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Pastor's Blog
Saturday, October 05 2024

THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE! LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT! Let us enter His courts with thanksgiving!

Good Morning Fellowshipping Worshipers! Amen! Today we get to worship, praise, pray, study, fellowship, eat and enjoy this day together! PTL!

Worship begins at 10 as Sarah leads us into God's Word. Then we move downstairs to eat and fellowship at the 2 Peas in a Pod Brunch. Come one and all and bring some friends! It promises to be a great day in the Lord! Prepare your hearts to worship!

God has some great plans for you and us as Acts 2:42 comes alive today as we gather. It's just wat the very first church was known to do: Study the apostle's teaching, eat, fellowship and pray. As we gather, may it be as it was for the early church, "And God added to their numbers daily!" Pray for us to connect to others, connect them to God through Christ and make disciples while we love God and others and enjoy life! Amen!

Life in Christ can be that easy as you allow Him to live and love through you and work at being who you are created to be and doing what you are created to do! It's that sweet spot and easy yoke Jesus invites us to enjoy. We all have custom made parts in His Good News Delivery Co. PTL! And we get to exercise some of those things today--praying, worshiping, encouraging, welcoming, sharing, teaching, and loving well. Amen! Come! Now is the time to be you and worship! We are created with the capacity to know Christ and make Him known. Watch today for how God is bringing that alive in and through you and us as we gather. He really does have some great plans for today! Rejoice!

You can spend some time with our God and through our devotionals today. They speak into a lot of this and your part. Check them out prayerfully. I want to just share Charles Stanley's devo which really spoke to my heart and speaks into our calling. He uses Hebrews 3:1 which ends with "Fix your thoughts on Jesus." We encountered that same thought as we wrapped up our Philippians study last week. Fix your thoughts on things above. Keep focused on and follow Jesus and you will be well on your way to becoming more like Him and growing into your created potential. Thanks Lord! God's always up to something new. Let us stay focused and committed to following together! Your Kingdom come and will be done, Lord, in through, and around me! Send me! Grow your Kingdom! Bring revival! may we continue to earnestly pursue and follow You to Your perfect plans! Come! Glorify Your name! Amen!

Charles Stanley:

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St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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