Good Morning Expectant, Earnest, Enterprising, Excited, Espousers of Everything Emanuel Is and Is Doing! What's that all about? Love the E's! God is leading and molding us to be all about these and answering our many prayers and we have some great stories to share and plans to make. Amen! Rejoice and PTL!
WOW! God is on the move! What a mighty God we serve! He is our Savior, Healer, Deliverer, Helper, Provider, Protector and Friend among many more characteristics of Who He is and what He does. PTL! Do you realize what God is doing among us and how He is answering our prayers, providing and guiding and encouraging us? So what started as what I thought was a leading of God to air condition the Fellowship Hall to feeling deflated to being overjoyed as He is providing in big ways and through some faithful outsiders too! AMAZING! Yesterday we received another $100 from an outsider that wants to sow into what God is doing. So far four outsiders have been faithful to trust God and follow His nudge with gifts of $10,000, $3000, $300 and $100. God stirred some of us to give this past week almost another $1000 and yesterday I received a pledge of another $1000. So if I am figuring correctly that leaves just $1000. to fund. I'm floored as God reveals and affirms His plans through His provision! Just stop and worship right now! Then ask Him to reveal to you and us some of His plans for the rest of the summer in the building and out. The equipment is ordered and will be available in a few weeks and then we will schedule installation. Thank you to all who have given (or will give) and trusted and followed God! You are true followers, servants and a blessing!
What's our lesson in all of this? Trust and follow God when He gives dreams and vision or speaks to your heart. Keep praying and trusting and then follow His provision and/or be His provision. Don't get like me and all bound up when the answers to prayers or God's provision doesn't come right away. Just trust and place matters in his hands and do what He says to do. God is able and will lead to His best to earnest, faithful servants and through them too.
Family Ministries has begun some out of the building celebrations and gatherings as we separate from the adult huddle for at least the summer. Next Wed. the 19th at 6 the adult huddle will gather at the Superior for dinner and discussions for God's plans for us this summer. Pray into that for some great ideas and then things we will be able to do back in the building by Aug. God has some great plans for us to reach out and gather in, connect to Him and make disciples. Ask God to raise up His provision for this meal and our summer activities. Pray we continue to follow His provision and plans. Family Ministries will gather for mini golf the following Wed the 26th. Pray for God to lead us to connections to families and new people that He is drawing and sending our way and that we connect them to Him and make disciples of Jesus as we trust and follow Him together. Amen!
PTL! Yesterday's donut day was amazing and packed with people. God was present and moving. We could use more of you to connect to some of these new people at the next one on July 10th. Pray for us to be a blessing to many more needy neighbors and to shine bright. These donut days are becoming an event as we sow and bless and love on people that God is sending through our doors. PTL! Plan to join us next time or as able and keep praying for connecting these people to the saving love of God through the blood of Jesus. Thank God for all our volunteers! We have a crew that serve faithfully! Pray for our Support and Vision teams to keep seeking, listening, discerning well and making God's plans. The Support team meets Tonight.
Okay, so I'm gushing and so excited! I've been in a bit of a funk lately, probably heart and med related or maybe it's just old age? Anyway some have been praying for God to deliver me and He is! PTL! News like this fires me up and we see God at work and moving in big and little ways all around our Body as we work on living sacrificially and loving extravagantly more and more like Jesus. God is helping us as we work on Become More in '24 and leading the way. Keep praising, seeking and following. He has really good plans to discover as we continue to move towards becoming a dynamic movement of God. AMEN! Talk to Him about your part and ask for some friends to co-labor with too. Rejoice!
So this went longer than I thought. I'll just attach our devotionals below for you to engage with and pray through. God is speaking to us through these today as we keep living expectantly, enthusiastically, earnestly and empowered by God and His Spirit as we follow Jesus! He's coming back soon. Until then we have work to do. Yes day light is burning but He is at work and preparing us for our part in eternity and wanting to use us for such a time as this too. He's a miracle working God and we can expect many more miracles as we die to self and follow Him. He has plans for us as part of His Good News Delivery Co. We are a team on the move! And remember that we all are a work in process and progress as we allow God to have His way with us and serve as we are. We are His masterpieces with custom made purposes to move towards and God's greater things will come as we do!
Love you all and love serving with you! God is truly blessing us! May we continue to bless Him and others as we allow Him to lead us to his best. Yes, rejoice! I say again, rejoice! Amen and hallelujah! he's calling you by name to come and experience His loving best for you and us! Amen!
My friend Paul was awaiting the arrival of a technician to repair his refrigerator when he saw a text on his phone from the appliance company. It read: “Jesus is on his way and is expected to arrive at approximately 11:35 a.m.” Paul soon discovered the technician’s name was indeed Jesús (hay-SOOS).
But when can we expect Jesus the Son of God to arrive? When He came as a man two thousand years ago and suffered the penalty of our sin, He said that He’d be back—but only the Father knew the precise “day or hour” of His return (Matthew 24:36). What difference might it make in our day-to-day priorities if we did know the moment our Savior is coming back to earth? (John 14:1-3).
Jesus cautioned us to be ready for His return: “the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him” (Matthew 24:44). He reminded us to “keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come” (v. 42).
On the day of Christ’s return, we won’t get an alert on our phone to give us a heads-up. So, through the power of the Spirit working through us, let’s live each day with a perspective of eternity, serving God and taking advantage of every opportunity to share His message of love and hope with others.
By Cindy Hess Kasper
How are you motivated by Jesus’ imminent return? What can you expect when He comes again?
Father, as I patiently wait, please help me to obey You, pursue holiness, and to live in expectation of Christ’s return.
Jesus addressed the topic of His return in Matthew 24, where He makes two points. First, it will be unexpected. It will be “as it was in the days of Noah. . . . They knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man” (vv. 37, 39). People will be “eating and drinking [and] marrying” (v. 38) and engaged in the mundane activities of life—working in a field or grinding at a mill (vv. 40-41). Second, because Jesus’ return will be unexpected, we’re to “keep watch” (v. 42). This isn’t a watchfulness that expects something to happen in the immediate future; rather, it’s being prepared for whatever may come. It’s the same watchfulness—being awake and alert—that Jesus asked of His disciples in the garden of Gethsemane: “Keep watch with me” (26:38, 40; see 43-46).
J.R. Hudberg |

UR: Spiritual Awakening
Which one of you, having a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? - Luke 15:4 (NRSVUE)
I’ve always felt closest to God when I’m enjoying nature. I often hike along the Appalachian Trail, a 2,180-mile trail that runs through the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States. Markings along the trail, known as “white blazes,” are white rectangles painted on the trees to let you know you’re going in the right direction.
I have often wished for such clear markers in other parts of my life. I had many missteps as a young man that led me away from Jesus. I struggled with substance abuse and ended up lost, without any recollection of how I got there. For a time, I was stuck in a repetitive cycle of misery and addiction. Filled with guilt and shame, I carried this burden alone.
But at the age of 33, I had a powerful spiritual awakening and rededicated my life to Jesus Christ. At a time when I desperately needed to hear God’s voice, God called to me, and by God’s grace I was able to get my life back on track.
I know what it is to be lost and without hope. I understand feeling unworthy of God’s love because of past mistakes. Now I want to reach out to others like me with that same forgiving grace.
Dear heavenly Father, guide our way, and may all we do be to your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.CS: