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Friday, October 18 2024

Today: Bread Ministry 10-12, Chosen Dinner Huddle with Family Ministries 6-8pm

Wagner's update below

Good Morning Fixing Your Eyes on Jesus, Joy-Filled, Encouraging, Co-Laboring Followers of Jesus! Hey that's a mouthful but PTL! That is us or at least we are moving towards being and doing these! Pronounce these over you and us in prayer. Keep working at becoming the people you are created to be and doing what you are created to do for today and for such a time as this. We are teammates, gathered to encourage each other and grow God's Kingdom. He has great plans for us to activate in prayer and action as we seek His Kingdom first, fix our thoughts on things above and follow Jesus! Say this out loud as you proclaim it and enact these in prayer: I am/we are Fixing Your Eyes on Jesus, Joy-Filled, Encouraging, Co-Laboring Followers of Jesus! Amen! 

Check out our devos below that flow through this thinking and truths. IDK why but Go awoke me at 1:30 to discuss these, encourage me and call me to releasing these blessings in prayer and to encourage and spur you on. Lord willing He will allow me some more sleep before I begin my 12+ hour day. He has great plans for me which include being still at His feet, receiving and releasing what He has for me and us today, allowing Him to prepare me to write this blog and then move forward informed as He leads me step by step through this day. He has plans for you custom made for you today too. Talk to Him and your teammates about these and pray into and get busy following Jesus with your eyes fixed on God and His plans.

I've had an amazing day with the Lord already and it's only 3:30am! PTL! Sometimes, like Jesus, I can't resist getting up early and abiding in His presence before preparing for His plans for the day. The neatest part is that this is part of Jesus' easy yoke for me and such a blessing as I seek, trust and work at following each step. It's inviting Jesus to be my Lord and Shepherd and to inform my prayers and choices. I've already spent much time praying for you and for God to bring His plans alive to and through you and our Body. Here's the devos as God ordered them for us today. What's He saying to you? What will you do about it? How might He have you pray? Whose your buddy? Seek first His Kingdom and all kinds of blessings will flow from that and no matter what you are facing or traveling through, He can fill you with joy overflowing! Amen! Receive it and all He has for you today and then follow Jesus with your teammates. Watch for what He's about to do and be ready to join Him as you step into your purposes for today and then just worship. Yes, what joy and peace we can experience today! PTL! Put on that custom fitted easy yoke of Jesus and travel with Him today as that leads to much joy! Amen!

NOW I CAN GO REST AND ABIDE AND REFESH BEFORE I HEAD OUT FOR A GREAT DAY FOLLOWING JESUS! Pray for God to use me well today. Appreciate your prayers! Really need them! Thanks! I am...Fixing My Eyes on Jesus, Joy-Filled, Encouraging, Co-Laboring Follower of Jesus! Yes and Amen! I receive that Lord!


The Speed of Joy

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. John 15:11

READ John 15:9-11


Go at the speed of joy. The phrase dropped into my mind as I prayerfully considered the year ahead one morning, and it seemed apt. I had a propensity to overwork, which often sapped my joy. So, following this guidance, I committed to working at an enjoyable pace in the coming year, making space for friends and joyful activities.

This plan worked . . . until March! Then I partnered with a university to oversee the trial of a course I’d been developing. With students to enroll and teaching to deliver, I was soon working long hours to keep up. How could I go at the speed of joy now?

Jesus promises joy to those who believe in Him, telling us it comes through remaining in His love (John 15:9) and prayerfully bringing our needs to Him (16:24). “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete,” he says (15:11). This joy comes as a gift through His Spirit, who we’re to keep in step with (Galatians 5:22-25). I found I could only maintain joy during my busy period when I spent time each night in restful, trusting prayer.

Since joy is so important, it makes sense to prioritize it in our schedules. But since life is never completely under our control, I’m glad another source of joy—the Spirit—is available to us. For me, going at the speed of joy now means going at the speed of prayer—making time to receive from the Joy-Giver.

By Sheridan Voysey


What saps your joy? How will you rest in the Joy-Giver today?

Holy Spirit, please fill me afresh today with Your love, peace, and joy.


Love, joy, and peace are key words in John’s gospel. In John 15:9-15, love and joy are associated with obedience. One can’t choose joy without choosing obedience: “If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” (vv. 10-11). Love and joy are listed in Galatians 5:22-23 as fruit or evidence of the Holy Spirit’s presence in the lives of believers in Jesus: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Disobedience to Christ’s commands, specifically the command to love, robs us of joy. Empowered by the Spirit, however, we can obey Him, which results in joy that the world can’t give and can’t take away.

Arthur Jackson


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UR: Strength to Move Forward

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. - Psalm 34:18 (NIV)

The moon jellyfish is a fascinating animal. As they swim, their wispy tentacles gracefully trail behind their mushroom-shaped body. When a moon jellyfish loses or breaks tentacles due to injury, it cannot regenerate new ones. Instead, it works tirelessly to reorganize and reposition its remaining tentacles so they are symmetrically spaced around its body, allowing the jellyfish to efficiently navigate the water. The jellyfish’s muscles contract and relax constantly to rearrange its tentacles, a process that can take days.

I think about the losses I have experienced, and I recognize a parallel with the jellyfish. When a loved one dies, we cannot replace them; their loss might shatter us. But as we grieve, we also gradually heal and adjust. We work to bring back stability in our lives and look for strength to move forward. This process takes time and looks different for each person.

The psalmist reminds us of the promise that God will be close to us in our tragedy and heartbreak. As we navigate our grief, we can ask God to strengthen our spiritual muscles and sustain us on the journey. God provides healing and repair for our brokenness and “saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Today's Prayer

Heavenly Father, when our hearts are broken, help us navigate the waters of grief. Sustain us and give us strength as we adjust to new circumstances. Amen. 


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Wagner's update

Greetings Friends,

We’re grateful for your faithful prayers over the last nine weeks as we transitioned back to Kenya, unpacked and re-settled into our “other home”, and started our 28th new beginning at RVA.

New Beginnings in our Kijabe Community
There have been some very noticeable changes in our local community since we left nine months ago. You may remember the incredible devastation from the heavy rains at the end of April this year. Our friends are slowly rebuilding their lives after so much loss. As we’ve reconnected with many of them over the last few weeks, our conversations have been seasoned with hearts of thanks and hope. What a testimony to God’s faithfulness through incredibly difficult circumstances. PRAY for God’s healing comfort in grief and loss, as well as His continued provision of resources as the rebuilding of lives continues.
New Beginnings in our RVA Community
Change is constant on our school campus, whether it’s graduating seniors or the comings-and-goings of staff, new beginnings are always on the horizon. PRAY for new students and staff who recently joined our school community and are still getting settled into the rhythm of life here. As we began this school year, the RVA School Board received nominations for a new Superintendent and will be interviewing candidates this week. PRAY that God will clearly direct them in this decision and bring the best person to lead RVA for the next several years.
New Beginnings in our Dorm
We happily welcomed nine 5th & 6th grade boys into our dorm family at the end of August; two returning from last year and seven brand new to RVA. It has been fun getting to know our boys and their families. Two boys had older siblings in our dorm just a few years ago and we are grateful for the opportunity to continue supporting their families. Considering the huge transition it is to change schools…and…do it away from their parents, our boys are truly amazing rock stars! PRAY for our boys to feel secure, loved, and “at home” as we care for them this year.
New Beginnings in our “Day Jobs”
Brian is excited to be back in the classroom teaching two sections of AP Calculus, working closely with the math department faculty, and helping RVA implement our growth and improvement plans for this 7-year accreditation cycle with the Middle States Association. Missy has started her new TCK administrative role with AIM and joined the education consulting team supporting AIM’s Africa-based families whose children are in a variety of traditional and non-traditional school settings. PRAY for good balance as we serve students and families in a variety of roles both in and out of the dorm.
New Beginnings in our Family
While amidst our own transitions, our three kids and their spouses have been transitioning, too. There have been new beginnings at home (Rachel & family relocated to another state), new beginnings at school (Hannah & Micah started grad school programs), and new beginnings at work (Lynnsi joined Interaction International as a TCK Specialist and is gathering prayer and financial partners with the goal of beginning this support-based ministry position soon). Check-out Lynnsi’s website LW - TCK Specialist to learn more. PRAY for our big kids and all their new beginnings!
New Beginnings in our Students
As our students return from midterm break today, RVA begins our annual Spiritual Emphasis Week (SEW) - five days of focused worship and deliberate teaching from God’s Word. This is often a time when our students experience new beginnings in their faith journey. The theme for this week is “Deeply Rooted” from Colossians 2:7. PRAY for Mr. John Njoroge, a well-known apologetics speaker born and raised in the community near RVA, as he shares with our students. In 2011, John and his wife, Leah, opened Valley Light Home in the town just below RVA that provides residential care for orphans and abandoned children in a family setting. PRAY that our students will not be distracted or discouraged by the evil one who wants to fill their minds with doubt. PRAY that they might know Christ more fully during this time.
“I am about to do something new. It is beginning to happen even now. Don’t you see it coming? I am going to make a way for you to go through the desert. I will make streams of water in the dry and empty land.”   ~Isaiah 43:19
We deeply appreciate your love, care, and prayers in all our new beginnings!

Brian & Missy
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St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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