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Saturday, January 18 2025

Thank God I Am Forgiven Friday! You know the drill! begin with thanking God and worshiping for all the nuances of His love and forgiveness! What blessings we know as called by name, redeemed children of God in Christ!

NOTE: If you would like your year end giving statement please contact Debbie Siegfried:

Don't forget: Next Sunday the 19th is our annual congregational meeting after worship in the sanctuary. Your Support team approved the budget we will be presenting to you to vote on. (remember to vote you must be a member in good standing). The major budget discussion question we will face is your choice to retain and find a way to pay for our organist or not to. Patti's salary is equal to our budget deficit for 2025. (about $9000.) If we vote to retain her we will need tp come up with a way for you to pay her salary or to offset the deficit. Please pray into this and for our meeting next week.

Next we all of our regular ministries restart after the holiday break: Tues Zoom Huddle 10-11, Wed night dinner huddle 6-7:30, and Clothing Closet on Sat. 10-1.


Good Morning Very Loved, Trusting, Led by the Spirit, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Amen!

What's God whispering to you this morning as you humble yourself at His feet with open ears and hearts? He is always speaking life, even to things that appear as dead. He is always whispering His love over you and even corrects in love. He has great plans custom made for you that He will reveal and direct to one step of faith at a time. He is upholding you in His strong right hand, delivering you from sin, evil, addictions and sicknesses. Seek Him with all your heart and refocus to Him and His plans with praise and thanksgiving and open and humble hearts and ready hands and feet. Don't lean on your own understanding but acknowledge Him in all your ways and he will direct your steps. he does have plans to prosper and not harm and lead to a future and a hope. Be still and know then prepare and go into this day worshiped up, filled with love and ready to step into His purposes for you today. An rejoice for he is with you always! Amen! Thank God I am forgiven! Thank God He is calling me by name, redeeming things and loving on me and he is doing the same for you. Trust and obey! Walk in His love!

I'm going to allow you to engage your own way today and through your own devotional time. God is speaking to you and calling you by name. What's he saying? Who might you process that with? I'm pray ing you to hear and know and be strengthened in faith today and then for God to lead you to His perfect plans for you. Below are harvest's prayer starters. use them to launch you into a time of prayer and fellowship with our loving Father. then follow His Spirit prepared for today! Amen! rejoice! worship!

Harvest Prayer Starters

Prayer Points

  • Praise God for the depth of his wisdom and knowledge, and for his unsearchable judgments.
  • Thank God for guiding and directing your ways.
  • Confess any resistance on your part to do his will.
  • Commit yourself to acknowledging him in all your ways (Prov. 3:5-6).
  • Ask God for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better and have the eyes of your heart enlightened, to know the hope to which you are called, the riches of his glorious inheritance (Eph. 1:17-18).
  • Pray for the Spirit of love in your church that believers may be one, even as the Father and Son are one, so that the world may believe that God sent Jesus Christ (Jn. 17:21).
Prayer Points taken from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend. This book is available at Use the code CONPSP3 at checkout to receive an additional 10% discount.
Posted by: AT 11:04 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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