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Friday, October 18 2024
NOTE: The Rally Day Envelope in your giving box will be used to boost the Family Ministries Fund. This fund is used to buy most of our food, supplies for activities and is being used to purchase stuff for our Trunk or Treat next week. We expect to invest close to or more than $1000. for the Trunk or Treat and we spend anywhere from $150 to over $500 weekly for food and supplies. Thanks for giving! God keeps providing in miraculous ways through your faithful giving and support!
Good Morning Faithful Followers of the Good Shepherd! Amen! May this be so of us Lord! Thanks for being our Good Shepherd! Thank you for the faith You have given us. We do believe! Forgive our unbelief! Move us to grow in faith and following well always. Thanks for the great plans you have for me, each of us and us as Your Body. Your Kingdom come and will be done in, through, and around me and us for Your glory! Thanks! Keep growing our relationships with You and open our eyes and move our feet to what You are doing and have for us. Thanks! Lord send Your Spirit to fill us, counsel us and guide us today. We cast all anxiety unto You and seek to grow in trust as we follow You and see Your faithfulness and good plans come to life. Come! Have Your way with me and us today and glorify Your holy name. We are the flock of the Great and Good Shepherd. Come shepherd us! And lead us to those sheep that need Your rescue and use us to help. Show us Your good plans today and move our feet to join and do our parts. Thanks! Amen!
Today, my devotionals thread through this line of thinking. I love how God does this. He is speaking to some of you too. Be still and know and be open and receive, then trust and obey and follow Jesus to His best plans for you today. He is calling you by name and inviting you to follow Him and into a deeper relationship. How cool! He longs to bring His rest, shalom and joy to you today! Rejoice! Check out the devos below. What's God saying to you? I'd love to hear! 
Last night during the Chosen Dinner Huddle we discussed how God's ways are not our ways and the need to stop leaning on our own understanding of things and His will. We discussed God's three answers to our prayers: Yes, Wait, and No, I've got something better. We discussed how hard it is to keep our focus on God, especially as we move through grief and can't see Him or sense His presence with us and can't understand why. Please, prepare your hearts and minds for the hard times by working on your relationship with our ever-present, caring, God today. Last night we experienced how it must be for God as He grieves with you and your not understanding that He has allowed what He has to to lead to His best plans for you, us and His Kingdom. Man, it hurts sometimes! BUT God! Keep your minds fixed on our Good Shepherd always. He is calling you by name and saying come and allow me to embrace you and walk with you through this dark valley. There are still waters and green pastures to come. His shalom is available. He says, I do have plans to prosper you, even when you can't fathom how "this" is good. He is there with His open arms of love and promised comfort and strength to move forward in faith. Allow Him in and to help. Invite Him in to lead. Remind Him of His promises. Trust and follow your Good Shepherd today--always. Amen! He is worthy f all praise, glory and honor. he has created and gifted you for such a time as this. Dwell in His love and yoke to your Good Shepherd. And receive His peace and strength. I'm praying for you and for God to lead us to His best. May it be so Lord! Come!
 Chuck Swindoll:
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Joyce Meyer:
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Sarah Evans:
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Our Daily Bread:

God’s Provision

Moses said to them, “It is the bread the Lord has given you to eat.” Exodus 16:15

READ Exodus 16:11-19

The world was amazed when four siblings ages one to thirteen were found alive in Colombia’s Amazon jungle in June 2023. The siblings had survived forty days in the jungle after a plane crash, which killed their mother. The children, who were familiar with the jungle’s harsh terrain, hid from wild animals in tree trunks, collected water from streams and rain in bottles, and ate food such as cassava flour from the wreckage. They also knew which wild fruits and seeds were safe to eat.

God sustained the siblings.

Their incredible story reminds me of how God miraculously sustained the Israelites in the desert for forty years, which is recorded in the books of Exodus and Numbers and mentioned throughout the Bible. He preserved their lives so that they would know He was their God.

God turned bitter spring water into drinkable water, provided water from a rock twice, and guided His people in a pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. He also provided manna for them. “Moses said to them, ‘It is the bread the Lord has given you to eat. This is what the Lord has commanded: Everyone is to gather as much as they need’ ” (Exodus 16:15-16).

The same God provides us with “our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). We can trust Him to provide for our needs “according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). What a mighty God we serve!

By Nancy Gavilanes


How have you experienced God’s provision? What are you currently trusting Him for?

Dear God, thank You for providing for my every need.


The children of Israel experienced God’s provision in the wilderness for forty years (see Exodus 16:35; Nehemiah 9:20-21). The Scriptures are full of reminders of how God faithfully provides for us. One great promise is found in the book of Lamentations, a collection of laments over the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians. The bleak collection of poems is full of sadness, but there in the midst of lament and despair we discover a timeless, priceless jewel: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23). Even in seasons of dark lament, God’s faithfulness shines.

Bill Crowder
The Upper Room: God's Good Purposes

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28 (NIV)

A highway that I use to travel to and from work was upgraded several years ago. Despite the promises of an improved motoring experience and reduced commute times, I felt apprehensive and occasionally frustrated by the roadwork. However, the disruption was worthwhile when the completed project resulted in freely flowing traffic. Another upgrade is now in progress, and I have learned to trust those charged with the planning and execution of the work for the final result, despite present appearances.

God’s purposes in our lives, like the roadwork, can appear to be disruptive, inconvenient, and unclear. But when we set aside our misgivings and put our trust in God, Romans 8:28 assures us that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him.” In all circumstances, especially the challenging ones, we can trust that God is working in our lives.

Today's Prayer
Lord God, help us to trust your work in our lives so that we better reflect you to the world. Amen.
The Word for You Today:
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St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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