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Saturday, October 12 2024

Today: Zoom Huddle 10-11 Link:

Pray for Light in the Night with Revival Church Noon and 6:30pm Link:

Tomorrow Donut Day at the Bread Ministry 10-12. Chosen Dinner Huddle 6-8

Sarah Prayer update below--lots of hard things to cover in prayer!

PTL! We will have insurance for when ours expires on the 15th and can stay open! Thanks Lord! And all who helped make this happen! We are still working on having some minor roof repairs but it is in process. Keep praying for God to guide and supply.


Good Morning Persevering, Worshiping in the Storms, Drawing Close to God, Children of the God Who Knows, Cares, Is There and Is Calling You by Name! He is our Help in Times of trouble and our Peace beyond understanding. He is our Redeemer and Deliverer! He is our Friend. Amen! Be still and know and keep worshiping and drawing close!

Man, these times sure feels like a tidal wave of grief, hard times, hurts, fears and uncertainty. If we aren't careful and continue to focus on God, we can easily slip down some deep, dark holes and into depression and hopelessness. BUT GOD! Jesus stilled the storm that was raging. Peter walked on water in the midst of a major storm until He took His eyes off Jesus. As an empathetic person, I feel so deeply for many of you that I pray in tears as I feel like Jesus is weeping with you. I ask for how I can bring comfort and peace into some very hard things! The storms are raging around us for sure and many are in the midst of some very, very hard things. Keep praying for them. I'm here and so is Sarah if you need to chat or pray. We are praying for you. Check out Sarah's prayer email below for just a few to cover and maybe reach out and encourage. God is there always. May we keep our focus on Him! Help me/us Lord to keep our eyes on You in these storms. Deliver us. Heal us in Jesus' name. Bring shalom and strength for our journey. COME! Redeem! Heal and deliver as only you can! Thanks! Use me as your agent of healing, hope and comfort. Come! Amen!

It feels like bad news and heaviness is compounding lately, doesn't it. It's like this heavy wet blanket of despair is hanging over me as many I know are facing very hard medical and life circumstances. Then add to that the weight of the election process and the state of this country and the world and hurricanes. A few years ago we could never imagine the heaviness of the end of times or even think we would experience it. What if this compounding heaviness is the precursor of the end of times? The Bible says that like the increasing intensity of birth pangs we can expect an increasing of some very hard things as the end draws near. Are you able to keep you eyes fixed on things above and persevere in faith until your race is complete? Just as we prepare for coming storms, we need to prepare our hearts and minds to choose to always, no matter what, keep our focus on Jesus in the storms lest we sink below the waves. Don't be caught off guard! The Boy Scout motto is be prepared. Are you?

God sees you, knows you, loves you, and is calling you by name. You are His and He promises to redeem. He may not always deliver us from the storm or it's aftermath, but He promises to walk with us through it. Keep focused and keep worshiping. We have the ability to choose joy in all things. Not for them but the joy that comes from a faith that knows God is with us and working all things together for the good of those who believe and are called according to His purposes. Amen! Our Daily Bread reminds us to run to Jesus always and the Upper Room reminds us of the hope we can find in Christ. The Word for You Today has been teaching about Satan's schemes and how he is trying to drag you down and away from God. Choose faith instead and PUT ON GOD'S ARMOR IN PRAYER TODAY. I've been studying about hope the past few weeks. We know or can choose hope always. Start by studying God's promises that are always true. Pray with thanksgiving and get out those gratitude lists we have been working on because God does inhabit our praise and praise helps to change our focus away from the storms and back to God who is with us always.

I'm here and so are some of your friends. Lean on God and us. Reach out and bless, encourage and pray for someone today. Who has God put on your heart that needs some hope, joy and peace right now. Go! Love like Jesus and stand strong in Him always! Amen!

5 Prayers for Difficult Days by Kin Butts: 5 Prayers for Difficult Days, Seasons and Situations

5 Prayers for Difficult Days, Seasons and Situations

Sarah Update:

Good evening, warriors......

There are many that are in need of our prayers.....

Today, we received a few that are really struggling:

Chris Muiks is requesting prayer for his sister, Linda, that we have been praying for....she has been released

from the hospital, and now has received the news that her son-in-law, Jeorge, who was only 34 years old, was

killed in a motorcycle accident in Bethlehem.   Let's please pray for Linda, and her daughter Lauren and her 

children, during this very difficult time.

Mike Laise - is requesting prayer for his father.  Mike's father has learned that his cancer has returned, and it

is now in his lungs.  Prayers for his medical team and the family as they support him during this challenging time.

Pray for those down south, that are feeling the effects of Hurricane Milton.  Mary Lou's son and wife are trying to work

their way out and travel inland to other family members.  Highways are jammed and in gridlock.  Prayers for a safe travel, and that all may be able to get out of the pathway of the storm, to safety.

Diane Huber/Schwenk - she is waiting on an upcoming doctor appointment, on the 14th of October.

Prayers for her medical team as they are working on a plan to help her through this difficult time. Also keep

Brittany and Tracy in your prayers as they support her.

Houston and Gail will meet with his medical team, to hear what is next....and what will be the best treatment

plan for Houston.  Keep this meeting in your prayers and for family also, as they support one another.

Thank you warriors, for lifting these folks up in your prayers!

Have a great 'sleep' and a good Tuesday!



Posted by: AT 12:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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