Good Morning Chosen Ones! God created you with potential to become His child and fulfill your created purposes. That comes to fruition when you receive Christ as your Lord and Savior. He knows who will come and who won't. Even though He sent Jesus for "whoever will believe", not everyone will. PTL for your salvation and for His presence with you always! Pray for Him to send you to those His Spirit is at work on and pray He would use you to connect them to Him. We are created to, empowered to and sent to go live and love like Jesus which includes making disciples as we shine His light brightly into the darkness. And PTL we are chosen to spend eternity with Him in paradise! Amen! Life is short and it is meaningless without God. Enjoy life as you worship, love and follow Jesus today! It's a beautiful day to go love someone to Christ!
I had a very interesting and somewhat hard day yesterday as my Lord placed me where He wanted me throughout the day and used me (I pray well!). I began the day with our pastor's prayer huddle and a great quiet time with the Lord that set up my allowing Him to lead and use me. I asked Him to be the Lord of my day and choices and to use me well throughout the day. He is faithful! I was blessed to be chosen to sit with a family in a critical care waiting room for two hours when the brain surgeon told them there is no hope. Now we know hope and the God of miracles and I went in with Randy's wife and prayed for a miracle of complete healing or for him to step into Jesus' arms and for His will to be done. I prayed for shalom and strength for the family too. I am still believing in a miracle. Pray with me for God to glorify His name and to bring a miracle before his machines are turned off next week sometime. Pray for me to minister to the family well. Pray for them to be drawn to God's shalom. Pray for doctors and staff to be amazed at what our miracle working God can do! Amen! And if God's will is to bring him home, pray God would use that homecoming to ignite the faith of family and friends. Thank you! This is a friend from the racing family who lost their son to a heart attack a few years ago. Donna (Randy's wife) is numb right now. Please lift her to God for His comfort and strength. Pray for my health as Randy has COVID as well and I did gown and mask up to anoint him and lay healing hands on him.
There is also another racer, Glen, who is now on hospice for lung cancer. Pray I have the opportunity to minister to him and his family and to lead them to Jesus' feet.
Yesterday, my sister, Connie was discharged. She is still not very well with years of asthma and prednisone beating her body. Pray for her salvation and for all her and my family to be drawn to and open to receive Christ as their Savior. Pray for opportunities to discuss our eternal choices. Thank you.
Tonight I've been asked to anoint and bless a race car that will be running next week in Charlotte. The cars been a struggle. Although this is probably viewed as a good luck charm, may they see Jesus and be drawn to Him. Pray for wisdom and words as I bless them and the car and for God to show His power and be glorified.
Last night my mother-in-law Kay (super prayer warrior) laid hands on Sue and prayed for Sue's peace, the healing and comfort of her sister and brought Jesus' love and concern alive as she released His power and will over a hard situation. (Thanks for your faithfulness Kay! Love you and still love picking on you!). Pray for Sue for shalom and wisdom and for healing or deliverance for her sister.
We have only three more weeks of the Chosen and Family Ministries combined. Pray for God to lead us to what's next. Pray for our Thanksgiving Eve Eve end of the season celebration Tues Nov21st.
We are set up for Sunday's brunch for the kids that will come for fun and games. Bring someone along to brunch Sunday and some treats for the kids and pray for us to connect to some neighbors and connect them to God. Pray for Lori, Karen and me as we prepare the meals and set things up on Sat. Pray for Lori as she has her husband, Ed, going for pretesting for surgery on Friday, shops for supplies and runs kids to games (they have games throughout the weekend--even Sunday)
Last night we had a great night at the Chosen and an awesome discussion after the film. They do a great job of bringing Jesus' love for everyone alive. Jesus is looking right into your heart right now and saying, Look at me! Look at me. You are my child. I know your circumstances and I am with you" Look into His loving, healing, caring eyes and heart and know He is God and how much He loves you, His chosen child. Receive His love, shalom, and help. Be still at His feet and recharge. talk to Him and listen. Breathe out the junk and breathe in a fresh breathe of His Spirit. Know His peace and joy. He knows you and is calling you by name. Rejoice. What's He saying to you? Who can you share and process that with. Pray for God to team us all up with some others as we learn to encourage. process, pray and be accountable.
Yesterday, I poured myself out like a drink offering to God. I was recharged and energized with our fellowship, kitchen clean up help, and conversations. Today, I spent over three hours reloading and refreshing. Today, I am taking a personal day to recharge. I know God will bless me for choosing well and may still use me to be a blessing to someone as I have asked Him to be the Lord of this day and my choices and to place me where He wants me, ready to join Him as needed. He doesn't need us (He does desire to be with us though! PTL!) but He knows we need Him and how to recharge our low batteries! And He has great plans for us and knows the best way to move us to them! PTL! We are in one of the busiest stretches of the year with the holidays and it is wise to start each day with the Lord and allowing Him to be the Lord of you and your day everyday. I've experienced burnout and I am doing my best to never go there again. That is not what God desires of us. He desires hearts that are right with Him, worshipful and willing hearts, and obedient feet and hands that move at His pace to His best. He desires that we love and enjoy Him and allow Him to be our Lord and to direct us to His best. Keep working at that!!! It is His best.
May God bless and recharge and use you today. May He answer your prayers and bring His will alive all around you, even in the spiritual realm. he loves you. Listen and trust as you travel through this day with Him and looking for where He wants you to join Him. Amen!