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Pastor's Blog
Wednesday, March 20 2024

Wagner's news below. Zoom Huddle at 10 all welcome

Good Morning Pray-ers!

Pastor Don slept in and is behind again today. Today God is speaking to us about praying and giving some great examples below. Check out the Upper Room about getting alone, stilling self and connecting to God. What's God saying to you? What blessed opportunities is He allowing you to be still, sit at His feet a bit, receive, discern and know that He is God? Then check out today's Harvest Prayer Blog and then click the links to Dave's and Pam's Prayer blogs. God's speaking to us today about prayer and life in Christ and becoming more like Jesus is flowing right from my blog yesterday and Sun message...follow Jesus, know peace, pray without ceasing, Check them out and sit a spell like Mary in this Martha world and in God's shalom! Joy to you all! Shalom! Be you and allow God to love through you as you travel through this day! Amen!

UR: Precious Opportunities:

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. - Mark 1:35 (NIV)

Recently my husband and I took a trip by train through Montana and Idaho, then rented a car and drove down to northern California to visit my sister at her new home. I had never seen any of these places before, and the journey was a thrill to me. However, the change of routine completely disrupted my habit of starting each day with prayer and quiet meditation.

Back home in my comfy chair with the cat curled up by my side, I took up my daily practice again. I reflected that I had seen so many amazing sights yet had not taken time to marvel at the Creator. I had enjoyed the hospitality of my sister and brother-in-law but had not expressed gratitude to God for the good health and the means that allowed me to travel.

The Bible records that Jesus often went off to a solitary place to pray. Our Lord and Savior took time alone to speak with God. That loving relationship is open to me as well. I realized that my devotional time is not a routine that I must leave behind when I go on vacation. It’s a precious opportunity to thank God for all my blessings, speak whatever burden is on my heart, and ask for guidance every day.


Ever-present God, thank you for the opportunity to be in your presence day by day. May we never forget to thank you. Amen.

Harvest Prayer Blog:

March 19 - God Is Working

There are things that God plans to do through no other means but prayer. He reminds us of this continually in order to bring us back into constant communion with Him. He not only invites us, He makes outlandish promises:

  • "Everything you pray for, believing you will receive!" (Matthew 21:22)
  • “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man will accomplish much!” (James 5:16)
  • “Whatever you ask in My name I will do it so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask for anything in My name, I will do it.” (John 14:13)
  • “Until now you asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive so that your joy may be full.” (John 16:24)

It sounds too amazing to be true. It is the invitation of a Father intent upon bringing us to Himself. But prayer without ceasing? This is the fantastical part. We can imagine ourselves praying occasionally. Praying when there is an urgent crisis. Praying when we need heavenly fire trucks to rush to our aid. But, without ceasing? With no intermission?

Amazing Lord, You invite me to come to You continually – day and night! As King David has taught in the Psalms, there is nowhere I can go that is apart from You! Because You are omnipresent, I can step into Your presence anytime and anywhere! Help me to believe what You have promised and teach me to ask according to Your will and in the Name above all names! The more I seek You, the greater my joy will be! What a wonderful promise! Help me to see You working all around me, and show me how to come alongside of Your kingdom purposes.

---Adapted from Prayer with No Intermission by Bill Elliff. This book is available at

Prayer Points

  • Praise the wonderful God who causes mountains and hills to burst into song and all the trees of the fields to clap their hands (Isa. 55:12).
  • Give thanks that the Lord “comforts his people and [has] compassion on his afflicted ones” (Isa. 49:13).
  • Confess any lack of joy which you may have and admit to God your failures to receive his joy.
  • Commit yourself to considering all of life as pure joy, whatever the circumstance, since Jesus Christ is alive and victorious over all.
  • Ask the Lord to restore to you the joy of his salvation (Ps. 51:12), so that you may be a prime exhibit of Christ’s life-changing power.
  • Pray that your family and friends may have Christian joy. Ask God to help them to discipline themselves in the Christian faith and grow together in genuine love.
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend.

Dave and Pam Butts' Blogs: Being Still in a Busy House and A Prayer Concerning God's House

Wagner's News:

Greetings Friends, 

We want to begin this update by expressing our deep appreciation for the kind words of sympathy expressed by so many of you as we remembered and celebrated Missy’s mom. It was a blessing to be loved and cared for by family and friends as we walked through these unexpected weeks of grief and loss. God has been so good and faithful in gently carrying us through this time.

We spent the first full week of March in Peachtree City, Georgia, at the US home office of Africa Inland Mission. We were serving as the missionaries-in-residence for ENGAGE AIM, a week of orientation for missionary candidates to learn more about AIM and explore various ministry opportunities in Africa. We enjoyed meeting new friends and reconnecting with old ones who we served alongside of in Kenya. As part of the worship and prayer time each morning, we were asked to share a devotion with the group. We chose to focus on different names of God (Yahweh/Jehovah – I AM Who I AM, Adonai – The LORD and Master, El Roi – The God Who Sees, Jehovah Shalom – The LORD Our Peace, Jehovah Jireh – The LORD Will Provide) and were mutually encouraged as we shared examples from the Word and then from our own lives of God’s grace, peace, goodness, faithfulness, and provision during our twenty-seven years of ministry in Kenya. He IS who He says He IS!
From Georgia, we headed to Waxahachie, Texas, to attend the MK Synergy Conference. Every three years, this conference brings together caregivers and educators of missionary kids with goals to foster networking, encourage each other, share resources, process the latest research, and brainstorm strategies together. In our group devotions each day, we explored Scriptures that show us the heart of our Good Shepherd, Jesus, and how we can follow His example in shepherding our MKs well. Engaging in many conversations with others throughout the week, our hearts and minds were recharged as we shared the many reasons why we love doing what we do with MKs!
We have answers! Through the medical testing in January, doctors have been able to clearly identify the source of the concerns related to Brian’s heart. It is a congenital heart defect that can be repaired with a procedure the surgeon keeps referring to as “common”. We are grateful that the repair of this heart defect has become simple enough to be an outpatient procedure and would appreciate your prayers on March 21st when the repair is scheduled.
Following Easter, our speaking schedule and travels will increase. Here are some specifics of where and when we will be speaking along with some broad brushstrokes of trips when we might be able to connect. Get in touch with us for more detailed information OR if you’d like to schedule a time to get-together!

April 6-9 Northwest PA and eastern OH

April 7 – Delightful EC Church, Southington, OH

April 6-9 – Grace EC Church, Knox, PA

April 13-14 – Grace Community Church, Willow Street, PA

April 15-26 – Travel to Blue Springs, MO with possible stops along the way in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, and/or West Virginia

April 28 – Bethany EC Church, Lehighton, PA

May 5 – Emmanuel EC Church, Bethlehem, PA

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us – so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. ~Psalm 67:1-2

Thanks for partnering with us as we seek to make His Name known among all nations!

Brian & Missy

Posted by: AT 06:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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