Wagner's Update below
Good Morning Abiding in the Vine Fruit Bearing Branches! Proclaim that. Pray into that. Determine to earnestly pursue that for you and us and with some teammates! That is God's plan for us and He is bringing it alive, even through some hard things many of us are facing and persevering through. We thrive through THE Vine! PTL!
I really intended to not do any blogs this week of vacation...BUT GOD! We haven't left yet on our whirlwind 20th anniversary trip--soon though. ("There's that word again!" You know what I mean of you have been watching the Chosen--"soon") Yesterday we discussed preparing (and Preparation H! ) and waiting for God's prophetic words to come to life. We were reminded that preparing involves being available, faith, waiting and moving with the Lord, and works best with teammates. When I discussed and prayed to have the faith of Mary when she said, "Be it as you say. I am the Lord's servant." (some translations say "Be it unto me according to your Word." Check out that song today below) I was earnestly praying with an open heart, as I often do, to have a faith like Mary's and to be found acceptable and able to receive God's favor. Try praying like that sometimes. God hears and is pleased to answer. This morning as I began my quiet time I had an encounter with God that was similar to the one I had almost 23 year ago when I surrendered my life to God and invited Jesus to come have His way with me and transform me into His image. It was like a new day had dawned. I'm not saying it was quite like Mary's encounter with Gabriel, but it is going to be life changing and is affirmation that I am on the right track and finding favor with God. I don't think words can adequately explain this. You have to experience yourself to fully understand. Much like how we can't explain to an atheist what it's like to know that we know that we know that Christ lives in our hearts and is at work. I have much to process yet and expect that o happen as I engage with some of you and Karen over the next few weeks. Know this: God has some amazing things ahead for some of us as we come alive in '25! Pray into it and offer yourself like Mary did to God. "Here I am Lord! Have at it!" And then watch, listen, receive and prepare to be used in mighty ways as God's Spirit overcomes you and us and births some new things that will change us and the world around us.
If you are feeling a pinch right now, know this...I have prayed for you by name and God is calling you by name to come and see and join us for what's next. If you are feeling pinched pray and reach out to me when you now God is calling you to the next things as teammates. You are made for more. God has redeemed you and is calling you by name. Be still and know and pray and go as he leads. revival is coming and he has plans for our Body to truly become that Good News Delivery Co and the disciple makers He has gathered and prospered us to become. Now your job is to pray, offer yourself and listen. Then take that first step of faith. God has some custom made plans just for you for such a time as this! Receive them and step into them with me and some friends as we follow God to the future and hope He has promised.
Be It Unto Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rr7TyFEJPOo
Made for More: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZACPHTT8II
OK, so as I begin to unplug and prepare for a week of recharging and fun with Karen, I know there is much more ahead for those willing to step into it. But I also felt God wanted me to share His love and remind some of you that He knows exactly what you are going through right now. He is there waiting to walk with you to the other side and his better plans. He is with you in this dark valley and walking beside you. He wants to hold your hand and strengthen your heart. Trust Him! There are still waters and green pastures ahead. Be still. Breathe out the darkness and hurt and breathe in a fresh breath of the Spirit. reach out to some teammates to help hold you up and to walk with you. God has already redeemed you and will this situation as you invite Him in and allow Him to. He wants to restore your soul and lead you forward. Let Him. Seek Him. Cry out to Him. He is there with open arms. he is running towards you. Run to Him! I'm praying for you and Sarah and I and others are here for you. Reach out to God and us.
Our devotionals today thread through all of the above. Do you see it? What's God whispering to you and what will you do about it. Faith and love are action words that come to life as we step into God's arms and open our hearts to His amazing grace. The Christmas season is all about God doing something about our deepest needs and hurts. He came and He is still here. Receive Him as you open your hands and say out loud, "I receive Your love and help. Come!" Can you feel His heart beating inside you? Focus on Him and allow Him to lead you to those still, refreshing, life giving waters. Amen!
I'm praying the name of Jesus over you. Receive Him as you meditate on this and pray His name over some others with this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV4sYN173HY
Please begin with this passage and really engage with God through these devos. It's all I'm sending this week and it is God's Word for you. Dwell in it and His love and sink your roots into His Living Water! Amen!
It was a long day at the hospital. Still no answers to the sickness that afflicted a young, bright nineteen-year-old. Arriving home, the family felt discouraged. To their surprise, a nicely decorated box sat on the step with Isaiah 43:2 printed on the front. Inside, were assorted encouraging Bible verses that friends had written out by hand. The next hour was spent being encouraged by Scripture and the thoughtful gesture of the family’s friends.
People going through tough times or family challenges can always use a heartfelt boost. Scripture—either a large portion or just a verse—can encourage you, a friend, or family member. Isaiah 43 is filled with little bits of encouragement—received either individually or as a whole. Consider a few choice thoughts: God has “created you,” “formed you,” “redeemed you,” and called you “by name” (v. 1). God “will be with you” (v. 2), He’s “the Holy One of Israel,” and He’s our “Savior” (v. 3).
As you consider the promises of God, may they encourage you. And as He provides what you need, you can encourage someone else. The verse box didn’t cost a lot, but its impact was priceless. Even after five years, some of those verse cards are still cherished by the family.
By Brent Hackett
What other promises can you find in Isaiah 43? Who can you share a promise card, text, or email with today?
Dear God, I thank You today that the Scriptures are full of promises, and that I can be encouraged even by one verse at just the right time.
For further study, read Stay Alert and Walk with Your God.
Isaiah prophesied during the reigns of four kings of Judah (Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah). Ancient Jewish and Christian writers say that Isaiah was “sawn asunder”—perhaps being the incident referred to in Hebrews 11:37.
The book of Isaiah is the first of the “major” prophets. The Major Prophets are distinguished from the Minor Prophets mostly based on their length, with the Major Prophets being substantially longer than their smaller counterparts. Isaiah is the sixth longest book in the Bible. One of its distinguishing characteristics is that it contains a substantial amount of messianic prophecy. Isaiah is quoted (or alluded to) in the Gospels alone more than twenty times. In John 12:40, for example, the apostle John quotes Isaiah 6:10, then says, “Isaiah said this because he saw Jesus’ glory and spoke about him” (John 12:41).
Bill Crowder |
UR: A Song in the Storm
Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds; rejoice before him — his name is the Lord. - Psalm 68:4 (NIV)
Watching the flashing light fill my bedroom, I listened to the thunder and rain outside my window. Despite the darkness of the storm, dawn was breaking. I could hear birds singing, and my heart was filled with joy. The birds did not allow the stormy conditions to silence their morning song.
The sound of the birds reminded me that behind the clouds the sun was still rising, ushering in a new day. My feathered friends bolstered my faith. No matter what blows through my life, I should never let the conditions stop my praise. No storm could ever stop the sunlight from breaking the darkness of night.
It can be easy to forget the light of God. Frequently I hear people ask, “Where is God in all of this?” When that question rises up in my heart, I quickly remind myself, God is with us — Immanuel. God is our healer. God is our peace. Great is God’s faithfulness.
Storms will always be part of life, but like the birds we can weather the storms by keeping songs of praise on our lips.
Today's Prayer
Ever-present God, you are our shelter during the storms of life. Rescue us from darkness, and bring us into your marvelous light. Amen.
Charles Stanley
Sarah Young
Wagner's Update
Greetings Friends,
“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” ~Psalm 118:1
We ended our first school term back at RVA giving thanks for all God’s goodness – his provision, strength, patience, and grace, as we jumped into another season of life and ministry at RVA. It really doesn’t seem like that long ago (17 weeks to be exact) when we were boarding a plane and heading back to our other home. No wonder we were exhausted and so ready for a slower pace during this school break! |
“But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.” ~Psalm 50:23 |
Looking back over the second half of this term, here are a few reasons for our THANKFUL HEARTS! |
“And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father. ~Colossians 3:17
As a family, we are giving thanks in these ways:
- A car for Micah & Lynnsi: God provided above and beyond what they were dreaming through the generosity of good friends.
- A house for Rachel & Luke: Another answer to prayer as God provided a home of their own to move into just in time to celebrate our grandson’s 1st birthday!
- A community for Hannah & Jamie: God has blessed them with family (2 of Jamie’s siblings, their spouses, and a nephew), as well as good friends from their church to share life together during this season.
“…always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” ~Ephesians 5:20 |
As we head into the Christmas season, we want to especially give thanks for the gift of Jesus and the gift of salvation which is freely offered to all! We give thanks for YOU who so faithfully pray for our family and the ministry of RVA so that the parents of our students can share these gifts and the hope we have in Jesus with those who have never heard this Good News. |
“I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High.” ~Psalm 7:17
“I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” ~Ephesians 1:16 |
Giving thanks for all HE has done and continues to do,
Brian & Missy |