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Saturday, October 05 2024
Sarah Prayer updates below
Today Zoom Huddle at 10-11 all welcome: Link: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Today Noon and 6:30 pray with Revival Church for Light in the Night Trunk or Treat. Link: 
Topic: Light in the Night Prayer Call Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet every Tues at noon and/or 6:30 PM 
 Join Zoom Meeting   Meeting ID: 985 238 1129 Passcode: prayer
Wed Noon EC Day of Fasting and Prayer led by our Bishop: 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 9950 0308

Passcode: 196504

Good Morning Resting in the Lord Faithful Worshipers--Overcomers!
Jesus calls to us weary travelers to come find rest in Him as we put on His easy yoke. That easy yoke is your custom fitted purposes joined to Jesus as you plow with Him. It's a joy and pleasure as we rest in Him and allow Him to lead and use us. We are custom made, custom gifted, Holy Spirit empowered and yoked to Jesus to go live and love like Him. And that grows daily as we rest in Him and grow in relationship and obedience. Amen! What joy and peace we can know as we don that easy yoke daily no matter our circumstances. Jesus sees, knows, calls and helps always. Rest in Him today! That is an act of worship! Stop striving in your own strength. Die to self and take up cross daily as you follow Jesus to your daily assignments. Amen! Put on God's armor in prayer and ingest His Living Word to sustain, train, and protect you.  Allow Jesus to grow your faith as you dwell in Him and bring Him alive and experience His ever-loving, ever-present help and love. Let go of all bitterness. Offense is one of Satan's most used weapons. Be aware of that and root out all bitterness as you forgive, let go and follow Jesus. And remember, often our faith is activated one step at a time as we commit to take the next step with Jesus. Amen! He has great plans for you today. Rest in Him. Put on that armor and yoke and commit to follow well. Then celebrate and rejoice at who He is and His great plans as they come alive in and through you! We are on our way to become God's dynamic movement. Don't grow weary! Keep taking that next step in faith and watch for the abundant fruit to grow that has already begun to bud. Ask God to unite you with the partners He has for you for accountability, encouragement and prayer as you co-labor for His Kingdom. Praise God for He inhabits our praise! Start there and rest in His love today as your first step of faith. Watch what He will do! Join Him and go live and love more like Jesus today! Amen!

God’s Provided Protection

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand. Ephesians 6:11

READ Ephesians 6:10-18

My wife and I put hundreds of miles on our bikes each year, pedaling the trails around West Michigan. To enhance the experience, we have some accessories that we’ve attached to our bikes. Sue has a front light, a back light, an odometer, and a bike lock. My bike has a water-bottle holder. In reality, we could ride our route successfully every day and rack up all those miles without the extras. They’re helpful but optional.

In the book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul writes about another set of accessories—but these aren’t optional. He said we must “put on” these things to be successful in living out our faith in Jesus. Our lives aren’t easy rides. We’re in a battle in which we must “stand against the devil’s schemes” (6:11), so we must be well equipped.

Without the wisdom of Scripture, we can be swayed to accept error. Without Jesus helping us live out His “truth,” we’ll give in to lies (v. 14). Without the “gospel,” we’ll have no “peace” (v. 15). Without “faith” shielding us, we’ll succumb to doubt (v. 16). Our “salvation” and the Holy Spirit anchor us to live well for God (v. 17). This is our armor.

How vital that we travel the pathways of life protected from its real dangers. We do that when Christ equips us for the challenges along the way—when we “put on” the armor God provides.

By Dave Branon


What does it mean for you to “put on” God’s armor? What situations are you facing that require His armor the most?

Dear Father, thank You for reminding me in Scripture how I can stand against Satan’s attacks.


In Ephesians 4-6, Paul exhorts believers in Jesus “to live a life worthy of [God’s calling]” (4:1) and not to live like unbelievers (v. 17) whose lives are characterized by “fruitless deeds of darkness” (5:11). Believers are to live a life filled with love as “children of light” (v. 8) because “the days are evil” (v. 16). Concluding his letter, Paul warns his readers of a dangerous, powerful enemy who seeks to destroy them. In combating Satan and his evil forces, believers can stand firm and be victorious if they remain “strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” (6:10). They will be strengthened by God when they “put on the full armor of God” (vv. 11, 13). Most of this armor is defensive, except for “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (v. 17). Christ used the Scriptures to defeat the devil (Matthew 4:1-11).

K. T. Sim
UR: If You Have Faith

Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33 (NIV)

My wife’s grandmother Irene was fond of saying, “If you have your health, you have everything.” Now that I am experiencing various health challenges, I have a better understanding of what she meant. But while being healthy is important, I prefer to say, “If you have your faith, you can face anything.”

Today’s reading from Matthew describes the disciples’ fear during an unexpected storm. They awakened Jesus, who calmed the storm and then rebuked the disciples: “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” I think Jesus was pointing out that as long as he was with them, they could face anything.

We see evidence of this later as these same disciples went through a dramatic transformation. Infused with the Holy Spirit after being instructed by Jesus, they spread the gospel message near and far, fulfilling the Great Commission (see Matt. 28:16-20). They repeatedly faced persecution and danger. Previously fearful and confused, the disciples now displayed tremendous courage, in some cases even dying for the sake of the gospel message.

Their faith in Jesus Christ caused this change.

We will face challenges in our lives, but Jesus is always with us, giving us peace and courage in times of trouble.

Today's Prayer
Heavenly Father, strengthen our faith and give us “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Heb. 11:1). Amen.
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Sarah updates:
Hi Warriors,
Please pray for Diane Huber - Tracy Huber's mother - she is currently in the ER with AFIB. Please pray for the medical team caring for her and also pray for her family.  Pastor Don is going to try and get in to see her tonight or tomorrow.
Jeff - Friend of Dean's - Prayers for him as he has experienced the anniversary of loosing his brother. Jeff is also an EMT and was at the horrific traffic accident on Hamilton Boulevard. Keep him in your prayers....and all our EMT and fire fighters and police officers as they serve our community.
Mike Canfield's father - and family as they are trying to find him placement in an assistant living facility in Florida.  Pray that Dad will see the need for the facility, someone to care for Dad's 2 dogs that he cannot take with him, and prayers of wisdom for the family.
Rodney R - pray for an open placement at an assistant living facility, where he would have more independence. He enjoys music and writing 
Lisa Wenner is asking for prayer for best friend's family. Their mother is in the arms of Jesus, and the family is having a difficult time with her passing
Bert Richards - Pastor Don had to reschedule their visit due to Bert suffering from a bad cold.
Kay Paul's sister, Joanne is in ICU and dealing with cancer.
Prayers for Houston as he has some appointments this week with his medical team. Also keep Gail in prayer as she organizes their week's appointments.
Thanks everyone for praying for these folks in need!
Posted by: AT 01:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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