Good Morning Worshipers! May all we do be an act of worship poured out before our awesome God from hearts sold out and on fire for Him and His glory! Amen! Yes PTL! Rejoice! May all we think, say and do be an act of worship. May our lives lived well in Christ be a sweet aroma to God and draw many from the stench of this world. Pour out your life and praise before God today as you prepare to come and worship in Spirit and Truth. Enter His courts with praise and thanksgiving! Cry out for revival for you, us, His Church, our communities and this nation. May we be His people who repent, turn from our wicked ways, humble ourselves in worship and obedience and walk in His ways that He would come and even use us to restore this land. Come! May He come and inhabit our praise this morning and fill us with His Spirit and Love to overflowing! May we shed the old and step more fully into our new in Christ nature and invite Him to use us for His glory. It's time for surrender and earnest praise and living! Come Lord! Use us as You have planned from long ago for such a time as this! Holy Spirit activate Your people! Come! Amen!
Last night Karen and I had an awesome night of worship, praise, repentance, prayer and dwelling in the Holy Spirit's presence during an amazing concert! May that overflow to today and continue through us as we offer ourselves as an offering to God. May He refine, prepare and send us into the harvest. May we have many stories to share of how God moved in, through and around us to revive us and our community. May this overflow as He builds a house of prayer in our building. He has great plans for you and us for such a time as this--custom made plans from long ago. Amen! Come Holy Spirit. Ignite a fire in me, us and all who gather to worship and prepare us to go in Your name to bring revival to this nation. Come! Fill us! Prepare us! Send us! Amen!
Yesterday was quite the day for me of abiding, learning, worshiping and inviting Jesus to come do His thing in through and around me and us. I spent some time in learning, encouraging and prayer with some church planters and disciple makers late yesterday morning. That time flowed from my morning worship, blog writing and sermon refining. That led to an afternoon of resting in the Lord before heading to the concert. I expect all of that to overflow into my day today and our worship. God is speaking and moving and He wants you to join Him in the plans He has for you today and this week as you prepare your hearts and feet to go and love like Jesus. Amen! Come! I'm praying for you and us to become the people God created us to be and to be doing all He has for us for such a time as this. Prepare yourself to be His vessel of revival and worship! I can't wait to see all He has for you and us and the stories He is writing for each of us to share. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and He lives in me/us! PTL! May His way come alive in and through us as we earnestly pursue Him and offer our lives as a sacrifice of praise! COME! May we glorify You and Your holy name, Jesus! Amen!
Here are some devos that thread through this and all God is and will do as we offer ourselves to Him and live our lives as an act of worship. He will inhabit our praise and lead us to His perfect plans. Be still, know and follow as you surrender all for His glory. It's time to pour ourselves out like a drink offering before the Lord! It's time for revival and for Jesus to come! Are you ready for both? Let us prepare to follow Him together as each of us earnestly steps into our custom made parts. May we encourage, spur each other on, pray like crazy, travel together and build His Kingdom! All for Your glory Lord! May God pour His Spirit out upon us and use us well for His glory as we worship, praise and follow Jesus! Come! Amen!
What is God saying to you--leading you todo? What will you do about that? Who are your partners? What story is He writing through your life lived well in Christ? Let's talk about, process, pray into and plan to go live and love like Jesus! More of You and less of me Lord! Come!
Sarah Young:

Joyce Meyer:

The Word for You today:

Charles Stanley:

Upper Room: God Always Listens
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. - Psalm 23:4 (KJV)
In 1985 my father was suffering from pneumonia. The doctor told me to contact my relatives, but I had no way to reach them. I was young and in my last year of school, and my father was our family’s primary income earner. I was unsure what I would do if he did not recover. Late that night, the doctor told me that my father’s condition had deteriorated and he might not survive. I was shaken and broken, and I felt alone.
My parents always taught me to trust in the Lord and to pray earnestly because God listens and answers our prayers. So I knelt by my father’s bed, read Psalm 23, and prayed, “Lord, I am too young and helpless to take care of my family. I love my father, and I know he is very sick. But you are a kind and loving Lord who can do anything. Please give my father five more years to live.”
When I awoke the next morning, my father’s condition had improved. He was discharged days later, and he lived for 10 more years. I completed my academic degree and started working so I could help support the family and give my father all the comfort I could.
When we pray, God answers us.
Today's Prayer
Dear God, thank you for listening to all our prayers and for loving us unconditionally. Amen.
Our Daily Bread:
You may have seen or heard some variation of this saying: “If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together.” It’s a lovely thought, isn’t it? But is there any solid research to reassure us that these words are not just lovely, but true?
Yes! In fact, one such study by British and American researchers demonstrated that people estimated the size of mountains as significantly smaller if they were standing with someone else as opposed to when standing alone. In other words, “social support” matters—so much so that it causes even the size of mountains to shrink in our minds.
David found that kind of encouragement to be both lovely and true in his friendship with Jonathan. The jealous anger of King Saul was like an insurmountable mountain in David’s story causing him to fear for his very life (see 1 Samuel 19:9-18). Without some sort of support—in this case his closest friend—the story could have been drastically different. But Jonathan, “grieved at his father’s shameful treatment of David” (20:34), stood by his friend. “Why should he be put to death?” he asked (v. 32). Their God-ordained friendship bolstered David, allowing him to become Israel’s king.
Our friendships matter. And when God is at the center of them, we can spur each other on to do greater things than we might imagine.
By John Blase
Where are you finding your social support? Who can you support with your friendship?
Thank You, Father, for those You’ve placed in my life who’ve kept the mountains in perspective.
The friendship between David and Jonathan was one that withstood the test of time and circumstances. Jonathan risked his life to go against his own father, King Saul, in order to protect David (1 Samuel 20). As the heir to Saul’s throne, Jonathan didn’t see David, his brother-in-law, as a political rival, but chose to forge a deep friendship with him (vv. 12-17). Jonathan encouraged David by assuring his safety and making a covenant to affirm David as king (23:17-18). David promised Jonathan that even after his death, he would treat his family with love and unfailing kindness (20:14-17, 42). After Jonathan died in battle (31:1-2), David ordered the people of Judah to remember Jonathan as their hero in a national song (2 Samuel 1:17-27). David also honored this friendship and took care of Jonathan’s disabled son, Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9).
K. T. Sim |
Praying For Transformation In Schools And Universities
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV).
Only one-third of young adults believe they know a caring adult who believes in them. A huge percentage of Generation Z is missing a biblical worldview. Reports also show a high percentage of young people who grew up in church walking away from their faith when they leave their homes either to go to college or enter the workforce. The next generation needs our prayers!
But we have seen God move and there is great hope among our schools and college students! Most of us heard about the Asbury revival and the effect it had on students at other colleges across, not only the nation but the whole world. Here is a hope-filled commentary: “What’s happening at Asbury is not everything but it is something, and right now we need something to shock the system so that this generation can experience for themselves the life-changing power of God,” wrote the founder of 24-7 Prayer International Pete Greig. “We need repentance and holiness. We need the kind of outpouring of the Spirit on campuses that can incubate and detonate a new generation to preach the gospel with greater confidence, fight injustice with greater defiance, and transform society with greater intelligence.”
God of the generations, keep us focused on praying and mentoring our youth. Help the testimonies happening in schools and on college campuses to be more broadly seen across the media so everyone can have hope for the youth! Keep the enemy far from them and guard their hearts and minds in Christ! Thank You, Jesus, that You are on the move in the hearts and lives of young people! Help all believers to run alongside them with encouragement and much prayer!
- Pray Jeremiah 29:11: God knows the plans He has for them – plans for good and not for evil, to give them a future and a hope.
- Pray that when students lack wisdom they will ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach (James 1:5).
- Pray that these young people will trust in the Lord with all their hearts rather than leaning on their own understanding (Proverbs 3:5).
- Pray that in all their ways they will acknowledge God so that He will make their paths straight (Proverbs 3:6).