10-12 Donut Day at Bread Ministry
6-7:30 Last Dinner Huddle of season
Good Morning Powerful, Patient, Praying, Purposeful, Peace-Following, Creations of God with Potential! Yes you can be! You're created to be. You are working on growing into your fullest potential. You have been empowered and have the potential to be all about God's purposes for you. That always takes prayer and usually patience as we fill up with Him and follow His peace. Amen!
Check out our devos below. What's God saying to you? What will you do about it? Who are the people of peace you are partnering with or He is sending to you? Dwell in His peaceful, reviving presence and follow Jesus to His best for you and others as you go live and love like Jesus today!. Amen! See you soon! Shalom!

Joy was concerned for her relative Sandy, who for years had struggled with alcoholism and mental-health issues. When she went to Sandy’s apartment, the doors were locked, and it appeared vacant. As she and others planned their search for Sandy, Joy prayed, “God, help me to see what I’m not seeing.” As they were leaving, Joy looked back at Sandy’s apartment and saw the tiniest movement of a curtain. In that moment, she knew that Sandy was alive. Although it took emergency assistance to reach her, Joy rejoiced in this answered prayer.
The prophet Elisha knew the power of asking God to reveal to him His reality. When the Syrian army surrounded their city, Elisha’s servant shivered in fear. Not the man of God, however, for with God’s help he glimpsed the unseen. Elisha prayed that the servant too would see, and “the Lord opened the servant’s eyes” to see “the hills full of horses and chariots of fire” (2 Kings 6:17).
God lifted the veil between the spiritual and physical worlds for Elisha and his servant. Joy believes God helped her see the tiny flicker of the curtain, giving her hope. We too can ask Him to give us the spiritual vision to understand what’s happening around us, whether with our loved ones or in our communities. And we too can be agents of His love, truth, and compassion.
By Amy Boucher Pye
How could you ask God to open your eyes to His truth concerning situations that weigh you down? How has He revealed His reality to you previously?
Father of all mercies, please open my eyes to see Your love and grace that I might share it with others.
In 2 Kings 5, Elisha’s servant Gehazi attempted to acquire clothing and silver from the Aramean commander Naaman by lying (vv. 19-24). Because of this, Gehazi was stricken with leprosy (v. 27). Because Mosaic law required those with contagious skin diseases to live apart from others to prevent the spread of illness (Leviticus 13:45-46), Gehazi would’ve had to leave. Therefore, unless God healed Gehazi, the servant in 2 Kings 6:15 was likely new and his alarm was understandable. He hadn’t yet had much opportunity to observe God’s power demonstrated through Elisha, whose prayers here had both spiritual and physical impact (vv. 17-20).
Tim Gustafson |
UR: One Day at a Time
Give us today our daily bread. - Matthew 6:11 (NIV)
I woke up one morning filled with anxiety about my finances. But I found great hope when I started reading The Upper Room. That day’s meditation was about how God’s promises shine in contrast to the clouds that overshadow us. When I finished my prayer and closed The Upper Room, I looked at the cover art — three women of different ages were collecting something white from above. I read the cover art interpretation and learned the women were gathering manna.
When the Israelites left Egypt, they faced many challenges, including what they would eat. God made food called manna rain down from the sky for them, but they could only collect the amount they needed for each day.
The same God who met the needs of the Israelites will provide for us too, one day at a time. Perhaps this is why Jesus taught us to pray, “Give us today our daily bread,” in Matthew 6:11 and why Paul wrote in Philippians 4:19, “My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Praise be to God!
Dear God, thank you for faithfully meeting our needs one day at a time. Amen.

Harvest Blogs:
May 8 - The Habit of Jesus
There are many things that have become habitual to us. If you think about your morning routine, you will discover that you usually do the exact same thing in the same way each day. Such habits are always developed by a devotion to something we consider valuable—something important to our day.
It would be important, then, to understand what the Perfect Man's habits were. It would make sense that His routines were exactly as ours should be. And, as you study the life of Jesus, one habit stands out above all the rest.
And He came out and proceeded as was His custom to the Mount of Olives; and the disciples also followed Him. When He arrived at the place, He said to them, "Pray that you may not enter into temptation." And He withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down and began to pray, saying, Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done."
Now an angel from heaven appeared to him, strengthening Him. And being in agony He was praying very fervently; and His sweat became like drops of blood, falling down upon the ground.
When He rose from prayer, He came to the disciples and found them sleeping from sorrow, and said to them, "Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray that you may not enter into temptation." (Luke 22:39-46)
Jesus' habit was to retire to His place of prayer and pray. When the disciples were sorrowful, they slept. When Jesus was sorrowful, He prayed. To Him, prayer was the foundation and the pathway of life and ministry. It was not secondary. How else could He find and do His Father's will if He was not in communion with heaven?
Lord Jesus, as I seek to be more like You, I want my prayer habits to look like Yours! Teach me to meet with You in sorrow and pain, as well as in joy. Show me how to keep myself from temptation by being alert and awake in prayer! May Your desire to seek the Father in all things become my desire also and may I align myself with the desires of Your heart so that prayer becomes the foundation of everything in my life.
---Adapted from Prayer with No Intermission by Bill Elliff. This book is available at
- Praise God for his great love and mercy shown to you (Eph. 2:4).
- Give thanks that nothing can separate you from the love of Jesus (Rom. 8:35).
- Confess any lack of love which you have shown to God or to another person.
- Commit yourself to loving God with your whole being (Deut. 6:5).
- Ask God to prune your life so that the spiritual fruit of love will grow large and appetizing to others.
- It was Jesus’ love for sinners that sent him to the cross. Pray for an opportunity to share that kind of sacrificial love with another person (Jn. 15:9).
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.
Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe here. |