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Pastor's Blog
Friday, September 13 2024

Good Morning Abiding, Resting, Preparing Followers of the Way! Please Lord! May I be that and all You created me to be as I learn to follow Your way better. Thanks! Amen. Have your way with me as you trach me your good and healthy ways and rhythms. Thanks!

I had no intention of doing any blogs the rest of the week, But God! He spoke to me through several devos for today that He wanted me to share with you, especially since I awoke at 3 and everyone is still in bed. We got here late afternoon yesterday and after unload just had a wonderful time disconnecting and relaxing. It is so needed as the busyness of life and work for Karen, our daughter Lauren and me is a very present thing. Jesus got away, rested and even took naps as He recharged for work and busyness ahead. We honor God when we do that. Often we forget that or don't give ourselves permission to rest ad reload. Two Chosen devos I am using talk to us about the battle between choosing God's ways or our own. The battle is real. Sometimes we have to force ourselves to rest and abide/ Charles Stanley talks about choosing rest. I want to share this with you who are weary and overworked. And the ODB ends with two important questions we need to answer. "How should being a child of God affect you? And What will you do this week to live out your status and responsibility as His child?" Ponder those and choose well, my friends. I'm signing off now and going back to nap before the others awake. Chill! Relax! Rest in the Lord! That glorifies Him as much as working for Him! Rest, abide and find balance and His shalom! He loves you and says, "Come to Me and rest!" Amen!

Here's a great song to kick start your quiet time today! We can be an honest offering as we surrender to God and His healthy ways! Amen!

God is speaking! Was just ready to hit send when Harvest blog popped up! Check out these links!

Retreat to Advance

Retreat to Advance

The Power of Silence


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Spiritual Royalty

To all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12

READ John 1:9-13


When Jay Speights of Rockville, Maryland, took a DNA test, nothing could have prepared him for the results he received. They contained a big surprise—he was a prince of the West African nation of Benin! Soon he boarded a plane and visited the country. When he arrived, the royal family greeted and showered him with a festive homecoming—dancing, singing, banners, and a parade.

Jesus came to earth as God’s good news announcement. He went to His own people, the nation of Israel, to give them the good news and to show them the way out of darkness. Many received the message with apathy, rejecting the “true light” (John 1:9) and refusing to accept Him as Messiah (v. 11). But unbelief and apathy weren’t universal among the people. Some people humbly and gladly received Christ’s invitation, accepted Him as God’s eventual sacrifice for sin, and believed in His name. A surprise awaited this faithful remnant. He “gave [them] the right to become children of God” (v. 12)—to be royal children of His through spiritual rebirth.

When we turn from sin and darkness, receive Jesus, and believe in His name, we discover we’re children of God, adopted as royalty into His family. May we enjoy the blessings as we live up to the responsibilities of being the King’s kids. 

By Marvin Williams


How should being a child of God affect you? What will you do this week to live out your status and responsibility as His child?

Father, it’s amazing that through Jesus’ death You invite me into spiritual royalty. I’m humbled and grateful.

Learn more about having a personal relationship with God.

Personal Relationship with God



In the New Living Translation, John 1:1-18 has the heading, “Prologue: Christ, the Eternal Word.” This section has been called a theological masterpiece, for its brilliance calls us to worshipful reflection and a desire to know and serve the one described. The term that John uses for Jesus before He entered the world is “the Word” (vv. 1, 14)—the creative self-expression of God through which all things came to be. A good subheading for verses 1-5 would be: “The Existence and Experience of the Word.” He existed as God and with God (vv. 1-2) and functioned as God (vv. 3-5). What God is credited with in Genesis 1—all of creation—is attributed to the Word as the active agent (see also Colossians 1:15-17). What follows in John 1:6-14 could be titled, “The Entrance of the Word into the World.” How was (and is) He received? With mixed reviews. But all who receive Him are welcomed into His family.

Arthur Jackson
Posted by: AT 09:53 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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