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St. Matthew's EC Church
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Pastor's Blog
Saturday, October 05 2024

This Week:

Tues 10-11 Zoom Huddle. All welcome.

Tue noon and 6:30 Zoom prayer for Light in the Night Trunk or Treat with Revival Church. Click the link and join others in prayer weekly until the event. Link: 

Topic: Light in the Night Prayer Call Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet every Tues at noon and/or 6:30 PM 

 Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 985 238 1129 Passcode: prayer

Wed. 10-12 Bread Ministry. 

Noon-12:30 Fast and Pray for the EC denomination and our church to become a dynamic movement of God. Watch for link to join our bishop in prayer on zoom.

Wed 6-8: Chosen Dinner Huddles for adults and Family Ministries. All welcome

Sat 10-1 Clothing Closet


Good Morning Recounting God's Faithfulness Encouragers and Pronouncers of Life and Blessings! So, what does that mean? Well God gave me that from a deep time in His Word and some devotionals today. Did you catch any of that in your quiet time? God is always speaking and speaking life to things that were as dead. Think about how He breathed life into those dry bones of Elijah. God is redeeming and changing us and has given each of us stories to share and words of life to pronounce as He sends us to encourage others. Amen! Think on that for a bit. Who needs to hear your story, some Good News, and/or receive some words of life today? What will you do about it? Who will you partner with to help you be encouraged and/or to go build up and encourage? Pray into that and pronounce life over Emmaus, our church and your life. Receive it too!

Yesterday Sarah talked about Saul/Paul's life. Something is evident from his life and conversion: God is a pursuing and redeeming God and has plans for all of us--even the vilest of sinners, like Saul, who persecuted and was part of trying to stop the early church by arresting and killing new Christians. As Saul pursued and hunted, he was being pursued and hunted by God. Have you experienced God pursuing you? Has He got your attention and changed your life? Has He redeemed something and made you new and ready for His plans and purposes? Who needs to hear about that? Is God sending you to help someone receive God's healing, loving, redirecting? He has some custom plans just for you. Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness and He will redeem, use, prepare and even send you. Stop running from God and fighting against His plans! Has God changed your name? Stop pronouncing wrong things and death over your life! You are not a loser, unforgivable, or forgotten. You are a very loved, pursued child of the God who molds, changes and leads to life and life abundant! Amen! Start living into your new nature and pronouncing life over you, our church, your neighborhood and some Saul-like people you know. Think about how God answered the prayers of many people who were crying out for deliverance from Saul's wrath. Who are you praying for and pronouncing deliverance over? Is God sending you to someone that is not your favorite person that you have been praying for or about? God does have plans just for you and for us together! Let us earnestly pursue Him and His good plans and commit to doing our parts. Amen!

Fix your thoughts in things above. Turn off the noise and keep refocusing on our Deliverer and fill your minds with His truth and your mouth with His truths and praise. Keep praying and pronouncing life and ask to be a bringer of His Living water. You are custom made for today and God has great plans for you. And remember they do not have to be big things. Stay faithful in the little things and patiently pursue His righteousness and plans one small step of faith at a time. In God's economy small is big and slow is fast. Keep pursuing faithfulness to the little things and God will lead you and us to His greater things. Amen! God has sent us to be His bringers of Good News, hope and help. Who needs some help, encouragement and some Good News today? Pray into that and ask God how He wants to use you to go bless. Then follow Him. That is where we find life abundant! Living Christ daily is God's best! So live Christ today and incarnate Him and His love. Amen! Rejoice! Be faithful always because He is faithful!

You can use your own Bibles, prayer time and devotionals today to draw close to God. He's singing over you and speaking to your heart. What's He saying? Who needs to hear that? Go! Live and love more like Jesus today! Know true joy and peace as you do! Thanks Lord! Come!

Posted by: AT 01:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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