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Pastor's Blog
Wednesday, March 13 2024
Remember to spring ahead tonight! Turn clocks ahead and see you at church or on Zoom at 10 AM tomorrow!
Good Morning Zealous Servants and Followers of Jesus Christ, Our Lord AND Shepherd! Is He both Lord and Shepherd to you? Are you zealous for Him and His ways, even in reaching and discipling others? Is your excitement for your relationship with Jesus contagious? We can know and live out the joy of our salvation. That can be very contagious. Our bishop has challenged us to become a dynamic movement of God led by pastors and laity (that's you) who have a burning passion for God and a missionary zeal to reach the lost. Zealous servants. Missionary zeal. Fervent followers. Earnestness. Those are words and concepts rarely put into practice today. They seem so, well, old-fashioned. But that doesn't make them or the solid work ethic concepts out of date in God's Kingdom. In fact we are commanded to do these things. Here's the cool part, they're God's best for us and as we do them excitement, satisfaction in a life well lived in Christ and joy grow and become contagious. We are experiencing some of this at St. Matts. right now. PTL! And thank you all for doing your part in God's Good News Delivery Co. Keep it up! Check out our devos below tying to this as well. Are you excited? I am! God is really on the move. We have been faithful followers as He leads. There's much more to discover and do, but we are on our way. God is on the move! Hallelujah! 
Check out this song as you worship, pray, listen and receive today: Let's celebrate all God is doing and share that excitement! God is on the move! Jump into the ocean of blessings! Saturate in His Word and prayer. Celebrate and be glad in this day. And prepare your hearts to worship tomorrow! I'll do my best to keep it upbeat and alive since turning the clocks ahead my have some of us dragging a bit! (For me, I finally get back on schedule and may be able to sleep until 4 or 5! Hallelujah! However, I get depressed that summer heat is already here. Pray for me please!) Pray for us to rejoice and get excited to follow Jesus into His plans for us this summer. They will be great! So will your part as it's custom made for you! Rejoice and be glad in the part God made for you!
Our Daily Bread: (Check out Roams 12:9-16 and meditate on that today! Love, never be lacking in zeal, be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer (that ties to harvest prayer blog below), bless the needy and practice hospitality. Any of that sound familiar? Share the excitement!!!)

Sharing Excitement for Christ

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Romans 12:11

READ Romans 12:9–16

The first time we met our neighbor Henry, he pulled a well-worn Bible out of a bag he’d been carrying. Eyes sparkling, he asked if we’d like to discuss Scripture. We nodded, and he flipped to some highlighted passages. He showed us a notebook full of his observations and said he’d also created a computer presentation full of other related information.

Henry went on to tell us how he’d come from a difficult family situation and then, alone and at his worst, he accepted Jesus’ death and resurrection as the foundation of his faith (Acts 4:12). His life had changed as the Spirit helped him follow the Bible’s principles. Although Henry had committed his life to God years ago, his enthusiasm was fresh and powerful.

Henry’s zeal inspired me—someone who’d walked with Jesus many years—to consider my spiritual passion. The apostle Paul wrote: “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11). That seems like a tall order, unless I’m allowing Scripture to nurture the kind of attitudes that reflect an ongoing thankfulness for all that Jesus has done for me.

Unlike the emotional highs and lows we experience in life, zeal for Christ comes from an ever-expanding relationship with Him. The more we learn about Him, the more precious He becomes and the more His goodness floods our souls and spills out into the world.

By Jennifer Benson Schuldt


How do you think Jesus feels when He sees that you’re excited about Him? What’s the relationship between thankfulness and zeal?

Dear Jesus, please revive my excitement over knowing You!


Paul’s letter to the Roman churches can be divided into two parts—doctrine (chs. 1–11) and duty (chs. 12–16). The apostle instructs believers in Jesus not to conform to the pattern of this world but to live a transformed life that honors Christ (12:1-2). Romans 12:9-21 reads like the snippets of isolated sayings that we find in the book of Proverbs. But Paul is still talking about a renewed mind and a transformed life. The clearest demonstration of this is Christlike love (vv. 9-10), zealous service (vv. 11-12), and generous giving (v. 13). He tells us how we’re to relate to both believers and nonbelievers in a world of hate and revenge. Loving others—particularly enemies—is a key test of the reality of a renewed mind and a transformed life (v. 21).

K. T. Sim
The Upper Room: Something to Offer. (we are a new creation! PTL! Die to self, take up cross, shed the old, and follow Jesus to His new things His way in His timing! We all have something to offer and a part to play in His Body and Kingdom! What's yours?)jj)

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; look, new things have come into being! - 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NRSVUE)

I am a widower, and I have lived by myself for more than 10 years after 35 years of marriage to a wonderful woman. My wife had done all our cooking, so thankfully, I have discovered a salad which I really enjoy. Every day when I’m at home I make this same salad. Recently, while offering thanks to God for my salad, several insights came to mind.

My salad has the following ingredients: spinach from California, apple from Washington, tomato from Texas, avocado from Mexico, prunes from Chile, tuna from Thailand, olive oil from Greece, and lemon juice from Florida. My salad also has beautiful color, texture, taste, and nourishment. It brings together ingredients from at least four continents. Every ingredient is distinctive, and if any ingredient were absent, I would miss it immediately.

In a similar way, each person is distinctive. Each of us has something special to offer, and each of us is missed when our participation is absent. Our uniqueness means that we can offer something fresh to the world.

What freshness is God calling us to bring to the lives of those around us today?

Thank you, God, for the gift of life in all its variety and color. May we bring the freshness of your love in Jesus Christ to the world. Amen.
Charles Stanley reminds us that God is always speaking and at work. He has great plans for you that you can know and do. Seek first the Kingdom of God and listen, watch, receive, process (and with others), plan and act. What are some custom plans God has for you? Take the next step in faith and experience His faithfulness and grow in trust and joy. Don't forget to share those stories too!
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The Word for You Today. Choose the right attitude. We get to do these things that are God's best, lead to joy and soul satisfaction! How cool!
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Harvest Prayer Blog! Keep praying! That is one of the most critical parts of our Good News Delivery Co. It something we can all develop into--prayer warrior! I value the prayers that are lifted for me, Karen and our fellowship! I can feel them and we see God answering! PTL! Keep praying!
Posted by: AT 12:52 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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