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Pastor's Blog
Friday, May 24 2024

Wagner's News below. (They visit us Sunday)

Pastor Don will be on vacation the next few days and a few days next week. Pray for Sarah as she covers for him. Blogs will be hit and miss next two weeks.

Good Morning Abiding, Choosing Well, Fruit Producers! Amen! Are you choosing well? Are you resting, abiding, dwelling in God's loving, restoring, informing presence? Are you working from rest or having no choice but to rest from work? God desires health for us-physical, emotional, financial and spiritual. He has healthy rhythms that lead to that and begin as we still ourselves and abide in His presence. Are you choosing well? I'm including today's and tomorrow's Charles Stanley devotions that speak into good choices and what God desires and enables in us. Be still and know and go live as an act of worship and obedience. Even when on vacation, Karen and I never neglect our quiet time with God. Sometimes in our busyness we need a reminder to slow down and abide. Please pray for us to realize that before God has to step in. Karen and have been sick the past two days. I don't think it's a result of over-busyness, just a stomach bug. However, we have chosen well to slow down and abide instead of pushing through busyness to get our agendas accomplished before vacation tomorrow. Appreciate prayers for good health and a fun day off for Karen's birthday tomorrow. Please pray I endure the heat well and bless her during our trip to Longwood. Thanks!

The Upper Room (below) reminds us that God will take care of us and promises to meet our needs. The question is, do we believe that and live as if it's true? Sometimes we have to catch ourselves when in the storms of life and turn to God by praising and worshiping. Are you humbling yourself and bowing before God as you recount all your many blessings? Keep building and using those gratitude list. Keep asking to be able to redirect your thinking and renewing your mind quicker by praising when storms begin. God will answer that prayer as you take every thought captive before Him and still yourself at His feet. Amen

The Word for You Today continues our teaching from Sunday and ties to today, Do you see the tie? Keep a clear conscience by listening to and obeying God and all those little Holy Spirit promptings along the way. Make sure your conscience is connected to God's heart by spending time with Him daily and make sure you are not chasing your own foolish ways. Turn off the noise and tune into God as you open His Word prayerfully and allow Him to inform your choices. Amen! Redirect. Abide. Reload. Then go.

I end with Dave Butts blog on the Lord's prayer. I noticed God drawing Sarah to use that Sunday and He's been leading me to it the past few weeks. It's a great model for how to pray and as we activate God's plans and bring His will alive in prayer and through our obedience. Come Jesus Come!

Abide as you prepare and follow, restore and regroup before the next move of God. See you soon! Shalom! God is with you and has great plans to discover that begin as you spend time at His feet. Amen! Come Jesus Come! Lead us to Your best ways and use us for Your glory. Amen!

CS: (2 days)

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UR: Like A Bird

I know every mountain bird; even the insects in the fields are mine. - Psalm 50:11 (CEB)

When I suddenly became unemployed, I had no source of income and no immediate prospects. I watched my savings shrink and my dreams disappear. I sank into overwhelming debt. I would lie awake at night while visions of bills paraded through my mind.

One morning, I glanced bleary-eyed out the window where a tiny bird sang its cheery song then flitted on its way into the wind and rain. I marveled that such a delicate creature could sing and keep busy in spite of the perilous weather. “Let me be like that little bird, Lord,” I whispered, “who praises you in the midst of trouble.” Slowly my blessings filled my mind. I bowed my head to thank God for all I had. I realized worrying wasn’t improving my situation. Like the birds, I needed to keep moving, keep busy, and praise God for watching over me and working in my life.

Inspired by the bird, I kept my focus on praising God rather than allowing worry to keep me from worship. I didn’t want to waste my life worrying about my financial state when I could be living my life for God. I took action to change my outlook. I talked to my pastor about doing volunteer work instead of giving money. Financial help slowly came, but those days gave me wealth in new friends, new skills, and a stronger faith in God.


Dear Father, show us how to praise you with our hearts and actions each day. Amen.TWFYT

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Dave's Blog


by Dave Butts

No matter how long I teach on prayer, I don’t think I’ll ever plumb the depths of the teaching of Jesus on prayer through what we call The Lord’s Prayer. In its simplicity it is packed with practical guidance for effective prayer. I believe that the focus of this prayer is the heart of Jesus’ other teaching as well…the Kingdom. Jesus’ lifestyle and teaching focused on the Kingdom of God. So it shouldn’t surprise us that when he teaches on prayer, he points us to pray about the Kingdom.

“Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Those simple, familiar words should both motivate and populate our prayers. As I hear those words I am motivated to pray for the advance and eventual triumph of the Kingdom of God over all other pretenders. I know I will someday see Jesus crowned as King of kings and Lord of lords, and I want to see Him acknowledged as such in the here and now of everyday life. I long to see all of creation begin to understand what it means for Jesus to be Lord.

As Kingdom praying begins to dominate my daily prayer life, I find that I have shifted from the “gimme” prayers that used to be pervasive, to a deeper desire for what pleases the Lord. The prayers seem to be “bigger” and less selfish. Even if the prayers deal with my own needs, they are now couched in yearnings that deal with Kingdom values.

Perhaps a good place to begin is to ask the Lord what is happening in heaven that He wants to see occur on earth. That is, after all, the way he phrased this prayer for us. From Scripture it appears that heaven is most of all, a place that is overwhelmed by an awareness of the Presence of God. The continual worship seen in heaven is the natural response to the Presence of God. Praying for an increased awareness of His Presence brings heaven to earth and can result in an amazing revival for the Church!

Harvest Prayer Starter:

Prayer Points

  • Praise God as the one from whom all things have come; praise him as the one to whom you are going when you are called home.
  • Thank God that your relationship with him extends beyond this life.
  • Confess the times when your focus has been only on physical needs, not God’s eternal purpose for you (Mt. 6:33).
  • Commit yourself to seeking God’s will for you and to hearing the voice of his Spirit through the preaching of the Word.
  • Ask God to reveal himself to you in his splendor and glory.
  • Pray for those preachers in other countries who must serve eight or ten churches at a time. Ask God to give them strength and to provide lay leaders who can minister in their absence.
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.

Wagner's news:

Greetings Friends,

 As we started writing, we realized that we had a lot to share…too much for a single email or blog. So, this update will be focused on ministry related news and the next one (in just a few days) will focus on personal news. Here’s what you will find in this message:

  • RVA Update – flooding and staffing needs
  • Prayer Cards and Missions Resources – help you and your church expand visions for missions
  • Travel Schedule – where we will be and when over the next couple of months
RVA Update
Our staffing needs are being filled as God continues to faithfully provide. He always seems to provide exactly who is needed, often exactly when they are needed. There are still a few holes to fill…primarily high school girls’ dorm parents…some for the entire school year and one couple for just first term…late August through late November. PRAY that who God wants as dorm parents will become clear to everyone.
Thank you to those who contributed to relief for the flood victims. The rains have slowed in Kenya but it is still the normal rainy season. With the ground already over-saturated, even the normal rains can cause severe problems. Continue to PRAY for those whose lives have been devastated by the rains and for the rains to continue to subside.
Prayer Cards and Missions Resources
We did have new prayer cards printed in February. If would like a prayer card or several, please message us with your address and we will mail them to you. We will also be at the EC National Conference this week and will bring lots of prayer cards for churches.
We also have a blog site that has links for lots of great missions’ resources. There are videos, books and even a 5-session course on missions. We periodically update these links as we find high quality resources that can be used for building vision for missions in your churches. This is also a location where we post current prayer requests along with past updates.
Travel Schedule
Our time in the States for home assignment is rapidly coming to a close. We have a few more churches we will be visiting and places we will be. We would love to see you!
Thursday, May 23 – EC National Conference, Messiah University
Sunday, May 26 – St. Matthew’s EC Church in Emmaus, PA
Saturday, June 1 – Twin Pines Camp in the Poconos
Sunday, June 2 – Bethany EC Church in Tamaqua, PA
Mid-June          Brian will be in Kansas City, MO for AP Reading
                              Missy will be in Myrtle Beach, SC and Minneapolis, MN
June 24-27 – Brian will be facilitating an AP Calculus APSI in Columbus, OH
Sunday, June 30 – Rexmont EC Church in Cornwall, PA
Mid-July            Coastal North Carolina
Thursday, August 8 – Returning to Kenya!!
Thank you so much for your prayers! You are appreciated.
In His Service,
Brian & Missy
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St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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