PTL! Thank God I'm Forgiven! (TGIF) What are you thankful for about your forgiveness, new life in Christ and eternal destiny. Thank God and talk to Him about those things!
Continue to pray for our Light in the Night Trunk or Treat tonight. Thank God for His provisions and for sending many to experience His love! Pray we light up the darkness!
***Pastor Don's car will be set up and decorated and stocked with candy. Pray for someone to come and man this candy and Jesus' love distribution station. (Let me know if interested!)
Praise God for all our servants! Pray for our Two Peas in a Pod Team for Sunday prep. Pray for many to come and experience great food, fun and fellowship. Invite some friends!
Praise God and pray for our Bishop Randy and wife Carla. He is joining us Sunday and bringing God's Word.
Good Morning Forgiven, Very Loved, Created-for-Such-A-Time-As-This, Good News Delivery Company! God is for us and with us! PTL! He has some great custom made plans just for you today. Rejoice! He has a part for you in His Good News Delivery Co. called St. Matts! Thank Him for your part and talk to Him about what your part is and what to do today. Thank Him for His agape (sacrificial) love! Ask for help to go and love like Him. I love how He is preparing and using us and sending servants from the incoming harvest! PTL! Thank God for His easy yoke prepared just for you. Pray it on and ask to stay instep with our Shepherd as He plows, plants and harvests. Ask God to inform your prayers and direct your steps today. YES, thank God we are forgiven, very loved servants! Ask Him who your co-laborers are and start praying, preparing and serving together!
We have a long and busy weekend ahead--one that God has prepared us for and led us to. PTL! Pray for His love, protection, provision and direction to come and overflow from us. You are God's masterpiece, made new in Christ to do the things He prepared for you from long ago (Eph. 2:10) PTL! As we fix our thoughts on things above, repent of doing things our way, and submit to Him and His ways, He will direct our steps and use us to sow lavishly and reap much good fruit. PTL! The cool part is you get to just be you because you are made for such a time as this and empowered to go, as you are, to represent our Lord and Savior. He has given you His Spirit to intercede for you, prepare you, empower you and guide you to those plans. That just leads me to worship! What love and grace! That leads me to pray more for you and us and for us to continue to seek Him, die to self, take up cross daily and follow Jesus well. I'm just gushing with joy as I see all that God is doing and beginning to discern His plans for me and us that will lead to many coming to know and love Him and be trained to go and make Him known! Please keep praying into that and preparing to follow Jesus well. His greater things are on the way! This is the year of the Lord's favor! PTL and step into His favor and plans for you.
I'm going to just share our devos for today below and Harvest Prayers blog. What's God saying to you and what will that mean for your choices today? He is with you--always, even when we don't see it or try to run from Him. His love pursues us. PTL! He's always at work and often behind the scenes to bring his perfect plans to life in His perfect timing. PTL! Keep your thoughts fixed on Jesus and your feet following Him! He does hear and always answers our prayers--sometimes yes, sometimes no and sometimes wait. Trust Him and commit to being fully His today--always! He does have some amazing things awaiting you and us. May we be earnestly pursuing his best in his timing for His glory. Amen! I'm praying for you and us to become His dynamic movement of disciple makers, as we continue to deliver His Good News. Amen!
Sarah Young:

Our Daily Bread:
Julie and Liz kayaked off the coast of California, scouting for humpback whales. Humpbacks are known for being active near the surface, making them easy to spot. The two women got the surprise of their lives when one surfaced directly underneath them. An onlooker caught footage of their encounter that showed the large mouth of the whale dwarfing the women and their kayaks. After briefly going underwater, the women escaped unharmed.
Their experience offers perspective on the biblical account of the prophet Jonah being swallowed by a “huge fish” (Jonah 1:17). God had instructed him to preach to the Ninevites, but because they’d rejected God, Jonah didn’t feel they were worthy of His forgiveness. Instead of obeying, he ran away and took passage on a ship. God sent a dangerous storm, and he was thrown overboard.
God provided a way to preserve Jonah from certain death on the high seas, sparing him the far-worse consequences of his actions. Jonah “called to the Lord” and God listened (2:2). After Jonah admitted his wrongdoing and expressed his praise and acknowledgment of God’s goodness, he was—at His command—expelled from the fish “onto dry land” (v. 10).
By God’s grace, when we acknowledge our sin and express faith in Jesus’ sacrifice, we’re spared the spiritual death we deserve and experience new life through Him.
By Kirsten Holmberg
When have you “run away” from God? How have you experienced new life through Jesus?
Dear God, I acknowledge my sin and thank You for providing for me a new life through Jesus.
The Upper Room: Behind the Scenes
Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. - Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)
I had planted some butternut squash seeds. But while all my other crops were growing, the squash was not.
Sunday afternoon, I had lost all hope for the seeds. That day I was feeling tired and hopeless because I had not attained certain goals for my life. For many years I had cried over my pain and regrets, but I did not want to cry this time. As the sun was setting, I decided to water the seeds one last time. I carried a bucket filled with water and walked toward the garden feeling depressed. As I approached the grounds, lo and behold, the seeds had sprouted.
I was amazed. It had never occurred to me that God was working behind the scenes. Tears flowed down my face like a river. I was filled with joy, gratitude, and hope. When I thought all was lost, God was working. When situations arise that take away our joy and leave us hopeless, we can rest assured that there is always hope in God, who renews our strength.
Today's Prayer
God our Father, when we have lost all hope, strengthen our faith and hope in you. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
Joyce Meyer:

The Word for You Today:

Harvest prayer:
Praying For President
“May all kings bow down to Him and all nations serve Him.” (Psalm 72:11 NIV).
In 1986, Ronald Reagan made a speech to the American people, saying: “To preserve our blessed land we must look to God...It is time to realize that we need God more than He needs us...We also have His promise that we could take to heart with regard to our country, ‘If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.’
Let us, young and old, join together, as did the First Continental humble heartfelt prayer. Let us do so for the love of God and His great goodness, in search of His guidance and the grace of repentance, in seeking His blessings, His peace, and the resting of His kind and holy hands
on ourselves, our nation, our friends in the defense of freedom, and all mankind, now and always. The time has come to turn to God and reassert our trust in Him for the healing of America...Our country is in need of and ready for a spiritual renewal. Today, we utter no prayer more fervently than the ancient prayer for peace on Earth.
If I had a prayer for you today, among those that have all been uttered, it is that one we’re so familiar with: ‘The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace...’ And God bless you all.”
Father, for many of us it is difficult to know how to pray in these days leading up to the election. Your Word says to pray for those in authority, so we continue to pray for our President – that You will turn his heart towards Your plans and purposes. Protect him from evil and harmful influences, and turn his heart completely over to You. We know that whoever is in the White House is not as important as that You are the true Commander in Chief and in ultimate control over our nation.
- Pray for God to move powerfully in the hearts and lives of our Presidential
- Pray that God will give wisdom and discernment to our President and those who advise him in this critical season.
- Pray that God will give His people eyes to see and ears to hear as His Spirit guides us in the midst of this election season.
- Ask God to protect our Presidential candidates and their families as tensions and divisiveness cause open hostility among the different political parties.
- Ask God to raise up the person who will lead our nation in righteousness, looking to Him for guidance.
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