Today is Clothing Closet from 10-1. Praise God for our volunteers (most are not members). Thank God for His provision and opportunities to be Christ and to show His love and care to neighbors. Pray for unity of the team and for God to move through their ministry, begin some relationships that will lead to a relationship with Jesus.
Tomorrow we worship at 10 in person and on Zoom. Invite some friends (or enemies). Pray for some to come and try us out. Pray we worship in Spirit and Truth and glorify God. Pray for Sarah as she brings the Word.
We are collecting for our Light in the Night Trunk or Treat (Our Rally Day envelopes will be used to fund this and Family Ministries. We can use candy or money to buy needed supplies. Pray that we connect to many neighbors on Friday and begin relationships that lead to a relationship with God. Pray for unity with Revival Church as we serve together. Pray for provision including enough cars to fill our lot. Sign up to help on bulletin board and talk to Pastor Don or Sarah for how you might help.
Pray for next Sunday's brunch and for our Bishop Sizemore who will joining us and preaching. Sign up sheet for brunch is on bulletin board or let Lori know you are coming. Invite some friends for this day of worship, food, fellowship and fun.
Good Morning Drawing Close to God Servants of the Lord! Be still and know, pray, plan and go love like Jesus! He has some amazing things in store for you and us for the rest of the year and beyond as we seek to Become More in '24--more of Him and less of me. Our devotionals for today (below) thread through all of this. God's always speaking and wanting to lead you to His best. PTL! What's He saying to you and what will you do about that? Who is He wanting to partner you with as you go live and love more like Jesus? Pray into that! Be still and know then go!
Keep your eyes on Jesus! Die to self, take up your cross today and crucify self and sin as you prepare to follow Jesus. As you dwell in His loving presence, He will cleanse, purify and prepare you to follow. He is our all in all! But is He the center of your focus and life? Draw close and He promise to draw close to you and walk with you to his best for you. Amen! You are custom made for such a time as this. God has created you, gifted you and placed you right where He wants you. PTL! Ask Him to lead you to His perfect plans for you and for a willing heart. Don't grow weary as you pursue Jesus's best and endure living in this world with all it's anti-God ways and distractions. Persevere! Remember that waiting on the Lord is an active thing as we keep about His business, allowing Him to lead in His timing to His perfect plans for you and us as His Body. It's a time to meditate on His Word, pray, plan with others and keep doing the last thing He led you too until He leads to the next. Keep seeking, knocking, preparing and stepping out in faith with Him as your guide. I often think of Proverbs 3:5-6's reminder to not lean on my own thinking but to allow Him to steer to his best.
There's a lot to digest here. May God draw you close, speak to your heart and direct you to your part in His Good News Delivery Co. Be still and know. Prepare and go. Live and love more and more like Jesus every day and every step of faith along the way. He does have some awesome plans just for you and for us as His Body. He is leading us to become His dynamic movement to transform this world! Amen! Go prepared and in his peace today!
Sarah Young:

As the “voice of the Denver Nuggets,” team chaplain Kyle Speller is most known for his rip-roaring, public address announcing during the championship basketball club’s games. “Let’s go!” he thunders into the mic, and thousands of onsite NBA fans, as well as millions more watching or listening to the action, react to the voice that earned Speller’s nomination as the 2022 All-Star Game PA Announcer. “I know how to feel the crowd and kind of set that home court atmosphere,” he says. Still, every word of his voice artistry—featured also in TV and radio commercials—is to glorify God. His work, Speller adds, is “just doing everything for an audience of One.”
The apostle Paul stressed a similar ethic to the Colossian church, whose members let doubts about Christ’s divinity and sovereignty seep into even their practical lives. Instead, wrote Paul, in “whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17).
Paul added, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” (v. 23). For Kyle Speller, that includes his role as a chaplain, of which he says, “That’s kind of my purpose here . . . and the announcing is the icing on the cake.” Our own work for God can be just as sweet for our audience of One.
By Patricia Raybon
What’s the key factor in your work ethic? How would working as for God change your perspective?
Thank You for my work, Jesus, and inspire me to do it all as for You.
For further study, read How Can I Find Satisfaction in My Work?
Colossians 3:23-24 reminds us of whom we serve: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart . . . . It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Jesus Himself is the ultimate example of living before the audience of One. Notice these statements from Jesus: “My food . . . is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work” (John 4:34). “I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me” (6:38). “The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him” (8:29). In everything He undertook, Jesus had one overarching purpose—to please His Father. That truly is what it means to live before the audience of One. With the Spirit’s help, we can aspire to live out His example.
Bill Crowder |
Chuck Swindoll:

Upper Room: Uniquely Made
You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance. - 1 Corinthians 12:27-28 (NIV)
We have a shelf in our home where we store an assortment of tools. Some are new and others are old. Some require electric power, while simpler hand tools require only arm strength. Together the tools allow us to complete a multitude of projects, ranging from small crafts to home improvements.
These tools remind me how God created each of us as individuals, but made us all in the divine image. God has blessed each of us with specific talents, abilities, and strengths to build the kingdom of God on earth. We are better equipped to serve God and others when we pray, meditate, study scripture, and worship with other believers in the community of faith.
Just as each tool on our shelf was created for a certain task, we as believers can work together in our churches and communities to build strong relationships. We can support others by showing the love God revealed to us through the life of Jesus Christ. And no matter where we are, God shapes us and guides us toward a life of loving service.
Today's Prayer
Heavenly Father, guide our words and actions as we work with others in unity to further your kingdom. Amen.Joyce Meyer

Charles Stanley