See Sarah's prayer blog below. Note the girl who passed at the races last night was only 34. I knew her and talked about God at times with her. Pray for Kayla's family.
Good Morning Training, Bold, Disciple Makers! That is us and we are working at that More in '24. Check out The Word for You Today and Charles Stanley devos below that tie to this. We are training and working on running our races well focused on Jesus and His purposes. We are working on seeking God for our custom made purposes and doing them as we pray for boldness and to get moving. God has great plans for us! May we be found faithful and moving towards His greater things for us. I was reminded last night how short life is and the urgency for sharing the Good News with other and connecting them to God and training them to be Jesus' disciple makers. What's your part? Who need to hear the Good news and meet Jesus and experience His love through you? What are you gonna do about that? Who are you partnering with? Pray! Prepare and GO! Live and love like Jesus boldly! Amen!


Sarah email:
Hope you are having a good week. Weather hasn't been too bad to deal with, and we won't complain, will we!
Just a few thoughts I wanted to share with you:
A true fact about a zebra and their baby's relationship. Did you know that when a Momma zebra has her baby, she will take her baby and remove themselves from the herd. They will spend approximately 2 to 3 weeks apart from everyone else.
It's during that time that Momma and baby are bonding; getting to know one another. That baby is learning to identify with his momma. He is checking over every stripe on her head. So that when they return to the herd, he will have no trouble locating his momma.
Even though you may look at any zebra's head and think their striping is all the same, it actually is different - they are uniquely and wonderfully created by God.
I got to thinking about the Momma Zebra and baby's early on in life routine - and how that is very important in the life of the baby - so they get to know their momma, to feel safe and secure; to know who their momma is if they are feeling threatened, they will know where to find momma who makes them feel safe.
Reflecting on my Jesus journey, this reminds me of the times that Jesus spent time alone with His Heavenly Father. He spent time with Him to find comfort, to pray for others, to ask advice, to feel and grow closer to Him.
In Matthew 14:13 - Jesus withdrew by boat to a solitary place after hearing that John the Baptist had been beheaded.
Mark 6:31-32 - Jesus told His disciples to come with Him to a quiet place to rest after many people were coming and going. After Jesus fed the 5000, scripture tells us that Jesus went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray after dismissing the crowds.
Matthew 6:6 Jesus told His followers to go into their room, close the door and pray to their Father in secret.
While Jesus spent time alone with His Heavenly Father and saw and experienced the benefit of that time well spent, Jesus also taught His disciples to retreat and be alone with God.
As a disciple, a follower of Jesus, He is trying to teach us the same lesson. He is telling us - we need to get alone and spend time in prayerful conversation with God.
While some of you may be skeptics and say or think to yourself: "What's the benefit to doing that?" Let me share a few, what I think are very solid benefits to spending alone time with God:
- You get to know God even better - spending time with God in a group can be beneficial however spending time alone with God helps you to know Him in a different way. God wants a personal relationship with each of us - He knows all about us, and still loves us and wants to hang out with us.
- We renew our strength when we spend time with God. Isaiah 40:31 "Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint"
- When we spend time with God, we will receive enlightenment and wisdom
- Staying close to God - spending time alone with God will help us stay closer to Him throughout our day and help us to hear His voice better.
So I haven't any good reasons why we shouldn't follow Jesus' advice and not spend time with Him.
Here's the challenge: Make a conscience effort in your day, to step away from everything around you and spend time with our awesome God.
Watch and be ready to receive - you WILL get to connect with Him in the deepest areas of your heart. He will give you wisdom, encouragement and direction.
You are strengthened and fortified when life is hard. God will give you His strength in your weakest and most challenging season.
Come on - accept the challenge - you have nothing to lose, but much to gain, by spending that alone time with our Awesome God!
** ** **
Prayer needs:
Jamie - daughter of Chris and Yvonne Muik - medical test and waiting results and treatment.
Tracy Huber is suffering from some sever vertigo.
A woman that Pastor Don knows, died suddenly in the stands at the race track (Tuesday night). She was in her 40's. Please keep her family, friends, and those that surrounded her tonight in your prayers.
Ramon Susa - dealing with some health issues and unanswered medical questions. Praying for test results to come.
Mark Henninger - healing from cataract surgery
Cheryl Clauser (Milidine Waterman's sister in law) had her pacemaker repaired and now home and regaining her strength.
Thank you all for praying for those mentioned and not mentioned. Please continue to pray for one another and our home bound. If anyone has any prayer requests and would like pray for please let Pastor Don or myself know and we will make sure that our warriors are aware of the need.
Bread ministry today (Wednesday) pray for all our volunteers, for those that will come through our doors, and for all that will be sharing God's love.
Have a great rest of your week everyone!