Tomorrow: Worship at 10. Children's Church begins several weeks of learning about and building God's Armor.
Congregational Meeting after worship
2 Peas in A Pod Brunch 11:30 following meeting. Invite some friends!
Good Morning Seeking, Meditating, Repenting, Obeying, Following, Servants of the Lord! Amen! Help us Lord!
Have you ever had your bubble burst? Have you ever realized you had rose colored glasses on? Sometimes we want something so badly that we are unable to see what is really happening or our need to step aside, sink roots deep in Christ and trust God to handle things as we release our grip is too tight and invite Him to come and for His will to be done. Such is often the case for leaders that want to believe so much that others all get it and are working earnestly to become more like Jesus and are releasing their grip and want of control on things and allow God to lead and have His way. Sometimes we just have to step back and let God minister to our souls and allow Him control. Then listen, watch and join Him again refreshed and filled for the rigors ahead. Sometimes we get mired down in things that are from Satan or a distraction from God and His plans and ways. We may find ourselves beating our heads against a door that is not ready to open or ours to open and we need to just step back, refresh and allow God to lead. Are you able to do that? I'm seeking to release my grip on some things that are not mine to handle and allow God and others He has gifted and called to step into their anointing and allowing Him space to do His thing and to bring rest to my weary soul. Amen!
Below are a few devos I encountered today as God spoke to my soul, informed, refreshed, revealed and is leading me to repent, trust, obey and find rest in Him. I have just traveled through some crazy busy weeks with little or no margin or rest and little time to be still in His presence. (and more of these lie ahead) I have been working to resolve some conflict among our ranks as well. I have become weary and in need of rest and to shake some dust from my sandals and move along in God's best ways. I need to spend some time in personal retreat the next few days/weeks. So, this will be my last blog (probably) for a few days or weeks or whatever it takes for me to abide and be refreshed. Jesus said to come to Him with our weariness and openness and He will bring rest for our souls. He said to abide in Him and His love and be refreshed. He said to sink our roots deep in Him and His Word and we will become like a well watered garden and able to have streams of living water flow through us. I long for that and we all often need that rest and abiding and sinking deep in I am choosing the healthy spiritual refreshing I need and turning off the noise for a season. I'll still be around but I need a season to focus on my walk and spiritual stewardship. I'll be praying for you all and see you soon or with a blog as the Lord leads. Self care is very important and necessary. So, I'm trying to chose the Lord's best for me which will help to lead to His best for you as well.
Shalom shalom (perfect peace) to you and me! He is speaking to you and wanting to refresh and lead you to His best as well. Are you able to loosen your grip, turn off the noise, abide and refresh? I hope so and am praying we all are able to realize our need to be still and know that He is God (and we are not!) and allow the space for Him to come have control and lead us out of the valley and to the still waters of His best and perfect plans. Amen! His yoke is easy. Who are you processing your stuff with? We all need some partners and accountability. Come Jesus come! Have all of me/us! Your Kingdom come and will be done, Your way and for Your glory alone! Amen!

Sarah Young:

Chuck Swindoll:

Joyce Meyer:

UR: Filled with Righteousness
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. - Matthew 5:6 (NIV)
During a retreat, I was assigned to a table that included two residents of a substance-abuse treatment center. I normally would have had no occasion to converse and pray with men in such circumstances, but God brought us together for a deep, spiritual experience. By the end of the retreat, I loved them like brothers.
The treatment center is not far from my home, and I felt led to visit my new friends. They invited me to an evening worship service where I experienced a passion in worship that is hard to describe. I realized that these men are hungry for the word of God. They desperately want the Holy Spirit to transform them, and they are not ashamed to say so. They have a lot to teach me.
From them, I learned I should not become complacent. Jesus said we will be filled with righteousness if we crave it like food and water, and I saw that intensity during the worship service. It caused me to ask myself, “What am I hungry and thirsty for?” Jesus calls us to a righteousness that can only be obtained through him. I am thankful for the faith of my new friends and the lesson they have taught me.
Today's Prayer
Gracious God, we know that only you provide what truly nourishes us. Fill us with your love and grace until we are full. Amen.ODB
David Vetter died at age twelve after spending his entire life in a bubble. Nicknamed “The Bubble Boy,” David was born with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). His parents had lost their first son to the disease and were determined to protect their second-born. To prolong his life, NASA engineers designed a plastic protection bubble as well as a spacesuit so his parents could hold David in the outside world. Oh, how we all long to protect those we love!
King David was wronged by Nabal, the foolish husband of Abigail. In a rogue moment, David sought revenge by his own hands. Abigail rushed to meet him with a wise reminder, “Even though someone is pursuing you to take your life, the life of my lord will be bound securely in the bundle of the living by the Lord your God” (1 Samuel 25:29). The concept of “bundle” conveys the idea of gathering up valuable items so the owner can protectively carry them. Abigail reminded David that God wanted to carry him in a protective bundle. He was safest in God’s hands, rather than in his own. “My lord will not have on his conscience the staggering burden of needless bloodshed or of having avenged himself” (v. 31).
We do well to work to protect others when they need it, but it’s only in God’s perfect care that they’re truly safe.
By Elisa Morgan
When are you tempted to gather others into self-made bubbles of protection? How can you remember that God’s care is the best?
Dear Father, please help me to trust You with my loved ones, knowing that You can carry them better than I can.
The account in 1 Samuel 25 shows that David could be a bit of a hothead. Denied supplies by conceited Nabal, he reacted in anger and went to slaughter Nabal’s entire household (v. 22). Nabal’s wife, Abigail, however, stopped David from bloodshed with wise words. She pointed out that he should trust God with vengeance (vv. 26, 29, 31) and not take it into his own hands.
Abigail fully expected David to take the throne from then-ruling Saul (v. 28), but begged David not to act rashly. In a way, Abigail’s challenge stopped him from treating Nabal the same way that Saul had been treating him—pursuing bloodshed out of self-centered anger (see 22:6-19).
Jed Ostoich |