Hi everyone,
We had a great day of worship on Sunday. It was so good and encouraging to so many praises that were shared by our brothers and sisters in Christ.......also hearing the ways God encouraged some of us to bring HOPE to some folks in need with the $50 we were using for our Christmas Blessing challenge.
Some of you also felt inspired to give to your money to The Kindness Project.
Many folks have been blessed by St Matthew's church family! May God continue to use us in reaching out to our community to share God's love and hope!
Here are some of the prayer needs/praises shared on Sunday:
Darlene Geiger has asked for prayer for her sister - she will be having a biopsy done and let's pray for the results to be negative.
Kay Paul - continue to keep her in prayer, for healing and strengthening. As we learn more we will let you know. Also keep her family in prayer also.
Kathy's 14 year old granddaughter has a heart condition. Her name is Sophia. We have been asked to pray for Sophia, that her medical team with be able to find ways to help her and that she will be able to physically be able to continue on with her activities that she enjoys.
Lori Rohrer - was in the ER due to being very dehydrated. She is doing better and is at home. Continued prayers for her healing and strengthening.
Kay (Karen's Mom) is asking for prayer for her friend Arlene, who is having upper respiratory problems and has been admitted to the hospital.
Gail L shared that she is praising God for how much better Houston is doing this month, compared to last month. He was able to spend some quality time with his family, during Christmas. In three weeks, they will meet with his medical team to discuss how things are coming along.
Kids Church update: Starting January 19th we are going to start the Armor of God series in Kids church. Each week, the kiddos will learn about a different part of the armor, and there will also be a craft to build the part of the armor that they learned about that week.
We want to encourage the kids to come each week so that they don't miss out on building their entire armor suit!
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Starting next week, many of our activities will start back up for the new year.
Tuesday Huddle at 10:00am starts up on January 14 - via Zoom
Coffee, Donuts, Conversations will be on January 8th from10 - 12pm
Clothing Closet will be opening back up on Saturday, January 18th from 10 - 1pm.
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday January 19th, following our worship service in the
Our next 2 Peas in a Pod Brunch will be January 26th following worship.
Okay, I believe that's all the updates for now......hope you all have a good rest of your evening and a nice and safe New Year's Eve!
Psalm 38:34 Put your HOPE in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path.
He will honor you by giving you the land.
You will see the wicked destroyed.