Good Morning Friends--Co-Laborers! May God bless and refresh you today! He is upholding you in His strong right hand! He goes before, is behind you and all around you. He is singing over you. Be still and know that He is God and you are His very loved child! Amen! Worship!
I had a call from Dean last night asking for prayer as they battled another big house fire. Pray for all our first responders and those out serving and working in this heat. Pray for holy hydration and refreshing for us too! And even for tonight at the track. Pray for God to refresh and fill us during worship tomorrow as well. Start with the UR's reminder that God rejoices over you. It's true! Receive Him and His many blessings and rejoice as you dwell in His refreshing presence this morning.
In the UR passage God calls you a mighty warrior. Often we can't see what He sees in us. Maybe because He's still developing it but giving you a new name or pronouncing something over you that is promised to come. Receive and believe. Read about Gideon. He was lowly and weak and nothing in His own eyes. But God! He called him mighty warrior too and he was used by God as one and with just a small whittled down band of warriors. God is able! Beware though! Often Satan will attack especially when God has some big things planned for you. And don't allow self doubt to rob you of God's best either. Check out TWFYT about attacks. And then remember God uses all kinds of things to mold and shape us. He redeems and restores and prepares us to be His vessels. He often uses hard times to train and prepare us to lean on Him and follow always. Check out CS devo below and ask God to help you see your potential and to move towards it even if you are in a deep pit right now. He sees you and is at work for good. He's even singing over you. Refocus. Trust. Receive. Prepare. And follow well. You are His! He has great plans for you--even today! Rejoice and be glad in this day and go live and love more like Jesus. Keep your focus right! Amen!
UR: God Rejoices
The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing. - Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)
One day when I was feeling disappointed and alone, I heard a song on my car radio that mentioned Jesus rejoicing over us. I wondered, How can Jesus rejoice over us? Don’t we mess up a lot? Isn’t God always disappointed in us? I wanted the lyrics to be true, but I was doubtful.
When I got home, I looked in my Bible concordance for the word rejoice and found Zephaniah 3:17. When I read this verse, I imagined God quieting my fear with love, delighting in me, and singing a song directly to me. With that picture in mind, my fears faded into the background, and I felt less alone. This verse gave me hope, peace, and comfort.
Zephaniah 3:17 encouraged me and reminded me that God delights and rejoices over me even when I feel small, alone, and disappointed. Now when I sing along to songs on the radio, I am reminded that God rejoices over me with singing. When we experience difficult times and God feels far away, we can sing a favorite song and remember that God rejoices over us with singing!
Thank you, Lord, for reminders in scripture that you delight in us and rejoice over us. Help us to trust in this promise even when our feelings tell us otherwise. Amen.TWFYT: