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Saturday, October 12 2024

Good Morning Good Soil, Faithful in the Little Things, Fruitful Followers of Jesus! Yes Lord! May that be us always! You have great plans for us may we be good soil that produces good fruit as we stay faithful in all the little things You have for us along the way. Thanks Lord! Come! May we be about You and Your business daily. Amen! Are you making room for God to do what He has planned for you? Maybe turn this song into your prayer this morning as you ask Him to come have His way with you and use you for His glory. Make Room:

Humble yourself before the Lord and ask Him to come have His way and lead you to His perfect plans for today--always! Make room for Him today! I awoke singing that song this morning! And God led me to a deep time of surrender with Him. We have defined discipleship as the process of becoming who Jesus would be if He were you. Ask Him for that today. He does have great custom made plans for you! Can you say, "I am who I am because I am allowing I AM to be who He is in and through me"? That's being good soil ready for God to sow into that will produce abundant fruit. Heaven knows this nation and world need more of us followers of Jesus to embrace this and step more fully into it. Check out some of our devos for today that talk about this and thread through God's custom made plans for you and us as His Body. What's God saying to you today? What will you do about it? Who are you processing and traveling with in your journey to become more like Jesus? That is our goal. Amen! A dynamic movement who have a burning passion for God and missionary zeal to reach the lost for His glory!

This morning as I arose God brought a thought to me that may have me tweaking His message to us for tomorrow from Col. 3:1-17 (maybe prayerfully engage with that in preparation today). He reminded me how we are to hate evil and do good. He brought to mind the thought about how we all hate the state of this nation. Can you imagine how God feels about those created in His image running to the darkness, embracing, endorsing and pushing evil in His sight. The thought breaks my heart. It is a reminder and call to repent and ask God to have control of you, to inform and convict and change your disgust to crying out in prayer for this nation and then allow Jesus to use you to do your part in pulling the ones God is drawing from the grasp of darkness. We have work to do. We need to be like Jesus and how He responded to the darkness of His day and how the early church responded to evil times. Are you willing to lay your life down for Christ? Pray for boldness to pour yourself out and follow Him to His perfect plans for you to change the world one soul at a time and with one step of faith at a time. He is faithful and will be with you and will use the good soil of your souls to produce good and lasting fruit! Amen! Please Lord! Come! Send me/us for Your glory to Your perfect plans and purposes in these last days. May we have our thoughts fixed on things above and be ready to follow You as we work on being faithful in the little things. Amen!

Pray through this song: Honest Offering:

Charles Stanley:

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In Harm’s Way

Some of the people became followers of Paul and believed. Acts 17:34

READ Acts 17:16-34


On my morning walk, I noticed that a vehicle was stopped in the road headed in the wrong direction. The driver was unaware of the danger to herself and others because she was asleep and appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. The situation was perilous, and I had to act. After getting her alert enough to move her to the passenger side of the car so I could get into the driver’s seat, I drove her to a safe place.

Physical danger isn’t the only harm we face. When Paul saw worldly-wise, clever people in Athens in spiritual peril because “the city was full of idols,” he “was greatly distressed” (Acts 17:16). The apostle’s innate response to those who flirted with ideas that failed to consider Christ was to share about God’s purposes in and through Jesus (vv. 18, 30-31). And some who heard believed (v. 34).

Seeking ultimate meaning apart from faith in Christ is dangerous. Those who’ve found forgiveness and true fulfillment in Jesus have been rescued from dead-end pursuits and have been given the message of reconciliation (see 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Sharing the good news of Jesus with those under the intoxicating influences of this life is still the means God uses to snatch people from harm’s way.

By Arthur Jackson


If you haven’t made your way to Jesus, what are you waiting for? If you have, what’s keeping you from telling someone how God has rescued you from spiritual harm’s way?

Heavenly Father, thank You for rescuing me from the spiritual harm of my own sin. Please use me to help others who can’t see that they’re in danger.


Acts 17 shows how Paul did all he could to share the good news of Jesus. Being Jewish, when in Athens he naturally engaged with the Jewish people and “God-fearing Greeks” who frequented the synagogue (v. 17). But he also went to “the marketplace” each day, where he met with “Epicurean and Stoic philosophers” (vv. 17-18). These two groups saw life very differently and gathered to debate those differences. Yet Paul sought common ground with them (vv. 22-23), creating a basis to tell them about the God who “gives everyone life and breath and everything else” (v. 25).

Tim Gustafson

UR: Always Enough

Everyone ate until they were full, and the disciples filled twelve baskets with the leftovers. - Luke 9:17 (CEB)

Many years ago, as a young pastor serving a small rural parish, I was honored to host Chief George and his wife from the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference as guest speakers at our church.

When the service was over, I learned that I was supposed to provide a Sunday dinner for my guests before they traveled to speak at another church later that afternoon. I panicked. I had never, ever entertained anyone for a meal. But that wasn’t the worst of it. I had only a small roast in the slow cooker — more than enough for one but surely not enough for three.

Taking a deep breath, I invited them over to the parsonage to relax. I then rummaged through my cupboards to see what I could add to the meal. I found a box of instant mashed potatoes and two cans of green beans. I also found a box of instant pudding and prayed that there was enough milk in the fridge to make both the potatoes and the pudding.

As it turned out, we had a wonderfully filling and pleasant meal, and my guests were nourished before their next event. Every time I read the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand, I am reminded of my meal with Chief George and his wife. That day I learned that with God we always have more than we think we have. Even when there seems to be too little, if it is served with love, there is always enough.

Today's Prayer

Loving God, help us to trust you to know our needs even before we ask and then to accept your gifts graciously. Amen.TWFYT:

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Harvest prayer:

  October 12 - DAY 16 OF 40 DAYS OF PRAYER FOR OUR NATION   
Praying For Our Youth


“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12 NIV).
Michael Brown of The Christian Post stated: “Satan is not just trying to silence the next generation. He is seeking to wipe it out, declaring an all-out war on our children. They are being slaughtered in the womb. They are being kidnapped and sold into sex slavery. They are being raped and abused and neglected and used. They are being brainwashed by their teachers and bullied by their peers. They are lost and lonely, depressed and suicidal. They cut themselves and kill themselves. Their innocence is being robbed and their security is being stolen. Without exaggeration, we can say that no generation in American history has been subject to such a concerted, demonic attack.”
Current culture has not been kind to our children and youth. Believers must go to the mat with Satan in this hour by praying fervently and continually for the next generations. Whether you have children or not, the church must pray! The only way to have victory and free our children from destruction is to pray and act as God guides us.
Lord Jesus, You have already won the ultimate victory over the devil, but in our broken culture, we are watching our children and youth suffer and turn away from You. Help Your people to become passionately involved in the lives of youth both in prayer and action. Give us Your divine strategies for bringing a stop to every destructive plan of the enemy.

Prayer Points

  • Pray Joshua 1:9 and Deuteronomy 31:6 over the youth in your church: that they will be strong and courageous, that they will not be frightened, and that they will know that the Lord God is with them wherever they go. Ask that they will always know that God will never leave nor forsake them.
  • Pray that God will protect the minds and hearts of youth from hopelessness, fear, and anxiety.
  • Pray against the spirit of suicide.
  • Pray for every youth to be encouraged, mentored, and loved by Jesus lovers in their families, churches, and communities.
  • Pray for boldness, courage, strength, and wisdom for our Christian youth to share and live out their faith wherever they find themselves. Ask the Lord to help them grow into Christlike leaders.
To view our prayer leader video or for more resources visit

Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe here.

Posted by: AT 12:05 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 12 2024

Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday! Yes PTL for your salvation, forgiveness and new life in Christ activated by the Holy Spirit. Thank Him for His love, grace and mercy. Begin this day with thanksgiving and praise and continue through this day in a constant state of prayer and praise as you watch for God to be at work all around you.

Did you see the northern lights last night? I was in bed, but Karen did and I got to see some pictures from people all over facebook. May many be attracted to the Light of the World, Jesus, and seek after Him like they did the beauty of His nature.

Good Morning Lighthouses! May we shine bright for Christ and live Christ all day every day as we allow God to use us to lead people out of the darkness to His Light. Amen! Come! Use us as Your Lighthouses today! Shine Jesus shine! Attract many like moths are attracted to light at night. Go before us with favor for our Light in the Night Trunk or Treat. May we light up the darkness and point many to You. Provide for our needs and protect us. Thanks! May all of our ministries reflect You and Your love and care. Raise up harvest workers as you send in the harvest. Thanks! Lord raise up our building as a house of prayer for the nations and unify us as brothers and sisters in Christ to light the way to unity and brotherly love. Thanks! Come Jesus Come! Send me/us and use us for Your glory. Amen!

God took me sort of on two tracks this sleepy morning. I've had a week to rest and sleep and recover from my cold. All I wanted to do was sleep last night but I was roused by a barking crazily dog and unable to sleep much after that. I have so much to do today and this weekend and I just want to go back to bed. I feel like I was a slacker this week. BUT GOD! He says we should work from rest and He knows what lies ahead with crazy busyness from now until the new year. Could He have set Karen and I down to rest and reload for that? Sure! He does things like that when we ask Him to be our Lord and Shepherd. My concern is that as I'm aging I'm loosing my mojo and get up and go. I'm concerned I'll become a couch potato and not keep after the things God has for me. We know that His assignments and purposes for us are age and ability appropriate but I don't want to come to a dead halt and miss His plans. I discovered this week that I will go stir crazy if I retire, even though I still have many house projects to keep me busy. I need to keep busy being about my Father's business and living Christ to really be healthy in the Lord. Chuck Swindoll and Joyce Meyer devos below stirred me to remembering the importance of staying yoked to Jesus and following Him at my age-appropriate ability and with His supernatural empowerment to complete my race well. Keeping active is physically healthy too. Help me Lord to stay connected and doing what You are leading to each day. Help me to rest in You and work from rest. Help me to shed the peripheral things and focus on what You have for today. Thanks Lord! May I live today in anticipation, prayer and action as You lead. Thanks! Help me to stop running ahead and/or lagging behind. Please move me to Your plans for today and to complete Your mission for me well. Grant me holy mojo. Thanks! You promise that You have great plans for me and to be with me always. May Your Kingdom come and will be done today in, through and around me. Keep me active in Christ for Your glory and according to my age and circumstance appropriate call. Thanks! Amen! 

So all of that flowed into the rest of our devotionals about praying, praising and doing what we can with what we've been given as we shepherd the generations behind us. For many of us, our age and situation appropriate mission is to pray. Please don't take that lightly. Prayer is the key for God to move. He and we are counting on your powerful and effective prayer, righteous one of the Lord! Check out Our Daily Bread, Charles Stanley, The Upper Room and The Word for You Today as they teach and speak into our call to pray and to do what we can for the next generations. God hears and responds, empowers, directs, activates, draws, saves and so much more through our prayers! I am finding that as my physical abilities are decreasing my prayer time is increasing and God is using that in mighty ways! Thanks Lord! Inform our prayers and raise up prayer warriors and a House of Prayer for the Nations. help us to develop more corporate prayer times too. help us live each day in a state of prayer and praise as we see you at work and feel the call to pray. Come! Fill us Holy Spirit and may we overflow with powerful prayers and much thanksgiving for all You are doing! Thanks! Amen! Yes Come Jesus Come!

Keep Turning your thoughts to God in praise too as you count your many blessings:

God knows you and your abilities and circumstances. He's calling you by name to come to His loving embrace and to be empowered to do what He has for you today, one step of faith at a time. Until He calls us home, He has a custom made daily plan for you. Seek Him first and allow Him to empower and use you well. Yes Come Lord! Have Your way with me today. Be my Lord and Shepherd, inform my prayers and use me for Your plan and purposes well. Thanks! I love You Lord and trust You always. Come and help me to see the blessings in each day with you as I follow well! Amen!

Chuck Swindoll

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Joyce Meyer

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Pray Always

Pray continually. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

READ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22


I got an 84 on the test!

I felt my teen’s excitement as I read her message on my phone. She’d just started attending classes at a high school and was using her phone during lunch. My mama heart leaped, not just because my daughter had done well on a challenging test, but because she was choosing to communicate it to me. She wanted to share her good news with me!

Realizing that her text had made my day, I later thought about how God must feel when I reach out to Him. Is He as pleased when I talk to Him? Prayer is how we communicate with God and something we’re told to do “continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Talking with Him reminds us that He’s with us through the good and the bad. Sharing our news with God, even though He already knows all about us, is helpful as it shifts our focus and helps us think about Him. Isaiah 26:3 says, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast [fixed on you], because they trust in you.” We have peace awaiting us when we turn our attention to God.

Regardless of what we face, may we continually speak with God and keep in touch with our Creator and Savior. Whisper a prayer and remember to rejoice and “give thanks.” After all, Paul says, this is “God’s will” for us (1 Thessalonians 5:18). 

By Katara Patton


What do you need to share with God? How can you remember to keep in touch with Him throughout your day?

Gracious God, please remind me to stay in touch with You throughout my day. I want to rejoice and give You thanks in all I face.

For further study, read God’s Invitation into Wholeness.


How is it possible to “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)? Theologian J. B. Lightfoot wrote, “It is not in the moving of the lips, but in the elevation of the heart to God that the essence of prayer consists.” That is, prayer isn’t just times set apart to speak to God; it’s continually lifting up all that’s in our hearts to Him as we go about our daily lives. Sometimes that will take the form of words, but often it will be a wordless reaching out to Him. It’s possible to “pray continually” because Christ’s Spirit unites our hearts to God’s, continually assuring us of His love for us as His children (Romans 8:16). 

Find out how you can overcome obstacles to praying continuously with James Banks.

Lecture - Our Daily Bread University

Monica La Rose


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UR: Peace Lily

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” - John 14:27 (NIV)

As I sat at my desk, my heart ached from the hurt and disappointment I had been carrying. Resting my chin on my hands, I let out a long sigh. Just then, my attention was drawn to the peace lily blooming beside me, and the words from John 14 quoted above came to mind. I knew that my heart was indeed feeling troubled about many things. I was feeling afraid and overwhelmed, but here in this verse Jesus was reminding me of the peace he offers.

In this passage of scripture, Jesus shared these words to bring comfort to his disciples at the Last Supper. They were about to enter a very troubling time, and knowing what was to come, Jesus promised to leave them peace.

As I gazed again at the blooming plant beside me, its single white spathe rising above a dark green base of leaves, I decided in that moment to surrender my troubles to the Lord, to let go of fear, and to embrace the peace that Jesus offers.

Today's Prayer

Dear God, help us to surrender our worries to you. Amen.TWFYT

Posted by: AT 12:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 12 2024

Thanks for understanding about canceling last night and for praying for Karen and me. Karen is rebounding and I have been on the fringes of sickness and mostly sleeping a lot. We didn't want to contaminate anyone. We will be good to go by Sunday. Thanks again!

I picked up donuts yesterday and set up and then left. I have no report of how things went but when I left at 10:15 there were at least three tables full of people. I'm sure God was at work and used those that were there. Thanks for all who helped clean up and minister!


Good Morning Cloaked in the Armor of God and Righteousness of Jesus Warriors! God is sure allowing some of us some stretching, growing in faithfulness and trust and teaching us to persevere opportunities. Keep your focus up and keep putting on that armor in prayer. God is with you and working all things together for good. He has plans for you and your loved ones that we can't often comprehend, yet we know in our heart of hearts that He is there with them and us and holding us all in His strong right hand. Amen! The enemy is prowling about trying to destroy our faith and tempt us to loose hope and walk away from God and His plans. Let us keep covering and encouraging each other in these journeys we are traveling through.

I read a devotional on season 4 of the Chosen this morning that talks about how we resist and try to get out of suffering ASAP. Yet, God uses such times to grow us and our faith and they are often a part of His plan to grow us and bring about His good plans through a refined, redeemed people. They remind us to keep sinking our roots deep into God and His Word and remain steadfast in hope. They remind us to get this deep into the fiber of our being so that we can draw on it as needed, "God is faithful and can't be anything but good and loving and purposeful and sovereign and present and perfect in knowledge and wholly committed to our sanctification. And He loves you. And He sees you. And He's for you. And He's got you in the palm of His hand and at the center of His will." Chew on that a bit. Sanctification is the process of making something holy and set apart. God is always at work in us and working all things together so keep focused on and trusting Him when things seem hopeless and dark. He is still there holding you. Lean on Him and allow Him to carry out His plans. It's never easy to travel through some of the things we have to face in this fallen world. It's helpful to remember Whose we are and that no matter what, He is there and always loves us even as He is working some hard things into good.

How do we bring hope to the hopeless and depressed and distraught? Pray like crazy and just be present and loving. And if you are on the dark side of things, please allow some in to walk with you. And keep redirecting to things above. Try counting and recounting blessings as a way to redirect. It's hard but God is with you and we are here for each other. Reach out and love someone and allow some in to your journey.

Our devos for today kinda thread through all of this. Check them out below. The Word for You Today reminds us of the schemes and relentlessness of the devil who loves to keep kicking you while you're down. But we, in Christ, are overcomers and always His. Amen! Charles Stanley reminds to pray on the armor and stand firm through all the battles we face and to keep praying for victory. The Upper Room reminds us to sink our roots deep in God and His Living Word and draw in that Living Water that will strengthen and sustain you. Our Daily Bread uses Psalm 103:8-17. Here's a passage to sink your roots into and take into your heart. Read it prayerfully on your own. It begins, "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in love." Amen! Dwell there some today. It ends with this truth, "But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear Him..." ODB discusses Love when we are deeply hurt and they ask "How has God shown you mercy for the wrong things you've done? And "How can you respond to His mercy and love today?" Talk to God about that and process that with some close friends. God is there and wanting to love on you and through you even in the darkest of times. I end with Sarah Young's Jesus Calling devo about trusting God, fixing your thoughts on things above and allowing Him to work things together right before your eyes as you still yourself and allow Him to.

I'm praying for you all and here if you need to talk or pray and so is Sarah. Dwell in deep love today and take in the Living Water that will sustain you through it all. Ask Jesus to come be your Lord and Shepherd today and to lead you to those green pastures and still waters and to walk with you through the darkest valleys. He is there and will! Amen! May God cover you with His shalom and help today and always. Amen!


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UR: Deep Roots

[Blessed is the one whose] delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither — whatever they do prospers. - Psalm 1:1-3 (NIV)

My wife and I took a late summer hiking trip through northern New Mexico. The scenery was quite a contrast to the lush, green vegetation of our home state of Michigan. The New Mexico landscape is brown and arid — except for a few green trees that caught our attention. We were intrigued. How could these trees be so green, while all the other vegetation around them was so dry?

Farther down the trail we came upon a placard that explained that the trees we were looking at were junipers. They have a unique root structure that allows them to thrive in arid lands. While the root systems of most plants are shallow, the roots of the juniper tree can go down 25 feet and spread 100 feet in search of water. Their root system allows them to survive drought, while other plants wilt.

This made me wonder: What is our ability to survive spiritual droughts? How deep are our roots? What can we do to help our roots find the source of life-giving water?

Regular study of the Bible, prayer, devotional literature, and participating in the church community are some of the practices that help us remain deeply rooted and spiritually green in arid seasons!

Today's Prayer

Dear God, help us to grow deep and wide-spreading roots that search for your life-giving water in all seasons. Amen.


Love beyond Boundaries

So great is his love for those who fear him. Psalm 103:11

READ Psalm 103:8-17


“God has been so good to us! I want to thank Him for our anniversary.” Terry’s voice was steady, and the tears in her eyes showed her sincerity. Those in our small group were deeply moved. We knew what past years had held for Terry and her husband. Though a believer, Robert suffered from the sudden onset of severe mental illness and had taken the life of their four-year-old daughter. He would be institutionalized for decades, but Terry visited him, and God did a beautiful healing work, helping her forgive. Despite profound heartache, their love for each other grew.

Love and forgiveness like that could only come from one source. David writes about God this way, “He does not treat us as our sins deserve . . . . As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:10, 12).

The mercy God shows us comes through His expansive love: “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love” for us (v. 11). Love so profound compelled Him to go to the depths of the cross and grave to take away our sins so that He could bring all who “receive him” (John 1:12) home to Himself.

Terry was right. “God has been so good to us!” His love and forgiveness reach beyond unthinkable boundaries and offer us life that never ends.

By James Banks


How has God shown you mercy for wrong things you’ve done? How can you respond to His mercy and love today?

Merciful God, please help me to revel in Your love and to grow in it. Love through me, that others may know Your perfect love too!


God’s people have a propensity to be forgetful and unfaithful (see Deuteronomy 6:10-12; 8:11; Jeremiah 3:21-22). Psalm 103 reminds us not to forget God but to remember what He’s done. To ensure that we “forget not all his benefits” (v. 2), the psalmist lists the things God’s done to show His great love for us (vv. 3-19). He calls us to reaffirm who God is and to remember who we are (vv. 8-19). God is compassionate, slow to anger, loving, forgiving, and gracious and “does not punish us for all our sins . . . [or] deal harshly with us, as we deserve” (v. 10 nlt). He’s forgiven all our sins completely for all time (vv. 11-12). The metaphors of withering grass and fading flowers (vv. 15-16) remind us of our mortality and frailty in contrast to God’s eternality and sovereignty (vv. 17-22).

K. T. Sim


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Posted by: AT 12:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 12 2024
Tonight's Dinner Gathering of the Chosen is cancelled due to sickness (Pastor Don and Karen are sick) Spread the word please. See you next week
 Good Morning Flock of the Good Shepherd! Allow Jesus to lead you to green pastures and beside still waters today. Many are going through a lot right now, yet the Good Shepherd protects and walks with through the darkest valleys. He even feeds us in front of our enemies. He is kind and loving and always good. Sometimes it's hard to understand His ways, but they are always working things together for the good of those who believe and are called according to His purposes. I think Prov. 3:5-6 is critical to embrace and put into practice...Stop leaning on your own thinking and understanding. Trust God with all your heart and acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your steps onto the right paths. Amen!
Here's three devos for today to meditate upon in these hard, confusing and chaotic days. Pray against those things and step into God's promised rest for us weary travelers. he is with you always and He is in control. trust Him even when it's hard to do so. He is at work and He loves you with an everlasting love. Dwell in that love today! Amen!
ODB: They use James 1:2-12 (read it) It begins Consider it pure joy...whenever you face trials of many kinds. Many of us are facing many kinds of trials right now. Pray to be able to choose patient endurance in faith and keep trusting God. Love you all. May God bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you His shalom! Amen!

Lessons in Patience

Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:4

READ James 1:2-12

Bob Salem holds the speed record for pushing a peanut up Pike’s Peak with his nose—or rather, with a spoon attached to his face. He accomplished the feat in seven days, working at night to avoid interruption from tourists. Bob is the fourth person to complete this stunt, which means three other very patient people have done it.

We might say their need for patience was self-inflicted, but so often in life that isn’t the case. We need patience. It’s a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) and an essential virtue for becoming “mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:4). Patient people keep their heads when everyone around is in full panic. They’d like the situation to be different, but they don’t need it to be. They stay the course, trusting God for wisdom to act wisely (v. 5).

The problem with patience is there’s only one way to learn it. James says “the testing of your faith produces patience” (v. 3 nkjv). Such testing comes in ways big and small. I’m writing this from an airport. My 11:00 p.m. flight was delayed until 2:00 a.m., then canceled. After a night without sleep, I’m chugging coffee and hoping to make it home sometime. I don’t like wasting an entire, drowsy day in an airport, but my loving Father is teaching me patience.  

I pray my lesson is finished for the day, but who knows? Time to check the standby list for the next flight.

By Mike Wittmer


How can you develop patience? Why is this virtue so important?

Father, please help me learn patience as I hold on to You and Your promises.


The words perseverance (hypomonē, James 1:3-4) and perseveres (hypomenō, v. 12) relate to a compound Greek word which means to “remain under.” What’s in view is “patient endurance,” “steadfastness,” “perseverance.” In A New Testament Wordbook, William Barclay notes that hypomonē is “one of the noblest of NT words. . . . It is the quality which keeps a man on his feet with his face to the wind.” Job exemplified this kind of steadfast endurance (see James 5:11). From another word group are similar words rendered “be patient” (makrothymeō) (vv. 7-8) or “patience” (makrothymia) (v. 10). Church father John Chrysostom (ad 347-407) noted that this word describes the person “who is fully able to revenge himself but refuses to do so.”

Arthur Jackson
Sarah Young:
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Charles Stanley:
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Posted by: AT 12:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 12 2024

Today: Zoom Huddle 10-11 Link:

Pray for Light in the Night with Revival Church Noon and 6:30pm Link:

Tomorrow Donut Day at the Bread Ministry 10-12. Chosen Dinner Huddle 6-8

Sarah Prayer update below--lots of hard things to cover in prayer!

PTL! We will have insurance for when ours expires on the 15th and can stay open! Thanks Lord! And all who helped make this happen! We are still working on having some minor roof repairs but it is in process. Keep praying for God to guide and supply.


Good Morning Persevering, Worshiping in the Storms, Drawing Close to God, Children of the God Who Knows, Cares, Is There and Is Calling You by Name! He is our Help in Times of trouble and our Peace beyond understanding. He is our Redeemer and Deliverer! He is our Friend. Amen! Be still and know and keep worshiping and drawing close!

Man, these times sure feels like a tidal wave of grief, hard times, hurts, fears and uncertainty. If we aren't careful and continue to focus on God, we can easily slip down some deep, dark holes and into depression and hopelessness. BUT GOD! Jesus stilled the storm that was raging. Peter walked on water in the midst of a major storm until He took His eyes off Jesus. As an empathetic person, I feel so deeply for many of you that I pray in tears as I feel like Jesus is weeping with you. I ask for how I can bring comfort and peace into some very hard things! The storms are raging around us for sure and many are in the midst of some very, very hard things. Keep praying for them. I'm here and so is Sarah if you need to chat or pray. We are praying for you. Check out Sarah's prayer email below for just a few to cover and maybe reach out and encourage. God is there always. May we keep our focus on Him! Help me/us Lord to keep our eyes on You in these storms. Deliver us. Heal us in Jesus' name. Bring shalom and strength for our journey. COME! Redeem! Heal and deliver as only you can! Thanks! Use me as your agent of healing, hope and comfort. Come! Amen!

It feels like bad news and heaviness is compounding lately, doesn't it. It's like this heavy wet blanket of despair is hanging over me as many I know are facing very hard medical and life circumstances. Then add to that the weight of the election process and the state of this country and the world and hurricanes. A few years ago we could never imagine the heaviness of the end of times or even think we would experience it. What if this compounding heaviness is the precursor of the end of times? The Bible says that like the increasing intensity of birth pangs we can expect an increasing of some very hard things as the end draws near. Are you able to keep you eyes fixed on things above and persevere in faith until your race is complete? Just as we prepare for coming storms, we need to prepare our hearts and minds to choose to always, no matter what, keep our focus on Jesus in the storms lest we sink below the waves. Don't be caught off guard! The Boy Scout motto is be prepared. Are you?

God sees you, knows you, loves you, and is calling you by name. You are His and He promises to redeem. He may not always deliver us from the storm or it's aftermath, but He promises to walk with us through it. Keep focused and keep worshiping. We have the ability to choose joy in all things. Not for them but the joy that comes from a faith that knows God is with us and working all things together for the good of those who believe and are called according to His purposes. Amen! Our Daily Bread reminds us to run to Jesus always and the Upper Room reminds us of the hope we can find in Christ. The Word for You Today has been teaching about Satan's schemes and how he is trying to drag you down and away from God. Choose faith instead and PUT ON GOD'S ARMOR IN PRAYER TODAY. I've been studying about hope the past few weeks. We know or can choose hope always. Start by studying God's promises that are always true. Pray with thanksgiving and get out those gratitude lists we have been working on because God does inhabit our praise and praise helps to change our focus away from the storms and back to God who is with us always.

I'm here and so are some of your friends. Lean on God and us. Reach out and bless, encourage and pray for someone today. Who has God put on your heart that needs some hope, joy and peace right now. Go! Love like Jesus and stand strong in Him always! Amen!

5 Prayers for Difficult Days by Kin Butts: 5 Prayers for Difficult Days, Seasons and Situations

5 Prayers for Difficult Days, Seasons and Situations

Sarah Update:

Good evening, warriors......

There are many that are in need of our prayers.....

Today, we received a few that are really struggling:

Chris Muiks is requesting prayer for his sister, Linda, that we have been praying for....she has been released

from the hospital, and now has received the news that her son-in-law, Jeorge, who was only 34 years old, was

killed in a motorcycle accident in Bethlehem.   Let's please pray for Linda, and her daughter Lauren and her 

children, during this very difficult time.

Mike Laise - is requesting prayer for his father.  Mike's father has learned that his cancer has returned, and it

is now in his lungs.  Prayers for his medical team and the family as they support him during this challenging time.

Pray for those down south, that are feeling the effects of Hurricane Milton.  Mary Lou's son and wife are trying to work

their way out and travel inland to other family members.  Highways are jammed and in gridlock.  Prayers for a safe travel, and that all may be able to get out of the pathway of the storm, to safety.

Diane Huber/Schwenk - she is waiting on an upcoming doctor appointment, on the 14th of October.

Prayers for her medical team as they are working on a plan to help her through this difficult time. Also keep

Brittany and Tracy in your prayers as they support her.

Houston and Gail will meet with his medical team, to hear what is next....and what will be the best treatment

plan for Houston.  Keep this meeting in your prayers and for family also, as they support one another.

Thank you warriors, for lifting these folks up in your prayers!

Have a great 'sleep' and a good Tuesday!



Posted by: AT 12:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 12 2024

This week: Tues:

10-11 Zoom Huddle all welcome

noon-1230; 6:30pm Zoom prayer for Light in the Night:

 Meeting ID: 985 238 1129 Passcode: prayer

Wed: 10-12 Donut day at the Bread Ministry

6-8pm Dinner Huddle for adults and family ministries


Good Morning Standing on the Rock, Abiding in the Vine, Fruit Bearing, Servants of the Lord! Please Lord! Help us to be fully Yours and these things! We are facing many things. Come! Be our Rock, our Deliverer, Our Strong Tower. May we stay connect to the Vine always and draw in Living Waters and fill us to overflowing that we may bless others with Your Love, joy, peace and help. Come! bring the Fruit of the Spirit alive in and through us! May we overflow with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Thank You! Come be our gentle shepherd and lead us through this week for Your glory. Come! Teach us to live and love more like Jesus. Help us to turn off all the noise and cast our anxiety upon you. Help us to receive your peace beyond understanding as You grow our faith and trust. Help us to breathe out the junk and breathe in a fresh breath of Your Spirit. Come! Help! Refine! Guide! Amen!

IDK what God has in store for today for me but it sure is flowing from rest as I slept over ten hours and am refreshed and ready for today (except for the dentist visit shortly to fill some cavities--YUK!) Sometimes God's best for us requires the drilling out of some rottenness and the patching over the holes in us to become healthy again and ready to continue our purposes. I had a bunch of devotionals to share today that I just put away. They all point to the same thing God is revealing to me today: Turn off the noise, walk away from the chaos, receive His grace and peace, listen for His still small voice in the storms, put on His armor and stand firm against the schemes of the enemy. God's got this. Release all to Him and take the next step of faith on your journey to Christlikeness. he knows you and all you are facing. He os calling you by name. he will deliver you and use you for His glory. Focus on Him and dwell in the Vine today. Allow Jesus, invite him to be, your Lord and Shepherd today. Amen Give all to God and watch what he will do as you grow in trust and obedience to the only One who really knows you and cares! he created you for such a time as this, is with you and has great plans for you. PTL! Amen!


Praying For The Lost To Know Christ


“For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite’” (Isaiah 57:15 NIV).
Oswald Smith relates: “Several members of Jonathan Edwards’ church had spent the whole night in prayer before he preached his memorable sermon, ‘Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.’ The Holy Ghost was so mightily poured out, and God so manifest in holiness and majesty during the preaching of that sermon, that the elders threw their arms around the pillars of the church and cried, ‘Lord, save us, we are slipping down to hell!’”
Not many churches are calling their people to spend an entire night in prayer seeking God in preparation for Him to show up in their midst. Yet, here we find a powerful example of just a few members of a church “preparing in prayer” prior to the preaching of a message about sin. And, the Spirit showed up so powerfully in Jonathan Edwards’ church that even church leaders were convicted of their sins.
Merciful Father, we are a sinful people saved by the grace of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! You made this salvation possible through Your kindness and love. Help us not to be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so that by testing, we may discern Your good, acceptable, and perfect will. May the churches in our nation repentantly cry out to You as the Psalmist in Psalm 85:6: “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you!”

“To open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me”  (Acts 26:18 NIV).
Jesus ties together prayer and evangelism in Matthew 9:37-38: “Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.’” The instruction of Jesus to His disciples regarding reaching the lost is that it begins with prayer. There is certainly more to do after we have prayed. But evangelism will never be truly effective apart from the biblical beginning place of prayer.
Dick Eastman said it this way: “God’s ultimate purpose for mankind, the completion of Christ’s bride and the establishing of His eternal Kingdom on earth will result only from the release of the prayers of God’s saints.”
In his book, Revival! A People Saturated with God, Brian Edwards emphatically states: “In times of revival Christians go out spontaneously. You cannot stop them. Nobody can stop them. Revival is a spontaneous combustion of evangelism. And this is one of the things we must long for when we long for revival.”
Lord of the Harvest, You love every person on the planet, and You have called us to go and make disciples of everyone we can! Show us how to focus on lost people in our families, neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, and those across our nation! Give us the overwhelming love that You have for the lost, Lord Jesus. We want to see the lives of people transformed and our society changed because of it! We long for You to receive Your inheritance from the
Father – the nations!

Prayer Points

  • Pray for the salvation of those who have yet to attain an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 3:8-9)
  • Pray that God will remove the blinders that the Devil tries to put on the eyes and minds of unbelievers. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  • Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to raise up more workers to send into His harvest field. (Matthew 9:36-38)
  • Pray that the Father will draw lost people to Himself. (John 6:44)
  • Pray for the blessing and peace of God in every person’s life. Pray prophetically that God will work in every new believer’s life, and that the Holy Spirit will enable them to fulfill their redemptive purposes. (Philippians 2:13)
To view our prayer leader video or for more resources visit

Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe here.
Posted by: AT 12:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 12 2024

Worship at 10 today live and on Zoom. Today is Worldwide Communion Sunday (Zoomers prepare your crackers and juice) We are also collecting for Everlasting Life Ministries.


Good Morning Thirsting after God, Sold Out, Worshipers of our Ever-Present God! May that be me and Your people Lord. Set us on fire for You and Your ways. May we draw close as we trust and follow You. May we be worshipers in Spirit and Truth today. Come! Fill us to overflowing and send us to be Your vessels of transformation. Revive us and our land! Thank You for being with us always and  for wanting to grow us and change the world through us for Your glory. Come! Amen!

Oh what a glorious day this is shaping up to be as we gather to worship and commune with God and each other, reload, and go to live and love more like Jesus. PTL! God has some custom made plans for you, His set apart child! Amen! Hunger and thirst after Him and His ways. Humble yourself and be available and move towards being fully His. Oh what a day this can be and will be as we earnestly pursue Christ and our created purposes. Yes COME! Produce good and lasting fruit in and through us. Amen!

I'd love for you to interact on your own and with some friends with the devotionals I used this morning and in Gal 5 that we will discuss this morning during worship. God has threaded this together for me as verification that as we surrender fully and seek to follow Him earnestly, He will lead us to the green pastures beside the still waters and restore our souls and then inform our steps as He leads us to His perfect custom made plans. Amen! We begin with Harvest Prayers blogs about revival in our souls and churches and among the people of God as we cry out for Him to come and heal our land. Then we thread through some great devotionals about our parts of crying out, praying, receiving and going to live and love more like Jesus. That will change the world! Amen! He has great plans for you, me and us and His unified Body that are budding and coming to life in these end of times. Trust Him. Prepare your hearts. Determine to seek and follow well. May He be glorified in all we think, say and do as we live a life of sold out worship for His glory alone! Amen! What's He preparing you for as your part in His Good News Delivery Company? What will you do about that? Who are your teammates? How can we pray for and help each other to move towards our fuller created potential and God's purposes for us for such a time as this? COME Lord! prepare and send me! Amen!


Praying For Revival In The Church

“For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite’” (Isaiah 57:15 NIV).
Oswald Smith relates: “Several members of Jonathan Edwards’ church had spent the whole night in prayer before he preached his memorable sermon, ‘Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.’ The Holy Ghost was so mightily poured out, and God so manifest in holiness and majesty during the preaching of that sermon, that the elders threw their arms around the pillars of the church and cried, ‘Lord, save us, we are slipping down to hell!’”
Not many churches are calling their people to spend an entire night in prayer seeking God in preparation for Him to show up in their midst. Yet, here we find a powerful example of just a few members of a church “preparing in prayer” prior to the preaching of a message about sin. And, the Spirit showed up so powerfully in Jonathan Edwards’ church that even church leaders were convicted of their sins.
Merciful Father, we are a sinful people saved by the grace of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! You made this salvation possible through Your kindness and love. Help us not to be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so that by testing, we may discern Your good, acceptable, and perfect will. May the churches in our nation repentantly cry out to You as the Psalmist in Psalm 85:6: “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you!”

Prayer Points

  • Ask the Spirit to help you understand the power of the One we are addressing in prayer so that our faith will grow and we will begin to pray in a way that moves the hand of God towards reviving His people.
  • Confess any sin that has compromised your life with God.
  • Ask God to have mercy on His people and move in power in your church in response to repentant, fervent prayer!
  • Pray through revival Psalms such as Psalms 63, 64, and 80 and petition the Lord for revival with both variety and the power of Scripture behind your requests.
  • Ask God to awaken His people to the reality of His presence in our midst and in doing so, transform and shape our lives into the character of Christ.

To view our prayer leader video or for more resources visit

Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe here.

Connection Prayer Devotions Sign Up

Sarah Young:

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Upper Room Close Communion 

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. - Revelation 3:20 (NIV)

On a recent Sunday morning, as the worship service was about to begin,

I saw a toddler a few rows in front of me curled up tight in the arms of his father. The small child leaned in so close to his father’s face that it seemed as though they were breathing the same breath. I could see the love they shared. Then the child pushed closer still and kissed his father’s cheek.

This scene made me think about Communion in a new way. Communion is not just about recognizing Christ’s sacrificial gift or simply confessing our sin and asking for his wonderful grace and forgiveness. It is also about coming in close and feeling the warm presence of Christ as he offers us new life.

Because of this simple demonstration of love between father and child, Communion will now forever bring me closer to Christ’s deep, abiding love. Christ desires close communion with us, not just at these special times but each and every day.

Today's Prayer

In the special times and in our everyday living, O Christ, may we feel your abiding presence breathing new life into us. Amen.

Chuck Swindoll:

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Our Daily Bread

God Sees Us

The Lord took me from tending the flock and said to me, “Go, prophesy.” Amos 7:15

READ Amos 7:10-17


There are fourteen billion trees in the state of Michigan, most of them quite ordinary by most standards. Yet the state hosts an annual “Big Tree Hunt,” a contest to identify those trees that are oldest and biggest, trees that can be honored as a living landmark. The contest elevates ordinary trees to another level: inside any forest could be an award-winner, just waiting to be noticed.

Unlike most people, God always notices the ordinary. He cares about the what and whom that others overlook. God sent a common man named Amos to Israel during the reign of King Jeroboam. Amos exhorted his people to turn from evil and seek justice but was ostracized and told to be quiet. “Get out, you seer!” they said with scorn. “Go back to the land of Judah . . . and do your prophesying there” (Amos 7:12). Amos responded, “I was neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but I was a shepherd, and I also took care of sycamore-fig trees. But the Lord took me from tending the flock and said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel’ ” (vv. 14-15).

God knew and noticed Amos when he was just a common shepherd, tending to flocks and trees. Hundreds of years later, Jesus noticed and called out the ordinary Nathanael (John 1:48) and Zacchaeus (Luke 19:4-5) near the fig and sycamore trees. No matter how obscure we feel, He sees us, loves us, and uses us for His purposes.

By Karen Pimpo


Why is it sometimes difficult to believe that God sees you as an individual? How does His awareness communicate His love?

Dear God, thank You for loving me, even when I feel overlooked.


Amos (760-750 bc) and Hosea (760-722 bc) were two of the twelve minor prophets sent to minister to the Northern Kingdom of Israel during its final forty years. Denying that he’s a professional prophet, Amos says he’s merely “a shepherd” and “took care of sycamore-fig trees” (Amos 7:14). A citizen of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, Amos was sent as a missionary (vv. 12-13) to warn Israel of God’s judgment for her covenantal unfaithfulness (2:6-9:15). Amos is just a layman God used to deliver His message to His people.

K. T. Sim

Joyce Meyers

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Charles Stanley:

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Posted by: AT 12:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 05 2024

Worldwide Communion tomorrow at 10. We will also be collecting for Everlasting Life Ministries

Good Morning Blessed, Willing, Joyful, Testimony-Sharing Servants of the King of the Universe! Amen! Please Lord! Stir us, Your faithful servants to receive all your blessings, choose joy, share our lives and stories willingly. WOW! We get to worship as we live and love more like Jesus and bring Him and His ways alive! Thank You! Stir us to  more of this for your glory! Use us as You redeem and in spite of our circumstances. Thanks Lord! Come! Redeem! Revive! Lead! Use! Amen!

This week has taken us through all kinds of highs and lows and in it all is God! PTL! He has great plans for you that He has been unleashing. He brings His wisdom and peace beyond understanding as He guides us to His greater things. REJOICE! What story has He given you of His faithful love and provision? Who needs to hear that? What is your part in His story? Do that for His glory! Check out my devotionals for today that thread through our salutation, choices and lives in Christ! he is able to do immeasurably more than we can think or imagine and he created you and gifted and empowered you to be His representative, just as you are, for such a time as this! Trust and follow Him well today and write that new story to share! He is working all things together for good, even though that seems hard to believe today. He is with you and sending you to go change the world one soul at a time by living and loving more like Jesus today. Go! Love like Him and write and share those stories! Amen!

I was going to just use ODB and UR devos today about sharing our stories and taking one step of fait but all the devos I used today (below) thread through this as God is speaking to my heart and informing my steps for today. Is He doing the same for you? What's He saying? Who will you process with? What will you do in response? Pray, receive, process, plan and go share your story one step of faith at a time. And then add to your gratitude lists as you see God respond and then you will have another story to share of His faithful love and of using His surrendered servant to go love and impact the world for His glory. Amen! We get to choose to jump in His river of love and life and allow Him to bring Living Water from us as He leads us along through today, Yes rejoice! What an awesome God we love and get to worship and serve!

Sarah Young

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Charles Stanley

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Joyce Meyers

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Our Daily Bread

God Uses Our Stories

Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story. Psalm 107:2

READ Psalm 107:1-9


I opened the memory box and pulled out a small, silver lapel pin, the exact size and shape of a ten-week unborn baby’s feet. Caressing the ten tiny toes, I remembered the loss of my first pregnancy and those who said I was “lucky” I wasn’t “that far along.” I grieved, knowing that my baby’s feet were as real as the heart that once beat inside my womb. I thanked God for freeing me from depression and using my story to comfort others who were grieving after losing a child. More than two decades after my miscarriage, my husband and I named the child we lost Kai, which in some languages means “rejoice.” Though I still ache from my loss, I thank God for healing my heart and using my story to help others.

The writer of Psalm 107 rejoiced in God’s established character and sang: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever” (v. 1). He urged “the redeemed of the Lord” to “tell their story” (v. 2), to “give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind” (v. 8). He offered hope with a promise that God alone “satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (v. 9).

No one can escape grief or affliction, even those who’ve been redeemed through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. We can, however, experience God’s mercy as He uses our stories to point others to His redeeming love.

By Xochitl Dixon


How has God healed your heartbreaks? How has He used someone else’s story to comfort you?

Dear Jesus, thank You for healing me and using my story to point others to Your redeeming love.


The Psalms are divided into five “books,” or sections. Psalm 107 is the first song in the fifth of those books. Verse 3 provides a clue as to when it was written—likely after the Jewish people had been exiled from their homeland. It refers to them as “those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south,” an indication that they’d been scattered among the nations. The psalm recounts Israel’s checkered past as it praises God for His frequent deliverance. Repeatedly they forgot God, which led to dire circumstances. Four times we hear the refrain, “Then they cried (out) to the Lord in their trouble,” and four times we read that He delivered “them from (out of) their distress” (vv. 6, 13, 19, 28). The psalm concludes, “Let the one who is wise heed these things and ponder the loving deeds of the Lord” (v. 43). 

Tim Gustafson

Upper Room: One Step of Faith

How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord. - Psalm 84:1-2 (NIV)

My youth was spent in an existential void filled with doubt. I was searching for something and wanted to fill that void by surrounding myself with people and possessions. Paradoxically, the more I searched and the more things I acquired, the emptier I felt. I finally reasoned that the answer to my deep yearning lay in a spiritual awakening, but I resisted: What would people think?

One afternoon I passed by a church that was usually full of people; but that day it was not. In my quest to find answers to my questions, I went in and spent a few minutes there in silent reflection. In those few moments I found the tranquility and peace of mind that I needed. I came to understand that the fullness of my existence did not depend on things but on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

I began to seek out persons of faith to guide me on my spiritual journey, a journey that restored my life and helped me restore relationships with my family. My newfound faith also inspired me to share in loving fellowship with others who were on the same quest. Most important, as I spent time in prayer and Bible study, my spiritual awakening drew me closer to God.

Today's Prayer

God of hope, remove anything that prevents us from walking in your light. Thank you for the pioneers of faith who show us how to experience the fullness of life in relationship with you. Amen.The Word for You Today

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Posted by: AT 01:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 05 2024

TGIF...Thank God I'm Forgiven Friday! Worship! Adore! PTL! Celebrate your forgiveness and God's great love, mercy and grace!

Thank you for your prayers and encouragements! They are powerful and mean so much! 

Please know and celebrate that God is hearing and responding to our prayers for the roof and insurance. Things are looking promising to have new insurance by the 15th and minor roof repairs being scheduled. PTL! Keep praying with thanksgiving! More updates Sunday!

Don't forget Sunday is Worldwide communion and we will collect for Everlasting Life Ministries too.

Pray for our Clothing Closet and workers tomorrow to be God's vessels, to connect to and bless clients, to draw clients to God's love and for protection. Thank God for all our servants!


Good Morning Receiving, Releasing, Informed, Empowered, Pray-ers and Followers of Jesus! Amen! So be it Lord! raise up prayer warriors and a house of prayer for the nations at St. Matts. Inform and hear our prayers. Thank You! Amen! Check out the Harvest Blog at the bottom and pray for our church leaders. Wed. during the Bishop led EC Day of Fasting and Prayer, he prayed for our pastors and leaders during this month set aside to honor our leaders. harvest continues those prayers. We need you to pray! Thanks!

This morning God led me to some different devotional thoughts and resources as He was preparing me to write this blog. PTL! He is speaking all the time and I was able to hear and sense the thread through these as I focused on Him. I'm going to start here with 1 Peter 2 as two devotions used parts of it. Reading them reminded me of our discussion Wed and yesterday about Peter and his new name and the weight of being called to leadership. We are to draw close to our Vine, stay connected and receive His life giving sap of wisdom, love and direction.

1Peter 2: 4-9 and 21-25: 

4 You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God’s temple. He was rejected by people, but he was chosen by God for great honor. 5 And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God. 6 As the Scriptures say,

“I am placing a cornerstone in Jerusalem,
    chosen for great honor,
and anyone who trusts in him
    will never be disgraced.”

7 Yes, you who trust him recognize the honor God has given him. But for those who reject him,

“The stone that the builders rejected
    has now become the cornerstone.”

8 And,

“He is the stone that makes people stumble,
    the rock that makes them fall.”

They stumble because they do not obey God’s word, and so they meet the fate that was planned for them. 9 But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

21 For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps.

22 He never sinned,
    nor ever deceived anyone.

23 He did not retaliate when he was insulted,

    nor threaten revenge when he suffered.
He left his case in the hands of God,
    who always judges fairly.
24 He personally carried our sins
    in his body on the cross
so that we can be dead to sin
    and live for what is right.
By his wounds
    you are healed.
25 Once you were like sheep
    who wandered away.
But now you have turned to your Shepherd,

    the Guardian of your souls.

So, what's God saying to you as you meditate on His Word this morning? 

I'm reminded that following Jesus sometimes doesn't lead to comfort or happiness. We are to be like Jesus who suffered and endured all kinds of things so that we could be set free and united with Him for eternity. PTL! Dying to self and taking up cross--crucifying some things hurts sometimes, and following Him and His example is a command. Daily we have things to take to the cross and things to meditate upon and bring to prayer and action as we dwell in His Living Word. Help us Lord! We are to turn off the noise and fix our thoughts on things above as we seek to follow Jesus each day. And God is faithful to be with us always and promises to work all things together for good. We are to be thankful always--not for things like sickness, death, cancer, broken relationships, etc. But to be thankful that God knows, promises to be with us always and at work. PTL! As we shift our focus through praise and thanksgiving, God comes and inhabits our praise and helps us to receive His shalom and directions. Thanks Lord! Help us to turn off the noise and focus on you more quickly as we renew our thinking through praise and worship. Thanks You!

OUR Daily Bread reminds us of the urgency to have the same attitude as Christ and to seek to respond like Him to all the hard times. They use 1 Peter 2:21-25 as the basis for that teaching. Check it out below. Joyce Meyers reminds us that we are saved from sin! TGIF! Amen! And that Jesus understands what we are facing. he is our High priest even as we are all priests unto the Lord for others. Charles Stanley reminds us not to be conformed to this world but to allow our Savior and the Holy Spirit to transform our thinking and help us to repent (turn the other way). Where might you need some mind renewing today? Ask the Father and receive it and His mind. We have the mind of Christ in us. It's time to start using it, thinking like Him and allowing Him to direct our steps. Don't lean on your own understanding but trust God and follow Jesus with all your heart. He is faithful to lead us well! Amen! He sets us free of sin and guilt and redirects us to His good ways. Thanks Lord! And the Upper Room speaks about lifelines and God's good plans for us that lead to a future and hope, even in spite of all the hardships. We always have this to cling to. Amen! We need others and each other to pray, help us redirect our thinking and focus, hold us accountable, to pray and to point out weak spots. Who is your buddy? Ask God for some and how you can be one and do something about that. Who do you know that could use a lifeline of love and hope and help right now? God saves us to go be Jesus in the flesh to others. He has a custom plan for you, just as you are. PTL! Seek first His Kingdom and cling to Jesus always and you will be on your way to the abundant life He promises. Amen!


A Christlike Response

When they hurled their insults at [Jesus], he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. 1 Peter 2:23

READ 1 Peter 2:21-25


George was working on a construction job in the heat of the Carolina summer sun when someone living nearby walked into the yard where he was working. Clearly angry, the neighbor began to curse and criticize everything about the project and how it was being done. George received the verbal blows without response until the angry neighbor stopped yelling. Then he gently responded, “You’ve had a really hard day, haven’t you?” Suddenly, the angry neighbor’s face softened, his head dipped, and he said, “I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you.” George’s kindness had defused the neighbor’s wrath.  

There are times when we want to strike back. To give abuse for abuse and insult for insult. What George modeled instead was a kindness seen most perfectly in the way Jesus bore the consequences of our sins: “When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly” (1 Peter 2:23). 

All of us will face moments when we’re misunderstood, misrepresented, or attacked. We may want to respond in kind, but the heart of Jesus calls us to be kind, to pursue peace and display understanding. As He enables us today, perhaps God could use us to bless someone enduring a hard day.

By Bill Crowder


What makes it so easy to strike back at others for their unkind words? How can you be more intentional about showing kindness to those who are unkind to you?

Caring Father, please help me to find in You the strength, grace, and wisdom to display the heart of Jesus.


Writing to believers in Jesus suffering persecution and unjust treatment in a hostile and unbelieving world, Peter encouraged them to live godly and exemplary lives (1 Peter 2:12). He instructed them to submit to governments, respect everyone—including the king and even cruel masters—love fellow believers, reverently fear God, persevere in doing good, and patiently endure unfair treatment, which pleases God (vv. 13-20). They were to follow Christ’s example in enduring such suffering and unjust treatments (v. 21). His unjust suffering is at the heart of God’s salvation plan of substitutionary (or vicarious) atonement. The sinless Savior “ ‘himself bore our sins’ in his body on the cross” (v. 24), “the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring [us] to God” (3:18). Jesus’ suffering served God’s purpose. We’re like sheep who’ve lost our way but because of His suffering, we “have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of [our] souls” (2:25).

K. T. Sim


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UR: Lifelines

“I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Our twin granddaughter and grandson were born ten weeks early during an emergency procedure. They weighed two pounds, ten ounces and three pounds, respectively. Within hours of their birth, they were transported to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in a larger hospital. Multiple wires and tubes attached to their tiny bodies monitored their vital statistics and helped them breathe and take nourishment. These lifelines kept the twins alive for two months until they could survive on their own.

During this frightening time, I also had lifelines that sustained me. My relatives, friends, and church family checked on the babies’ progress daily and offered many prayers for them, their parents, and the hospital staff. I have never prayed as fervently or as often as I did during those months. I told myself over and over that “God’s got the little bitty babies in his hands.” This thought brought much comfort to my anxious soul.

When we are in a terrifying situation, we may forget to pray or we may turn to prayer as a last resort. But prayer offers us assurance that God is with us, caring for us through it all. God not only wants us to survive; God wants us to thrive!

Today's Prayer

Healer God, we trust that you have plans for our present and future. Thank you for caring for us and being with us always. Amen.

Harvest Prayer. Please keep praying like this!!! Your prayers determine our future. Thank you!

Praying For Pastors And Church Leadership


“Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the Word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith” (Hebrews 13:7 NIV).
There is a well-known story about Charles Spurgeon, an English preacher in the 19th century known as the “Prince of Preachers.” One day, a group of young ministers came to visit his church as thousands of people were coming to Christ through his preaching.
The young men asked Spurgeon about the effectiveness of his powerful preaching and the “secret” of the success of his ministry. Before answering, he ushered them down to the “boiler room” in the basement of the church. There were about 100 people earnestly praying under the area where his pulpit was located on the floor above. He said to the young men, “Now you know the ‘secret’ of my ministry. My people pray for me.”
The ministry of your church’s leadership will only be as effective as the prayer that fuels it. If you want joyful, Spirit-filled shepherds, who confidently lead their congregations into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, then you must pray for them – and for their families!
Father, pour out an urgency to pray over my pastors and church leadership daily! They sit on the front lines of battle and the enemy wants to do damage to them and ultimately the body of Christ! Help me to intercede for these leaders and their families so that You will continually guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus! Keep them strong and protect them from temptation! Give them all the tools they need to lead, disciple, encourage, and train our church to be all You are calling us to be!

Prayer Points

  • Ask God to prompt you to intercede daily on behalf of your church leaders.
  • Pray that your pastors and leaders will deepen their passion to know Christ more intimately.
  • Pray that your pastors and leaders will minister from the Spirit’s power, being persons of prayer and doers of the Word (Acts 6:4).
  • Pray for the marriages and families of your pastors and leaders to be strong and fulfilling.
  • Pray for deep friendships and wise counsel for your church leaders, as well as protection against the temptations and schemes of the Devil.

To view our prayer leader video or for more resources visit

Connection (Devotions for Everyday Life) © 2024 is a free devotional published daily by Harvest Prayer Ministries. Subscribe here.
Posted by: AT 01:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 05 2024
Prayer update: 
Please be in prayer for Diane Schwenk. Healing from a fib and wisdom for docs as they assess treatment for stage 4 breast cancer. She is scheduled to be discharged from hospital today. Pray for daughter Tracy and granddaughter Brittany for shalom and wisdom.
Pray for Darlene Skinner who will be having knee replacement surgery tomorrow.
Pray for Yvonne and Chris Muik. Healing for Chris, provision for disability and insurance needs and peace.
Pray for Gail and Houstin Lichtenwalner for peace, discernment and healing. Houstin has many appointments and a lung biopsy tomorrow.
Pray for our Support team meeting tonight and for wisdom and direction as we process roof and insurance possibilities and other issues. Thank God for His servants and provision. we are making progress with roof and insurance. Pray we are able to have new insurance in place by Oct 15th so we can keep doors open. Pray for God to lead us to the right company and His provision. Thank Him that roof is not as bad as first believed and will need minor repairs. Thank Him for the insurance settlement. Pray for us to be the best steward of all God's blessings!
PTL for a great day of ministry in our building yesterday with bread, EC Day of fasting and Prayer and dinner huddle. Thank God for His provision and for teaching and using us! Pray for new opportunities and connection points. Pray we become a dynamic movement of God. God is on the move! PTL!
Good Morning Surrendered, Trusting, praising-in-the-Storm, Directed-by-God Followers of Jesus! Amen! Please Lord! Help my unbelief and help me choose joy as I grow in trust. You are with me always! May I trust and follow well today and always. Amen!
Last night's Chosen episode had two profound insights and depictions of God's wisdom coming to life. It was a deep insight and affirmation to me that God is with us and working all things together as we surrender, trust and work on following Jesus better. We often quote Proverbs 3:5-6 as one of our guiding commands and truths: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not lean on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your steps." So true! In the episode Jesus was talking to Matthew or Peter and said, "Man complicates things too much by leaning on his own understanding." I think we all can tend to do this as things come at us and begin to overwhelm us. We start down some dark holes, start grumbling and complaining, start to not expect God to show up, let alone acknowledge that He is with us always and knows, cares, and is at work. I've been discussing this with some of you and some of our homebound members the past two weeks. So many of us are in some really hard places right now. BUT GOD! Don't lean on your own understanding. Trust Him with all your heart. He is at work! I forget where in episode Jesus said that, maybe when He was telling Peter to forgive 70x7 or all the time? There was a lot going on in this episode including Matthew asking Peter for forgiveness and Peter's struggle to do so, but finally embracing Matthew in forgiveness. Who do you have to forgive today as you stop leaning on your own understanding? Are you able to die to self, take up your cross daily and follow our Shepherd and love like Him? Yes some hard things we are walking through! Are you able to turn off the noise of all the chaos going on around the world and in our neighborhoods and your life? Do you trust God with all your heart and are you able to get out of your own head and allow Him to lead to His best? Man, pray into that and find some to partner with to help you in the journey!
This all ties to another quote from last night's episode. Matthew was talking to Gaius and trying to explain the peace of following and trusting Jesus. There are a lot of back stories to this, just like we all have different backstories. We need the Good Shepherd to come, provide, guide, lead us beside still waters and bring His peace beyond understanding. Gaius asked something about Matthew not being worried about things and Matthew responded, "I only have one thing to do--follow Him and the rest will take care of itself." Say that out loud. Pronounce that over you, us, our church and all the chaos! "I only have one thing to do--follow Him and the rest will take care of itself." Stop leaning on your own understanding and trying to fix things or do things your way. Trust God with all your heart and follow Jesus and the rest will work itself out! And you will know His peace too! Amen! Help me/us Lord! Our devos for today (below) thread through this. Meditate and prayerfully contemplate them as you still yourself at Jesus' feet today. What's He saying? How does He want to bring His shalom or direct your steps. Write it down, share it and keep praying it into reality one step of faith at a time.
There was one scene that really struck me last night. You may be feeling something similar as you realize you were one way and God is and has led you to being another as you follow Jesus and allow Him to work things out. Throughout the Bible God gives people new names to coincide with His new plans for them and as a result of following Him earnestly or as a prophetic pronouncement of things to come. Abrim became Abraham (Father of many) What new name is God pronouncing over you? Simon (hearer) became Peter (the little rock). God is calling you by your real name and maybe new name today. He knows you and your created potential that meshes with His plans for you. You are redeemed, sent, and a very loved child of God. You were one way and God is pronouncing His new things over you as He leads you to new and greater things. Receive them! Start walking in them with God. Amen! Peter was lying in bed unable to sleep as he contemplated what it meant to have a new name. He was feeling a heavy weight of new responsibility and uncertainty of how or what now, or really, me? I experienced this and the Chosen depicted it well. The night after finding out that I was called to my first church, this heavy weight of how and of all of a sudden being responsible and held accountable for many souls fell on me like a heavy blanket. I couldn't sleep as I wrestled with, the thoughts of why me Lord? Who am I? I can't do this without you! And that's the truth! None of us can do anything of value without God. I, like Peter, was forced to draw very close to Jesus, work on getting out of my own head, grow in trust and allowing Him to lead. He has been faithful, even when I fail. He keeps leading me to growth and new things. As I trust Him with all my heart and keep seeking Him earnestly, He directs my steps and sometimes that means walking through some dark valleys that develop my trust, grow my faith and prepare me for the next thing He has. What an awesome, praiseworthy, trustworthy God we serve. He is love and lovingly is working all things together for the good of those who stop leaning on their own understanding and ways and acknowledge Him. Is that you? Are you feeling that weight today? Be still and know and invite Him to lead you to His perfect plans for you and what's next. What's your new name He is pronouncing over you? Healer? Warrior? Faithful follower? Good and faithful servant? My vessel? Joy bringer? Disciple maker? He has great plans custom made just for you for such a time as this. Fix your thoughts on Him and things above. Turn off the noise and take that next God-guided step in faith! Know His peace! Amen!
Man! God gave me a sermon today that He has been writing for a long time for me and for us! He knows you, loves you and is calling you to come and find rest in Him and His good ways. Amen! Here's our devo thread to meditate upon! Shalom!
Begin by preparing your heart with this worship song about abiding in our Supplying God. He is the Way, Truth and Life! Allow Him to draw you close as you Abide:
UR: Other Plans

When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. - Psalm 94:18 (NIV)

My professional career had many twists and turns.

I climbed the corporate ladder to become an assistant vice president at a bank. I had expected to spend my entire career at that bank, but organizational changes occurred which ended my banking career after 26 years. I then worked for a non-profit organization, but funding deficiencies there made me leave. I finally retired as a public-school teacher.

It was during all these employment woes that God became most real to me. At no time did I ever feel that God had abandoned me. I could relate to the psalmist’s feelings in our scripture for today. Every time I was out of work and interviewing for another position, I thought, I’m slipping, Lord! But each time I can say that God was kind and saved me.

No matter our circumstances, when we turn our lives over to God, we can trust that God will see us through and renew our hope.

Today's Prayer
O Lord, when we face disappointments, encourage us to trust in you. Amen.
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Saying Yes by Faith

The Lord is with us. Numbers 14:9

READ Numbers 13:27-14:9

When asked if I’d accept a new responsibility at work, I wanted to say no. I thought of the challenges and felt inadequate to handle them. But as I prayed and sought guidance from the Bible and other believers, I realized God was calling me to say yes. Through the Scriptures, I was also reassured of His help. So, I accepted the task, but still with some dread.

I see myself in the Israelites and the ten spies who recoiled from occupying Canaan (Numbers 13:27-29, 31-33; 14:1-4). They too saw the difficulties, wondering how they could defeat the powerful people in the land and subdue their fortified cities. “We seemed like grasshoppers,” the spies said (13:33), and the Israelites grumbled, “Why is the Lord bringing us to this land only to let us fall by the sword?” (14:3).

Only Caleb and Joshua remembered that God had already promised He’d give Canaan to His people (Genesis 17:8; Numbers 13:2). They drew confidence from His promise, seeing the difficulties ahead in the light of God’s presence and help. They’d face the difficulties with His power, protection, and resources, not their own (Numbers 14:6-9).       

The task God gave me wasn’t easy—but He helped me through it. While we won’t always be spared difficulties in His assignments, we can—like Caleb and Joshua—face them knowing, “The Lord is with us” (v. 9).

By Karen Huang


When have you felt inadequate to do a task you knew God was asking you to do? How do Caleb and Joshua’s examples help?

Dear God, please help me to follow You wholeheartedly.


The word picture used to describe the land promised to God’s covenant people is one that “[flows] with milk and honey” (Numbers 13:27; 14:8). This attention-grabbing phrase that depicts richness and abundance first appears in Exodus 3:8, where it describes the land God has allotted to His people: “a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey.” The word flowing is as significant to the phase as the other words. The same Hebrew word (zuv) is translated “gushed out” in Psalm 78:20 and 105:41. Such visual images of what God has promised helps to strengthen our faith.

Arthur Jackson
Posted by: AT 01:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 05 2024


10-12 Bread Ministry

12-12:30 EC Day of Fasting and Prayer. We will join our bishop on zoom to pray for the denomination and our churches. Please stay muted as we will be on with many pastors and churches. Here's the link: 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 9950 0308

Passcode: 196504

 Tonight 6-8 Dinner and Chosen Huddles for Families and Adults. All welcome!


Good Morning Unified, Fruitful Followers of Jesus! We are one in the Spirit, one in the Lord and they will know we are Christians by our love. Love is a Fruit of the Spirit and a measure of how well we are doing in our walk with Jesus and as His united missionaries. This morning during our pastor's prayer huddle we discussed John 17:20-25 and Jesus' prayer for us on the night before His crucifixion. He prayed for us to be united and one. I think our church is doing pretty good with that and today at noon we will pray for that for our denomination and churches as well. I think we are taking steps to being unified on mission with Revival Church that meets in our building as we pray, plan an will serve together at our Light in the Night Trunk or Treat. (Don't forget we need lots of candy bars and are collecting those or donations to buy some) Keep praying for God to unite us, His Church and to send us to light up the darkness with fellow believers. Amen! Here is John 17:20-25 and Our Daily bread using Gal 5. We will be discussing this on Sunday. Pray into both of these. What's God saying to you and leading you to do? What will you do about that? Who will you unite with in love to bring His love alive? I'd love to hear your answers! Gal. 5:14 reminds us of our call to serve each other in love and to go love our neighbors. Paul says that fulfills the Law. It's all about love! Agape, dying to self love, love in action, loving others well. Let's keep working on that! Let us be earnest in our pursuit to live sacrificially and love lavishly more like Jesus everyday! He made us to love and to be one! Amen!

John 17:20-25, 

20 “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. 21 I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.

22 “I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one. 23 I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me. 24 Father, I want these whom you have given me to be with me where I am. Then they can see all the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world began! 25 “O righteous Father, the world doesn’t know you, but I do; and these disciples know you sent me.


Christ’s Character

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23

READ Galatians 5:13-26


Following a challenging tour in Afghanistan, Scott, a sergeant in the British Army, fell apart. He remembered: “I was in a dark place.” But when he “discovered Jesus and began following Him,” his life changed radically. Now he seeks to share the love of Christ with others, especially veterans with whom he competes in the Invictus Games, an international event for wounded and injured members and veterans of the armed forces.

For Scott, reading the Bible, praying, and listening to worship music grounds him before going to the Games. God then helps him “to reflect the character of Jesus and show kindness, gentleness, and grace” to the fellow veterans competing there.

Scott names here some of the fruit of the Spirit that the apostle Paul wrote about to the believers in Galatia. They struggled under the influence of false teachers, so Paul sought to encourage them to stay true to God and His grace, being “led by the Spirit” (Galatians 5:18). By doing so, they would then produce the Spirit’s fruit—“love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (vv. 22-23).

With God’s Spirit living within us, we too will burst forth with the Spirit’s goodness and love. We too will show gentleness and kindness to those who surround us.

By Amy Boucher Pye


How can God help you to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit? What practices can help you to stay in tune with Him?

Life-giving God, thank You for Your Spirit. Please produce within me fruit for others to enjoy.

Learn how to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit.

Lecture - Our Daily Bread University


In Galatians, Paul warned against the teaching that gentile believers in Jesus needed to obey the law revealed to Moses. This was one of the most contentious issues in early communities of believers; it was difficult for many to fathom gentile believers not being required to adhere to the requirements of the law as inspired by God (such as circumcision; see Galatians 5:6). But Paul argued that the law had a temporary teaching role in God’s plan (3:23-25). It had no power to overcome sin. Christ frees and empowers believers to be “led by the Spirit” (5:18) in a life of love (vv. 22-25).

Monica La Rose
Posted by: AT 01:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 05 2024
Sarah Prayer updates below
Today Zoom Huddle at 10-11 all welcome: Link: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Today Noon and 6:30 pray with Revival Church for Light in the Night Trunk or Treat. Link: 
Topic: Light in the Night Prayer Call Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet every Tues at noon and/or 6:30 PM 
 Join Zoom Meeting   Meeting ID: 985 238 1129 Passcode: prayer
Wed Noon EC Day of Fasting and Prayer led by our Bishop: 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 9950 0308

Passcode: 196504

Good Morning Resting in the Lord Faithful Worshipers--Overcomers!
Jesus calls to us weary travelers to come find rest in Him as we put on His easy yoke. That easy yoke is your custom fitted purposes joined to Jesus as you plow with Him. It's a joy and pleasure as we rest in Him and allow Him to lead and use us. We are custom made, custom gifted, Holy Spirit empowered and yoked to Jesus to go live and love like Him. And that grows daily as we rest in Him and grow in relationship and obedience. Amen! What joy and peace we can know as we don that easy yoke daily no matter our circumstances. Jesus sees, knows, calls and helps always. Rest in Him today! That is an act of worship! Stop striving in your own strength. Die to self and take up cross daily as you follow Jesus to your daily assignments. Amen! Put on God's armor in prayer and ingest His Living Word to sustain, train, and protect you.  Allow Jesus to grow your faith as you dwell in Him and bring Him alive and experience His ever-loving, ever-present help and love. Let go of all bitterness. Offense is one of Satan's most used weapons. Be aware of that and root out all bitterness as you forgive, let go and follow Jesus. And remember, often our faith is activated one step at a time as we commit to take the next step with Jesus. Amen! He has great plans for you today. Rest in Him. Put on that armor and yoke and commit to follow well. Then celebrate and rejoice at who He is and His great plans as they come alive in and through you! We are on our way to become God's dynamic movement. Don't grow weary! Keep taking that next step in faith and watch for the abundant fruit to grow that has already begun to bud. Ask God to unite you with the partners He has for you for accountability, encouragement and prayer as you co-labor for His Kingdom. Praise God for He inhabits our praise! Start there and rest in His love today as your first step of faith. Watch what He will do! Join Him and go live and love more like Jesus today! Amen!

God’s Provided Protection

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand. Ephesians 6:11

READ Ephesians 6:10-18

My wife and I put hundreds of miles on our bikes each year, pedaling the trails around West Michigan. To enhance the experience, we have some accessories that we’ve attached to our bikes. Sue has a front light, a back light, an odometer, and a bike lock. My bike has a water-bottle holder. In reality, we could ride our route successfully every day and rack up all those miles without the extras. They’re helpful but optional.

In the book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul writes about another set of accessories—but these aren’t optional. He said we must “put on” these things to be successful in living out our faith in Jesus. Our lives aren’t easy rides. We’re in a battle in which we must “stand against the devil’s schemes” (6:11), so we must be well equipped.

Without the wisdom of Scripture, we can be swayed to accept error. Without Jesus helping us live out His “truth,” we’ll give in to lies (v. 14). Without the “gospel,” we’ll have no “peace” (v. 15). Without “faith” shielding us, we’ll succumb to doubt (v. 16). Our “salvation” and the Holy Spirit anchor us to live well for God (v. 17). This is our armor.

How vital that we travel the pathways of life protected from its real dangers. We do that when Christ equips us for the challenges along the way—when we “put on” the armor God provides.

By Dave Branon


What does it mean for you to “put on” God’s armor? What situations are you facing that require His armor the most?

Dear Father, thank You for reminding me in Scripture how I can stand against Satan’s attacks.


In Ephesians 4-6, Paul exhorts believers in Jesus “to live a life worthy of [God’s calling]” (4:1) and not to live like unbelievers (v. 17) whose lives are characterized by “fruitless deeds of darkness” (5:11). Believers are to live a life filled with love as “children of light” (v. 8) because “the days are evil” (v. 16). Concluding his letter, Paul warns his readers of a dangerous, powerful enemy who seeks to destroy them. In combating Satan and his evil forces, believers can stand firm and be victorious if they remain “strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” (6:10). They will be strengthened by God when they “put on the full armor of God” (vv. 11, 13). Most of this armor is defensive, except for “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (v. 17). Christ used the Scriptures to defeat the devil (Matthew 4:1-11).

K. T. Sim
UR: If You Have Faith

Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33 (NIV)

My wife’s grandmother Irene was fond of saying, “If you have your health, you have everything.” Now that I am experiencing various health challenges, I have a better understanding of what she meant. But while being healthy is important, I prefer to say, “If you have your faith, you can face anything.”

Today’s reading from Matthew describes the disciples’ fear during an unexpected storm. They awakened Jesus, who calmed the storm and then rebuked the disciples: “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” I think Jesus was pointing out that as long as he was with them, they could face anything.

We see evidence of this later as these same disciples went through a dramatic transformation. Infused with the Holy Spirit after being instructed by Jesus, they spread the gospel message near and far, fulfilling the Great Commission (see Matt. 28:16-20). They repeatedly faced persecution and danger. Previously fearful and confused, the disciples now displayed tremendous courage, in some cases even dying for the sake of the gospel message.

Their faith in Jesus Christ caused this change.

We will face challenges in our lives, but Jesus is always with us, giving us peace and courage in times of trouble.

Today's Prayer
Heavenly Father, strengthen our faith and give us “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Heb. 11:1). Amen.
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Sarah updates:
Hi Warriors,
Please pray for Diane Huber - Tracy Huber's mother - she is currently in the ER with AFIB. Please pray for the medical team caring for her and also pray for her family.  Pastor Don is going to try and get in to see her tonight or tomorrow.
Jeff - Friend of Dean's - Prayers for him as he has experienced the anniversary of loosing his brother. Jeff is also an EMT and was at the horrific traffic accident on Hamilton Boulevard. Keep him in your prayers....and all our EMT and fire fighters and police officers as they serve our community.
Mike Canfield's father - and family as they are trying to find him placement in an assistant living facility in Florida.  Pray that Dad will see the need for the facility, someone to care for Dad's 2 dogs that he cannot take with him, and prayers of wisdom for the family.
Rodney R - pray for an open placement at an assistant living facility, where he would have more independence. He enjoys music and writing 
Lisa Wenner is asking for prayer for best friend's family. Their mother is in the arms of Jesus, and the family is having a difficult time with her passing
Bert Richards - Pastor Don had to reschedule their visit due to Bert suffering from a bad cold.
Kay Paul's sister, Joanne is in ICU and dealing with cancer.
Prayers for Houston as he has some appointments this week with his medical team. Also keep Gail in prayer as she organizes their week's appointments.
Thanks everyone for praying for these folks in need!
Posted by: AT 01:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 05 2024

THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE! LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT! Let us enter His courts with thanksgiving!

Good Morning Fellowshipping Worshipers! Amen! Today we get to worship, praise, pray, study, fellowship, eat and enjoy this day together! PTL!

Worship begins at 10 as Sarah leads us into God's Word. Then we move downstairs to eat and fellowship at the 2 Peas in a Pod Brunch. Come one and all and bring some friends! It promises to be a great day in the Lord! Prepare your hearts to worship!

God has some great plans for you and us as Acts 2:42 comes alive today as we gather. It's just wat the very first church was known to do: Study the apostle's teaching, eat, fellowship and pray. As we gather, may it be as it was for the early church, "And God added to their numbers daily!" Pray for us to connect to others, connect them to God through Christ and make disciples while we love God and others and enjoy life! Amen!

Life in Christ can be that easy as you allow Him to live and love through you and work at being who you are created to be and doing what you are created to do! It's that sweet spot and easy yoke Jesus invites us to enjoy. We all have custom made parts in His Good News Delivery Co. PTL! And we get to exercise some of those things today--praying, worshiping, encouraging, welcoming, sharing, teaching, and loving well. Amen! Come! Now is the time to be you and worship! We are created with the capacity to know Christ and make Him known. Watch today for how God is bringing that alive in and through you and us as we gather. He really does have some great plans for today! Rejoice!

You can spend some time with our God and through our devotionals today. They speak into a lot of this and your part. Check them out prayerfully. I want to just share Charles Stanley's devo which really spoke to my heart and speaks into our calling. He uses Hebrews 3:1 which ends with "Fix your thoughts on Jesus." We encountered that same thought as we wrapped up our Philippians study last week. Fix your thoughts on things above. Keep focused on and follow Jesus and you will be well on your way to becoming more like Him and growing into your created potential. Thanks Lord! God's always up to something new. Let us stay focused and committed to following together! Your Kingdom come and will be done, Lord, in through, and around me! Send me! Grow your Kingdom! Bring revival! may we continue to earnestly pursue and follow You to Your perfect plans! Come! Glorify Your name! Amen!

Charles Stanley:

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Posted by: AT 01:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 05 2024

This Week:

Tues 10-11 Zoom Huddle. All welcome.

Tue noon and 6:30 Zoom prayer for Light in the Night Trunk or Treat with Revival Church. Click the link and join others in prayer weekly until the event. Link: 

Topic: Light in the Night Prayer Call Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet every Tues at noon and/or 6:30 PM 

 Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 985 238 1129 Passcode: prayer

Wed. 10-12 Bread Ministry. 

Noon-12:30 Fast and Pray for the EC denomination and our church to become a dynamic movement of God. Watch for link to join our bishop in prayer on zoom.

Wed 6-8: Chosen Dinner Huddles for adults and Family Ministries. All welcome

Sat 10-1 Clothing Closet


Good Morning Recounting God's Faithfulness Encouragers and Pronouncers of Life and Blessings! So, what does that mean? Well God gave me that from a deep time in His Word and some devotionals today. Did you catch any of that in your quiet time? God is always speaking and speaking life to things that were as dead. Think about how He breathed life into those dry bones of Elijah. God is redeeming and changing us and has given each of us stories to share and words of life to pronounce as He sends us to encourage others. Amen! Think on that for a bit. Who needs to hear your story, some Good News, and/or receive some words of life today? What will you do about it? Who will you partner with to help you be encouraged and/or to go build up and encourage? Pray into that and pronounce life over Emmaus, our church and your life. Receive it too!

Yesterday Sarah talked about Saul/Paul's life. Something is evident from his life and conversion: God is a pursuing and redeeming God and has plans for all of us--even the vilest of sinners, like Saul, who persecuted and was part of trying to stop the early church by arresting and killing new Christians. As Saul pursued and hunted, he was being pursued and hunted by God. Have you experienced God pursuing you? Has He got your attention and changed your life? Has He redeemed something and made you new and ready for His plans and purposes? Who needs to hear about that? Is God sending you to help someone receive God's healing, loving, redirecting? He has some custom plans just for you. Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness and He will redeem, use, prepare and even send you. Stop running from God and fighting against His plans! Has God changed your name? Stop pronouncing wrong things and death over your life! You are not a loser, unforgivable, or forgotten. You are a very loved, pursued child of the God who molds, changes and leads to life and life abundant! Amen! Start living into your new nature and pronouncing life over you, our church, your neighborhood and some Saul-like people you know. Think about how God answered the prayers of many people who were crying out for deliverance from Saul's wrath. Who are you praying for and pronouncing deliverance over? Is God sending you to someone that is not your favorite person that you have been praying for or about? God does have plans just for you and for us together! Let us earnestly pursue Him and His good plans and commit to doing our parts. Amen!

Fix your thoughts in things above. Turn off the noise and keep refocusing on our Deliverer and fill your minds with His truth and your mouth with His truths and praise. Keep praying and pronouncing life and ask to be a bringer of His Living water. You are custom made for today and God has great plans for you. And remember they do not have to be big things. Stay faithful in the little things and patiently pursue His righteousness and plans one small step of faith at a time. In God's economy small is big and slow is fast. Keep pursuing faithfulness to the little things and God will lead you and us to His greater things. Amen! God has sent us to be His bringers of Good News, hope and help. Who needs some help, encouragement and some Good News today? Pray into that and ask God how He wants to use you to go bless. Then follow Him. That is where we find life abundant! Living Christ daily is God's best! So live Christ today and incarnate Him and His love. Amen! Rejoice! Be faithful always because He is faithful!

You can use your own Bibles, prayer time and devotionals today to draw close to God. He's singing over you and speaking to your heart. What's He saying? Who needs to hear that? Go! Live and love more like Jesus today! Know true joy and peace as you do! Thanks Lord! Come!

Posted by: AT 01:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 05 2024

Tomorrow: Worship at 10, brunch at 11:30. All welcome! Bring some friends! Who ya bringin'? There's plenty of food and desserts that Lori and team are, will and have prepared.

Good Morning Redeemed, Persevering, Protected, Growing Servants of the God Most High! YES and Amen! This salutation is right from our devos for today. Psalm 103:11 reminds us, "As high as the heavens are above the Erath, so great is His love for those who fear Him." He really loves us and as we surrender and ask Him to examine us, renew our thinking and help us repent, He will and grow us more into the people we are created to be and more like Him. Even in the battle for our nation, God addresses His people to respond rightly to bring His help. "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways and pray--THEN I will heal their land." (my paraphrase). Revival, salvation and bringing to life God's best ways for us and this nation begins with us--His people. His plan all along is to use His people to bring Jesus, salvation and new life alive to the world around us where He has placed us for such a time as this. It all begins with our obedience and focus on God's best. Amen! Help us Lord! Come! Refine us and focus us on Your mission with earnest and surrendered hearts. May we truly become one nation under God. May Your perfect plans and will come alive in and through us. May we persevere in faith and be about You and Your business no matter the circumstances around us. Help us to live as your holy and surrendered remnant and bring You alive today. Bring revival! Change us and this nation by Your love! Thanks! Come! Amen!

Here are our devos for today to contemplate prayerfully and to use to process and plan with some friends how to respond. What's God saying to you and what will you do about it? Pray on that armor as you surrender, repent, renew your thinking and plan with some others to go bring Jesus' light and love alive! We are His vessels of change! Live like it today! We are...Redeemed, Persevering, Protected, Growing Servants of the God Most High! Amen!


Search and Rescue

[Jesus] gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age. Galatians 1:4

READ Galatians 1:1-5


Some friends went boating in the English Channel, hoping the forecast for stormy weather would change. But the winds rose, and the waves became choppy, threatening the safety of their vessel, so they radioed for help to the RNLI (the Royal National Lifeboat Institution). After some tense moments, they spotted their rescuers in the distance and realized with relief they’d soon be safe. As my friend reflected gratefully afterward, “Whether or not people ignore the rules of the sea, the RNLI still comes to the rescue.”

As he recounted the story, I thought about how Jesus leads God’s search-and-rescue mission. He came to earth to become a man, living as one of us. Through His death and resurrection, He provided us with a rescue plan when our sin and disobedience separated us from God. This truth is emphasized by Paul, when writing to the church at Galatia: “The Lord Jesus Christ . . . gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age” (Galatians 1:3-4). Paul reminded the Galatians of the gift of new life they received through Jesus’ death so that they would honor God day by day.

Jesus, our rescuer, willingly died to save us from being lost. Because He did, we have life in the kingdom of God, and in gratitude we can share the life-saving news with those in our community.

By Amy Boucher Pye


How do you express thanks for your rescue? With whom can you share the good news?

Dear Jesus, You give the gift of life and salvation. Please help me to receive Your love and give it to others.


In Galatians, Paul refers to Jesus as our rescuer (1:3-5) and deliverer (5:1). The apostle uses a variety of terms in his other writings to describe what Christ accomplished in His rescue mission. He provides “peace with God” (Romans 5:1); He’s “our Passover lamb” (1 Corinthians 5:7), our “Savior” (Ephesians 5:23), and redeemer (Titus 2:14). The author of Hebrews describes Him as our “great high priest” (Hebrews 4:14). The common thread of these images and metaphors is that Jesus rectifies something that’s wrong. The parables that He told in Luke 15 of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son (more commonly known as the prodigal son) have a similar theme of rescue. Christ described His own work by saying, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (19:10).

J.R. Hudberg

UR: Persevere!

Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. - Hebrews 12:1 (NIV)

One of the greatest stories of endurance in the Bible is that of Job. Job suffered the loss of his family, possessions, and health, but he persevered and revered God through it all.

I recently had the chance to run in my first half-marathon. Even with months of proper training, I found myself drained of energy and low in spirit with several miles to go before the finish line.

As I began to question whether I would have the strength to make it, I remembered today’s reading from Hebrews telling us to run with perseverance toward the path set before us, just as Jesus persevered toward the cross.

These words are a powerful reminder for us to remain faithful to God till the very end, despite the many struggles we are bound to experience. I am proud to say that by remembering God’s challenge to persevere, I was able to cross the finish line.

Today's Prayer

Dear God, help us focus on all you have promised, especially during the challenging times. Thank you for your faithfulness to us. Amen.CS:
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Prayer Points

  • Pray with a thankful heart that our Father desires His people to have communion with Him.
  • Ask God to give us deeply broken and repentant hearts, recognizing that sin so easily entangles us.
  • Ask forgiveness for any time you have not humbled yourself before the Lord and pride has overtaken you.
  • Commit yourself to deeper levels of seeking after His heart rather than your own selfish desires.
  • Ask God to hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land!

To view our prayer leader video or for more resources visit

40 Days USA | A Call To Pray For Our Nation

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St. Matthew's EC Church

5th & Ridge Streets
P.O. Box 433
Emmaus, PA 18049
Telephone 610.965.5570


We are learning to live and love like Jesus. 

We are working on becoming who we were created to be and doing our custom made purposes well. 

We are part of the Evangelical Congregational Church

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