Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday! Can it be Friday already? The holidays sure have messed up our conception of days. But one thing for sure, very day can be a TGIF day as we thank God for His mercy grace, and forgiveness. Begin your day there--worshiping and overflowing with thanksgiving for all God is and has done for you! Every day we are forgiven! PTL! We are sinners saved by grace! PTL! God loves you so much that he made a way for you to be saved, made right, cleansed and ready for eternity with Him. Amen!
Good Morning Bold and Courageous, Carried By God, Faithful Ones of the Lord! Amen! What blessings we know and get to share because we are so loved and have stepped into His Love! Amen! With the short week, I have much on my Donald's Do List for today and gotta fly. But not before leaving you with some thoughts to ponder and pray through today. God is with you, knows you, calls you by name, loves you beyond measure and carries you when needed. he is our helper and friend and also our Potter that molds and shapes us and uses all kinds of sources for that end. He created us for such a time as this. he gifted and empowered us to change into Christ's image and to be change agents in this world. That all opened up on that cruel cross and became available to you at rebirth. What an awesome God we serve! he never leaves you nor forsakes you and walks with you through the darkest valley an celebrates with you on the highest mountains. PTL!
I've been seeing all these posts about people who couldn't wait to put 2024 behind them. Are you one of those who had a hard year? Well, in my mind, every year is hard, BUT GOD! We know that life will get progressively more vile, evil and dark, yet we know The Light of the World, the Prince of Peace, and our Help in times of trouble. We can and are enabled to choose joy always as we grow in trust that God knows, is with us and is in control. Sometimes we need to just stop and remember that. Sometimes we need the help of others to refocus. Sometimes we need to dig out those gratitude list and begin there and count our many blessings. Instead of focusing on the bad and hard things, what if we refocused to God and His multitude of blessings. Would your year end review be different? Joy to the World and Peace beyond understanding opened up when we received forgiveness and new life. We have something the world can never know because of our faith in Christ and His work for good on our behalf. Trust Him! Count your many blessings. And rejoice--again, I say rejoice, because you are able to choose joy and trust always! Amen!
Check out the devotionals bellow and refocus on god today as we continue our time of fasting and praying. God is right beside you with open arms and he is upholding you in His strong right hand. He has forgiven you and is working all things together for good! PTL! and Amen! What's God saying to you today and who are you processing that with and praying with. he has some teammates just for you and you for someone too. reach out share the love and receive it. You are very loved, redeemed and empowered children of our Savior and the King of the universe! Amen!
Fear woke me at 3 a.m. on the first day of the new year. The year ahead weighed heavily on me, overwhelming me with dread. Illness in the family had long wearied me, and now, thoughts of the future made me afraid. Will more bad things happen? I wondered.
Jesus’ disciples understood the fear of bad things happening. Even though their Master had prepared and reassured them the day before He died, they were still afraid. They fled when He was arrested (Matthew 26:56); Peter denied Him (John 18:15-17, 25-27), and they went into hiding (20:19). Their fear during the upheaval of Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion, as well as of persecution, led them to act contrary to His command to “take heart” and His promise, “I have overcome the world” (16:33).
But Christ’s death and resurrection proved His authority and power over life and death. He has the ultimate victory. Even though the sinful state of our world makes suffering a certainty, we can rest in the truth that all things are subject to the authority of our wise and loving God. Jesus’ presence is with us (16:32-33), just as it was with His disciples, who later confidently went on to share the gospel to the world. May God’s promise that He’s in control strengthen our hearts to trust Him in this new year and be courageous even when we don’t know what the future will bring.
By Karen Huang
What’s your response to difficulty, suffering, and trials? What would “taking heart” look like for you?
Thank You, Jesus, for helping me with my fears and for showing me how to live courageously.
Visit for further study on suffering and trials from the book of Job.
In John 16, as Jesus addressed His disciples’ fears and the grief and suffering that would come during and after His death, it’s noteworthy that nowhere did He suggest they’d be rescued from experiencing fear and pain. As Christ faced death, they’d abandon Him in terror—“leave [Him] all alone” (John 16:32). The grief they’d experience from His death was unavoidable—they’d “weep and mourn while the world [rejoiced]” (v. 20).
Instead of a comfort based on escaping suffering, however, Jesus offered His disciples hope rooted in His resurrection (16:22). They couldn’t avoid the pain they’d experience, but because Christ has “overcome the world” (16:33), their suffering would be like that of childbirth—the pain wouldn’t be purposeless but would “turn to joy” (v. 20)—tremendous joy that “no one will take away” (v. 22).
Monica La Rose |
Sarah Young

Upper Room: In Everything
In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it. - Isaiah 30:15 (NIV)
When I was a child, I often saw Javan munia birds in rural rice fields. Farmers consider these birds pests because they eat the rice. Sometimes farmers shoot at the flock with air rifles. Interestingly, when the birds hear the shots, they panic and bump into each other or get stuck in tree branches, causing their own demise.
When sudden change happens, sometimes I’m just like those birds. I react poorly out of shock and panic, and I run into problems. Once when I heard a rumor, I reacted in panic — only to realize later that the rumor was incorrect. Likewise, often when I heard good news, I would get too excited and make snap judgments that I ultimately regretted.
Then I read Isaiah 30:15: “In quietness and trust is your strength.” Instead of putting panic and emotion first, I learned that it is better to remain calm and trust God. As Proverbs 19:2 says, “Hasty feet miss the way!” So I learned to be still, try to think clearly, and pray. I learned to trust that even if I stumbled, God would not allow me to fall.
Today's Prayer
Dear God, help us not to follow our panic but rather to trust you in all circumstances. Amen.