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Friday, January 03 2025

Fast and Pray: We begin a season of fasting and pray from today through Sunday. How is the Holy Spirit leading you to fast and pray the next few days? Do it earnestly! Maybe fast a meal or two a day? Maybe fast TV or some activity for an hour or two per day? Maybe fast food for the next few days? However you are led to fast and pray, the purpose is to empty yourself of something for a time daily to focus on God in prayer, listening, surrendering, receiving, releasing and contemplating with God. The purpose for our Body is to seek God for His plans for us for 2025 and to offer the first part of the year to Him in surrender and worship and to open space for Him to speak an direct us to His perfect plans. Be still and know. Empty yourself and listen. What's He saying? What will you do about it? Who are you processing with? One other reason is to seek Him for me/us to discern how to start some small groups that He is leading us to start soon. Ask for wisdom to do what He desires with those He is preparing to partner together. Ask for Him to stir some leaders. Pray for wisdom and discernment for me to invite some in to a deeper training and equipping. Seek for His plans and for them to come to life as He stirs us to His new and perfect plans to keep St. Matts growing and producing disciples of Jesus. Thanks! Then let us commit to process together what we are hearing and God is planning. Who are your teammates? What are His plans for a few of you to go live and love like Jesus? Where are some new connection points that will lead us to the 30 we are praying for Him to send in 2025. How does He plan to bring us alive in '25? Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness and He will provide all we need and answer our prayers and direct pour steps. I'm praying for this to be a dynamic time with God as He continues to lead us to become a dynamic movement. Pray for revival for you, us, our area and the nation and for your part in His Good News Delivery Co. to come alive.

Maybe begin with these songs to help you release yourself and focus on God? Maybe use these the next few days to begin your time of fasting as you turn off the noise and focus on God? I know these have helped me to focus this morning.


Make Room:

Crowns Down:

Good Morning Church! I want to encourage you to earnestly pursue God the next few days (all year really). He has created you for such a time as this. He is calling you by name. He has redeemed you. You are custom made for His custom purposes and He has great plans for you and has gathered us as His Body for some special purposes as well. We are His agents of change and vessels of love. Seek Him as you offer yourself to Him to have His way with you. Then let's process this together and with maybe a small group of others and work on bringing to life His perfect plans. I'd suggest using the daily devotionals as you open your Bible and seek Him with open heart and listening ear. He longs to reveal Himself, His plans and fill you with His love and wisdom overflowing. Will you still yourself and seek Him? Please do! I can't wait to process this with you in the next few weeks and to begin some small group ministries that He will use to lead us to some new connection points and His perfect plans! Amen!

Father, we still ourselves and offer ourselves, our church, and this year to you. Come! Fill us. teach us. Stir us, Your Kingdom come and will be done in through and around me and us. We long to glorify you and be about You and Your business of loving people and making disciples. Here I am Lord! Teach me. Prepare me. Send me. Be glorified. Amen!

Posted by: AT 11:38 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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