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Pastor's Blog
Saturday, July 13 2024

(Note: No blog tomorrow as I will be having some test very early. Spend two days in this very important message from God! and pray like crazy!)

Good Morning Good News Bringing, Sent, Revivalists! Oh that is you and us! PTL! Yesterday God spoke to us as we celebrated all He has been doing and we began praying into what's next. He has great plans for you and us that are custom made for such a time as this and coming alive as we trust, obey and step into who we are in Christ and start doing what He made us to do. PTL! I mean really praise God for all He is doing and has plans to do! We are on our way to becoming His dynamic movement bringing revival and being used to transform our neighborhoods through the love of Christ. AMEN! So, what's your part? Check out the attachment at the bottom, or if you have one in your hand from yesterday, pray through this handout about becoming God's Good News Delivery Co. Man, the world is in need of Jesus and some Good news that He has given you to bring! What's your part? Pray about that and commit to be about what you are created to become and do! Go live and love more in '24! Amen! 

Maybe you noticed yesterday how God showed up and spoke during our worship service? He spoke to our hearts through what some of us shared. Did you hear Him? He pronounced some prophesies over some of us too. The Holy Spirit brought His Word alive during my message time as I only read a few paragraphs and then He started speaking our purposes over us, encouraging us, and stirring some ideas and vision plans. I love when God does this and His presence becomes very real! Check out the Dave Butts blog about revival attached to the handout. What's God saying to you? What will you do about it? We need to pray earnestly for revival and for the harvest and God's plans for us to come to life. We need to be praying! Some of you are called to prayer as your part in His Good News Delivery Co. I am feeling nudged to have a prayer service or three for revival too. Would you attend? Maybe we could do it on zoom too? BUT we need to start praying earnestly, sharing what we are hearing so our prayers can be more informed and so we can start processing and doing what God is revealing. And we need to keep praising and celebrating! God often shares bits and pieces with several people. He may also be forming up some smaller prayer groups that He reveals pieces to to pray and then maybe even go do something. We are sent to bring the Good News and transform neighborhoods with God's love, hope and help! Who is God revealing to you that needs some Good News? What is that good news He wants you to bring to their chaos? What will you do about it? begin with prayer and then team up with some others to go or to pray for and cover you as you go as God's vessel to change a life. He has great plans for you and for someone He is bringing to mind right now!

In case you think I be making things up as I go, check out all our devotionals and blogs for today! God clearly is speaking a word to us today and He does have some great plans for us to discover and pursue and earnestly pray into! He even has those custom made things for you for such a time as this being revealed. PTL! What's He saying to you? How does He want you to pray? Will you pray, serve, go, as you are and as His vessel for such a time as this? That's the question of the year! He does have great plans for you and for some others through you! Seek first the Kingdom of God and don't lean on your own thinking--process with some others too and go live and love more like Jesus! Amen! And remember that Jesus' easy yoke for you is easy because you are made, equipped and empowered to do it for such a time as this! 

So? What's for today and what's next Lord? Lead us! Come Father! Revive us! Send us as Your revivalists that bring Good News to those You are preparing. Come! Fill us! Lead us! Use us for Your glory! Bring revival and may it begin in and through me/us! Your Kingdom come and will be done! Amen!

I can't wait to see what God has planned for us and what He will do in and through each of you! I know He has some really great things ahead that begin today as we pray, seek, keep knocking and listen! And then as we process, plan and go, He will bring revival and expand our territory! Amen! I'm praying for you right now! And I'm just worshiping and praising God for encouraging us, His easy yoke, and preparing us to complete our missions! Amen! Yes rejoice!

Our Daily Bread:

Serving Jesus

When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? Matthew 25:39

READ Matthew 25:31-40


In the early 1800s, Elizabeth Fry was appalled by the conditions in a London women’s prison. Women and their children were crowded together and made to sleep on the cold stone floors. Although they weren’t given bedding, a tap flowed with gin. For years, she visited the prison and ushered in change by providing clothes, opening a school, and teaching the Bible. But many saw her biggest influence as her loving presence and clear messages of hope.

In her actions, she followed Jesus’ invitation to serve those in need. For instance, while on the Mount of Olives, Christ shared several stories about the end of the age, including one about the welcome of “the righteous to eternal life” (Matthew 25:46). In this story, the King tells the righteous people that they gave Him something to drink, invited Him in, and visited Him in prison (vv. 35-36). When they couldn’t recall doing so, the King responds: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (v. 40).

What a wonder that when we serve others with the help of the Holy Spirit, we serve Jesus! We can follow Elizabeth Fry’s example, and we can also serve from home, such as through intercessory prayer or sending encouraging messages. Jesus welcomes us to love Him as we use our spiritual gifts and talents to assist others.

By Amy Boucher Pye


How do you react to hearing that we serve Jesus when we serve others? How could you reach out to someone in need?

Loving Jesus, please help me discern where I can put my love into action today.


Matthew 25:31-40 opens with Christ’s words about the time of judgment when the sheep (believers in Jesus) will be separated from the goats (unbelievers): “He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left” (v. 33). What does this parable represent? The Expositor’s Bible Commentary offers this explanation: “In the countryside, sheep and goats mingled during the day. At night they were often separated. Sheep tolerate the cool air, but goats have to be herded together for warmth. In sparse grazing areas the animals might be separated during the day as well. But now these well-known, simple, pastoral details are freighted with symbolism. The right hand is the place of power and honor.”

Bill Crowder

Charles Stanley:

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Upper Room: Refreshed

Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and God will say, “I’m here.” - Isaiah 58:9 (CEB)

I was attempting to process a document for the senior center where I volunteer, but the sender wanted an electronic signature. On a good day I can master email, but I soon concluded that the e-signature wasn’t going to happen.

I have had similar frustrations with computer passwords, weak cell phone signals, dropped calls, car clocks that don’t want to be reset, and smart televisions that are clearly smarter than me.

What a blessing it is, I thought, that our Lord offers frustration-free, two-way communication 24 hours a day, seven days a week! The lines are always open, and no password is required. A simple prayer uttered during a busy day never results in an error message.

I realize the value and efficiency of the latest technology, but I’m far more comfortable with low-tech devices. I also prefer the simple practices of prayer, meditation, and communing with nature. While modern technology can at times leave me feeling exhausted, a walk and talk with the Holy One on a forest path has never failed to leave me feeling refreshed and recommitted to following Christ by loving others.


O Lord, thank you for allowing us unlimited access to your peace and mercy, even in this busy, sometimes confusing world. Amen.

The Word for You Today:

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Harvest Blogs:

July 8 - Fulfilling God’s Mission

There is no mystery about our mission. Whether we realize it or not, engage in it or not, we have one mission, for which Paul requested prayer.
“Pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make know with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak” (Ephesians 6:19-20).
Prayer is not merely about getting a few things for yourself or simply being helped when we are in trouble. It’s about advancing the kingdom of God! It is God’s weapon to help invade Enemy territory and snatch people from the jaws of Satan who has come to “steal, kill, and destroy.”
It is telling that almost every prayer Paul requested from others was for boldness to proclaim the gospel. Not for health, wealth, or prosperity. Not even for safety. Paul asked them to pray that he would open his mouth and boldly proclaim the gospel. He needed their prayers for mission-driven courage.
There are millions of people who are enslaved to the Enemy. We have the singular message that can release them from his clutches. They cannot be delivered unless we pierce through the Enemy lines and get the life-saving message to them. And prayer is the power that makes all of this work!
“Up in a little town in Maine, things were pretty dead some years ago. The churches were not accomplishing anything. There were a few Godly men in the churches, and they said: 'Here we are, only uneducated laymen; but something must be done in this town. Let us form a praying band. We will all center our prayers on one man. Who shall it be?' 
They picked out one of the hardest men in town and centered all their prayers upon him. In a week, he was converted. They centered their prayers upon the next hardest man in town, and soon he was converted. Then they took up another and another, until within a year, over two hundred people were brought to God, and the fire spread out into all the surrounding country. Definite prayer for those in the prison house of sin is the need of the hour.”
When do lost people need to hear the gospel? All the time, every day. When do Christians need boldness to share the gospel? All the time, every day. When should we be praying for the fulfillment of God’s mission through us? All the time, every day.
Majestic Father, I confess my weakness and fear to boldly confess the gospel of Jesus Christ! There are so many people bent on heading to hell in my family, my city, my church, my nation and beyond. Give me boldness to share what You have done for me with those who desperately need to hear not just some good news, but the best news of all!

---Adapted from Simply Prayer by Bill Elliff. This book is available at

Prayer Points

  • Praise God as the one who again has supplied you with all you have needed this week.
  • Thank him for putting some of his resources into your care.
  • Confess any waste or mismanagement of those resources this week.
  • Commit yourself to sharing with God’s people who are in need (Rom. 12:13).
  • Ask God to bring to mind the name of someone with whom he would have you share by showing hospitality (12:13).
  • Pray that your children and those of your friends learn principles of Christian stewardship from an early age. Ask God to make you an excellent example for them.
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.

Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe here.
Posted by: AT 04:49 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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