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Saturday, August 10 2024

Good Morning Alive in Christ, Self-Controlled, Self-Disciplined, Self-Sacrificing, Jesus-Focused, Spirit-Controlled, Heaven-Bound, Hope-Filled, Co-Laborers in Christ! Now that's a mouthful! That salutation came right from a Season 4 Chosen Bible Study I am using. Meditate on these truths. Pronounce them in faith over you and us. They can be and are part of our true identity. Start here and focus on these in your journey to become more in '24. More of Him and less of me! Remember this saying? "I am who I am because I am allowing I AM to be Who He is in and through me." Is that true for you? It can be and is really worth the effort to work at that! Have you lost sight of what's already yours in Christ? Refocus and choose well my co-laboring friends! God has created you for such a time as this and he does have great, attainable purposes just for you today! Rejoice! Live and love like Jesus more in '24!

Our devos flow and thread through this thinking today. Check them out below! What's God saying to you? What will you do about it? Who is helping you? Who are you helping? Charles Stanley reminds us to not be conformed to the ways of this world but be transformed into Christ's image bearers. This takes dying to self and crucifying some things daily to follow Jesus well. The Upper Room reminds us there are some hurdles to overcome and to keep focused ahead on the race God has for us. Our Daily Bread talks about being finishers. Brought to my mind the always present thought about who am I preparing to carry on and finish what I started in Christ? Who am I discipling? Who trained me and what jobs need some finishing? And the Word for You Today discusses parenting which again reminds me of seeking and training some spiritual children. Who are your spiritual children? How are you praying for them? Who is being prepared to replace you and carry on your legacy in Christ? Then really meditate and pray on the Harvest Prayer blogs and prayers today. 

Be the Salt and Light! Focus on Jesus and what lies ahead. Train up some disciples and pray for disciple makers to arise and for St. Matts to become a House of Prayer for the Nations and a disciple making hub. Talk to God about your race and how to run and finish well. Tomorrow we will discuss Eph. 4 and the reminder that we are one. We are unified in Christ and gathered to accomplish His plans for us. Let us keep after it! Let us continue to seek Him and follow His perfect plans. let us light up the world with revival fires! Daylight's burning for sure, BUT GOD! he has great plans to come and he desires for us to be a part of it. What's your part? What will you do about that? Choose to run well my: Alive in Christ, Self-Controlled, Self-Disciplined, Self-Sacrificing, Jesus-Focused, Spirit-Controlled, Heaven-Bound, Hope-Filled, Co-Laborers in Christ! Amen!


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UR: Jumping the Hurdles

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. - 1 Corinthians 9:24 (NIV)

Hurdlers are incredibly focused. During a race they have no time to look back, even if they knock over a hurdle. They focus on their pace and performance from one step to the next.

Life is full of hurdles too. But I have found that my faith keeps me motivated when I face obstacles. In the past decade, I’ve written and been published in numerous inspirational resources. But more recently, I felt God calling me to write a Christmas devotional book. I enjoy study, research, and writing, but formatting a book and creating a cover design have been a constant frustration. When I have run into technical glitches I’ve wanted to give up, but my husband has urged me to keep pushing forward. I am now in the final part of the race — the book is formatted, and I’m finalizing the cover.

When we feel God’s calling, it’s best to remember the reason we’re here. It’s not about us and our triumphs; our focus is to give glory to God in all we do. We may stumble over spiritual, emotional, or physical hurdles, but they shouldn’t deter us from completing God’s plan for us. With Jesus as our role model, we have assurance that we’ll finish our race.

Today's Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus, when we face hurdles, show us how to keep our focus on you so that we complete our work for you. Amen.ODB:

Being Finishers in Christ

You are a chosen people . . . that you may declare [his] praises. 1 Peter 2:9

READ 1 Kings 19:14-21


Barbara passed away before she could finish a sweater she was knitting for her great-grandson, Ethan. The sweater was entrusted to the hands of another avid knitter to be completed thanks to an organization that connects volunteer crafters—“finishers”—with those whose loved ones have departed this life before finishing their projects. The “finishers” lovingly invest their time and skill to bring closure to a task that provides comfort to those who are grieving.

God appointed a “finisher” for Elijah’s work too. The prophet was lonely and discouraged at how the Israelites were rejecting God’s covenant and killing prophets. In response, God instructed Elijah to “anoint Elisha . . . to succeed [him] as prophet” (1 Kings 19:16). This ensured that the labor of proclaiming God’s truth would continue long past Elijah’s death.

To show Elisha that God had called him to succeed Elijah as God’s prophet, Elijah “threw his cloak around [Elisha]” (v. 19). Since a prophet’s cloak was used to indicate one’s authority as God’s chosen spokesman (see 2 Kings 2:8), this act made Elisha’s prophetic call clear.

As believers in Jesus, we’ve been called to share God’s love with others and “declare [his] praises” (1 Peter 2:9). Though the task may outlive us too, we can be assured that He’ll sustain the work and will continue to call other “finishers” to the sacred work of making Him known.

By Kirsten Holmberg


Who proclaimed God’s truth to you? How can you be part of making Him known to the world?

Father, please use me to accomplish Your work in the world.


In response to Elijah’s discouragement (1 Kings 19:10), he’s promised a divine revelation of God (v. 11). He experiences wind, earthquake, and fire (vv. 11-12), which we might have expected given other appearances of God in Scripture (Judges 5:4-5; Psalm 18:7-15). But this time, Elijah senses God’s presence only in “a gentle whisper” (1 Kings 19:12). This may have encouraged him that God doesn’t just reveal Himself through magnificent wonders but through the faithfulness of those who quietly listen to and share His words. This revelation encourages Elijah to continue his work as well as appoint his successor, Elisha.

Monica La Rose


August 3 - Be Salt and Light

“You’re the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its flavor, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled on by people! You’re the light of the world. A city located on a hill cannot be hidden. People do not light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before people, so that they can see your good deeds and give honor to your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:13-16).

Jesus represented the Kingdom of God and expected His followers to be people of action: to apply what they knew; to live out loud; to be salt and light.

Jesus wants to be seen and known through us. As we remain connected to Him as our source of spiritual flavor and light, we can bring salty flavor and a bright light to this world.

Lord, I repent for standing muted, dulled, or snuffed out by sin. I repent for any darkness I’ve allowed into my life. I repent for when I’ve quenched the Holy Spirit. I repent for allowing fear or self-ambition, instead of honor, to guide my actions. I repent for when I’ve not allowed You to act through me. I repent for not always following Your lead. I desire to bring Your salty flavor and Your light into the world. I declare boldness for myself! I won’t shrink back, but I will immediately obey what You speak to me through Your Word and the Holy Spirit. Thank You for using me for Your glory. Thank You for wanting me to be salt and light, to represent You in this world. I praise You for being the source of all good and perfect things; that You know the beginning from the end; that You will finish the good work You started in my life.

--Adapted from Praying What Jesus Says by Natasha Miller. This book is available at Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.

Prayer Points

  • Praise Jesus as the one who “rose again from the dead” and “ascended to heaven” where he is “seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.”
  • Thank God for access to him through Jesus the Intercessor.
  • Confess any skepticism of God’s willingness to hear your prayers.
  • Commit yourself to living under the flag of King Jesus today.
  • Ask the ascended King to rule over even the details of your life.
  • Pray that the children in your circle of close contacts will know that they belong to the King of heaven and earth.
  • Ask God to help you model the dignity of living for Jesus.
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.

Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe here.
Posted by: AT 07:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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