises us a peace beyond understanding! PTL! Choose joy and follow His shalom today! Start by counting your many blessings today! There are soooo many to celebrate! (I love this song and reminder!)

Check out the Upper Room and Charles Stanley devos below reminding us that we were lost and found and as we hunger and thirst after God, like a deer pants for water, God satisfies. PTL! Right? Our true identity is that we are created, loved, forgiven, and can be close to God who is close to us always. We are a new creation in Christ blessed to grow into our fullness and fulfill our created purposes. We are loved and we matter. We are helped too all along the way to become more like Jesus. What an awesome God we serve and love! Draw close to Him today and ask who He may be sending you to love and help. Ask how He wants to use you to pray and release His will in heaven and on earth and ask for the Holy Spirit to fill you to overflowing with God's heart and mind. Then go and love well today and keep building that gratitude list!

Here's a few more prayer starters for today: "Praise God that he is trustworthy. Give thanks that His unfailing love surrounds all who trust in Him (Ps. 32:19). Confess any doubt you find in your heart. Commit yourself to knowing God better [and to become more in '24--more of Him and less of you!]. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you through His Word and Spirit in the midst of life's circumstances. Pray for laborers to be called into God's harvest field. Praise God for the coming harvest. Pray that more hearts may be prepared to accept the gospel. Ask what your part in His harvest is and for feet to go. Pray that barriers to salvation faced by unbelievers today may be demolished, that many may come to the Kingdom." Pray for Sunday's worship and brunch to be filled with Truth, Love, salvation and fellowship and for many to come and experience God's love among us and through us. Amen! 

May God be close to you today, speak to your heart as you worship and praise, and fill you with His Spirit and His peace and joy! Amen!

Harvest Prayer revival Blog:

January 26, 2024 - Praying for Revival (Day 26): Watch and Pray

In my journey as a watchman, the most important aspect has been what I will call the “Habakkuk 2 Watch.” Habakkuk 2 starts out with the prophet declaring his posture and intent:

“I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what He will say to me.”

In all our watching, no matter what the situation, we begin and end with seeking to know what God is doing—or what He desires to do.

So how do we watch? We watch by seeking the Lord’s face (2 Chron. 7:14; Ps. 27:8; Hos. 5:15), by meditating upon the Word of God (Josh. 1:8; Ps. 1:2, 63:6), by listening for His voice (Deut. 32:1–3; Ps. 95:6–8; John 10:3), and by observing the things around us with eyes of faith (Deut. 28–30; 1 Chron. 12:32; 2 Chron. 6; Mark 4:26–29).

When we have discovered what He is doing, then, as Henry Blackaby says in Experiencing God, we simply join Him in what He is doing. As we join the Lord in prayer, we enter into a place of agreement with the will of heaven.

God of the Universe, I praise You for ruling over the nations with plans that will not be thwarted. Help me to have eyes that see Your purposes for my nation and the world so that I can join You in what You are already doing. Please give me faith-filled confidence to pray Your will in heaven as it is on earth. Pour out Your grace and inspire my prayers in these confusing times so that they are perfectly aligned with Your purposes and plans.

Pr a y e r Po i n t s:

• Praise God that He rules over nations and is engaged with His people. He has plans that will not be thwarted.

• Pray for eyes to see His purposes for our nation and the world— and how you can join Him in what He’s already doing.

• Ask God to give you faith-filled confidence in your prayers as you agree with His will in both heaven and on earth.

• Ask God to pour out His grace and inspire your prayers in confusing and terrifying times.

• Pray for eyes of faith and hearts of discernment that align your prayers perfectly with God’s plans.

--Adapted from Day 26 by Jacquie Tyre: Do It Again, Lord (30 Days of Hope-Filled Prayer for Revival)  compiled and edited by Carol Madison.

UR: Lost and Found

This thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found. - Luke 15:32 (KJV)

As I grow older, I am more inclined to forget where I’ve put things. So I have developed the habit of asking God to help me find what I’ve lost, and God graciously responds.

In our scripture from Luke 15, we read of a lost coin, a lost sheep, and a lost son. Each was precious to the one who had suffered the loss, and great was the rejoicing when the lost was found.

Many people have lost something that they think they will never find: a reputation, innocence, faith, hope, joy, enthusiasm, vision, purpose. Many have lost their first love for God. But when Jesus told these stories, he was offering hope for restoration.

Yes, God is kind and helps us with everyday situations — like lost household items. But God is greatly concerned about people who are lost — those who have drifted away or who have never been close to begin with. God longs to bring all of us home and restore us. When we have lost our way in the struggles of life, we can come to God and pour our heart out to our loving Father. God will always welcome us, embrace us, love us, and restore us.


Dear God, may the love you show us through others lead us back to you. Amen.Charles Stanley:

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St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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