DONUT DAY! 10-12 and Chosen dinner huddle 6-8 today! Come! Taste and see that the Lord is good! Bring some friends!
Good Morning Denying Self, Filled, Prepared, Sent Followers of the Good Shepherd! Oh, man how He loves, pursues, cleanses, fills, prepares and uses us! What Love! PTL! This morning I awoke and sat at Jesus' feet. I am cleansed, filled and ready to follow my Shepherd to whatever He has for today. Are you? He has great plans for me and you today! Maybe allowing Him to use you at Donut Day or as part of the Chosen dinner huddle tonight or maybe in a myriad of other ways. Draw close. Listen. Die to self. Receive Him, His help, refining, and directions. Then go and allow Him to live and love through you today. Live Christ! Incarnate Him, His Love and the joy of your salvation! We are sent to bring His Kingdom and ways alive. And He goes with us and uses us for His glory and the good of us and many others! Yes Rejoice. Prepare. Then Go! He wants to write a new story of His love, grace and mercy through you. Will you allow that? Are you ready? I'm praying so! It's so cool to watch what he has planned and participate in what He has for you each day! It's His sweet spot! And what joy we find dwelling in Him and walking in that custom prepared sweet spot! Check it out and share that story with us and others! Joy, joy and rejoicing in the Lord and His goodness! Amen!
Yes, I'm a bit pumped up this morning! God is so good and kind and speaking, directing and filling me to overflowing. He wants to do the same for you! Turn off the noise and chaos and walk in and follow His peace today. He created you for such a time as this and is longing to live and love through you and bring His joy alive! Check out our devotionals and how Gid spoke to me as he led me through them this morning. What's He saying to you? What will you do about that? Who are your teammates that pray, encourage, help process and hold your feet in the fire. We all need each other as we grow as His Good News Delivery Company that brings revival and new life alive and helps others meet and walk with Jesus! Amen!
Consider joining one of our huddles or talk to me about starting a new one. We grow as friends, in prayer and encouragement and fellowship as we study and spend tine together processing what the Holy Spirit is teaching and leading to. Pray for me as I am entering two training opportunities that will flow to some of you after the new year. Ask God what His plans are for you and pray for opportunities for us to work on discipleship and disciple making and being His Good News and joy bringers. Talk to me or Sarah about what you are hearing and being led to. let's get active and bring to life Jesus and His plans together and for His glory alone! Amen!
Here's a link again to the prayer challenge we will focus on the next five weeks. Start here today as you humble yourself and receive and release His Kingdom in prayer and power. For many if us our role in His Good News delivery Co. is that of prayer warrior. Step earnestly into that powerful position!
Think about what Jesus is saying and wanting to do in and through you as your prayerfully engage with our God as you prepare to work through the devos with the Holy Spirit in you.
Sarah Young
Two friends were shopping for a laptop in an electronics store when they ran into basketball great Shaquille O’Neal. Aware that O’Neal recently suffered the loss of his sister and a former teammate, they empathetically offered their condolences. After the two men returned to their shopping, Shaq approached them and told them to pick out the nicest laptop they could find. He then bought it for them, simply because they saw him as a person going through a difficult time and was moved by their kindness.
Millennia before that encounter, Solomon wrote, “Those who are kind benefit themselves” (Proverbs 11:17). When we consider others’ needs and do what we can to help and encourage them, we’re rewarded ourselves. It may not be with a laptop or material things, but God has ways of blessing us that this world can’t measure. As Solomon explained just one verse earlier in the same chapter, “A kindhearted woman gains honor, but ruthless men gain only wealth” (v. 16). There are gifts from God that are worth far more than money, and He measures them generously in His perfect wisdom and way.
Kindness and generosity are part of God’s character, and He loves to see them expressed in our own hearts and lives. Solomon summed up the matter well: “Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” (v. 25).
By James Banks
How has God shown kindness to you? In what ways can you show His love to others today?
Dear God, I love Your kindness. Please help me to become more like You so that I may share Your love in practical ways.
Proverbs 11 contrasts the righteous, those in alignment with God’s ways, with the wicked who choose evil and cruelty. This chapter emphasizes that wickedness and evil are self-destructive: “The wicked are brought down by their own wickedness” (v. 5); “the unfaithful are trapped by evil desires” (v. 6); “the cruel bring ruin on themselves” (v. 17). The principle that living as God intended results in flourishing is at the heart of the book of Proverbs. Other portions of Scripture like Job and Ecclesiastes nuance the picture to recognize that often the righteous suffer greatly even as the wicked seem to flourish. But Proverbs emphasizes that pursuing evil is shortsighted and self-destructive. Following God’s ways, however, leads to deep joy and abundance. Proverbs 11:19 puts it this way: “Truly the righteous attain life, but whoever pursues evil finds death.”
Monica La Rose |
UR: In All Circumstances
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. - 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)
A year and a half ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. In the past I have tried to trust God in all circumstances, but I frequently still hung on to my worries and even wanted to tell God exactly how to fix things. But this time was different. I gave it all to God.
Even though I wanted to be around to see my grandchildren grow into adults and spend more time with my family, I left my circumstances in God’s loving hands. I didn’t ask God for a cure. Instead I asked for God’s help in accepting whatever happened with my treatment. No matter what, I was grateful for my time on earth.
I felt profound peace in trusting God and wasn’t anxious about the outcome of my treatment. After some time, I found that I was able to give thanks even with my diagnosis. I did not want cancer, nor would I wish it on anyone else. But it helped me to focus on what truly matters. It also taught me greater empathy for others facing serious health issues. I experienced the peace that comes from truly giving my troubles to God.
Today's Prayer
Loving and compassionate God, help us to trust you and give thanks in all circumstances. Amen.TWFYT
Charles Stanley