Larry Paul update: This is Larry, I'm home from the hospital after 4 days in ICU, hence no communication from me. Final diagnosis is an unstable angina, not a heart attack. I'm on a low fat, low sodium diet for now, hopefully that will change after meeting with the Cardiologist next week to discuss our next step.
Two requests Sarah received yesterday after worship. (She will send a prayer warrior update today) (Pray for her and Neen as their propane/ heater is not working properly)
First one is for dean marks, his mother fell and was taken to the Macungie Hospital and they are transferring her to Cedarcrest. She has three fractures and a lump on the back of her head. That’s all we know for now.
Second one is for Mark Heninger, his sister-in-law passed away suddenly. Asking for prayer for the family as they go through this difficult time.
This Week:
Wed. is Bread Day 10-12. Come and be blessed as we bless
Sun is new member Sunday as we install new members. and then have 2 Peas in a Pod brunch and fellowship after worship. Bring some friends! Invite someone to come and see.
*It's not too late to join our church if God is moving you to do so. Just let Sarah or Don know and paint a small rock with your family name and maybe a favorite verse to add to our rock covenant altar.
Don't forget our Christmas Eve service Tuesday at 4. After worship for those who need a meal, Karen and I will be hosting a quick meatball and salad dinner time. All welcome but don't let this interfere with family plans. Many have no place to eat after worship as most places are closed.
Good Morning Praying Encouragers, Abiding in Christ, Faithful Followers! May that be us, Lord! Your servants that draw close always, pray without ceasing, abide in Your Love and follow well. Thanks! Come! Help! Have Your way with us and use us for Your glory. Amen! Immanuel! God is with us! PTL!
Karen and I want to thank you for your prayers and thank God for a week of celebrating, fun, shopping, abiding, resting, healing and worship! Despite some rain and colds, we had a great week that was capped off with the birth of our second grandchild, a grandson, Kieran. He was a whopper (19.5" and 9lbs 3oz) and mom and he are doing well. For unto us a son has been given! Amen! Now time to get back at it as we hurtle towards Christmas and 2025. Are you ready?
Today is the day the Lord has made and He is with you working all things together for good. We are reminded in Ecclesiastes that there is a season for everything and that life apart from God is meaningless. We are called to love God, draw close to Him no matter the season we are in, love Him and others and enjoy life. Yesterday Mike reminded us that joy is a choice. It's not the same as happiness which is a result of circumstances but is a choice in spite of circumstances as we trust God, lean on Him and allow Him to help and lead us to the other side. You may not have much to be happy about today, but joy is available as you give it all to God and trust Him to work all things together for good, even when we can't see it yet. And He has prepared some friends to travel with you on the journey. Who are they? reach out for some help.
It was like that for the people of God as they awaited the promised Messiah. Things seemed hopeless, BUT GOD! And when the time was right that baby burst onto the scene with the praises of the heavenly host over that field full of sheep and shepherds. Now not many knew what this meant or even that He had come. There were still years ahead to trust God, wait on Him and choose joy and help each other to stand firm in faith. Times were still dark and hard. BUT GOD was with those who chose to stay close and trust Him. May that be us. We are also reminded that Jesus is the Light of the World that drives back the darkness and He lives in us to light up the world and drive back the darkness. How might He be wanting to use you and us to do that?
I think about the Christmas Giving Challenge. I've heard some stories already of how God is using us to be the Light and Love as we bless others with our $50. Be ready to share your stories or write them out for us to share. We will use some Christmas Eve and some the 29th to recount how God has blessed us as we blessed and helped. We can bring a little Light, Love, Hope and Help to someone in need and be Jesus' hands and feet just as we are where He placed us for such a tine as this. keep seeking Him and watching for who He is sending your way. Maybe keep using that Pray 5-5-5 challenge as you pray for five people for five days a week for five weeks. God sure is using that with me. How about you. maybe He is bringing to mind someone to invite in. Sunday we will be installing our fifteenth new member this year. God heard our prayers and used our invites as we prayed for 12. We are praying for Him to multiply that and send 30 next year. he wants to use you to pray and invite and to fulfill your purpose in His Good News Delivery Co. Do it!
OK, I have to hit the road for a long day of homebound ministry. Check out the thread through my devotionals below. God sure spoke to me and will speak to you as you still yourself, abide with and open heart and then He will send you as your willing feet lead you to His perfect plans for you today. rejoice! Yes this is the day the Lord as made and we get to worship, trust, choose joy and follow well! Amen!
Sarah Young

Chuck Swindoll

An Indiana schoolteacher suggested that her students write notes of encouragement and inspiration for their peers. Days later, when a school tragedy occurred in a different part of the country, their notes buoyed the spirits of their fellow students as they dealt with the resulting fear and pain that something could happen to them too.
Encouragement and mutual concern were also on Paul’s mind when he wrote to the believers at Thessalonica. They had lost friends, and Paul instructed them to hope in Jesus’ promised return to bring their loved ones to life again (1 Thessalonians 4:14). While they didn’t know when that would occur, he reminded them that as believers they needn’t wait in fear of God’s judgment when He returned (5:9). Instead, they could wait with confidence in their future life with Him and meanwhile “encourage one another and build each other up” (v. 11).
When we experience painful losses or senseless tragedies, it’s easy to be overcome with fear and sadness. Yet Paul’s words are helpful to us today, just as when they were written. Let’s wait in hopeful expectation that Christ will restore all things. And meanwhile, we can encourage each other—with written notes, spoken words, acts of service, or a simple hug.
By Kirsten Holmberg
How have you been encouraged by others? How can you encourage someone today?
Risen Jesus, despite my hurts in a messed-up world, please help me to wait on You with hope and faith and to encourage those around me until You come again.
To encourage believers in Jesus who were suffering because of their faith, Paul reminded them of the blessed hope of His imminent return (1 Thessalonians 1:3, 10; 3:13; 4:13-17; 5:1-10). Twice, he instructed them to “encourage one another” (4:18; 5:11). The Greek word translated “encourage” (parakaleō) means “to come alongside”; “to give one the strength and courage to get up and get going again.” It’s like giving a much-needed push to a child’s swing to get it moving. The apostle John used paraklētos to refer to the Holy Spirit, who comes alongside us to be our “Advocate” (John 14:26). It’s difficult to find an equivalent to this Greek word, so it’s translated in several different ways to describe the Spirit: “Helper,” “Counselor,” “Comforter,” “Companion,” or “Friend.” These are all apt descriptions of coming alongside to encourage.
K. T. Sim |
Joyce Meyer

Charles Stanley

UR: Persistent Sparrow
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. - Psalm 31:24 (NIV)
Once, not far from my home, I saw a large flock of sparrows landing on a telephone wire. The line was packed with birds sitting nearly shoulder to shoulder. One bird, late to arrive, could not find a place to perch. With great persistence, it kept fluttering back and forth looking for a spot to sit. The bird finally found a place barely wide enough to accommodate it. That tiny bird did not give up.
This observation made me think about hope. Hope in God is expressed eloquently in Psalm 31. Such hope is rare in our world today, where we so often see violence and division among people. When our society seems to offer us little reason to feel optimistic, are we not more likely to find hope in our faith and its timeless values?
Sometimes when I struggle with difficulties of my own, I might become discouraged and feel overwhelmed. Nevertheless, I can take heart in remembering the persistence of the tiny sparrow and the words of Psalm 31. With God’s help and guidance, I can keep persevering with hope.
Today's Prayer
Dear Lord, may we remember to follow your guidance. May we not be afraid to be hopeful. Amen.TWFYT