Sat: Clothing Closet 10-1
Sun: Worship 10 live in person and on Zoom with Children's Church (begin several weeks on armor of God) 11:30 Annual Congregational Meeting (Zoom and Sanctuary)
Note: There may not be a blog tomorrow depending on the departure time to take Kay to her hand surgery. (Could be as early as 5am) But God will still speak to you as your TGIF worship and draw close in prayer and study. You don't need me to lead your quiet time. I'm praying for God to speak to your heart always.
Good Morning Known, Loved, Abiding in Love, Followers of Jesus! May that be you, me, and us and always! Thanks Lord! Life and even life in Christ is a journey full of ups and downs and often characterized as a roller coaster ride. Hang on! You can't get off a coaster until the end. Unfortunately we can choose to get of the Jesus journey whenever we want and many do when the steep and hard climbs come. But that doesn't have to be you or any of us. God is with us always. hard times are promised but so is His help in times of trouble. Often we grow most and become prepared as endure through, are stretched some and grow into the people we are created to be. may that be us Lord! Strengthen us. Carry us. Mold us. Make us usable and lead us to your perfect plans! Amen!
Check out the flow about this through the devotionals below. God is speaking to you. Some of you need these Words form Him today. Pray. Meditate. Seek. Listen. Process. And follow well! He has great plans for you and even through the hard things is with you and working all things together for good! PTL! Trust and know His peace and receive His help. You get to choose joy today and always. try it and follow well!
Mark was a promising young pastor. Then one morning his son, Owen, collapsed and died while kicking a ball with him. Mark was devastated and still grieves the loss. But through his pain he’s become a more compassionate pastor. I’ve mourned with Mark and wondered if his trial illustrates an insight A. W. Tozer noted: “It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until he has hurt him deeply.” I fear that’s true.
Then again, perhaps it’s not that simple. We learn about the complexity of God’s ways by observing the exodus of Israel. God led the young nation out of Egypt on an easy road, saying of Israel, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt” (Exodus 13:17). Yet a few verses later, God told Moses to double back so Pharaoh would rally his army and come out to fight (14:1-4). Pharaoh took the bait. The Israelites “were terrified and cried out to the Lord” (v. 10). Moses chided them, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (v. 14).
God uses both easy and hard paths to grow His people and bring Him glory. He promised, “I will gain glory for myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord” (v. 4). So did Israel. So can we. God is building our faith through every test, whether easy or hard. When life is easy, rest in Him. When life is hard, let Him carry you.
By Mike Wittmer
How has pain contributed to your growth? Why do you think God uses both easy and hard tests?
Dear Jesus, You’re enough for every test.
After Pharaoh set the Israelites free from slavery (Exodus 12:28-33), he immediately had a change of heart and summoned his elite army to recapture them (14:5-9). Although God had overwhelmingly demonstrated His great power through the ten plagues (chs. 7-11), the Israelites chose not to trust in Him. Terrified, they accused Moses of deceiving them and leading them into the wilderness to die (14:11-12). But Moses encouraged them not to be afraid, to be still, and to trust in God (vv. 13-14). He was faithful and saved them from Pharaoh’s army (vv. 21-23) and continued to provide for them during their forty years in the wilderness.
K. T. Sim |
UR: Fear Not
The psalmist wrote, “I cry to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” - Psalm 57:2 (NRSVUE)
When I was 37 weeks pregnant with my only daughter, my doctor informed me that I would have to undergo a C-section. My oxygen levels had dropped; my baby was having trouble breathing and was not moving as much as expected. I had an ultrasound and was then moved to the operating room for emergency surgery.
I was puzzled — and petrified. My husband was not with me because I was with my parents. As I lay worried and afraid, my mother comforted me with these words: “Fear not.” She reminded me that the Lord God was with me and would never leave me. She also told me of God’s promise in Psalm 57:3 — that God who is faithful would surround me with love.
My mom’s words gave me strength. By holding on to God’s promise and blessings, I underwent my operation and received the biggest blessing of my life — my daughter. I will forever trust that no matter what the circumstance may be, my loving God is with me.
Today's Prayer
Dear God, thank you for the love and blessings which you bestow on us and our families. Give us strength to trust in your love for us when challenges arise. Amen.
Joyce Meyer:

Sarah Young