Tomorrow: We are colleting for Everlasting Life Ministries
Worship with Children's Church at 10
Wed. 1012 is our next donut day at the Bread Ministry. Come and see what God is doing through us!
Annual Congregational Meeting is Sun Jan. 19th after worship in the sanctuary and on Zoom. Remember you must be a member in good standing to vote. (Good Standing is when you attend worship regularly, give, and commune at least 2 of the 4 times a year with us.)
*Congregational reports will be distributed shortly to review before the meeting
Sunday Jan 26th is our next Two Peas in a Pod brunch. Look for sign up sheets or let Lori know you will attend. Brings some friends!
Good Morning Fasting, Praying Servants of the Lord! We have two days left in our season of fasting and praying. What's God been doing in and through you during this time? He's been speaking and directing me and releasing some things in the heavenlies for sure! If you haven't spent any time fasting and praying, I'd like to encourage you to do so today and tomorrow. Maybe skip a meal or turn off TV for a half hour or hour and spend some extra time at Jesus' feet listening, receiving and releasing. We are fasting and praying to offer ourselves, our ministries and our church to God and to invite Him to be our Lord this year. We are seeking and praying for God to direct us to Come Alive in '25, for us to become a dynamic movement, for new connection points and ministry opportunities, for harvest workers, for some small groups to start and for His Kingdom to come and will to be done as He molds and shapes us for such a time as this! He has great plans for you and us as we draw close, invite Him in and allow Him to lead us. Amen!
Today I will list a few devos below for you to engage with or use your own Bibles and whatever for your drawing close to God and listening. The Upper Room reminds us to make room for Him. Sarah Young asks us to start a new habit of proclaiming (and out loud) our trust in God! TWFYT reminds us of the shaking that God is doing in you, around you and this nation for His purposes. Dry Bones are coming to life as His fresh breath of the Spirit moves about. And ODB reminds us that we are created to be givers--of self, time, talents, finances, as they are all gifts given by God to be used for His glory. We are learning to live sacrificially (agape love) and love lavishly (pour ourselves out for others) like Jesus. We receive our marching orders as we still ourselves, offer ourselves and earnestly follow His Spirit. Trust and obey as you receive. That's giving back to God what He's given. All we are asked to do is to do what we can with what we've been given in this season. Seek First His Kingdom and He will reveal, guide and provide all that's needed. Receive it and share it with love and in faith today! And this year! We will be His dynamic movement and we all have a part. What's yours? Ask Him as you empty yourself and open up to receive all He has for you and step out in faith and trust! Amen! I'm praying for you!
UR: Making Room
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near. - Matthew 3:2 (NIV)
There’s something about the new year that feels full of hope and possibility. The anticipation of something new gives me the desire to clear out the clutter and create space — both physically and mentally — for what the year will bring.
John the Baptist was called to prepare Israel for the coming Messiah. He preached a message of repentance, urging people to turn their hearts toward God by clearing their lives of sin and making room to receive Christ. We, too, are called to prepare for Christ because God has work for us to do! We can prepare our hearts by repenting of our sin and giving our lives fully to God — clearing out the clutter that keeps us from following the Lord wholeheartedly.
If we want to see God at work in our lives, we must make room for God’s presence. What clutter do we need to clear from our habits, our schedules, or our hearts to create room for God’s Spirit to move in? God wants to begin something new in us, so let’s anticipate that gift by making room for it!
Today's Prayer
O God, show us what we need to clear from our lives to make more room for you. Amen.Sarah Young


One year, the leaders of our congregation invited us to give gifts, in addition to our regular weekly offerings, to build a new gymnasium—a space we could use to minister to the families in our community. After prayerfully considering the medical expenses caused by living with a disability, I asked my husband, “Are you sure we can do this?” He nodded. “We’re not giving God anything that’s not already His,” he said. “He’ll provide all we need.” And He did! Over a decade later, our church family still has the privilege of serving Jesus by serving people in that facility.
In 1 Chronicles 29, King David showed the leaders of Israel his commitment to support his son Solomon as his God-chosen successor and the builder of the temple (vv. 1-5). Everyone followed suit, “gave willingly,” and “rejoiced” (vv. 6, 9). David praised God and declared that “everything in heaven and earth” belonged to Him (v. 11). He prayed: “Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you” (v. 16).
As we consider all God has done and given to us, specifically the gift of a personal relationship with Jesus, we can express our worship and show our gratitude and love by simply giving back to God, the Giver of all good things!
By Xochitl Dixon
How does acknowledging that all things belong to God change the way you view giving? How can expressing your gratitude through giving change you?
Loving God, thank You for being a generous and faithful provider.
David gathered “all the officials of Israel” (1 Chronicles 28:1) to address the temple project (ch. 28; 29:1-9) and to crown Solomon as king (29:21-25). David provided large amounts of the kingdom’s resources and also gave “[his] personal treasures of gold and silver . . . over and above everything [he’d] provided” (v. 3). Following his example, the leaders also gave their resources “freely and wholeheartedly to the LORD” (v. 9). He then led the whole assembly in heartfelt worship—praising God and extolling His greatness, eternality, power, glory, and sovereignty (vv. 10-13). David humbly acknowledged that God owns everything! Whatever they gave back to Him was simply returning to Him what He’d generously given to them in the first place (vv. 14-16).
K. T. Sim |