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Pastor's Blog
Friday, November 03 2023
Thank God I'm Forgiven! What are you thankful for about your salvation, God's workings in and around you, and through our serving? Be ready to share some of those Sunday and the weeks ahead!
Saturday night we turn the clocks back! An extra hour to sleep or spend with God on Sunday! (Someone said that pastors get an extra hour to preach!)
Clothing Closet is open Saturday 10-1.
Sunday worship at 10 on zoom or in person with Children's church. Discussing John 10 and 13 and your gratitude lists. Where are you seeing God at work and praising Him? 
Tues Zoom Huddle at 10-11
Wed Bread Ministry Donuts and Conversation Day 10-12; Chosen and Family Ministry gathering 6-8 with dinner. 
Mark your calendars! Tue Nov 21st Thanksgiving Eve Eve dinner and fellowship. (No Chosen or Family Ministries Wed the 22nd); Church Christmas Decorating Sat Nov 25th at 10; and Sunday Nov 26th Brunch after worship at 11:30
All are welcome to any and all of these. Who ya bringing?
Good Morning Thankful Worshipers! What are you thankful for? Where are you seeing God at work and praising Him? 
Nov. is the month we celebrate Thanksgiving. I think it is one of my favorite holidays. However it seems like every year people want to skip it and start with Christmas decorating and music the day after Halloween. Actually, thanksgiving should be a lifestyle for a Christian. We don't need a holiday to remind us to be grateful and we have so much to be thankful for! God is so good and provides all we need. PTL! Whenever we ask "What are you thankful for?", we usually get the standards: God, church, family and friends, spouse etc. I want to challenge you to dig deeper. Think about all the things you were so thankful for this past year and write them down and share them Sunday. Where have you seen God at work? Where has God invited you to join Him and used you? How has God provided for a need or answered a prayer? How is God using our servants? What trial are you thankful that God carried you through or taught you through? Write down and journal your deep thanksgiving lists to share Sunday and all month. And just worship and praise!
Sarah challenged us last week to evaluate who we are like and how devoted to Jesus we really are. Are you like Judas, the lukewarm disciples, or all-in Mary? Honestly your thanksgivings and praise will reflect that. Do you just say thank you out of habit or obligation or to look good? Are you thankful but superficially, not really thinking about all God is doing, especially when you don't understand or it doesn't fit your ideas? Or are you really thankful and always offering a sacrifice of praise for who God is and all--everything--He is and does and allows? Is you life being poured out as an offering of praise? Talk to God about that and ask for a thankful heart and faith to trust Him always with thanksgiving.
We have so much to be thankful for and celebrate! AMEN! Let us lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving today--every day! Let us offer a sacrifice of praise! Let us celebrate and share our testimonies of how good God really is and for all He is doing in, through and around us. Rejoice! Praise! Offer thanksgiving! Celebrate! Yes and amen! 
Have a thankful weekend filled with the knowledge of all God has and is doing! Rejoice!
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St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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