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Tuesday, October 03 2023
  Today join us from 10-11 on Zoom for Huddle (prayer, discussion, fellowship and study)
Join us tomorrow (Wed. from 6-8 for dinner, fellowship The Chosen Huddle and Family Ministries gathering.) Come as you are and bring a friend 
Ron Williams service information:  A Funeral Service will be held Friday, October 6, 2023, at 11:00 AM at Stephens Funeral Home, 274 N. Krocks Rd. Allentown, PA 18106. A Viewing will be held prior to the service from 10-11.
We continue to lift Sally and the family in our prayers.
In my sharing thanks for all of our servants yesterday, I forgot our Support Team (our board). All of our members do serve in various other capacities. You have elected a great team of servants to lead our church and God is using them well. Thank each of them and pray for them to have wisdom, discernment, and to follow Jesus and lead well as they lead us! President: Sarah Boyer. Lay Delegate: Kathy Canfield. Finance: Danny Reinsmith. Secretary: Lori Rohrer. Envelope Secretary: Debbie Siegfried. Missions: Joan Fenstemaker. Member at large: Barb Schware. Worship: Sarah and Pastor Don. Property: Co-leaders Danny and Don. Family Ministries: Pastor Don. Note: the Finance team volunteers are Danny, Debbie, Lori, Gail Lichtenwalner, and Gina Fuhrman. The Support and Finance Teams' purpose is to support and provide for the church's vision and provision. They along with our PRC constitute the Vision team that discerns and shares God's vision for us and evaluates how well we are doing and what may need to change as we follow God's plans for us. Thank you to all these servants! Keep praying for them to hear, lead and follow well!
Continue to thank God for all of our servants and for our church full of servants surrendered to and following the Lord well. Pray for God to bring His dreams and vision alive and for us to follow Him to His greater things for us! Here is a link from Harvest Prayer for how to pray for your pastors and leaders. May I suggest printing and using this often! We need your prayers and coverings! Thank you!
Good Morning Movers and Shakers! We continue to seek, discern and move with God. We are positioning to be there as He shakes, rattles and rolls around our neighborhoods. We shake the heavenlies as we pray and move with Him. Satan is shaking in his boots as we follow well and as we join God in pulling people from his death grip. Continue to pray a covering of protection over our church and leaders and put on God's armor as you stand firm in Christ and join with Him in the battle for souls.
I like this Face Book post from The Word FM: Today's Word: You will tell His people how to find salvation through forgiveness of their sins. Because of God’s tender mercy, the Morning Light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace. ~ Luke 1:77-79 (NLT) 
God loves you more than you can measure. He is at work all around you and always near. He is speaking to your soul right now. Turn off all the noise around you, even in your own head. (Remember Satan speaks loudest in your on voice in your head) Check out all our devos for today below. God is speaking just to you right now! What's He saying? What might you need to do about it? He has a Word just for you! Be still, receive and know that He is God!
Here's a link to the Harvest Prayer blog. Check out the blog on praying! God will hear our prayers!!!
Have an amazing time with God as you seek, listen and release His power in prayer! You are the vital and foundational part of our Good News Delivery Team. You are the key as you pray that unlocks God's plans. Thank you!!! Shalom!
Upper Room (UR): No Hole Too Deep:

Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. - Isaiah 59:1 (NIV)

One day while I visited a construction site with my father, my puppy wandered away. I heard him wailing and discovered he had fallen into a hole. I tried to retrieve him, but he was beyond my reach. My father promised, “It will be alright.” He lay on the ground and thrust his arm into the hole. He strained, he stretched, he grunted, and finally his fingertips hooked my puppy’s collar. Then he lifted my whimpering pet back into the light. I brushed my puppy clean and then hugged my father. The memory remains vivid — musty soil, warm summer sun, and fear clenching my body.

That day, I believed my dad could do anything. The recollection of my earthly father’s strength encourages me to have greater trust in my heavenly Father. Even after decades of following Jesus, I sometimes think my heart embraces fear more readily than faith. But I remind myself that I am neither lost nor alone. When I see no way out, I remember the strong arm and long reach of my Savior.

No disaster can put us beyond God’s help. So when we are frightened in the dark, trapped by poor choices, over our heads in trouble, God’s arm is long enough to reach us, and God’s hand is strong enough to save us.

Heavenly Father, thank you for holding us in your hand and lifting us when we fall. Give us faith to trust you even when we are afraid. Amen.
Our Daily Bread (ODB):

I Can See You!

Now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. 1 Corinthians 13:12

READ 1 Corinthians 13:4–13

The optometrist helped three-year-old Andreas adjust his first pair of glasses. “Look in the mirror,” she said. Andreas glanced at his reflection, then turned to his father with a joyful and loving smile. Then Andreas’ father gently wiped the tears that slipped down his son’s cheeks and asked, “What’s wrong?” Andreas wrapped his arms around his father’s neck. “I can see you.” He pulled back, tilted his head, and gazed into his father’s eyes. “I can see you!”

As we prayerfully study the Bible, the Holy Spirit gives us eyes to see Jesus, the “image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15). However, even with our vision cleared by the Spirit as we grow in knowledge through Scripture, we can still only see a glimpse of God’s infinite immensity on this side of eternity. When our time on earth is done or when Jesus fulfills His promise to return, we’ll see Him clearly (1 Corinthians 13:12).

We won’t need special glasses in that joy-filled moment when we see Christ face-to-face and know Him as He knows each of us, the beloved members of the body of Christ—the church. The Holy Spirit will infuse us with the faith, hope, and love we need to stand firm, until we gaze at our loving and living Savior and say, “I can see You, Jesus. I can see You!”

By Xochitl Dixon


What has the Holy Spirit revealed to you recently as you’ve read the Bible? How has your growth in the knowledge of God changed you?

Jesus, please help me see You clearer and know You intimately as I walk with You faithfully now and until the day You call me home or come again.

Grow in your spiritual walk with God.


The King James Version translates 1 Corinthians 13:12 this way: “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face.” Of note is the word darkly, which the NIV translates reflection. The word in the Greek is ainigma (only used here in the New Testament), from which we get the word enigma. It means “an obscure saying, something dark, abstract.” It’s believed that Paul may have had Numbers 12 in mind when he used this term. God affirmed Moses and his ministry with these words: “When there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, reveal myself to them in visions, I speak to them in dreams. But this is not true of my servant Moses . . . . With him I speak face to face, clearly and not in riddles; he sees the form of the Lord” (vv. 6–8). 

Learn more about Moses’ journey with God.

Arthur Jackson
Charles Stanley: 
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Posted by: Lori AT 07:38 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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