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Pastor's Blog
Tuesday, November 14 2023

The week ahead: (read John 15 and 16 and take notes and answer what God is saying to you and what you will do about that--quiz Sunday)

Tues at 10 Zoom Huddle discussing God's provision. All welcome!

Tues at 6:30 Finance Team Zoom. (Please pray for God to lead our Finance Team to be the best stewards of God's provisions and for wisdom to meet God's visions for our church)

Wed 10-Noon Bread Ministry

Wed 6 PM Dinner, Chosen and Family Ministries Huddles

Sat. 10-1 Clothing Closet

Next Tues is our Thanksgiving Eve Eve meal and huddle worship. 6-7:30 All welcome.

Sun Nov 26th is our Brunch after church. RSVP and bring a friend. Check our website for more info:

Update your entries in our Directory in the back of the sanctuary or add your info if you want to be included. (You can also email our secretary or call and leave your info so we make sure it is accurate)

Pray for these ministries and plan to attend, help, and enjoy these opportunities!


Good Morning Becomers! Think about how much you have to be thankful about today! You were one way and now a better way and working on becoming a much better way because of Jesus and all He did and is doing for you! PTL! PTL we have the opportunity to become all we were created to be and do all we were created to do and grow into our fullest potential until He calls us home. You are a disciple (learner) becoming an apostle (sent one). You have purpose and potential in Christ that fits like a glove because you were created to do them and have help to complete them. You have a purpose and potential. You have Love! Love lives in you and shows up all around you as you live and love like Jesus. And you become better at those as you practice doing them and at allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you. You have Hope, can choose joy, are growing in faith and becoming! Everyday we have the opportunity to choose to become better at being God's ambassadors. Even in the hardest of times, we know who is holding us and helping us through. What are you thankful for today?

Yesterday was a unique day of worship, BUT GOD! We had a projector failure, heard about the Kindness Project which we will be supporting as our Christmas project (watch for more details of how we can bless them together. Here's a link to their website: The need is great for Foster Family assistance. Pray for God to direct us in our giving. And we ended worship with a babbling pastor saying what the Holy Spirit revealed about BECOMING and our John 14 and 15 readings. (I really recall little of what I said) BUT the Holy Spirit showed up, led our time, answered your prayers and brought a new family to worship with us that want to join. He answered the prayer for God to speak through me too. (Even in chaos, God is at work and answers our prayers!) I am thankful for all your prayers and your faith that God IS working all things together for good. God is so good and worthy of praise and He is using us and has great plans for us! Amen and PTL!

You can engage with God through your quiet time and with open Bible and devotionals today on your own. Keep building those gratitude lists and keep worshiping and thanking our awesome Father! Let's close with some prayer starters from Patterns for Prayer by Alvin VanderGriend.

"Praise God for your sighing is not hidden from Him (Ps. 38:9). Give thanks that you can cast all your care on Him for He cares for you (1 Pet. 5:7). Confess to God the many times you worry, are fearful, or trust in something other than God (Ps. 37:5-6). Commit yourself to daily food from God's Word and time with Him in prayer. Ask God for victorious faith that overcomes the world (1 Jn. 5:4). Ask that your family will be reminded of God's goodness and faithfulness through your example of giving Him all the glory in every situation. Pray that your church will be living proof of the fact that God fulfills the desires of those who fear Him (Ps. 145:19). Pray that you will be a consistent example of God's love today and always--and thereby help to advance God's Kingdom on earth. In whatever difficult circumstances you find yourself, pray for God to use you as a springboard for salvation of an unbeliever." AMEN! Come Lord Jesus! be our Lord today and always and may we bring you great glory and honor by our choices! Thank You! Amen!

God really loves you and is waiting to sit with you, lead you, help you, and love on you and love through you. Be still and know that He is God and that you matter--to Him and us! Receive and walk in His love and shalom today! Oh what joy awaits us today! Rejoice!

Posted by: Lori AT 07:37 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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