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Saturday, July 20 2024

Harry Hebig service is Monday with visitation from 10-11 and service at 11 at Bachman, Kulig and Reinsmith's Emmaus location. I will be doing the service and appreciate your prayers

Received word from our HVAC guy that all equipment is expected in by the end of July. Lord willing, the FH will have AC by early August and we can get back at it. Ask God for ideas to reach out before that and even after we are back in the building. Ask Him to raise up workers and leaders for the harvest.

Next Tues Family Ministries is having a pool party. Pray for fair weather.

Wednesday is our Rita's night at 6 to gather and to try to connect to some neighbors. Ask God to oversee all this and connect us to some He is drawing. (In the event of rain we will meet at the Creamery near The Way to Emmaus Christian store)

Don't forget to see Gail L. and order your T-shirts we will wear whenever we gather out of the building. Think about being God's light and living and loving more like Jesus as you wear them!

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Tomorrow is worship at 10 live and on Zoom. We will be discussing Ephesians 2.


Good Morning Joy-Bringing, World Changers! AMEN! That describes who we are created to be. What's your part in that today? I have a different prayer focus for each day. Every Saturday I pray for us to be joy bringers and world changers. Man, the world sure needs some joy today, especially during these divisive political posturing times. One of my Saturday prayers flowed from the last presidential election and my anger and attacking. I pray that I would turn off the noise and take every thought, word, type, and action captive before the Lord. I pray that I would stop grumbling and complaining and start pronouncing life into people around me. I haven't fully achieved this yet, but what a difference four years has made in my choices, joy level and peace. Remember when we studied the virtue of joy a few years ago? Joy is a choice and becomes available as we grow in trust that God is in control and with me always. It takes dying to self and agape love. Are you able to chose joy today? How about bringing joy and life alive in this dry and weary land? As we do, those God is drawing and those who are realizing that hate and attacking and trying to control others is not good or healthy and are getting tired of it will be drawn to the refreshing joy and life we bring. And then we can start some relationships that can lead them to our Prince of Peace, the Joy of the World , the One who changed us--Jesus! And that my joy-bringing friends can change the world. Keep praying for joy, life and Jesus to come alive as we live and love more like Jesus. Talk to God about some correctives you may need to take today. Ask for help to turn off the noise and focus on Him and His Living Word. Ask to have His heart and mind, to take thoughts captive and to bring life and love alive that will change the world. Pray for revival too. Ask God for ideas for how to connect to those He is drawing and sending to us and thank Him for the harvest He is sending us into. Thank Him for all He is doing, providing and His guiding.

The Upper Room today (we should have them shortly available in church) Reminds us that we are in very dark times. Some of us have been in that very dark valley too. BUT GOD! He is with us, holding our hands and guiding us through. I am reminded that we are the light of God sent to light up the darkness and guide others to our Light Source. Jesus is our hope and promises help in times of trouble and sometimes uses us to do so. Our Daily Bread reminds us of the importance of our words. Are your words building up, encouraging and bringing life? What we say and pronounce does matter. Even the words we say about ourselves. Pronounce in prayer that you will choose joy and bring it, that your words will build up and bring life and that you will live and love more like Jesus. Say it! Believe it! Choose it! Live it! Check out the Harvest Prayer blogs about embracing and bringing life and use the prayer starters to help focus your praying today. The Word for You Today reminds us that we are disciples=learners and we always have more to learn. Ask God to bring His presence, knowledge and wisdom alive to you and us. And Charles Stanley reminds us that God is always speaking and in ways that we can understand. What's He saying to you today? Write it down and discuss and process with some others. As you do, begin making His plans to go live and love and make disciples like Him because we are apostles=sent ones too. Ask that you and our Body would be joy bringing, world changing, servants that live and love more and more like Jesus. Amen! God has great plans for you and us to do so! Rejoice! Choose joy! Know peace! Amen!

Upper Room: Navigating Darkness

God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” - Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)

My friend Julia and I boarded the subway train in Mexico City, chatting about our day. We were on our way back to our apartment. The crowded train was racing along when suddenly there was a shuddering jolt and everything stopped. The earth was quaking and we were instantly plunged into the deepest darkness I have ever experienced. The shaking stopped, but the lights remained off and the train was stuck between stations, many feet below ground. For about 10 seconds there was shocked silence, then people began crying out. I heard a woman scream. Panic rose in me until I felt Julia’s hand in mine. My friend reached out to me in the darkness, reminding me that I was not alone, and I felt comforted.

There have been times in life, like when my son died, that I felt I had been plunged into darkness. The way ahead seemed strange and unnavigable. During those times I felt the Lord take my hand and lead me through the “valley of the shadow.” We are never alone as Christians. The Lord has promised never to leave us or forsake us. God can be trusted to stand with us during the darkest time.


Dear Lord, help us to trust in your presence even if we don’t sense it. Show us others who need comfort and reassurance so that we may offer your love to them. Amen.


Taking Responsibility for Words

The tongue has the power of life and death. Proverbs 18:21

READ Proverbs 15:1-9


It’s almost unheard of for institutions to admit guilt after a tragedy. But one year after a seventeen-year-old student’s death by suicide, a prestigious school admitted it “fell tragically short” in protecting him. The student had been relentlessly bullied, and school leaders, despite knowing about the mistreatment, did little to protect him. The school has now committed to taking significant steps to combat bullying and better care for students’ mental health.

The devastation caused by bullying is a stark example of the power of words. In the book of Proverbs, we’re taught to never take the impact of words lightly, for “the tongue has the power of life and death” (Proverbs 18:21). What we say can either lift up or crush another. At its worst, cruel words can be a factor contributing to literal death.  

How do we bring life with what we say? Scripture teaches that our words flow from either wisdom or foolishness (15:2). We find wisdom by drawing close to God, the source of wisdom’s life-giving power (3:13, 17-19).  

We all have a responsibility—in words and actions—to take seriously the impact of words, and to care for and protect those wounded by what others have said. Words can kill, but compassionate words can also heal, becoming a “tree of life” (15:4) to those around us.

By Monica La Rose


When have you seen careless words cause damage? How can you show God’s compassion through what you say?

Loving God, please help me never take the impact of words lightly but rely on You to speak what brings life.


Proverbs 15:1-9 has a lot to say about the importance of our speech. It’s also a prominent theme in the New Testament book of James. Though broadly applicable, James warns “teachers”—those who influence others through their word—that they’ll be judged more strictly (3:1). We’re more susceptible to sin with our words than in any other way (v. 2). Compared with the other members of the body, the tongue is disproportionately powerful and more difficult to tame (vv. 3-8). We’re inconsistent in how we use our words. They can be used to treat those who are made in the very image of God as if they’re useless and at the same time we use our words to praise God who made them (vv. 9-12). As the psalmist says, “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer” (Psalm 19:14).

Arthur Jackson


July 20 - Embracing Life

“And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” (John 17:3) 

The very first gift God gave us is life. Human history begins with the Lord forming Adam’s body and breathing life into it. Then, at the focal point of history—the cross of Christ—God makes a way for our spirits and our bodies to live again. Our nation’s Founders were right to recognize the fundamental truth that God cherishes human life, that it is an inalienable right which earthly authorities are entrusted with respecting and defending. We believe that God will secure and bless our land as we revitalize a culture that honors the sanctity of human life.

Every one of our individual stories—not to mention our collective story as the human race—starts with God forming and breathing life into us. He gave us bodies and spirits. And He designed us to live with Him eternally. 

Every one of us lost hold of that gift. We all—from Adam to the hundreds of thousands of new lives being born on the very day you are reading this—we all have gone astray. We all are stained by sin. We all make choices that set us on a road to physical and spiritual death. 

But God. God didn’t give up on us. He so cherished us—the lives He breathed into existence—that He devised a radical plan to save us. At the cost of His own life, Jesus atoned for our wrongs. And then He rose. He rose from and defeated death and made a way for us to live again! 

That is good news, friends! It’s a message of love. It’s a message of hope. And it’s a word that the people of our land desperately need to hear and to embrace. 

It’s no secret that we as individuals and as a nation have made choices that are sending us down a dangerous path. If you are beginning this work of intercession, then this reality is probably already heavy on your heart. But remember: Death does not have the last word. Jesus conquered death. He is the way, the truth, and the life. That is a victory worth declaring! 

I praise You, Lord, that You have breathed life into me! You made a way for me to escape the wages of sin and to live again! Would You also break into the day of each of my loved ones who have yet to call You Savior and Lord? Allow them to see how much You love them and want them to be filled with life. Lord Christ, You are risen! I declare Your amazing victory of life over death. I ask, Father, that every eye in our nation would be opened and that all hearts will embrace the love, hope, peace, and joy of that reality. May the leaders in our nation help our society to choose a path of life!

--Adapted from We Declare: 31 Days of Intercession for America by David Kubal. This book is available at Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.

Prayer Points

  • Praise the God who knows the depths of your heart and sees all the secret places there.
  • Give thanks that he hears the prayers of many people all over the earth and listens to all of our cries for help.
  • Confess to God the days in this past week when you have not made sufficient time for prayer for yourself and others.
  • Commit yourself to remembering his deep love for you and all people, and ask the Spirit to make that awareness grow into a habit of praying without ceasing “on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests” (Eph. 6:18).
  • Ask God to hear and answer the prayers of the unsaved, “so that all peoples of the earth may know [his] name and fear [him]” (1 Ki. 8:43). as a God who listens and responds.
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.

Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe here.


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St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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