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Saturday, May 18 2024
Happy Mother's Day!
(See Joe Toy new at bottom)
Good Morning Very Loved, Adopted Heirs of the Kingdom of God! You are so loved and cared for! God is with you always and working all things together for good and according to His will and plans. He is Father and Mother to us! PTL! Meditate on all that means to you and us. God is Love! Love lives in you. Love wants to love through you. Love drives out all fear. Receive His shalom and love today and share it with all those He puts in your paths today and this week. LOVE! Amen!
For some this day is a joy. For some a burden. For some fun and for some very hard. One thing for sure, motherhood and raising kids is not for the weak and can be very wearying. Let us lift up and encourage all moms and those who are filling the role of mother and encourage, pray and bless them! Check out TWFYT about single parenthood. It should give you some prayer starters and maybe a nudge for how to bless one or two single parents today.
As I considered mothers for today's message, Timothy's mom and grand mom never came to mind. Yet, they are two examples for us on raising godly children. We all want to leave a spiritual legacy. Pray and sow into those who are trying their best and put children and parents into God's loving, guiding, providing hands. Pray for our family ministries as well that we would bless and nurture children and parents in faith. Check out ODB devo below about this.
The UR (below) speaks into faith like a child and dependence on God. I pray for me, you and us to have this kind of faith and for God to nurture it in us. I can't answer for you, but He answers with His refining love and faithfulness that grows me as His child. He has great plans for you and us that are activated with childlike faith and obedience. let us be all about that!
Charles Stanley's devo (below) really spoke to my heart and informed my prayers today. God's will is what I want to do. I try to make that a priority and starting point for all I do. Praying and living for His Kingdom to come and will to be done are the starting point for all we do if we are to do it well. Die to self. Depend on Him. Connect to and receive form Him and keep working at living and loving more like Him and all will fall into place. He is cheering us on and wanting to help us to His best. Thanks Lord! Your Kingdom come and will be done! May I have childlike faith, live well as your child and nurture like a mother other in my care. lead us Lord and love well through us. All for your glory! Thanks! Amen!
Shalom! See you at 10!
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Leaving a Spiritual Legacy

I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice. 2 Timothy 1:5

READ 2 Timothy 1:3-5

As teens, my sister and I didn’t understand my mom’s decision to receive Jesus as her Savior, but we couldn’t deny the changes we saw in her. She had more peace and joy and began faithfully serving at church. She had such a hunger for studying the Bible that she attended and graduated from seminary. A few years after my mom’s decision, my sister accepted Christ and started serving Him. And a few years after that, I also placed my trust in Jesus and started serving Him. Many years later, my father joined us in believing in Him as well. My mom’s decision for Christ created a life-changing ripple effect among our immediate and extended family.

When the apostle Paul wrote his final letter to Timothy and encouraged him to persevere in his faith in Jesus, he noted Timothy’s spiritual heritage. “I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also” (2 Timothy 1:5).

Moms and grandmoms, your decisions can affect generations.

How beautiful that Timothy’s mom and grandmom helped nurture his faith so he could become the man God was calling him to be. 

On this Mother’s Day and beyond, let’s honor mothers who’ve made a decision to follow Jesus.

Let’s also leave a spiritual legacy for our loved ones.

By Nancy Gavilanes


Which godly women can you honor today? What kind of spiritual legacy would you like to leave for others?

Father God, thank You for godly mothers. Please help me to also leave a spiritual legacy for others.


Though Paul affectionately called Timothy “my true son in the faith” (1 Timothy 1:2; see 2 Timothy 1:2), he wasn’t the one who taught him about Jesus. It was his own mother Eunice and grandmother Lois (2 Timothy 1:5) who “taught [him] the holy Scriptures from childhood, and . . . [gave him] the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus” (3:15 nlt ). Timothy was of mixed parentage—a gentile father and Jewish mother. When Paul first met him, Timothy was already a leader and “the believers at Lystra and Iconium spoke well of him” (Acts 16:2). He became Paul’s intern, traveling companion, and trusted protégé (vv. 3-4; Philippians 2:19-22). That the apostle sent Timothy to deal with the troublesome Corinthian church (1 Corinthians 4:17) and to confront false teachers in the Ephesian church (1 Timothy 1:3) testify to this young man’s spiritual maturity and ministry leadership.

Learn more about the lesser-known women of the Bible.

K. T. Sim
UR: Depending on God

[Jesus] said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” - Matthew 18:3 (NIV)

When I was placed on strict bed rest during pregnancy, I was shocked. I have worked for most of my life and have always liked to stay busy — my five children are evidence of that! But I was in danger of losing my baby, so I asked people to pray for me and focused on the work of resting.

Since I could get out of bed only to go to the bathroom and shower, I depended on others to do all my usual daily tasks. I was tempted to feel helpless and lonely. But then God brought the above verse to my mind, and it changed my perspective and humbled me. I believe Jesus is telling his disciples to recognize their dependence on God — to be like children who trust that their loving parent will provide what they need.

I wondered, How much of my life is actually within my control? How often do I take credit for things that only God can orchestrate? I realized that God provides everything I need — even my next breath. Instead of feeling helpless, I felt free to rest in God’s care and to praise God for being such a wonderful Parent.

Loving God, thank you for being our capable and loving Parent. We recognize that our lives are in your hands. Amen.
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Harvest Blogs:

May 12 - Speak Peace

I will listen to what God the Lord says; he promises peace to his people, his faithful servants—but let them not turn to folly. (Psalm 85:8)

While still in college, I began to be passionate about revival. I so wanted to experience the Lord’s presence, not just in my life, but to see it in the Church. I didn’t really know much about it then and I certainly didn’t know how to pray for revival. I had one verse I retuned to over and over: “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?” (Psalm 85:6). It is fascinating to me, and a little sad, that in those early years, I never studied the rest of Psalm 85. It is really all about revival.

As I looked again at Psalm 85, I found this outline of revival teaching in the text of this psalm:

1. God was angry in the past but restored his people.

2. God is currently angry and his people need revival.

3. It is time to pray and seek the Lord.

4. It is time to listen to the Lord.

5. God’s answer is the peace of his presence.

The psalmist rightly moves from making his requests regarding revival to a time of silence in which he listens for the Lord’s response. God’s response, summed up in verse 8 is that he will speak peace to his people. When God receives our pleas for revival, he answers by speaking to us of peace. For most of us, that is not what we expect. However, we need to trust that the Father knows best and that if we are to see revival, we must listen to the Lord speak peace to his people.

Though the rest of Psalm 85 refers to peace, the clearest place is to jump to the life of Jesus and listen to his words of peace. In three powerful teachings, Jesus fulfilled the promise of Psalm 85:8 that he would speak peace to his saints:

Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” (John 20:21)

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)

The Apostle Paul takes this teaching of Jesus about peace and helps us understand why it must be understood as a basis for revival. “He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near” (Ephesians 2:17). The preaching of Jesus about peace was the heart of the gospel.

Lord, I thank you for your message of peace to us. That on the cross, you, in your flesh, broke down the dividing wall between us and the Father and between us as humans. You are our peace! I embrace your peace today and ask you to help me live that out in every aspect of my life.

--Adapted from Prayer, Peace and the Presence of God (A 30-Day Journey to Experience the Shalom of Jesus) by David Butts. This book is available at Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.

Prayer Points

  • Praise the Father who has compassion on his children.
  • Thank him for forgiving all your sins, healing all your diseases, redeeming your life from the pit, crowning you with love and compassion, and satisfying your desires with good things (Psalm 103).
  • Confess those periods in your day when you are unaware of God’s faithful, watching, loving presence beside you and within you.
  • Commit yourself to watching for signs of his love and tenderness toward you.
  • Ask him to draw you closer to himself.
  • Pray for “those who are least in the kingdom of heaven”—the poor, sick, lonely, outcast, struggling, grieving—that they may find the Father’s love in a warm church fellowship.
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. 
Joe Toy:

“Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look to the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”

Dear Friends,

           The Kentucky Derby is known as “The run for the Roses”, as the winning horse is draped in a blanket of roses. Lasting approximately two minutes, the race has been called “The most exciting two minutes in sports” or “The fastest two minutes in sports. There were about 263,000 people in attendance over the two days of racing and over $400 million gambled on the various horse races.  It was a big time event this year as was the 150th year anniversary celebration. 

On Thursday May 2, thirty-five men began to arrive Cornerstone Church in Louisville with one intention in mind to get gospel of Jesus Christ to as many race fans as possible.  Our first night was spent enjoying a good meal, Bible teaching, prayer and organizing our teams.  I was blessed to lead a squad of eleven men on both days. This is a very exhausting outreach as we spend about twelve hours a day proclaiming the gospel, passing out gospel tracts, holding gospel signs and engaging people in conversation.

On Friday, it was a cloudy and drizzly day. I think that I put on and took off my rain coat about eight times. The last time that I put it on was for good as the heavens opened up to a good old downpour as the races ended and the fans fled the track.  The fans were not the only ones who got soaking wet even though we had umbrellas and rain coats. I was chosen  to lead our team to a location where the police had pushed us off the past two years.  This year through much prayer and contacting our lawyers, who conversed with the city attorney, we stood our ground.

  We had an encounter with the police, but they backed off and let us alone for both days.  This gave us a prime spot near one of the major gates.  It is an interesting thought to consider that we are any kind of threat to the public.  Yet, many people leave the races seriously drunk and become a hazard on the road. The real battle in all of this is a spiritual one as sports has turned into a major idol that fills the money coffers of the city. 

The Apostle Paul faced a similar battle, when he brought the gospel to the folks in Ephesus.  The idol makers felt that their business was threatened and sought to shut down the ministry.  The Lord is always in control and whether the police moved us on or the rain came down, the gospel still would have been preached.  We were able to pass out thousands of gospel tracts and have numerous gospel conversations. One man on his way to the race encountered one of our team members and made a profession of faith. Another memorable encounter was when a Jewish man stated, “My people killed Jesus Christ. He could never forgive us.”  One of our men responded, “My sins put Jesus on the cross,” which led to a great conversation. As Derby day ended, the crowds streamed down the streets to hear the gospel again.  For the most part the people were tame with a few mockers and screamers.  And like the Derby, our outreach had begun and ended really fast as we gave it our all for Christ.

Before we left for the Derby, we concluded our outreaches at UNC and NCS.  It was an amazing semester as twenty-six students made professions of faith.  The Lord is at work on these campuses using his people to sow the gospel through students, faculty, campus ministry and various churches.
     One young lady approached us and said, “Can you explain salvation to me?”  Another young man stated, “I think it is time that I give my life to Christ.”
     Another student told us,  “I read that tract
  that you gave me three weeks ago.     

I am saved now.”  This is definitely a God thing. Jesus is at work seeking and saving the lost. 
     A few weeks back a woman at the bus station asked us to pray for his son in prison.  We got his name and passed it on to our friend Stephen.  He visited him yesterday at the prison and the man gave his life to Jesus.  He told Stephen, “I had just been thinking about this and you show up.” 
Keep us in Prayer. 
Thanks for all your support.
God Bless.
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57 N Chaucer Way
Kittrell, NC  27544
Facebook:  OAMPhilly
Website:    OAMPhilly
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St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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