Good Morning Celebrating, Worshiping Thanks-Givers! God is always good and worthy of all praise! Amen! We have so much to celebrate! PTL! I just want to share in some of the ways the Lord showed up yesterday as we gathered, served, fellowshipped, worshiped and prayed! The Lord is our Shepherd! he answers our prayers! he shows up and is always at work! he is using us as we serve and bless and drawing many to Him and some to us! We are trusting, following, pouring ourselves out as an offering and He is blessed and blessing us! He is our shalom and provision! Yes and so much more!
Yesterday God showed up BIG time at the donut and conversation day at the Bread Ministry! PTL! Honestly you have to come experience this for yourself! There are so many stories to share as God places each of us with those He is drawing and uses us to bless, help, counsel, pray and receive blessings back. PTL! Plan on showing up and experiencing what God wants to do through and in you Dec 6th at our next one. Several have indicated they want to come and experience worship with us Sunday! PTL pray for no hindrances and for God to stir many to join us. There were at least 6-8 people sharing that they want to and are planning to join us. Pray for Patrick, Ariana, Amber, Ramon, Mary, and two other couples whose names I forget for God to continue to work on their hearts and draw them to Him and us and to use us well! People are searching for the love, fellowship, relationships with god and each other that they are feeling through us! PTL and keep loving like Jesus well! We got to pray for a woman who is struggling through health issues that just came to share her struggle she couldn't eat donuts or bread. Pray for Isabelle to be healed and for God to be glorified. Praise God and pray for a woman we have been connecting and praying for. To see her you know she struggles with pain and reminds me of what the woman who gave the mite might look like--kinda hunched over but choosing joy. I don't know her name but she is so touched by what we do as a church that she gave us a hundred dollar donation to the general fund for us to use to keep blessing others. then there were all the conversations and excitement as people were feeling God's loving, drawing presence! PTL! Pray for God to continue His good works and for many to see and be drawn to Him! Thank you Father and all who show up! All God asks of you is to be you and love like Jesus as if He were you. he will send he right people to you, give you words and love through you AND we get to bless, be blessed, fellowship and eat donuts!
Then last night we had one of our largest gatherings for the Chosen/Family Ministries dinner and studies. Man did God show up again! It seems like our Fellowship hall and gatherings are anointed by God! PTL! I was very concerned as we haven't been getting as many people as usual due to outside circumstances, so, I just did leftovers. I was really worried we wouldn't have enough food, but like the feeding of the 5000 we asked God to bless and stretch what we had and he was faithful to allow us to have some leftovers for about two to four extra people. PTL! he is our provider and prayer answerer! Then we had two awesome study time! The Chosen was a powerful video of how Jesus changes people, blesses people, stretches people and ministers to our hearts, hurts, struggles and joys. At the same time Family Ministries had all kinds of good things going on and plans being made--even for our next brunch Sun. Nov 26th. (See flyer below and RSVP for another great day of food, fellowship and fun! And bring a friend!) Things actually ran late for both groups as people shared, encountered God and just enjoyed a fun evening. We have one more next Wednesday at 6 and then Thanksgiving Eve Eve meal and fellowship Tues Nov 21 at 6. Plan to join us!
Yes God is on the move and there are more stories and testimonies to share! PTL and plan to join us to get your own stories to share of how God is using and growing you! Let us continue to celebrate and share those God stories. let us commit to keep praying for BIG God things to happen and for Him to use us as He teaches us to come as we are and learn to live and love like Jesus as we grow into Hs greater things for us! I can't wait to see what's next!
Come sit at His feet and worship! Fill up and follow your Lord and Shepherd today as He leads us to his best and uses us for His glory! Worship with much thanksgiving! And be filled with much joy!
Shalom! Shalom!
Psalm 23:
Great Things: