Good Morning Worshipers of Almighty God, Our Abba Father, Lord, Savior and Friend! Woo who! Shout to the Lord all the earth! What a mighty God we serve! PTL! Let us prepare to enter His courts with much praise and thanksgiving! This is the day He made! Let us rejoice, worship and be glad in it! Prepare your hearts to worship in Spirit and in Truth. Come! Let us gather and praise our Lord together today! What's on your gratitude list this morning? What great story do you have to share of how God used you this week or was at work around you? Come, now is the time to worship. Let's celebrate as we gather like it's a super bowl victory party. We know our Victor and King let us bow down and worship and rise up in praise today!
Check out the devotionals below reminding us that God wants to lead and take care of us, He is faithful, He wants us to and helps us to choose His best and He directs our steps. So many reasons to praise and worship. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Thank God that You have entered new life through Jesus, that the Holy Spirit drew you and is helping you to know and follow the Truth and that you are learning to trust the Holy Spirit as you walk in the way of Jesus. Yes, rejoice!
See you soon! 10am in person with Children's Church and on Zoom. What's on your gratitude list this morning?
Charles Stanley:

Throughout her historic seventy years as Britain’s ruler, Queen Elizabeth II only endorsed one biography about her life with a personal foreword, The Servant Queen and the King She Serves. Released in celebration of her ninetieth birthday, the book recounts how her faith guided her as she served her country. In the foreword, Queen Elizabeth expressed gratitude for everyone who’d prayed for her, and she thanked God for His steadfast love. She concluded, “I have indeed seen His faithfulness.”
Queen Elizabeth’s simple statement echoes the testimonies of men and women throughout history who’ve experienced the personal, faithful care of God in their lives. It’s this theme underlying a beautiful song King David wrote as he reflected on his life. Recorded in 2 Samuel 22, the song speaks of God’s faithfulness in protecting David, providing for him, and even rescuing him when his very life was in danger (vv. 3–4, 44). In response to his experience of God’s faithfulness, David wrote, “I will sing the praises of your name” (v. 50).
While there’s added beauty when God’s faithfulness is seen over a long lifetime, we don’t have to wait to recount His care in our lives. When we recognize that it’s not our own abilities that carry us through life but the faithful care of a loving Father, we’re moved to gratitude and praise.
By Lisa M. Samra
How have you seen God’s faithfulness? How might you express your gratitude to Him?
Heavenly Father, I’m so grateful that in every season of life—sorrow or joy—I’ve seen Your faithfulness.
It’s helpful to read 2 Samuel 22 along with Psalm 18. This long psalm (only three psalms are longer: 78, 89, 119) parallels David’s song in 2 Samuel when David praised God for His protection and deliverance from Saul so many years before, although with some slight modifications. Scholars speculate that those changes were made to adapt the song from personal to corporate use. Nevertheless, as he now moved toward the end of his life, David reflected on God’s rescue with clearer eyes than ever before, and he gave praise to God for that specific time when he experienced divine rescue. As such, David referred to Him as his rock, his fortress, and his deliverer. He also referred to Him as his horn (symbolic of power and authority) and shield (Psalm 18:2). Taken together, it’s little wonder that David reflected on the mighty God as his stronghold.
Bill Crowder |
UR: The Better Part
Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things, but few things are needed — indeed only one. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.” - Luke 10:41-42 (NRSVUE)
After being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in December 2016, I was unable to carry out my usual physical activities on many days. I have neuropathy from the ribs down, debilitating fatigue, muscle spasms, and pain.
For a while I felt useless and lonely. I wondered if my best days were behind me.
Then I read the story of Mary and Martha. Martha was frustrated that Mary wasn’t helping her with the preparations for hosting Jesus and his disciples in their home. Jesus calmed Martha, saying that Mary was exactly where she needed to be — with him. That scripture helped me to see that even in times of incapacity, I could still be useful — even productive. I began to relinquish control and began sitting at the feet of Jesus, loving him and feeling loved by him. While I was incapacitated, God helped me to grow in my faith by leading me to read my Bible and to engage in other devotional activities.
In the years since my diagnosis, I have found a way to continue working full-time at the local community college. I’m also able to foster dogs and volunteer with several local fundraising events.
I am comforted to know that Jesus is always with me and can use me at all times to serve him, no matter my physical capabilities.
Lord Jesus, comfort us with your love when we feel useless or alone. Thank you for walking beside us. Amen.TWFYT: